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Lesbian Billionaire

Page 47

by Olivia Hampshire

  “Well, okay…” Susan said, and reluctantly sat down at the table. She smiled a lopsided grin when Beatrice revealed the meal to be chicken picatta, but she ended up eating mostly salad and just nibbling at her chicken. Usually an avid drinker, Susan treated herself to only a single glass of champagne, which she sipped slowly.

  Although Susan had declared that she needed a change of ideas and to think about new things, she continued to spend most of the dinner rambling on about her new ideas and how she was stuck on a certain problem. This was despite Beatrice’s best efforts to steer the conversation towards marriage, their relationship, sex, and other less serious things.

  Susan was having none of it. She had chemical equations on the brain, and she was going through these complex equations out loud and even making gestures with her hands as she tried to figure out the solution to the problem she was stuck on.

  Beatrice cleared away the plates, her empty plate and Susan’s half eaten chicken, and she sliced a piece of cobbler and scooped some of Susan’s favorite hand churned ice cream onto the dessert plates. When she turned around to serve the dessert entrée, however, Susan was nowhere to be found. She had hit upon something she thought was important and had run off and locked herself in the study. Beatrice’s mouth fell wide open and she almost dropped the dessert plates to the floor, but caught herself and just dropped the spoons, which clattered loudly and echoed in the empty room.

  So that was it, no thank you, no conversation, no companionship. Definitely no sex, no wedding.

  Beatrice was beginning to wonder if they even had any love any more. She was not sure what the answer to that question was, and she was afraid to think about it too deeply.

  Instead, she spent another night alone under the covers with her vibrator, reaching an unhappy and unfulfilling climax before she fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 3, Keeping it to Myself

  When Beatrice woke up the next day she discovered that Susan had already left for work without her. She took her time getting ready, moping over a bowl of fruit and cold cereal and packing up the remainder of Susan’s chicken piccata for her lunch. She took the subway to work, keeping to herself, listening to Pandora through a pair of large headphones.

  Beatrice carried out her duties at work with little passion, really feeling like it might be time to call it quits in this one sided relationship. She wished that she had someone she could talk to candidly about Susan’s behavior, but their only friends in this new city were coworkers and Beatrice did not think it would be appropriate to bring their business into work like that. So, she kept things to herself, even though she was letting it distract her at work.

  Her eyes were on the clock, she was counting down the minutes until five p.m., when she could go home alone and crawl under the covers and eat a pint of ice cream alone with her tears. She was sex deprived and love deprived, and the next forty-five minutes seemed like they could not go fast enough.

  Suddenly, with fifteen minutes to go, the door to Beatrice’s office burst open and Susan barged in in a wild hurry. Her eyes were alight like they had fire in them and she was talking so fast and excitedly that Beatrice could not understand what she was trying to say.

  “Calm down, calm down,” Beatrice encouraged, sitting Susan down in one of her office chairs. “Slow down and speak to me normally.”

  Susan managed to find a way to calm herself down enough to convey her thoughts, and she told Beatrice that she had found a solution to the equation she had been working on. She had the solution to her invention. Susan had discovered a way to effectively use water in engines, and it would revolutionize the world. It would completely replace the need for gasoline, making transportation ultimately free. The engine could be used in cars, boats, and even planes. All that was needed was the purchase of an engine-like device that was low-friction and did not generate heat. It was self-lubricating, and would need little to no repair. It would truly revolutionize the world, and Susan had figured it all out, down to the last detail.

  “Let’s go out to dinner tonight, my treat!” Susan exclaimed. She was so happy, Beatrice was worried her smile might fall right off of her face. Susan was grinning ear to ear, and she told Beatrice to go home and get ready because they were going to have a meal at the most expensive restaurant in town.

  Beatrice went home and got dressed in a slinky pastel blue number that she hadn’t worn in years. The baby blue of the dress, which had a shimmery veneer over it, brought out the blue in Beatrice’s eyes, and it complimented her hair well. She did her makeup impeccably, and put on a pair of expensive high heels. Then she took a taxi to meet Susan at the restaurant.

  Susan looked like a dream. She must have stopped at the mall after work and bought herself a new outfit and got her hair done. She looked like a living Barbie doll, and Beatrice was proud to call Susan her own. She could hardly believe that she had been questioning whether or not she should continue the relationship only hours earlier.

  The two women wined and dined over a fancy meal, laughing and celebrating like they used to back in the day. It felt so refreshing and wonderful.

  When the dessert came out, Beatrice was surprised to find a beautiful, large diamond engagement ring in the bottom of her glass of champagne.

  Susan got down on one knee and proposed.

  “I know I have been a bit distant and rude lately,” Susan confessed, “but I love you so much and I want to marry you. What do you say?”

  Beatrice said yes, of course. They kissed in front of an applauding restaurant crowd, and Susan promised Beatrice that they would get married the day after she made her big presentation to Chell Oil.

