Lesbian Billionaire

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Lesbian Billionaire Page 58

by Olivia Hampshire

  China was the land of cheap sex toys, and the women pulled out some cheap knock-off rabbit vibrators that matched the color of their outfits. They gave Debbie a clear vibrator for herself. The women formed a hexagon, or a sexagon, on the ground. They plunged the vibrators into each other, and turned up the speed. Even the batteries in China were pretty cheap, so they really had to struggle to feel the sensation from the vibrators. Debbie remembered the training that she had undertaken at the ancient Chinese sex school, and she found a way to focus her energy so that she could profoundly feel the sensations from the vibrator. The girls were surprised to see how much Debbie was enjoying the vibrator, because they were honestly having a hard time getting into it. They were used to much more powerful American models, and the low speed vibrations just weren’t enough to bring them to orgasm. Debbie instructed the girls to focus their minds, to find silence within themselves, and to really feel the sensations. She guided them in a meditation, until the girls were really feeling all that was going on inside of their tight pussy holes. They were all getting wet and really horny. Debbie instructed them to channel the energy deep inside of them and try to send it out with their minds. Before long, things were really going and they were having fantastic orgasms with barely any stimulation.

  Amongst all the cheap sex toys China made, they were very famous for their blow up doll industry. As a fun joke, the girls thought it would be funny to present Debbie with a blow up doll of a red head. They strapped a thick red dong to it, and took turns humping the doll. Debbie didn’t think it was as funny as the young girls did, they were giggling and laughing to each other throughout, but she was horny after the vibrator circle and her pussy was very wet and craving satisfaction. As the girls watched, Debbie spread her pink pussy lips and mounted the dildo, she concentrated her sexual energy in her vagina and slid up and down on the fat silicone strap on. One of the girls got in front of her, sitting on the dolls face, and made out with Debbie as she furiously humped the doll. Debbie was fucking hard, getting out all her aggression and her anger about what had happened earlier that day. Before she knew it, she was climaxing so hard she popped the blow up doll. When Debbie came to, it lay flat and deflated beneath her wetness.

  “Well, I guess I haven’t mastered my emotions yet,” Debbie muttered to herself. At least, she hadn’t mastered anger. It didn’t matter though. The spy girls were all cracking up, rolling around on the floor of the hotel room holding their stomachs. They thought it was hilarious. “Don’t worry, Debbie,” one of the girls tried to comfort her, “you know what they say about products that are ‘Made in China,’ – they are no good at all!” Another girl piped in, “we just bought a bunch of funny gag stuff we thought might cheer you up, but we are glad you liked it so much!” Debbie gave in. She couldn’t help but crack a grin, these girls were so naïve and so cheerful, it was hard not to get caught up in their laughter.

  “And now, for our final performance,” one of the girls announced, “the fan dance!” They whipped out cheap, matching Chinese folding fans, and performed a seductive strip tease for the exhausted Debbie Brown. She watched with a smile on her face as they finished up their dance, shut their fans, and fucked each other in the ass with the Chinese novelties. They sure had heart, and they were sweet for trying to cheer her up. Everyone showered off, and they drew a hot bubble bath for Debbie. They gave her some private time to sit and soak. As she sat in the hot, jasmine scented water, Debbie thought about what her next move would be. To be honest, she had no clue where to go from here and she needed some help. She could only hope that Billy Ann and Penelope were working hard around the clock trying to figure out how to get Wenjiao back. If anyone could figure it out, Penelope could. Debbie let out a long sigh, drained the bath, and went into the bedroom. All of the girls were piled on the bed, naked and fast asleep. There were legs and arms entwined all over the place. They were like a bed of puppies, silly and sweet and easily tuckered out. Debbie gave them each a kiss on their foreheads. There wasn’t much room left on the bed, so Debbie rolled the folding cot out from the closet and hopped in. She was asleep instantly.

