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Lesbian Billionaire

Page 34

by Olivia Hampshire

  Debbie was extremely horny from all this foreplay. She stopped Natasha, and went over to a small button on the wall. When she pressed it, it revealed a secret door.

  The naked women walked over to this new room that had just been revealed. It was a sex dungeon. There was a pup cage and chains on the walls and floor. One of the walls was covered in all sorts of sex toys and strange devices.

  Natasha whimpered, her blue eyes were giant saucers, and Debbie saw fear held within them.

  “Don’t worry,” Debbie reassured her. “I won’t do anything to hurt you, and we will go real gentle.”

  Debbie led Natasha to kneel on her hands and knees, and she locked her into place with foot and arm shackles. She licked Natasha’s exposed pussy and asshole. It was just as delicious as Harriet had said. She licked and licked until Natasha had left a pool of sticky cum on the floor beneath her, and then she went to the wall of sex toys and selected a hefty, strap-on double dildo.

  Standing in front of Natasha, she inserted her end of the thick silicone dildo into her soaking wet vagina. It slid in easily and brought Debbie close to climax as it filled up her pussy with its girth. She attached the harness, and held the exposed end in her hand. Natasha whimpered again, seeing Debbie with a fat, nine-inch rubber cock.

  “I told you I would be gentle,” Debbie promised.

  She walked behind Natasha and smacked her ass with her rubber dick.

  “You have a beautiful ass, Natasha,” Debbie told her.

  Debbie was becoming extremely horny, her cum was dripping all over the dildo and her harness, and despite promising to be gentle, she couldn’t resist shoving it deeply and quickly inside of Natasha’s quivering pussy.

  Natasha let out a sharp scream that quickly returned to pleasure.

  Debbie’s dick was so much larger than Todd’s, and it felt so good inside of her. She gave herself completely over to pleasure, and drool dribbled out of her mouth as she screamed and grinded against Debbie’s cock. Natasha knew she had passed the point of control, and she humped the fat dildo until she squirted. Screaming, she sprayed the floor beneath her with a hot shower of sharp smelling cum.

  When Debbie plunged a finger into her asshole, Natasha barely even noticed.

  She only snapped to attention when she felt the huge, pleasure giving cock slide out of her – depriving her of its sensation.

  “Wow. Now that wa---“ before she could finish her sentence, she felt the rubber dildo probing the tight contours of her asshole.

  Natasha froze in fear as Debbie began to apply pressure, attempting to force the thick cock into her clenched butthole.

  “Relax,” Debbie whispered, and lubricated by the copious cum Natasha had sprayed all over herself, the thick cock slipped inside.

  Natasha screamed loudly, her eyes popping open.

  “Relax!” Debbie commanded.

  Natasha struggled to obey Debbie’s commands, and she tried to relax her sphincter and breathe into the sensation of extreme fullness she was feeling. Debbie moved slow and purposefully, allowing Natasha to adapt to the new sensation. After several minutes of slow pounding, Debbie asked Natasha how she was feeling.

  “It… it feels good,” Natasha admitted bashfully.

  The two continued to fuck as the hours slipped away, and before they knew it a voice came on over the loudspeaker telling them to prepare for landing.

  Chapter 4, Give the Gov a Chance.

  Debbie and Natasha stood in front of Harriet. Harriet noticed a new sense of calm and relaxedness in Natasha that she had not seen before; she frowned, wondering what sort of debauchery Debbie had introduced her new recruit to on the plane ride over. Natasha certainly did not look like the naive, rather innocent girl she had been when Harriet first encountered her. Just like Debbie to spoil her fun.

  Over a well-cooked dinner of roast pheasant, Harriet told the women of her plans.

  Harriet informed Natasha that she was to stay with her in D.C. She was to be placed in charge of the Computer Aerospace Defense Unit. She had different things in mind for Debbie.

  “Excellent work in bringing back Miss Bennington, but I am afraid I have another assignment that I need you to begin immediately.”

