Lesbian Billionaire

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Lesbian Billionaire Page 57

by Olivia Hampshire

  Debbie’s hotel was a 5 star Four Seasons Shanghai. The skyscraper of a building towered over old-fashioned Chinese buildings and houses. Debbie stopped in at the hotel’s Si Ji Xuan Chinese restaurant, and she tried some interesting dishes: stir-fried eel Shanghai style, yellow croaker fish, and their specialty, steamed butter crab with Shanghai sausage. She tried a delicious date cocktail with her meal, and found it all went down smooth. She wasn’t afraid to try more authentic Chinese street food, but it was nice to start out with something easy on the stomach. She had some small rice cake pastries for her dessert, then went up to her room to relax and watch television. That night, she went for a nice walk on the Bund, admiring some of the fancier Chinese girls and their interesting outfits and hair styles. They clearly worked very hard to be trendy. Debbie went back to her room alone that night, but she vowed to visit the ancient sex school the next day.

  Chapter 7, Definitely Flowing

  After a traditional Chinese breakfast of fried short rice noodles with vegetables, preserved egg and pork porridge, a Chinese donut cruller, and some fresh cut fruit, with a delicious cup of tea, Debbie was ready to head out and track down the mysterious ancient sex school. She found it in a dilapidated back alley, filled with homeless people sleeping under straw mats and men and women selling pastries and barbeque. Dirty cigarette butts lined the unpaved road, and Debbie wasn’t sure if she had found the right place, but before she could even knock on the wooden door to the school it slid wide open and an ancient looking Chinese magician pulled her inside. “We have been waiting for you, Miss Debbie. We shall call you Qiongwen” They gave her the name Qiongwen, for her red hair. They led her inside, and Debbie saw a variety of men and women practicing all sorts of ascetic sexual acts.

  They told Debbie aka Qiongwen that since she had a limited amount of time, they would give her a quick crash course in some of their techniques. They sat her down and explained to her about sexual magic and told her that they were many hundreds of years old but through the cultivation of their jing essence and their qi energy they had lived for many years. They told her that the key for a man is to not ejaculate and to save the sperm and reabsorb it. It was a bit harder for women, and generally they could not achieve the same level of results, and certainly could not achieve immortality through preserving their jing. However, it was possible for a woman to become a better lover through some simple exercises, and they began her first with Ben Wa balls. The balls were made of gold and they had small bells inside of them. They instructed her to spend time working her kegels until she could make the balls ring in a certain melody. They placed her in a room with many other women who were practicing with the balls.

  When she was able to approximate the desired melody, they moved her into another room and had her lay of a leather medical chair. Debbie undressed and laid down on her stomach. Her back was exposed, and she saw one of the older magicians bring out an acupuncture kit full of long needles. He told Debbie that he was a specialist in ancient Chinese medicine, and he would perform acupuncture on her to open up the flow of her vital energy and increase her sexual potency. The needles didn’t hurt when they went in, but a few seemed to touch a nerve or something and send a pulse through her body. Debbie felt like her energy was definitely flowing. The acupuncturist hit a certain point and suddenly she felt shivers going up her spine. He hit another and she felt a gush of wetness in her panties. With a final needle, she had cum. The man told Debbie that the lesson to be learned was how the body can be controlled through different methods, not all of them direct. He told her she had naturally good energy flow, but to always keep in mind how interconnected everything in the body is. “Not just the body, but body, mind, and spirit. They are all connected,” he instructed her.

  Finally, it was time for a last practice where she shared a long wooden dildo with another woman. They had to fuck each other with it without moving. Debbie did not really understand what this meant, but the magicians told her it was part of the practice of wuwei, action without doing. This was an ancient Taoist principle and it was considered to be in touch with the ways of the universe. The two women sat in silence in a small empty room while several of the magicians gathered around them. As time passed, Debbie could hear her own and her partner’s heartbeat and even the blood moving through their veins. They began to learn to be in total touch with all of the sensations of their vagina and suddenly Debbie found herself becoming aroused from the movement without movement. She could feel the wooden sculpted penis deep inside of her, and she learned how to wrap and pulse her vaginal muscles around it without exhibiting any external movement. The magicians praised her and they encouraged the women to begin to send sexual energy to each other, sexual magic, and use it to bring the other to orgasm. Debbie concentrated all her might, and she felt the energy from the woman coming to her and filling her clitoris up with a magical electricity, as she tried to do the same. The magicians began to chant, and the women experienced a silent, simultaneous, earth shattering orgasm, without even touching each other.

