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Lesbian Billionaire

Page 65

by Olivia Hampshire

  “Hello?” Tiara called out.

  After a few minutes, a woman entered the room. It was the blonde woman from yesterday.

  “That was a nice performance,” the woman told Tiara. “I really loved your voice.”

  Tiara thanked her.

  “In fact,” the woman continued, “I would really like to sign you as an artist on one of the label’s that I own.”

  Tiara felt tears coming to her eyes. “Really?” she asked in disbelief. “That would be so wonderful, miss… Um, miss--”

  “You can call me Candice,” the woman told her.

  “Miss Candice, that would be a dream come true!” Tiara told her.

  “Well, that is great to hear,” Candice nodded. “There is only one small problem, sweetheart. We can’t have drug addicts on our label. It just looks bad. After all, you passed out last night. I don’t know if you remember? You need to be sober before you can sign with us. Is that something you are willing to do?”

  Tiara nodded eagerly.

  “Great, then I will see you in 36 hours with some food, if you are hungry. One of my staff members will check on you periodically and bring hydration. Good luck!” Candice laughed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

  Tiara was left alone to begin her detoxification hell.

  My Loyal Sex Servant, Please?

  After several days of intense withdrawal, Tiara was staring to come back to herself.

  Candice came back to see her, dressed in all white. To Tiara, she looked like an angel. Tiara was glad she felt like, for once, she wasn’t going to yell or throw up. She did her best to smile, and Candice smiled back with what looked like genuine joy.

  “Oh, you seem so much better,” Candice told Tiara. “I am so happy for you. Before long you will be ready to begin recording your first album. We will make you into a star, I promise it. You are star material, Tiara!”

  Tiara beckoned for Candice to come and give her a hug, and she held the woman in a tight embrace with surprising strength after all she had been through.

  “Thank you so much,” Tiara told Candice, tears welling up in her eyes. Candice kissed away her tears, and then began to kiss Tiara lightly on the lips.

  “Why are you crying?” she asked Tiara. “You deserve this. You have nothing to feel sad or guilty about. You have a wonderful voice, and a great personality, and you can perform! You should be a star! I don’t know what was holding you back, but I can tell you have not been happy. No one would be using drugs like that if they were happy. Besides, you should have at least one album under your belt by now! You were being mismanaged and taken advantage of. I won’t let that happen to you again,” Candice promised her.

  The two women made out, and Candice groped Tiara’s fat ass as she moved her tongue around her mouth.

  “There’s only one thing I need from you in return for all my help,” Candice stopped making out with Tiara to tell her. “I need you to be my loyal sex servant. Will you do that?”

  Tiara paused for a second, concerned that she was getting herself into the exact same situation that she had been in with Trevor. Then she looked around Candice’s clean, fancy apartment, and she looked and Candice’s beautiful, healthy, and youthful body. She had no more regrets or hesitations.

  “Yes, of course,” Tiara promised. Then she got to work on Candice’s pussy, eating the woman’s soft, shaven pussy until Candice told her it was okay to stop. It was the sweetest thing that Tiara had ever tasted.

  I´m Going To Kill You Bitch!

  Months passed, and Tiara was happy.

  She had recorded her first studio album, as Candice had promised. It sold well, and before long, Tiara was booked on a national tour.

  Tiara was in her trailer, writing a letter to Candice, who had become more than just her master. Candice was Tiara’s true love, and she was so happy that she had met Candice. She had not gone back to heroin, and her pussy felt cleaner and tighter. One day, it might even be worthy of her master’s mouth. Now that she was on tour, Tiara did not see Candice much. However, Candice always had training opportunities set up for her at each of her destinations, and Tiara always made sure to write to Candice and thank her for each learning experience.

  Just last night, she had been instructed in how to properly tongue bathe assholes. Her tour manager brought in two dirty young sluts with some of the nastiest assholes Tiara had ever encountered. Groupie bitches. Tiara complied with her master’s demand, and she learned her lesson as she licked the butts of the two groupies until the holes were sparkling clean and smelled nice.

  As Tiara was recounting the event for her master, she heard a loud, angry knock on the door. Tiara looked out one of the trailer windows, and she saw that it was Trevor. He was banging on the door hard, and it looked like he was going to tear it off the handles.

  Tiara quickly dialed the number of her security guard, who must have been taking a quick break. Just as she got through, she screamed loudly as Trevor broke through the door, and she dropped her cell phone to the ground with a loud thud.

  “I’m going to kill you, bitch!” Trevor screamed at her, one hand raised high behind his head. “You broke your contract with me, you fucking cunt. I’ll sue!”

  Trevor came toward her as if he meant to punch her in the face. Tiara screamed and covered her face with her hands. She heard a large bang, and she never felt the hit that she was bracing for. She peeked out between her fingers, and she saw that Trevor was on the floor of the trailer, a pool of blood forming around his middle.