  That night, the two women slept in bed together, and they made beautiful, passionate, much needed love to each other all night long. It had been a long time since they had shared so much passion and intimacy together, and it was rejuvenating and restoring. When Susan was not distracted by her work, she could be a vivacious and energizing lover, getting Beatrice into all sorts of new positions and contortions that she had never before imagined her body could handle. Plus, Susan had a tongue like no other. When it came to eating Beatrice’s pussy, Susan was like a little kitten that just could not get enough milk from her saucer. She could get Beatrice going and going, having five or six orgasms in the course of a few minutes felt like no thing when the two of them were together.

  Susan stumbled on the vibrator that Beatrice had been using to keep her company at some point during their all night love session, and Beatrice blushed, ashamed. Once, when they were first falling in love, they had made an agreement that no one was going to masturbate or play with toys without the other one present. Just to make sure that their love life stayed between them and had some heat. Now Beatrice had been caught red handed violating that rule. But, in all fairness, Beatrice really had had little choice because of how distant Susan was being.

  “I can’t believe you!” Susan teased her playfully, waving the vibrator in Beatrice’s face. “I thought we had a deal!”

  Beatrice apologized to her, “but, honestly Susan, it has been weeks, if not months since we have even hung out together, let alone had sex! What was I supposed to do, shrivel up and dry out?”

  Susan apologized for being so distant and told Beatrice that she forgave her.

  “It’s hard living without your magic tongue,” Beatrice laughed, snuggling her girlfriend close and nuzzling her cheek. “Anyway, what have you been doing for pleasure, Susan, my love? You must be getting off somehow behind that locked study door of yours.”

  Susan confessed that sex had not even been on her mind at all lately. She was so overwhelmed with her new invention that she had forgotten all about sex entirely, and her sex drive had sort of just vanished. “I’m sorry, now that I am remembering how much fun sex really is, I realize it must have been so horrible for you to be deprived of my love for all this time. But, it’s almost like my brain used up all my sex drive. It needed all the energy in my body to keep itself running, and that
included all of the sexual energy too.”

  Beatrice nodded that she understood, even if it had never happened to her personally. “It’s called sublimation, I believe,” Beatrice told her, trying to remember some of her Freudian psychology from her college days.

  “Well, sublimate this!” Susan laughed, and attacked Beatrice with the vibrator, teasing her already wet pussy hole until Beatrice was begging for mercy and cumming without any ability to stop herself.

  Beatrice remembered why they had made a pact to never masturbate or use toys alone – it was just so much more fun using them with your partner! When Susan had finished torturing her with the pleasurable sensations of the vibrator, Beatrice returned the favor, and the two girls rolled around in the sheets all night until they fell asleep to the lullaby sound of the vibrators loud hum.

  Chapter 4, The Big Day

  On the day of the big presentation, Beatrice woke up early to make Susan a big, healthy breakfast. Susan emerged from the shower clean and refreshed, and she put on her best business suit and did her hair up very neatly. She looked proper and educated, and she had gone over her presentation with Beatrice many times, and Beatrice knew that she would be convincing and do great.

  Susan seemed to be floating on a cloud the whole morning, and she gave Beatrice a flurry of kisses before she headed off to the big presentation. Beatrice wished her luck, and told her that they would have a big celebration that night.

  But Susan never came back home that night. Beatrice waited and waited. Finally, by eight p.m. she was staring to get anxious and she began calling Susan’s phone repeatedly. There was no answer, but Beatrice left several messages anyway, growing more frantic with each one. She called Susan’s office at Chell Oil, and no one was there. She called Susan’s personal assistant, and was greeted with a strange recording that informed callers that this number had recently been taken out of service. Beatrice frowned. Not sure what else to do, she called Susan’s mother.

  Susan’s mom told Beatrice that she had not heard anything from her daughter, but they were flying in early the next morning for the wedding as planned. “You know she has been very distracted lately,” Susan’s mother tried to comfort Beatrice. “She probably put her phone on silent and is busy finishing up some last minute part of her work assignment. Or maybe she hit on a new idea and she feels like she does not want to have her train of thought interrupted. You just never know with that girl! To be honest, I wish she could get her head out of the clouds sometimes. Be a little more level headed, like you.”

  Beatrice thanked Susan’s mom for the information and the compliment, and told her she would try not to worry.

  “That’s the best idea,” Susan’s mom reassured her. “Try to get some sleep. I’m looking forward to the ceremony tomorrow and one of you better be rested.!”

  Beatrice found that she had a hard time taking Susan’s mother up on her advice. She could not get herself to fall asleep, no matter how hard she tried. She tossed and turned. She masturbated until her pussy was numb, but even the electrically elicited orgasms could not bring her the sweet relief of slumber she so desperately needed.

  She got up early the next morning, her head thudding from the rough night and her night gown and sheets covered in a light sweat from all the masturbating she had done. Beatrice checked her phone (no messages), took a long shower, checked her phone again (still no messages), and then got ready for the wedding. Although she felt completely defeated, she was trying to hold out hope that this was all part of an elaborate surprise by Susan. Maybe Susan’s mom was even in on it, after all, she had sounded so confident and encouraging.