  “You learn fast, Qiongwen,” the magicians told her as they bid her goodbye. “This was just an introduction to our very important Chinese sexual methods. If you practice the way of the Tao you can become a low level sexual magician. It may be easiest to speak to you of something like Tantric sex, but the Tao is a bit different. You must practice and hone the art of wuwei and learn how to stimulate others by concentrating and sending your qi energy. I do feel that this will help you somehow in the future. But I must tell you that you impress us with your balanced energy and your strong intuition. I sense you are called by a great and urgent mission, but when you have more leisure time, you should come spend a month or two practicing with us. We would very much enjoy it.” Then the magician said a special spell over her, and gave her a small statue in the shape of a dragon. Debbie put the statue in her pocket and left, thanking the magicians graciously.

  That night Debbie went for some traditional street food, she first went for some deliciously seasoned chopped rice cakes, one of her favorite foods and something that reminded her of Korea. Then she had a few kebabs and a baked sweet potato. For dessert, she indulged in candied hawthorns on a stick. All of the vendors were surprised at her ability to speak Mandarin, and knew that they couldn’t rip her off by charging her foreigner prices. When she got back to her hotel that night, she decided to visit the spa for a nice Chinese massage. They rubbed her hard and, as they often did in China, they gave her a vaginal massage too.

  When Debbie got up to her room and laid down, Debbie pulled out the dragon figurine. As she fingered it, she summoned a Chinese magician, the spirit of Lady Fu Hao. The spirit shaman Fu Hao told Debbie that she would face serious trials in the coming days and she needed to prepare herself. She told her that she had divined much danger in her future endeavors tomorrow and that she would have to use all of her sexual cunning to make it out alive. Before she disappeared, Fu Hao granted Debbie with a small poison dart that she could hide inside of her to kill one of her enemies. She told Debbie that she could only use it once, and she had to exercise great care in when she chose to use it. Then she made love to Debbie as a spirit, imbuing her with the power of an ancient magician sorceress.

  Chapter 8, Dirty Back Room

  The next day, Debbie travelled to a small mountain town outside of Shanghai. The air was much cleaner and the people were far fewer. Despite all of the money that Debbie had, she knew that she would have to fuck her way into the auction. She was not wrong. There was a short, stodgy Chinese man who was greed personified that told her he was in charge of the auction. Debbie did not like men, but if duty called she would fuck them. This little Chinese dude had nothing that he could do to resist Debbie’s powers. She was a tall, rich, white woman in stiletto heels and a tight China doll style dress. She had sharp chopstick style pins in her hair. She was like something out of a movie for the Chinese man, who had not had the chance to sex with many foreign women. He led Debbie into a dirty back room and
pulled out his dong, which was hardly visible through the thick, unkempt, smelly mass of pubic hair he had cultivated.

  Debbie got to sucking, and it certainly wasn’t difficult or uncomfortable to suck off a penis of his size. Something about greedy men, they never seemed to be packing much in the genital department. Although small, the man’s penis was already rock stiff by the time Debbie got her lips around it, and he was oohing and aahing in a distracting manner as Debbie serviced his cock. He must have been somewhat practiced in the art of preserving his own jing, because despite Debbie’s best efforts, she couldn’t get him to bust a nut. She had thought he would be easy to crack, but she was wrong. He had her stick a finger in his dirty butthole while she sucked, and he seemed to enjoy that, but it still wasn’t enough.