  Harriet asked Debbie to fly out that night to Huntsville to deal with the Whiteheads, who were running a dirty campaign against her girlfriend Lisa Melton. Harriet was prepared to become involved in the campaign by giving all of her financial backing to Lisa, money that went beyond anything the Whiteheads could imagine. Debbie was to fly to Huntsville immediately for an early morning meeting with Thomas Whitehead.

  Debbie finished her meal and said good-bye to Natasha and Harriet.

  The next morning, she showed up bright and early in governor Whitehead’s office, dressed in a tight-fitting black pantsuit. She saw immediately that Thomas Whitehead was old and losing his touch. He rubbed her the wrong way. He had a faint but bad odor that lingered upon him, and his words and movements seemed disingenuous. His hand was cold and clammy when she shook it, and she had an immediate desire to run to the bathroom and scrub off his slime.

  “Good morning, governor Whitehead,” Debbie said. “I am hear to speak with you frankly about your campaign.”

  The governor invited her to take a seat, and the two of them politely spoke about the campaign issues.

  “I want to congratulate you on your lead against Miss Melton,” Debbie told him.

  The governor smiled with a snaky grin.

  “I also want to inform you that it will not last. You are running a dirty campaign, and everyone knows it. All of your money has been going towards producing smear ads that portray Miss Melton in a very unsatisfactory light. You are producing lies, and praying upon the fear of the good people of Alabama.”

  “Miss Brown,” the governor interrupted her, “I can assure you that there are no lies to be found in my portrayal of your friend Miss Melton. I do not know if you are aware of this, but she is a lesbian. That simply is not acceptable. I have nothing against people practicing their sexual preferences in private, but I cannot have a lesbian become governor of this fine state. It is not Christian, and it is not moral. You simply cannot trust a woman who has chosen to live her life in such a manner.”

  Debbie wanted to get up and teach him a real lesson, but she held in her anger. Through tightly pursed lips, she replied, “that may be so, Mr. Governor. However, there is one thing you may not be aware of. Miss Melton has a very powerful lover. A lover who has more money than you could possibly imagine. Until now, Miss Melton’s girlfriend has stayed out of this campaign, but if you keep using dirty tactics she will be forced to enter the political arena and use all of her money to shut you down.”

  The governor raised his eyebrows in concern.

  “You would not want that to happen, I assure you. With the assets she has, there is absolutely no way you would be elected to office. More than that, she would destroy you completely. She will find out all of your secrets and expose them to the public. Not only will you no longer be governor, but also you will not be able to show your face in this state ever again. Everyone has secrets, and I know you are no different.”

  Governor Whitehead seemed intimidated by this statement. He knew that his escorts weren’t trustworthy, and all of those cam-whores would do anything for money or fame. It might not take that much digging to expose the truth about his sexual behavior.

  “So, what do you propose?” he asked.

  “All we ask, Mr. Governor, is that you run a clean campaign. If you run a clean campaign and you win fair and square, that is your luck. Of course, you do run a significant risk of losing without your dirty smear tactics. But, at least you will lose with dignity.”

  The governor nodded in agreement.

  “Certainly, I would not want someone looking in to my own personal affairs and trying to spread these about town. I understand that Miss Melton is a lesbian, and this is something I simply cannot agree with, but I can promise that I will no longer use this fact
as a political tactic against her.”

  “That is all we ask, Mr. Governor. A fair campaign – does that sound fair?”

  “That sounds fair to me,” he told Debbie.

  The two shook hands, and Debbie felt satisfied that Mr. Whitehead had some sort of secret that he did not want expose. She thought that would be enough for him to keep to his word and spare Harriet from getting involved in all out political warfare.

  She boarded Harriet’s jet, and took a long, deep nap in the private bedroom. The past two days had been long and full of travel. It would be nice to get back to Harriet’s mansion and enjoy a good meal and perhaps a bubble bath. She wondered what Natasha was up to now, and she fell off into slumber thinking about how nice it would be to take a long, hot soak together with her.

