Book Read Free

I Should've Cheated

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by Tysha Jordyn

  I Should’ve Cheated

  Published by Tysha Jordyn

  © 2016 Tysha Jordyn

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright Notice

  Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any other information storage without express permission by the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination, or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Contains mild profanity & themes suitable for ages 16+.

  Note: This is a re-release of the story (same title) previously published under my prior pen name, TJ Rose. I’d like to thank you in advance for your continued readership as you dive in and enjoy this FREE read! The sequel, I Should’ve Cheated Too, is coming soon, so be sure to sign up here for your chance to win a free copy.

  In the meantime, feel free to check out my other novels:

  Love, Betrayal, & Dirty Money: A Hood Romance

  (anthology; pen name TJ Rose)

  Chase & Kassidy: All Eyes On Us

  Love The Way You Thug Me

  Love The Way You Thug Me 2

  You Should Be Here

  If You Should Die Before I Wake: Devyn’s Story (coming soon)


  As always, I must give honor to the man upstairs for blessing me with this gift, and with the wisdom and foresight on how best to package & share it with the world!

  To all my readers, thanks so much for your support - your reviews, feedback, emails, DM’s, and FB messages keep me centered and motivate me to churn out the FIYA stories I was born to write!

  To my TNC partner Candace Harris, you’re truly my sister from another mister, and I will be forever grateful for your support, advice, late-night brainstorming sessions, and your overall gentle spirit. You’re a gem, and I’m so blessed to be able to call you my little sissy <3

  To my woes, Shameka and Tip, y’all help me stay off probation and focused on gettin’ these checks - love y’all to the moon and back, and uhh - when’s the next vamp session word count challenge?

  MyKisha Mac, my Katrina Connect, thanks for riding with me and allowing me to do my little part to support your dreams!

  Lamont, AKA Amonty, bruh we done been through some thangs, seen some thangs, and through it all, you’ve been one of my biggest cheerleaders pushing me to step out on faith

  and see my dream quantified - ‘preciate ya, fam!

  To my MCM forever, JR, always remember that nothing succeeds like success!

  To my WCW forever, Alexus Ciara, I love the woman you’re growing into. Remember, it’s never too late to chase your dream <3

  Last but definitely not least, Sweet Tea–when two souls are equally yoked, the sky is the limit. Thanks for choosing me to walk this journey of life with you <3.


  You meet someone, you fall in like, and if there’s enough chemistry, like turns to love. A few nights shared turns into living together, and before you know it, you’re two steps away from the American dream. But what happens when life gets in the way of what brought you together in the first place? What happens when work becomes an obstacle to the cuffing, the kissing, the touching, the intimacy, the whole reason you’ve chosen THIS person to share your time and space with?

  They say the grass is greener on the other side, and sometimes it’s worth it to hop the fence to let that new grass glide between your toes. Sometimes that leap of faith will ignite embers that were close to being permanently extinguished–or spark an inferno of flames that soon take on a life of their own, leaving a path of destruction in their wake.

  It’s too easy to fall in love, but the REAL question is how you stay there? How and where do you find that magnetism to wake up next to the same person for several years, and still feel that same rush of love you felt on day one?

  Well, until someone drops that answer on us, how ‘bout you turn the page and slip into the story of what happens when love gets caught up in the “meantime...”


  An amber sunset…the balmy breeze pregnant with the fragrance of the Caribbean Sea…the perfect backdrop to a clandestine honeymoon, a moment that Braelyn’s flesh wanted to savor without cessation. Just as the sun dipped below the horizon, the last few rays penetrated the drapes and cast a spotlight on her skin, bronzed a perfect shade of almond by the Dominican sun.

  She rested lightly, no doubt sated from an endless week of love-making. Swept up in her internal throes of passion, Braelyn’s fingertips journeyed up her lover’s back and across her shoulder. Drawing her locs away to bring her neck into view, Braelyn’s lips caressed her skin with fervor, and kisses grew into suckles as she struggled to contain her thirst for her lover’s flavor. Keenly in tune with Braelyn’s every move, her lover’s body shifted as she brought herself eye-to-eye with Braelyn’s hungry gaze. Drawing close to Braelyn’s body, her lover’s lips joined her suckle, their tongues dancing as they melted into one another....


  Feeling the last few minutes of her sopping wet dream slip away, Braelyn eased her eyes opening, wondering if and when her racy dreams would become a reality...and where her fiancé would be left in that equation...

  Chapter One

  Fridays were most everyone’s favorite day of the week as it signaled the end to a week’s worth of toiling, meetings, and stress. Braelyn especially looked forward to her Fridays because she worked a half-day schedule, giving her a head start on whatever the weekend had in store. Just as she began to shut down and stow her files away for safe keeping, her water cooler buddy poked his head into her office.

  “Hey hun, I see you’re not wasting any time packing up, huh? Ready for the weekend?”

  “Shoot, you already know, I was ready on Tuesday!”

  “I hear that, girl; so what kinda illegal freakiness do you and wifey have planned?”

