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Lesbian Billionaire

Page 32

by Olivia Hampshire

  Patsy and Lucy looked at Debbie with wide eyes. Of course! How could they have been so stupid not to see it? Now there was only one question. "Well, what are we going to do about it?" they asked in unison.

  It was time for Debbie's big reveal. She informed the women that she was not actually a weather girl, and Tia was not her daughter. "My real name is Brown, Debbie Brown. And I am an international spy. My funding agent has been watching Fact News Network for years and always suspected that there was some funny business going on. She sent me down here to sniff it out. And my daughter ‘Tia' is no more than a street walking runaway who I hired out to act as my daughter. She's been doing an impressive job, too, I might add."

  Lucy and Patsy were in awe. Wow! An international spy?! And a common street whore?! They certainly had had the wool pulled over their eyes. In more ways than one.

  "I have a plan on how to take care of things here, don't you two worry," Debbie promised.

  Chapter 11, Debbie Time

  A few nights later, Lucy was hosting a special segment on her Friday night news broadcast. And she had invited Patty Waters to be her guest. Patty was happy to appear on television. She relished any opportunity to promote herself, and to get to sit in the big chair and be pampered by makeup artists and hair stylists like the good old days. She loved to look glamorous, and the makeup techs at FNN specialized in glamour and good looks.

  There was a special set up for the event, with a live audience. It was kind of like the Oprah show or some other daytime talk, or like a late night with Jimmy Kimmel. There were comfortable chairs set up for the host and for the special guests, and there was an audience that would be responding with cheers and jeers on live television. It was all pretty exciting, to be honest. Lucy was feeling hyped. Maybe she had a career as a talk show host in her future. Or a position on The View!

  When Patty entered the studio, there was a round of applause. She was surprised to see that there were already a lot of guests on the stage. All of the Atlanta Young Swans were present, sitting in a back area in neatly arranged chairs, looking prim and proper with their hands in their laps and their backs straight. Closer to the front of the set was Patsy Sharp and her daughter Jody, looking prim and proper as well but also very angry. Next to them, on a small couch, was the former weather lady and her three daughters, also looking like they had a real bone to pick with someone. Maybe it was more like the Jerry Springer show than Oprah. There was also a woman that Patty did not recognize. A woman that made Patty do a double take, because she oozed power and authority and money. She was the kind of woman Patty had always wished she would be but had never been able to become. It was Harriet Rothchild, sitting in a comfy, overstuffed chair.

  Lucy gestured for Patty to take a seat next to her. As Patty sat down, a large banner fell down from the ceiling. It read "Surprise, Patty Waters!"

  Patty was looking disoriented and confused, and definitely a little bit scared. Lucy welcomed her guest, and told her that there was one more person that they were waiting on before they launched into their special segment.

  "We are waiting on the man of the hour, who is here and ready to take the stage. A very, very special guest who has come here all the way from his beachside villa in Latin America to speak with us tonight. It is none other than the one, the only owner of Fact News Network, Mister Austin Mclaughlin," Lucy announced with bravado. The crowd burst into loud applause and cheers as Austin took the stage. It was real excitement, everyone had always wondered who this mysterious bigwig was, and everyone was looking forward to the chance to see him in person and hear what he had to say.

  Austin entered the set looking trim and professional. He was dressed in a dark navy business suit with a nice button down and gorgeous leather shoes. His hair was thick brown and he sported a well-trimmed mustache. He looked young and vibrant, just shy of fifty years old. He waved to the audience, making gestures of appreciation, before he sat down next to Patty, who looked like she was ready to run.

  Lucy began the segment by interviewing Patsy Sharp and her daughter. Patsy told the audience (and Austin) about her exploitation at the hands of the crooked Patty Waters. She sobbed as she recollected how she had been forced to have sex with so many different people over the years just so Patty wouldn't fire her. As she told her war stories, she informed the audience that her mother had also become very sick, and this put added pressure on her. Eventually, she had been asked to hand her own teenage daughter over to Patty.

  Jody confirmed the story, and how she had become addicted to painkillers just so she could tolerate the sexual and emotional abuse that she received. She was now in rehab for her addiction, and she was going to repeat a year of high school and then was hoping to get into a good college and become a teacher. The crowd cheered for Jody.

  "Now, Ms. Sharp, I want to ask you about how your mother is doing now, since you were dropped from the network?" Lucy asked.

  Patsy began to tear up, and she informed Lucy that her mother had died last week. After losing her job, Patsy had quickly spiraled into bankruptcy and she was unable to afford the surgery her mother needed so desperately, and actually could not even afford to pay for her mother's daily medication. She burst out in sobs. The crowd ooohhhed and aawwwed in sympathy. Patsy burst into tears.