  Removing her panties but not her dress, Debbie bent over his desk and let him mount her. He got on top of her frog style and humped the shit out of her as he pumped his dick in and out of her vagina. He was working up a smelly sweat, and Debbie wished that she would be able to take a shower before the auction began. She could feel his hot, garlic and fish scented breath on the back of her neck. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, he busted a fat nut all over her butt cheeks. He gave them a smack, said something dirty, and then told her she was free to attend the auction. “We don’t get much women bidders, and never a white one. I don’t know what kind of brothel you are running, but you are one fine madam!”

  Debbie entered a small arena, where the seats were in a half shell around a dirt display area. There were about two dozen people in attendance, spread out from each other in the seats. They were all men, and all but two were of Asian descent. A scantily clad attendant came by and gave Debbie a bidding paddle to use when the auction began as well as a small bottle of baiju alcohol. She told Debbie that the auction would begin in about ten minutes. Debbie took out her cell phone and texted Harriet to let her know that she had arrived at the auction and she would outbid anyone for Wenjiao. Harriet wished her luck and told her that she had a team of girls ready in case Debbie got into any trouble.

  A hushed murmur passed through the people seated as guards entered the arena and the auction began. The girls were ushered in naked and in chains. An announcer described their age and statistics, but none of the women had names. It was a bit like the debutante ball, but in a sick and twisted way. Debbie was depressed to see many very young, emaciated girls. They had probably been sold into slavery by their own families who saw some beauty in the girls and thought it would be a way to make a quick buck. They were scared, their eyes bulging. Debbie wished she could be here to help them all, but she was waiting for Wenjiao. Most of the girls went for anywhere from $500 to $2,000 American dollars, and Debbie was depressed for them. Their lives were ruined for such a small price. But she also found hope in the fact that she could easily outbid any of these chumps for Wenjiao.

  Finally, after half a dozen girls had come and gone, Wenjiao came out onto the floor. At first, Debbie almost didn’t recognize her because she seemed very thin and malnourished and she also had bright, shining green eyes. The announcer lied and said Wenjiao was a young beauty of 14, American born Chinese, and very well educated. She had a great body, the announcer was right about that, but Debbie frowned as the announcer began to discuss her emerald eyes, telling the bidders that this was a rare side effect experienced by some Chinese girls born in the United States and it was a sign of extreme luck and prosperity that would make anyone’s brothel instantly rich. The bidding started, and it started high, in the thousands. Everyone was eager to have this green eyed girl. Debbie waited until the frenzy of bidding had slowed down a little bit, and there were only two men in a bidding war with each other, then she entered the auction. She was bidding back and forth with a young, well-dressed Asian man. The price was going up to the hundreds of thousands, but Debbie kept bidding. Finally, with a $500,000 bid, Debbie thought she had won. The Chinese man put down his bidding paddle and looked resigned. Before the auctioneer could declare Debbie the winner, however, a strange, dark man in a black robe entered and called out that he would pay 50 million dollars for the girl. Debbie was totally taken aback, and before she had a chance to decide what to do or if she should bid back, she found herself screaming out, “it’s a scam! Her green eyes are a fake!”

  Suddenly, the arms of strong guards were on each of her shoulders. Her paddle dropped from her hands. Debbie heard the announcer declare the mysterious man to be the winner of Wenjiao as she was put in handcuffs, her cell phone taken, and she was dragged away. What was supposed to be an easy mission had turned into some sort of crazy adventure. She was thrown roughly into the back of a dirty van and driven off to an undisclosed location, where she was put into prison. Debbie didn’t know what she would do. She didn’t know where she was and she didn’t have any way to contact anyone. A Chinese police officer came in and told her that she had been arrested for possession of heroin. Debbie protested, but he produced a small baggie of dope he claimed had been found on Debbie prior to her arrest. He told her that the Chinese judicial system did not go easy on people trying to smuggle drugs into the country, and she would probably rot in prison before she even got a trial.

  Debbie held herself back from crying, she would never let these horrible people have the vindication of seeing her shed a tear, but she was feeling defeated. She had no idea what was going on with the scam with Wenjiao and the green contact lenses, and she knew that Chinese prisons could be brutal places. Of course, she was Debbie Brown, one of Harriet’s favorite spies, so she tried to relax on the cold, dirty floor of her cell and just wait until Harriet found some way to get her out.