  Beatrice gained some heart with this thought, and she got herself all decked out and beautiful for the wedding. She and Susan had both decided to wear bridal dresses, but Beatrice’s was a lot less traditional than Susan’s giant, flouncy dress with its enormous train. The style Beatrice had chosen as a short white dress with no straps, and intricate and ornate embroidery at the bust and all around the hem of the skirt. She had a long veil that was made out of matching embroidery.

  Even though it did not feel right, when the limousine Susan had arranged arrived outside the penthouse apartment, Beatrice climbed inside and headed off to the wedding all by herself. She kept the divide between her and the driver up, not wanting to make small talk or feel compelled to answer any questions.

  When she got to the wedding site, a beautiful beach front wedding with three hundred guests already filling their folding chairs and a beautiful white wicker gazebo covered in live roses that Susan and Beatrice were supposed to get married under, she felt her heart jump into her throat. After taking a minute to catch her breath and center herself, Beatrice let out a long exhale, put her veil over her face to hide the tears that were welling up in her eyes, and headed out into the unknown.

  The preacher rushed up to Beatrice when she was just getting herself out of the car, a worried look on her face. “I haven’t heard from Susan this morning,” she said. “Susan was supposed to call me to finalize payment and go over the wedding vows and the ceremony procedure. She also was supposed to bring a copy of your wedding permit from city hall. What on earth happened?”

  Beatrice told the exasperated preacher that she herself was clueless as to her fiancée’s whereabouts, and she had been hoping that Susan would just show up at the wedding all ready to go. The preacher frowned openly and mumbled something under her breath about getting ripped off before scattering off to go make a phone call.

  Although her own parents had died in a tragic car accident when Beatrice was in final year of high school, she saw lots of different family members in attendance. She avoided making eye contact with all of them, pretending like she was busying herself with checking on wedding arrangements. She also saw Susan’s parents chatting to themselves, sitting up in the front row. Susan’s father caught Beatrice’s eye and waved her over.

  “What’s going on? I’m here waiting to walk my little girl down the aisle, and we have been unable to get in touch with her all day. She better not be blowing us off to finish some newfangled science project!” he complained. Beatrice could not help the tears from flowing down her face. So no one had heard from Susan. This was not all part of some big plan.

  “Oh honey, don’t be so blunt,” Susan’s mom scolded her husband. “Can’t you see that Beatrice is confused and upset? Come here, honey,” she said, wrapping Beatrice up in a big hug. “I just can’t imagine Susan standing you up at the altar. Not a beautiful girl like you. Besides, I know she is crazy about you, always has been. She would never have called us all out here like this. I just can’t believe it.” Beatrice had tears streaming down her face in big waves now. “Let’s just wait and see what happens,” Susan’s mom said. “You never know with a daughter like mine!”

  So they waited. And waited. And finally the preacher stormed off, demanding someone pay her for the big waste of time. And then one by one the guests began to trickle out, many of them whispering to themselves, and most of them grabbing their wedding gifts off of the table as they exited. The caterers were the last to leave. They encouraged Susan’s parents and Beatrice to take as much food as they could with them, as it would all be thrown out.

  Finally, it was time for even Susan’s parents to return to their hotel. They gave Beatrice their condolences, shaking their head at their daughter’s behavior and apologizing for all the hurt.

  Beatrice was left alone, crying under her rose covered alter, looking at her uneaten wedding cake and wishing she could just throw herself into the ocean. Her heart had already been ripped out of her chest and stomped on, she just did not know how she was supposed to go on. She had no pride, no hope.

  Chapter 5, Calling an Old, Long Lost Friend

  Two weeks had passed and Beatrice had not seen or spoken to Susan. Her cell phone no longer rang, it just went directly to the full voicemail box. Susan did not show up to work, and she did not contact her parents. No one knew what happened to her. The personal assistan
t who had worked with Susan since she began at Chell Oil had mysteriously retired and she had left no personal contact number.

  Gossip at the office was bad. Everyone was talking about how Susan was a run away bride and had left Beatrice at the alter in front of all the guests. She had also left Beatrice with a sizable wedding bill. Everyone assumed that Susan realized that she did not love Beatrice and had abandoned her entire life in order to escape confrontation with her. Beatrice had worked hard trying to contact someone at Chell Oil’s board of directors, but when she was finally able to speak to someone and ask about Susan’s presentation, she was told that Susan had never made any presentation to them at all, and they knew nothing about her work. She was just one of many nameless scientists employed by Chell.

  Then the rumor began that Susan had actually gone crazy. It spread around the water cooler like wildfire. Susan had been working on some mysterious project and had lost her mind. People spoke of the late nights in her office, the days she would come in with unkempt hair and no makeup, of seeing her walking around the lunch hall muttering to herself. The fellow office workers came to conclude that she had gone schizo, made up in her mind a meeting with the Chell Oil directors, and was probably wandering the streets somewhere now, talking to herself and trying to convince people that she was a famous inventor.

  Beatrice found it hard to believe. She had seen Susan in those final days and she knew that Susan had been distracted, passionate, and a bit out of orbit, but she was certainly not schizophrenic. That was taking things too far. Still, it was too hurtful to remain in the apartment, and to remain around these rumors and all the whispers and accusing eyes.


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