  The camera panned away from the broken Patsy and focused on the next speaker, the weather lady that Debbie Brown had replaced. She introduced herself as Mona Barrett, and she told Lucy that she had brought her three daughters with her. She explained how she had been exploited just like Patsy, and so had her daughters, who were now 26, 28, and 30 years old. All three of them had been members of the Atlanta Young Swans. Now it was time for some real shocking reporting. Lucy interviewed the three daughters and revealed to the audience that the Young Swans was nothing short of a child prostitution scheme. All three daughters confessed that as young as twelve years old they had been forced to sleep with a slew of wealthy Atlanta men and even foreign visitors that flew into the city just for the opportunity to bang a pretty young white kid. They told Lucy that Patty Waters had been the one who organized all of these liaisons, and she basically used the Young Swans as underage escorts. She made a lot of money exploiting them, and a lot of times she took part in it herself.

  The crowd was really riled up by all of this, making shocked gasps and booing and hissing at Patty. It was right about this time that Patty decided she should leave, and she rose from her chair and went to make a break for it, but Austin took her arm and held her down and pointed to the many members of the Atlanta Police Department who were now blocking all of the exits. Two policemen came and stood behind Patty to make sure she stayed put. Patty looked like she was about to cry, her usual mask of sweet indifference had melted into a look of sheer panic.

  "We would like to provide the police officers with some more testimony before they take you off to jail," Lucy told Patty.

  All of the members of the Atlanta Young Swans now had a chance to tell their story. But before they did that, they took center stage, standing in an organized, choir-like formation, and chirped their sweet swan club song. The audience cheered raucously at the beautiful sound.

  "Does anyone in the club have any interesting experiences with Patty Waters that they would be willing to share?" Lucy asked. They all raised their hands. For the sake of time, Lucy selected five of them to share their story.

  The first girl began, "Patty invited me over to her house when I was sixteen. She told me that she would let me drive her Jaguar if I would just take off all of my clothes and sit with her for a while. I was scared of getting kicked out of the Swans, so I agreed to do it. Turns out she wanted me to do a lot more than just sit there. I always thought that I was the only one."

  The next girl said, "Patty told me that she would buy me the latest Gucci bag if I would give her a back rub while she and I were both naked. She asked me so innocently and she was so nice about it, at the time I really did not see anything wrong with it. Later, I felt really ashamed
. I thought I was the only one, so I never told anyone about it. The worst part is, she never did get me the right bag."

  The third girl shared her story, "Patty told me that I had a lot of talent and she thought I could become a model. She said that she wanted to introduce me to some talent scouts, but instead she had me get naked and she watched me blow some gross old photographer. He took a couple of cheap photos that turned out like crap. Patty told me that she was sorry, but it just did not seem like I had the right stuff for a career in the modeling business. I felt so ugly and used, I promised myself that I would never let any of my friends know what happened. I was silent about it for years. At the time, I was only twelve years old. I always thought that I was the only one."

  The crowd was really getting angry at Patty, and the police had a tight grip on her arm, making sure she was not about to try anything funny. After all the crappy things that Patty had done to these poor young girls, she deserved to sit through every word. She was lucky she did not have to hear all 32 of them tell their stories. And this was just the current Young Swans. Surely, if one was to track down all the former members there would be similar stories.

  Tia was in the audience, doing her part to make loud comments on everything, thinking in her head that she could not believe these girls. They were born into good families, they had everything going for them, and they were agreeing to naked massages for a chance at a purse. Tia felt proud that she had taken things into her own hands, and she was feeling really good about her career choice for once in her life. She had just made a ton of money for pretending to be someone's daughter. If it had not been for Patty Waters, she would never have even had to take off her clothes or lick pussy to get it. At that thought, she frowned. She wondered if she should get up on stage and share her story too.

  The fourth girl had a really shocking story, "on my twelfth birthday I was inducted into the Young Swans. I was so happy, but also really nervous. There was a big celebration dinner followed by a naked pool party. I felt so embarrassed swimming naked in front of my mom, I ended up sneaking out of the pool and hiding in the country club locker room. Patty found me, naked except for a towel, and she told me that she still owed a lot of money for renting out the entire Atlanta Mansion for the night. She said that now that I was a Young Swan, it was my duty to help cover the cost." The young girl's lips quivered. "I got gang banged by the owner of the Atlanta Mansion and some of his staff members. Patty watched and masturbated. She told me that if I ever told anyone I would be kicked out of the Swans and I would never go to college. She said I would be reduced to trash, and my parents would disown me and I would end up becoming a prostitute and experiencing a lot worse than a gang bang with some rich white men. I never told, and she had me pay for a lot of different services at the Atlanta Mansion after that."

  The police looked at each other. They would have to make a stop by the residence of the Atlanta Mansion's owner after they booked Patty Waters. In fact, it seemed like there were going to be a lot of famous Atlanta men, and women, getting busted for child prostitution in the next few weeks as they got more and more information about what had been going on. And to think a sweet looking older woman like Patty Waters had arranged all of this. It was despicable!