  Chapter 9, Fifty Million Dollars

  The next morning, Debbie was greeted with good news. Harriet’s intelligence team had been able to find some information about the mysterious bidder. Penelope could track large transfers of money and she discovered a transfer for fifty million dollars being made from an account located outside of Bangkok, Thailand to a Chinese bank. She was able to track down the name and location of the person who had initiated the transfer. His name was Bai Ze Sakda. He was half Chinese, half Thai, and he lived in a large, fortress type compound in Phetchaburi province, to the south of Bangkok. The province borders Myanmar, and much of it was covered in the dense rainforest of the Kaeng Krachan National Park. The fortress was located just outside the beautiful Wat Nong Prong monastery.

  Debbie bid goodbye to the spy girls, who were sad to see her go, but were planning on spending some extra time in the area so that they could find out more about the Chinese sex slave trade and perhaps help some of the poor girls Debbie had seen being sold the day before. Debbie wished them good luck on their mission before she boarded a private jet that took her to Bangkok. She would need to get a hold on Thai culture and develop a strategy for infiltrating Bai Ze’s fortress. Debbie was staying in the luxurious Siam Hotel Bangkok, located on the Chao Phraya River and a short walk from the Grand Palace. It had its own beautiful infinity pool running in front of it, separating the hotel from the Chao Phraya. The architecture was absolutely breathtaking, both modern and sophisticated but with a touch of ancient South Asian flavor. There was beautiful shrubbery and greenery everywhere.

  The first stop was to sit out by the infinity pool and enjoy a drink from the Bathers Bar. Debbie had her ears open for information, but it was all tourists and she wasn’t able to pick up anything useful. She struck up a conversation with one of the pool boys, mentioning that she was interested in planning a trip to Phetchaburi and wondered if he had any suggestions. He looked surprised and told Debbie that there wasn’t much for visitors to see down there and he didn’t recommend that she take the time or money to go down there. He said it would be very hot and buggy with all the rainforest, and he thought she was best served by staying in the city. He promised, if she was interested, to send a travel planner up to her room later to give her some tips on what to do in the city or some day trips. When she told him that she was interested in seeing the Wat Nong Prong monastery he just laughed and told her it was nothing, there was much better religious offerings in Bangkok.

  Later that day, the promised travel planner did show up in Debbie’s room. She promised Debbie that she would arrange for her to visit the Bang Luang Mosque, as well as a large amulet market the next day. She said that would provide her with a nice religious tour of the area. She also offered to schedule an appointment for Debbie to meet a sacred sak yant tattoo master. Debbie agreed, and promised to be in the lobby at 10 am the next day for her trip. Free for the night, Debbie started off with a nice dinner in the hotel’s Chon Bangkok Thai restaurant. It was a beautiful restaurant in a traditional Thai teak house that was painted black. It was filled with antiques and collectibles, and it had a private upstairs bar. Debbie went for an herbal tea with her meal, and ordered some of the recommended dishes that the chef was famous for: gaeng hunglay moo, Northern curry with kurobuta prok belly, and khao soi noodles in curry with chicken. For dessert she had woon kularb rose petal pudding. After she had finished eating she went to the secretive private bar upstairs and ordered a drink while she eavesdropped. She heard two wealthy looking men who were seated at the corner of the bar discussing a special sex show that they had seen. According to the men it was some of the hottest, youngest girls in Thailand, and there were girls from all over Asia, not just Thai chicks. They were discussing how expensive it was but they concluded it was money well spent. The name of the club was the Monkey Paw, and Debbie thought she should go check it out.

>   When Debbie got to the Monkey Paw, she was let in for a small cover fee and told she needed to order a minimum of two drinks, as well as provide small tips for all the performers, if she wanted to stay in the club. The Monkey Paw was dimly lit and, in Debbie’s mind, a bit gaudy in its decorations. There was a main stage where an incredibly young looking girl was preforming a Ping-Pong show, where she would insert Ping-Pong balls into her pussy and them pop them out a long distance. Several of the men had cups, and they were encouraging the girl to aim the ball into the cup for tips. It was a totally different kind of entertainment then Debbie was used to, but the male tourists seemed to be loving it and they were tipping and cheering heavily. Debbie ordered a very over-priced beer and sat down at a table to observe the show.