  Chapter 5: INTERLUDE

  Harriet and Natasha lay snuggling on Harriet’s bed, dressed in fine lingerie with a bottle of champagne between them. Debbie was in the gym, getting in twenty minutes of intense cardio before she began her strength training and stretching. She was already in great shape, and her daily routine insured she maintained her toned body without becoming too muscle-bound. Twenty minutes on the treadmill, thirty minutes lifting weights, and ten minutes of deep stretching. She liked to follow this with silent meditation, in the sauna if possible.

  All women had their eyes on the television, and they were all watching the same thing: the debate between Governor Whitehead and Lisa Melton. Harriet was watching her beautiful girlfriend Lisa on a big-screen, high definition television that emphasized every curve on Lisa’s voluptuous body, and every wrinkle in Governor Whitehead’s face. Debbie’s eyes were glued to the small television screen above her treadmill. She paused every few seconds to wipe away the sweat that had accumulated on her brow.

  After Debbie’s meeting with the governor, she was expecting a lively debate that really showcased the skills of Harriet’s lover.

  As the incumbent, it was the Governor’s turn to speak first. He seemed uncomfortable, and as the camera zoomed in, it was apparent even from Debbie’s small screen that he had worked up quite a sweat too. His forehead glistened and he seemed uncomfortable, biting his lip and clearing his throat several times before he began to speak.

  “Fellow citizens. You have entrusted me as governor for almost four years now, and I have not led you wrong. I stand up for the values of the people of this great state of Alabama. I am a God-fearing, Christian man. I follow the rules that have been laid down in the Good Book.”

  The governor paused, took a deep sip of his water, and then continued.

  “The opposition, however, does not follow these same rules. She is publicly open about her sexual status, and she would have you believe that it is normal. She presents herself as a good woman who enjoys a different sexual life than most. She wants to plunge our state into sin by convincing you that her indecencies are normal and acceptable. But I present to you today shocking truth of her perversion.”

  Governor Thomas reached under his podium and began rustling around. He pulled out a small manila envelope and opened it.

  “I ask the camera to please focus in on these photographs I hold in my hand. Photos that show that Lisa Melton is not only a lesbian, but also a pedophile.”

  Harriet, Natasha, and Debbie gasped as they watched the images that flashed upon the screen. They were photos of Lisa Melton on the campaign trail, making visits to local community groups.

  In the first, Lisa was smiling as she embraced a group of girl scouts selling cookies on a fundraising drive. The second showed her visiting the Birmingham Girls Choir, a non-profit group. She has one girl under each arm and a broad grin on her face. The final photo depicted Lisa when she was visiting a swim meet for a local junior high school team that was going to state finals. Once again, she was hugging a young girl; this time the girl was clad in a skin-tight bathing suit. All great press release opportunities that were meant to portray Lisa as a caring member of the community, Governor Thomas was using these photos in a twisted way.

  There was a series of boos and jeers from the crowd. Governor Thomas waved his hands up in the air in a gesture meant to encourage these shouts and raise the noise level. He let the loud disapproval continue for almost a minute before he called for silence.

  “Now,” he asked the crowd, “do you want this type of perversion in the governor’s office?”

  His question was met with a thundering round of applause.


  Chapter 6, Just Thinking

  Debbie was onboard a train bound for Raleigh. Harriet had been furious about what had taken place at the debate, and she vowed to get involved. Her howl of anger after Governor Whitehead accused her girlfriend of being a pervert had echoed through her mansion so loudly it roused her back up bitch, Grechen, from her peaceful slumber.

  Grechen, a beautiful and extremely intelligent German woman, lived in a large three story cottage, just a stone’s throw away from Harriet’s mansion. Hearing Harriet’s ire and knowing she was about to blow her top, Grechen quickly donned a short-sleeved silk robe and ran to her lover’s quarters. She was met there by Debbie, and the women settled down for a discussion of how to deal with the governor. As they talked, Grechen held Harriet comfortingly, gently stroking her hand.

  Harriet and Grechen determined that the next best move was to gather intelligence about Governor Whitehead. As they were brainstorming the best way to go about this, Natasha interjected that the Whitehead’s had a young daughter named Madison. Perhaps, she suggested, Madison would be the best person to approach.