  “The kind that’s illegal in at least 30 states –and you know I don’t kiss and tell, Emery!”

  “Yeah, yeah. One day Imma get you to spill some tea, and I’ll be waiting with three sugars,” he joked.

  “We shall see—now get out before someone thinks we’re trying to work late and calls a damn meeting!”

  “Alright girl, but do me a favor—ride that D like a jockey for me tonight!” he called over his shoulder as he skipped down the hall to shut his own office down for the weekend.

  The autumn afternoon was unseasonably warm, and Braelyn was hoping she and Kai might get a bike ride in before nightfall. Just as she was about to dial Kai’s number, her picture popped up signaling a call on the in-dash media center.

  “Hey babe, I was just about to check in with you and see what time you’d be home. How’s your day going?”

  “It’d be going a lot better if I didn’t have to work late again.”

  “NOOOOOOO babe, not again! Are you serious?!”

  “I know, you don’t even have to say it, but I HAVE to get this report done for Monday’s meeting.” Braelyn instantly started pouting as their plans for the evening had been extinguished before she could even slip into her freak ‘em dress.

  “Well, what time WILL you make it home?”

  “Honestly, it’ll probably be about 8, so you can go ahead and grab dinner without me. I’ll pick up something on the way home.”

  “This is getting real—”

  “Babe, I know, let’s not do this right now. I’ll be home as soon as I can, I promise.�

  “You swear?”

  “You have my word, baby, I’ll wrap this up as fast as I can and come right home.”

  “Well…it’s not like I really have a choice…so I’ll see you SOMETIME this evening.”

  “Baby, you’re the best for understanding. Love you, I’ll see you soon.”

  Woosah, WOOSAH…the third night this week that Kai had to work late. Feeling less like an engaged couple and more like roommates, Braelyn darted out of the parking garage and debated heading east or west. Not wanting to rush home only to be met by an empty house, she hung a right and headed back east. She figured that she might as well head downtown and do some window shopping. Maybe she’d give Roxy a call and see if she had time to grab a drink and keep her company as she sulked.


  Looking more like a Monday night, the crowd was rather thin in the La Bella Plaisir Lounge. Roxy easily spotted Braelyn as she sauntered through the door; as usual, she became the center of attention the minute she stepped inside.

  “Hey, doll,” she sang as she leaned in to hug Braelyn.

  “Hey, hun! Check you out, looking runway ready as always! Do you EVER dress down?”

  “Come on now, you know I’m always on the hunt for my new boo, so flawless is how I roll, girl!”

  “And I know that’s right, but umm, don’t you need to drop your OLD boo first?” Braelyn giggled as she passed Roxy the glass of wine she’d ordered while awaiting her arrival.

  “Chile, you know I can’t be without a plumber, so I’ll drop Robb’s ass when my new boo passes the test at layin’ pipe!” Roxy cackled, “So what’s the tea, why aren’t you home sweatin’ them edges out with Kai?”

  “I’ll give you one guess,” Braelyn offered as she took a sip from her glass of moscato.

  “Not again—working late?”

  “Ding, ding, ding!”

  “Girl, I don’t know how you do it. I mean, how many nights can you eat alone?”

  “Don’t start girl, you’re supposed to cheer me up, not sulk with me!” Braelyn exclaimed.

  “Aww girl, I’m just tired of seeing you with that pitiful look on your face.”

  “Point taken—so what’s been up with you this week?” Braelyn asked, hoping to get Roxy off the subject of her workaholic fiancé.

  “Oooh girl, that’s right! We haven’t talked all week, so I haven’t had a chance to tell you about the cutie I met at the range the other day!” Roxy squealed as she dove right into her story, sharing all the juicy details.

  Just as Braelyn lifted her glass to take another sip, she unintentionally locked eyes with a stranger seated in a booth in the far right corner, near the front of the lounge. Roxy and Braelyn were regulars, so they knew most people even if just by face—this chick was definitely a new face, a face framed by a freshly twisted set of locs that hung just past her shoulders. Braelyn broke the stare, downed a healthy gulp, and glanced back in the direction of the corner to find the dimpled stranger still checking her out, as if she were conducting a complete survey of Braelyn’s person from head to toe. Unsure of whether she should feel uncomfortable or flattered, Braelyn turned her attention back to Roxy’s chatter just as she was wrapping up her story. Braelyn regrouped and chimed in as though she’d been listening the whole time.

  “Damn Roxy, how do you manage to focus and get any work done when your mind is always focused on chasin’ dick?”

  “Girl, how do you think? Delegating my shit to my assistant!”

  They slipped into a casual conversation dotted with tidbits from their lives over the past few weeks, all the while Braelyn snuck glances at the chick in the corner that had more than half of her attention. She met Braelyn’s every glance with an easy smile, flashing a set of picture-perfect dimples, eyes so spellbinding that Braelyn would bet money the loc’d stranger had no problem sliding into the panties of any woman of her choice.