  The next girl on stage was a young, dark-skinned Indonesian girl with short hair. She began her show by smoking a cigarette with her pussy, manipulating her uterine muscles so the smoke went in and out of her coochie. The men couldn’t get enough of it and they were howling and throwing more cigarettes on the stage. Then, an assistant walked out with a wooden cage. Inside the cage was a large bullfrog. It emitted a loud croak when the assistant took it out of its holding cell. The frog went inside the Indonesian girl’s vagina, and a countdown began on a loudspeaker. The men were gambling, making bets on how long the girl could hold the frog inside of her before it broke free. She made it two minutes and forty-five seconds before she couldn’t hold her pussy shut anymore and the frog hopped out. It was quickly scooped up by the assistant and put back in its cage. The man who had won the bed cheered and collected his money, throwing the girl a big tip.

  In this manner, the night dragged on. As the men became increasingly intoxicated and rambunctious, Debbie began to pick up some information that she thought would be useful to her. They were talking about a secret sex club in the mountains, the bunny ranch of Thailand, where some of the performing girls had come from. It was supposedly a highly exclusive sex resort full of the most beautiful women in the Asian world. Debbie’s ears perked up when she heard the man say that many of the beauties had rare traits, like green eyes or naturally blond hair. This must be the spot. Debbie knew that she was on the right track. She ordered her last drink, and drank it quickly as she watched a performer shooting darts out of her pussy at balloons, and then she bid the club Monkey Paw farewell.

  Chapter 10, Having Two Women

  The next morning, Debbie was ready for her excursion to see the religious side of Bangkok. She took a tuk-tuk, an open air small trolley car type of taxi. She had great views from the tuk-tuk, but she was a little overwhelmed by how the city handled the traffic. Many times she was sure there was going to be a horrible accident on the road. The first stop was the Bang Luang Mosque, the only traditional Thai brick and concrete mosque in the entire country. It wasn’t quite as spectacular as Debbie had expected and it had an air of poverty to it. She followed custom, removing her shoes and she entered a green hued prayer room and watched locals offering their prayers. The next stop was an amulet market. This highlighted the Buddhist side of Thai culture. Debbie found an amulet that was in the form of a cloth with images on it. She was told is was a sacred yantra cloth with a spell for seductive influence. There was a Buddha in the middle of the image, with two women on either side. They were surrounded by animals, and underneath was the figure of a horse and a cow making love to a woman. Debbie was told that these were Lanna Whica magic figures. The figure in the middle that looked like a Buddha was actually Paya Khao Kam, the golden horned seduction demon. He had two women from his harem, and he provided a powerful charm that would help the user maintain many lovers, while keeping them all happy and fulfilled. The animals surrounding him represented the Whica Noo Kin Nom Maew, the mouse suckling milk from a cat’s teat, and the Wua Kin Nom Suea, the calf suckling milk from a tiger’s teat. The bull who was making love (although to Debbie it seemed more like raping) a beautiful maiden was the Wicha Wua Grating Saep Nang, and the horse was the Whica Mae Saep Nang. In addition to providing sexual, seductive powers to the owner, it had a Choke Lap blessing to bring good fortune.

  After purchasing the amulet and folding it up and putting it carefully in her pocket, Debbie headed for her final destination, to meet a yantra sacred tattoo artist. The ancient master told Debbie that he could provide her with a large, henna tattoo that would provide her with cloaking powers and aid her in stealth. Debbie agreed, and allowed him to compose a giant piece of sacred artwork on her back. He provided Debbie with a spell that she could utter, and he claimed it would provide her with ten minutes of invisibility from her enemies. Debbie paid and thanked the man. She decided that she would leave that night for the fortress in Petchaburi, and hopefully she could launch a surprise entrance and attack in the early morning hours. She enjoyed her last meal in Bangkok, some Pad Satow bitter beans and an acacia leave omelet. Belly full, she had a taxi take her to Petchaburi province and drop her off several miles outside of the compound.