  The bodyguard was at the door of the trailer, with a smoking gun in her hand. She ran over to Tiara to check on her and make sure she hadn’t been hurt.

  Tiara was dumbfounded. She could not believe that Trevor had just been killed. That was a bit intense, even if he was a scum bag.

  The bodyguard held Tiara tightly and kept whispering, “Shh, shh. It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.” Tiara quivered.

  “Candice instructed me to shoot your old manager boyfriend if he ever tried to come near you. There is no way she can risk her rising star and beloved sex slave falling victim to that idiot again. Besides, he was trying to hurt you Tiara. He could have hit you in just the right spot on your beautiful head and killed you instead of just knocking you out. You never know what could happen. Candice was not willing to take that kind of risk,” the bodyguard told Tiara.

  Tiara agreed, Trevor was a dangerous guy.

  Cheep No More

  Two years after the shooting of Trevor, Tiara was a great success. She had been on several U.S. tours and had even visited Canada and Japan. She released two best-selling albums and she genuinely enjoyed her life as Candice’s slave and performing idol.

  Tiara was living in a big house of her own, a far cry from the dirty little one-bedroom that she had started out with when she was with Trevor. She did not need to strip, and her private life as a sex slave was privileged and way more fun than stripping anyway. Tiara was sitting on her big California King bed with its puffy white comforter, opening a small box that was sealed up with belongings of hers that had been recovered from the one-bedroom apartment after Trevor’s death. The actual shooting had been written off as self-defense: Trevor did not have a great reputation and the jury believed the idea that a jealous ex-boyfriend and ex-manager would come after a young rising starlet in a jealous, murderous rage. Everyone expressed relief that Tiara was alive and had quickly forgotten about Trevor. Tiara had continued her tour, and a crew of Candice’s people had cleaned any of Tiara’s remaining belongings out of the apartment she had shared with Trevor and given them to her in a sealed box.

  For the first time, Tiara had an opportunity to pause and take some time out for herself. She decided she wanted to look through the box and she what was inside.

  There were a few articles of clothing, and Tiara actually laughed out loud at the sort of cheap outfits she used to enjoy wearing. Most of the box was photos. Tiara found herself once again pouring over the old ch
ildhood photos, but this time with a very different feeling. She was wear she wanted to be now, she had accomplished her dreams and she was living well. She had paid back her parents the money she had taken for tuition years ago, and she felt great about herself.

  As she was flipping through the photos, a small baggy fell out from between them. It was filled with a brown powder. It was an old bag of dope that Tiara must have dropped when she was looking at the same photos years ago. Feeling not the least bit tempted, Tiara curled her nose up in disgust, and she took the baggie into the bathroom and promptly flushed it down the toilet. She gave her sponsor a call, and they talked for an hour or so until Tiara was feeling a lot better about everything.

  Candice was going to be in town tonight, and she was planning on stopping by Tiara’s house after she had finished all of her business. Tiara decided that she would go out and buy herself a nice, new outfit to greet Candice in. She also wanted to buy a pretty frame to put in one of the pictures she had found. It was a photograph of her as an eight-year-old girl. She was dressed up in a sparkly pink princess outfit, and she was holding a plastic microphone in her hand. The photo captured Tiara apparently belting out a tune at the top of her lungs. It reminded her of the cover for her latest album, called “Fairytale.” On the cover, Tiara was dressed in a sparkly pink dress, a real princess dress and not just a make-believe outfit, with a silver and diamond tiara. She looked classic and timeless, and she was singing into an old-fashioned microphone.

  At the outlets, Tiara bought herself a nice, tight-fighting patent leather dress and a new pair of heels. She found a beautiful picture frame for her photograph, and she went back home and framed her picture and set it on her dresser as she did her makeup.

  Late that evening, Candice came over to Tiara’s house. She was wearing a long, flowing white sundress with strappy golden sandals and gold bangle bracelets. She looked like an angel with her long blonde hair. All that was missing was the halo.

  Tiara poured Candice a glass of champagne and bent over happily for her customary butt slaps.

  The two women kissed their way to the bedroom, hearts and pussies ablaze in a hot passion. As Candice was letting Tiara demonstrate her amazing ass eating skills, which had grown so much since she first started working for Candice, she noticed a photograph on Tiara’s dresser. For a second, she thought it must be Tiara’s daughter, but then she realized that it was a photo of Tiara herself, as a little girl.

  Candice smiled, so happy that she had made a beautiful young sex slave’s dreams come true. Tiara was making great money for her, and she was one of the hottest and most obedient sex slaves that Candice had. It was a great feeling, and in many ways Candice truly was an angel, saving talented young women from the horrors of incompetent and abusive men.

  Looking over in the corner of the bedroom, Candice saw that the box that held the belongings that had been recovered from Tiara and Trevor’s apartment had been opened. She smiled, and knew that it was time to give her sex slave a special treat.