  Roxy stepped away to hit up the ladies’ room, which allowed Braelyn to slip into an uninterrupted war of gazes with Dimples. Turning to fix her eyes on Dimples’ booth, Braelyn was surprised to discover that the stranger had disappeared. Scanning the room left and right, Braelyn didn’t see Dimples heading toward or away from her original seat.

  Just as she turned to face the bar, Braelyn’s leg bumped the leg of the person on the stool next to her. Preparing to cut an evil eye at the invasion of her personal space, Braelyn’s breath caught in her chest as she found herself face to face with Dimples. Trying damn hard to suppress a smile, she feigned irritation.

  “Uhh, ever heard of the three-foot rule?” Braelyn playfully questioned.

  “Indeed, I have, but I believe that rule goes out the window when magnetic forces come into play.”

  “Magnetic forces, huh; and just what magnets would you be referring to?”

  “Your eyes….and mine,” Dimples offered, eyeing Braelyn with an electric flirtation. She hadn’t expected Dimples to actually approach her, nor did she understand why she felt compelled to stare Dimples down, so she was essentially speechless.

  “Pardon me if I’m being a bit forward, but are you here with your lady tonight?”

  “Oh Roxy, she’s just my girlfriend, emphasis on the friend part,” Braelyn chuckled.

  “Must be my lucky day then, because I just had to let you know how stunning you look tonight. I’ve struggled to focus on the conversation at my table because your beauty has me in awe,” Dimples smoothly advanced. Braelyn shifted restlessly on the bar stool.

  “Umm thanks, that’s a sweet thing to say,” Braelyn stammered, racking her brain to figure out why she was all of a sudden so nervous.

  “Well, I don’t want to intrude any further on your chill time, but if it’s okay with you, I’d like to call you sometime,” Dimples suggested. Feeling a sense of regret for not disclosing that, although Roxy wasn’t her lady, she was attached, Braelyn found herself speechless yet again, mouth frozen as though she paused mid-sentence.

  “Or not…” Dimples followed up. Dammit, spit the words out, girl, Braelyn thought to herself. “How about this,” Dimples suggested as she reached for a napkin, “Here’s my number. If you feel compelled to do so, give me a call; if not, then it’s been a pleasure breathing in that awesome fragrance you’re wearing.”

  After jotting her number down on the napkin, Dimples returned her pen to her pocket and slid the napkin Braelyn’s way. Delicately fingering the napkin, Braelyn returned her gaze to those eyes.

  “I look forward to hearing from you, and I bid you a great evening, Ms…” Dimple’s words hung in the air, incomplete as she realized they hadn’t caught each other’s names.


  “Ms. Braelyn, what a lovely name–I’m Sevaughn.” With that, she tipped her fitted Yankee cap and returned to her booth full of friends. With perfect (or imperfect) timing, Roxy magically reappeared.

  “And just who was that, Brae? I know damn well you weren’t flirting!”

  “Me? Flirt? Come on now!”

  “Well, there was definitely something going on because from where I stood, you two were practically eye-fucking!” Roxy exclaimed—she was always over the top.

  “Look, Roxy, she just came over to say hi—that’s all.”

  “And that hi included exchanging numbers why?”

  “Roxy, relax; there wasn’t an exchange of anything. She left HER number, that’s all.”

  “Well, it doesn’t look like you refused it is all I’m saying. Look girl, I love you like a little sister, so just be careful. Don’t play with fire,” Roxy scolded in a singsong tone that was characteristic of her mood shift from carefree to one of concern.

  “I’m good Roxy, I got it—nothing to worry about.”

  They continued their Girl’s Night Out until Braelyn received a text from Kai right before 10pm. Closing out their bar tab, they hugged, climbed into their cars, and went their separate ways. Braelyn was preoccupied by her encounter with Sevaughn the entire drive home. She was normally the cool,
calm, and collected type, and she certainly never fell short on words, so Braelyn couldn’t place her finger on just what it was about Sevaughn that made her feel so nervous, flustered, and drawn to her all at the same time. She was intrigued to say the least, and given her curious nature, she wouldn’t be able to let it go until she dissected that shit.

  Chapter Two

  All of Braelyn’s earlier frustrations over Kai’s demanding work schedule seemed to melt away as she sprinkled kisses all Braelyn’s body. She had this way of erasing every iota of anger, frustration, and any other negative emotion that Braelyn carried, all with the warmth of her touch, the very touch that now inoculated Braelyn’s skin with a frenzied heat that rivaled the desert sun.

  Her lips traveled a path across Braelyn’s collar bone, up her neck, then lingered at the delicate area just below her earlobe. Alternating between a gentle kiss and a vigorous suckle, Kai sent Braelyn’s body down a slope of peaks and valleys. Teetering on the edge of breathlessness and longing to feel her tongue elsewhere, a gradual flow of wetness began to trickle down Braelyn’s inner thigh as Kai suckled her earlobe, sending Braelyn’s body into overdrive. Her legs enveloped Kai and drew her body closer, chest to chest as their heartbeats played the rhythm they’d come to synchronize so well.


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