  Petchaburi was totally different than Bangkok and Debbie had to be on her extreme guard as she travelled through rainforest terrain at night. There were all sorts of bugs that were chirping and making loud melodies, and she saw several large caves full of bumblebee bats who were flying in and out on their nighttime hunting journeys. She was most concerned about running into a tiger, leopard, or even a sun bear, but she was lucky to avoid encounters with any major aggressive animals. She did see a few civets and muntjacs, and she was even lucky enough to see the very rare binturong out on a nocturnal feeding, but nothing tried to harm her except some especially voracious insects who were not deterred by her insect repellent.

  As the sun began to crack out of the darkness into early dawn, Debbie approached the outer wall of the fortress. She was distressed to see that there were guard towers manned with men and machine guns. This wasn’t going to be an easy case of easy in, easy out, that was for sure. Considering all of the trees and sticks on the ground and how high up the guard posts were, Debbie didn’t want to take a chance with just trying to sneak in. However, she saw little choice. She decided what she must do is put her trust in the sacred yantra tattoo and recite her magical incantation for invisibility. She sure hoped this would work. Debbie spoke the spell, and when she had finished, she didn’t feel any different. She had been secretly hoping there would be some palpable wave of magic that would wash over her and let her know that the spell was working. Still, sign or no sign, if the spell had worked Debbie knew she only had ten minutes to get past the guards and into the inner compound. She knew what she had to do, and she rushed towards the main entrance and began scaling the wall. To her surprise, and great relief, the magic seemed to be working. No one saw the spy woman climbing the rock wall and entering into the compound.

  After getting past the main challenge, she went to the main doors of the fortress and made her way inside. There were several different stair cases and rooms, and it was like a maze. As she was trying to figure out where to go, she realized she had passed the ten-minute mark. Whatever invisibility magic she had employed, it would be gone now. No matter, the inside of the fortress was eerily empty, and Debbie made her way around quietly but without encountering anyone. Finally, she reached large, tall double doors that she thought must lead into the inner chambers. When she pushed open the doors, she was surprised to encounter a sea of sleeping women. A few of them awoke and rubbed their eyes. Seeing the intruder, they snapped to attention, jumping up off their mats and standing in a martial arts attack pose. As they began to rise, Debbie could see that they were not, in fact, women, but rather an army of Thai lady boys.

  They began to circle around the intruder, a tall white woman with strands of red hair sticking out from beneath her camouflage cap, which matched her camo tee-shirt and her khaki shorts. She was dirty and scratched from her night traipsing through the rain forest, and she had to admit these well-rested lady boys looked a lot better in comparison. Debbie got into attack mode as well, and she began to fight some of
the lady boys off, but she quickly realized that she was greatly outnumbered and fighting like this would be useless. Even if she did win, she would be far too exhausted to go any further. She would probably end up a prisoner just like Wenjiao.

  Debbie made a decision. She wasn’t going to outfight these lady boys, but she was going to outfuck them. Debbie pulled out her amulet cloth and spread it on the ground and began reciting the prayer she had been taught to use. She could feel the spirit of a powerful sexual demon enter her, and when the next lady boy came to attack she ripped off his skirt, exposing his penis. She pinned him down and furiously began to suck, as if she was trying to drink his soul out through his penis. Unable to resist a good fuck off, the lady boys fell out of attack formation and lined up to get sucked and fucked by the foreign spy.

  Each of the lady boys was different, but they were all quite beautiful. Some had gone so far as to have implants, others had used hormone treatments to grow small, natural breasts. Most retained their boyish bodies and just wore bras over their non-existent tits. Debbie had always assumed that lady boys became that way because they were poorly endowed, and certainly this was true of some of them, but she was surprised at how many of them were packing heat. There were at least thirty of them, and Debbie had to suck off each and every one of them, fingering their loose buttholes as she went along. In spite of the sheer quantity of cocks to be sucked, Debbie found that her jaw never got tired and her suction never lost its force. She was like a hoover vacuum, sucking the cum (and, she supposed, the jing essence) out of each of the lady boys before leaving them in an exhausted, ecstatic mass on the floor. When she had finished with the very last lady boy, she found the others had fallen into a satisfied, deep, dreamy sleep.


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