  She didn’t have to wait long. Concerned when Debbie had not been in contact, Harriet had notified the team of girls that she had on call in case things went sour. They had been able to track the vehicle that had taken Debbie away, and they were outside of the small prison, planning their attack. They were a team of five super sexy, young new spies. They were dressed in zip up leather bodysuits and black heels with their hair in long, tight ponytails. They were hot and they knew it, and they decided the best way to bust Debbie out would be to seduce the guards into letting them into the prison. They unzipped their leather bodysuits until their ample white tits were hanging out, and walked into the prison, nipples blazing. They were right. The Chinese guards at this small village jail had never seen beautiful, big white girl tits, not even on porno, which they had very limited access to anyway. There were three guards at the front desk and their jaws dropped when the women walked into the jail. One of the men made a move to reach for his gun, but when the girls began to suck and play with each others boobs, jiggling them around seductively, his hand went slack.

  The girls sexed each other, twirling each other’s hair, sucking on each others titties, and making out as they rubbed their hands on each other’s fat asses. The guards had never seen anything so voluptuous before, and instead of having their hands on their guns, they pulled out their dicks and began jerking off. They had nice fat, long dongs that matched their fit frames, but the spy girls had no interest in dick. They unzipped each other completely and began sucking and fucking, eating pussy and spanking ass. The guards were in heaven, they were cheering and pulling on their dicks until they were bright red and gleaming with precum. The flexible spies bent in half for each other, allowing full access to their tight pink pussies. They came in each other’s mouths, getting a little bit too into the show they were performing. After they had satisfied themselves, they saw the guards waiting, throbbing cocks out, hoping that now it was their turn. The men were sorely disappointed. The girls stretched out, cracked their necks, and then busted some heads. Before any of the guards could get their rocks off, they were assaulted by swift kicks and punches to the head and balls, then a hard karate chop to the neck and they were passed out. They would sleep like babies for at least an hour.

  The five spies zipped themselves back up and hustled into the holding area to find Debbie. It wasn’t a
big jail, and they were able to locate her quickly. One of the girls had taken the keys from the guards, and she unlocked the jail cell and greeted Debbie with a hug. “So glad to see you are alive,” the girl said. Debbie laughed. She wouldn’t die that easily! They busted Debbie out and took her to a Humvee they had parked about a mile away from the prison. Before Debbie left, she spit on each of the guards. She found the one who had told her that she was going to rot in the prison. He was passed out cold with his dick out. Debbie looked at him with disgust, and then she removed her hair pin and plunged it deeply into the center of his neck. He made a disgusting, bloody chortling sound as he took his last breath.

  Back in the Humvee, the girls brought up Harriet on a video call and Debbie informed her about what had happened. Harriet was troubled, and she had no idea where they should go from here. She urged the women to go back to Shanghai and recuperate from the adventure of the day. The women agreed. They were fresh new spies and they were eager to spend some time with the famous, super fine Debbie Brown. Plus, they didn’t speak a lick of Chinese and they had no idea what they were doing. Debbie took the girls out to a meal of dimsum at one of the finest restaurants in Shanghai, and everyone ate well and got drunk and laughed. Debbie joined in the fun and the laughter, but inside she felt empty. She was incredibly worried about Wenjiao and what the mysterious man had in store for her.

  Sensing that Debbie was distracted and upset, the five spy girls decided that they would give her a special treat that night. When they got back to Debbie’s hotel room, they told her that tonight was all about her, and they would do anything they could to please her and keep her mind off of losing Wenjiao. The girl’s dressed up in sexy, short Chinese dresses, all of a different color. Debbie had to smile. They were no Wenjiao, but they definitely were sexy. They had long, tall legs, fat asses, and even fatter titties. Their hair was long and thick, and Debbie felt overcome with an urge to pull on it as they ate her out. The girls went to work on Debbie, giving her a group massage, each taking over different areas of her body. They were very thorough, and their sensuous touch got Debbie excited. The girls went to work on Debbie’s pussy and ass, licking her into a frenzy of heat.


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