  Finally, the fifth girl shared her story, "I was fifteen. Patty told me that if I dressed up like a girl scout and stripped naked for her and danced to music then she would buy me a pony. I guess it sounds silly now, but I really, really wanted that pony. Of course, she never got me one! She said I was too old for that sort of thing, and not a very good dancer. I thought I was the only one."

  "And there you have it folks," Lucy summed up. "A cruel, devious woman who seduced women of all ages and even children and promised them the world. Then she failed to deliver on her promises and left them feeling broken and alone. This is truly the work of a very sick woman, and she will be going to jail and then taken to trial to account for her crimes. I can promise you, child prostitution is not something that will be taken lightly."

  The police cuffed Patty and led her off the stage. Before they could get her off camera, she shouted out her final say to the crowd.

  "I am a woman, and I love women. Especially young, beautiful women. And I am powerful and rich. So what is my real crime? Men with power and wealth have been doing this for years! Priests have done it. Cleopatra did it. Catherine the Great did it. I am no different from them. If men all around the world can do this, and powerful women throughout history have done this, why can't I? I have committed no crimes! These women are just ashamed of what they did and they want to blackmail me," Patty cried. And that was her final word on the matter before she went to trial.

  Austin Mclaughlin now took the microphone. He addressed the audience and all of the women on stage. "I am so sorry," he said. "I apologize to all of the women who have been hurt by Patty Waters. And to all of my viewers. I sincerely apologize to everyone who has been effected by my lack of judgment and leadership. As of this moment, I am turning over full leadership of Fact News Network to Lucille Gill. I am also restoring Patsy's position as an anchor in this network. From now on, she will take over the 6 p.m. anchor spot, and her salary will be doubled."

  The crowd cheered. Lucy and Patsy hugged each other on stage, and shook Austin's hand.

  "One final word, if I may," Lucy interrupted the cheering crowd. "As the new head of FNN, I wanted to let the audience know that it would not have been possible to take down Patty Waters without the help of one very special woman. Harriet Rothchild launched the investigation that ultimately culminated in what you saw here today. Let's give her a hand."

  The audience clapped for Harriet. Once again, she and her super spies had saved the day.

  Chapter 12, The Fact News Network

  Three years had passed. Patsy and Lucille were still going strong in the Fact News Network, which Lucy had transformed into a much more liberal establishment. Not only did they report on a different kind of news, in a different way, but they also hired minorities, openly gay, and even a few males (although Lucy still preferred to keep it in the female circle). There was no more cleavage bearing and no more short skirts. Everyone dressed professionally and was able to flourish as smart, successful women. Most importantly, Patsy was well out of debt and thriving.

  Lucy and Patsy's relationship was also still going strong. In fact, it was so good that they had both put their mansions on the market and decided to buy a new home together. Even though they now both had plenty of money, they went for something a little more modest. Jody was gone off to college, she had obtained a scholarship to Dartmouth and was studying journalism, and they had an empty nest. They were thinking about adopting, but they still did not need anything as huge and lavish as they once had before.

  The prostitute Tia had made a lot of money from her venture with Debbie, and she spent it just as promptly. She went back to a life of self-exploitation shortly after most of the items she had purchased with the money she made was repossessed. It didn't bother her much, she liked to live life on her terms anyway.

  As for Debbie and Harriet, they still enjoyed watching the Fact News Network, but this time not for titillation. Now, they actually reported really good news.

  The End.

  Family Secrets

  by Olivia Hampshire

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  Chapter 1, The Wet Shopping List

  “This is Brown, Debbie Brown,” she answered the phone call in a polite tone that still showed hints of agitation.

  Only moments earlier she had been enjoying a rare moment alone with her thoughts, as she cruised leisurely down Rodeo Drive. She had the windows down, and her long red hair danced luxuriously in the breeze. She could feel the eyes of several
men as she drove by, fixated on both the beauty of her tight body and the lavishness of her car – a cherry red BMW Zagato coupe, whose interior red stitching brought out the pop in her own hair.

  Debbie had been thinking of her college days, back at Harvard. How different it was from the palm-tree lined roads she drove on now. The wealth was there, but it was more hidden. You did not find women walking around in massive heels and outfits that amounted to practically underwear. Things were wrapped up -- especially in the winter.

  She was daydreaming back to a big blizzard of her freshman year. It was hard to know what the girls looked like under their puffy parkas and many layers of clothing, but nonetheless Debbie found herself under the spell of a charming young blonde student whose father owned a large conglomerate in Manhattan. As they were sipping hot chocolate by the community fireplace, the girl had leaned over and whispered in Debbie’s ear, suggesting that they return to her single dorm room and cuddle together for warmth.

  “I heard there is nothing warmer than two naked bodies in a tight embrace,” the girl whispered tantalizingly, strands of her golden hair brushing against Debbie’s cheek.

  The memories were starting to get Debbie wet, she could feel her panties getting wet and her pussy was pulsating against the tightness of her pantyhose.


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