  The women agreed, hoping that Madison’s youth would betray her and Debbie could easily force her to spill the beans about her dad. Debbie was dismissed and told to go down to the basement control room to meet with head technician Billy Ann and Penelope Benson, the team’s new computer person. The three would work together to develop the best method for getting close to Madison.

  Debbie left the lingerie clad Harriet and Natasha with Grechen. She heard playful giggles as she shut the door behind her. Grechen was a good woman, almost like a mother to Harriet. Debbie knew she would be able to distract Harriet from her troubles and bring her back to a happier mind state. As she walked down the hall to the elevator, she heard the giggles turn to coos of pleasure.

  When Debbie arrived in the control room, she was greeted by the familiar Billy Ann, a no-nonsense type with a body built like a truck, as well as by a new face.

  “Hello, I’m Penelope Benson,” a mousy young girl with big glasses told her.

  Penelope was dressed in a brown corduroy jumper with knee-high white socks and black Mary Janes. She wore a cardigan over this outfit that looked about two-sizes two big on her small frame. She shook Debbie’s hand, her long blonde bangs almost covering her eyes. She was the very image of a shy computer nerd, and Debbie wished she had some time to spend with her on non-official business. It was always nice to open up a timid young slut.

  Debbie informed the two of her current objective: get close to Madison Whitehead. The key was to be discreet; Debbie needed to sneak up on Madison without anyone knowing. Penelope immediately got to work, while Debbie and Billy Ann worked together to prepare a useful tool-kit for the mission.

  In under half an hour, Penelope returned with good news. Madison was an avid horseback rider and she spent most of her time at a private horse farm her parents had bought for her. Even better, a shipment of specialty horse feed that the Whitehead’s special ordered from a producer in Raleigh was scheduled to arrive in two days. All Debbie needed to do was intercept the shipment and deliver it herself.

  Chapter 7, Slapped and Wrapped

  When her train pulled into the station, Debbie let out a sigh of relief. She was getting bored of all this travel, and she never particularly enjoyed trains – too slow. Debbie would prefer a fast car or a jet plane any day.

  She hailed a taxi, and asked the driver to drop her off a few miles outside of the headquarters of the private horse feed c
ompany. She would walk the rest of the way on foot to avoid leaving any trail and to gain the element of surprise.

  As she neared the company’s plantation, she saw huge fields of hay being tended to by tractors. She hid behind a bale of hay and waited until she could get one of the tractors isolated. When she saw her chance, she jumped out, onto the back of the tractor, and gave the driver a quick, non-lethal karate chop to the neck. She knew the proper pressure point to knock him out for up to an hour. He would have no idea what hit him would probably lie to his boss about the whole thing in order to avoid being terminated. This type of job didn’t pay much, Debbie knew, and he probably had a lot of mouths to feed at home.

  Debbie moved his limp body behind a bay of hale, and she planted a small bag of heroin on him. If anyone found him, they would assume he had dozed off after one too many toots of the horse, and if he did try to run and tell his boss what had happened, the possession of an illegal narcotic would surely discredit his story.

  After taking care of the body, Debbie mounted the tractor and drove it towards the shipping yard. She saw several large trucks lined up there, and Penelope had given her the license plate number of the one that served the Whitehead farm.

  As she rode, Debbie enjoyed the sensation of the tractor. The heavy vibrations against her womanhood were nothing short of titillating, and she understood why some girls chose the country life. It would be hard to say no to getting paid to ride around on a giant vibrating machine like this. Who wouldn’t want to get paid to orgasm?

  At the shipping yard, Debbie quickly identified the vehicle that was scheduled to make a delivery to the Whitehead house. She snuck up behind the driver, who was enjoying a cigarette before he began his long drive. Using chloroform, she knocked him out. She methodically gagged him and covered his head with a black cloth bag so he could not see or speak. Then she handcuffed him inside the back of the truck and began the first part of her drive.


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