  Tiara was surprised when Candice positioned her on her back and moved her head towards her pussy. It had been over two years and Candice had never made a motion to put her mouth anywhere near Tiara’s vagina.

  Candice had actually gone to Trevor’s apartment herself, mostly out of curiosity, and she had been the one who actually packed the box up. Even though she noticed the bag of heroin amongst all the photographs, she had made a conscious decision to leave it in there. If her slave was happy with her, she would never leave, even for dope. The fact that Tiara had been able to go through all those old memories and showed no hesitation in her love for Candice proved what a reliable woman she was.

  Tiara was a good girl, who had gone down some bad roads.

  The feeling of Candice’s soft, pink tongue over her clitoris made all of Tiara’s bad memories go away, and took away any lingering resentment about all the gross blowjobs she had given Trevor in the hopes that he would get her career off the ground. Tiara had made it. She was a sex slave princess.

  Tiara savored the one time she would ever be allowed to cum in the mouth of her angelic master. It was a night she would never forget.

  The End.

  Table of Contents

  The Babysitter

  Kimmy was preparing for another long night of babysitting. She was eighteen years old and still living at home. Although she had been accepted to several good colleges, she was unable to attend for financial reasons. Three years ago, Kimmy’s parents had separated. Her dad had run off to Vegas, where he spent all of her college savings and drained the family bank account in a matter of days. Kimmy’s mother, Tabitha, had gotten a telegram in the mail letting her know divorce papers would arrive soon.

  The divorce had totally destroyed Tabitha. She turned towards heavy drinking to cope with the loss of her husband, and she quickly loss her job. Alimony payments were small and slow in coming, when they came at all, and Kimmy and her mother had been living off of welfare handouts and sympathy meals that some of the neighbors had put together.

  Determined to take matters into her own hands and make it out of the bad situation she was living in with her mother, Kimmy had started her own babysitting business. She was doing quite well for herself, and she babysat for only the wealthiest, most elite clientele. She often earned upwards of $25 per child, and she was putting a good chunk of that money away in a college savings account. Despite her business know how, Kimmy’s grades just weren’t enough to land her any significant scholarships, and her mom was unwilling to give away any of her financial information for need-based loans. Kimmy suspected her mom wanted to keep her at home forever, so all the babysitting money was secret. In fact, on the rare day that Tabitha was even awake in the afternoon, Kimmy usually told her she was going over to hang out at a friend’s house. She did not want her mom’s drunken hands anywhere near her loot.

  Tonight, Kimmy was babysitting for the Nash’s, a rich family that lived in a nice gated community a thirty-minute bus ride from Kimmy’s house. The Nash’s had an eight-month old baby, and Mr. Nash was hardly ever home. He was a big shot business man, and Kimmy had only seen him in photos. She came over to babysit for Mrs. Nash one Friday night out of the month. Mrs. Nash told Kimmy that she got very tired out from spending every day home alone with a baby, and she needed one night a month to go out with her friends and drink wine and eat at a fancy restaurant or go to a movie. Kimmy did not think that baby Nash was too much trouble, but she could understand that it might get boring being all alone in a big house all the time. It wasn’t like the baby could talk or do much to keep you company.

  When Mrs. Nash answered the doorbell she was in a hectic flurry. She had her pantyhose halfway on, there were three or four pairs of high heel shoes flung around the floor, and she was struggling with her earrings. The baby, Samantha, was sitting in a high chair at the kitchen table, flinging mushed peas around.

  “Oh, I am so glad you are here,” Mrs. Nash told Kimmy, giving the girl a quick, European style peck on the cheek as she gestured her into the house. “Sam is eating her dinner right now, if you don’t mind helping her out. I need to leave in about fifteen minutes for our reservations at Marco’s, but I’m barely ready!”

  Kimmy told Mrs. Nash it was no problem, and she headed towards the kitchen and began to clean up all the mushed baby food that was smeared on the high chair and the kitchen counters. Then she sat down with Sam and helped spoon the food properly into the little baby’s mouth. About fifteen minutes later, Mrs. Nash appeared again, this time looking beautiful and well put together. She told Kimmy that she was going to catch dinner and then a movie with her friends, and wouldn’t be back until around midnight or one in the morning. Kimmy told her it was no problem, and Mrs. Nash promised to give her a ride home to her house. Kimmy knew her mom would be long gone by then, so it was no problem. Mrs. Nash scampered out the door with a smile, and baby Sam waved goodbye to her momma.

  That night, Sam and Kimmy played together. After the
dinner, Kimmy took baby Sam upstairs for a nice bath. She wiped all of the food and dirt off of baby Sam, and when she was sparkling clean Kimmy put her in a new diaper and some warm pajamas. She ready baby Sam a few storybooks, and before long Sam was snoozing. Kimmy transferred Sam to her crib, and then she went into the master bedroom and laid down on the big bed and turned on the television.


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