Book Read Free

Exploring Cassy

Page 6

by Margaret Guthrie



  Counselor motioned for us to follow her. “I’m taking you to the children’s playroom,” she said as we hustled forward. It was an interesting motion, different than walking, since we had no legs. But they weren’t needed. Not at all! We moved in a smooth, floating way that only took the matter of willing it. And fast! In an instant of no-time we came to a large ‘room’ where about a dozen children that looked to be around two years old in human-Earth time, were playing. They looked fully human, materialized. Each child had been given a soft, cloth toy in the form of an animal. Some children did not like what they were given and yes, there were a few efforts of a child trying to take away the toy another had. It was interesting to see reactions. Some children gave up their toy easily. Others not at all. Yes, there was ego already in these children. Definite personalities. But also the inquisitiveness each child had. The desire to explore. Sometimes it involved poking into eyes, ears, mouth of others. Sometimes there was a push, a child falling down in astonishment, then getting back up and moving on. The children were behaving  just like I remember the little ones on Earth. Most uniquely, the children were all colors—white, black, brown, olive, and features associated with indigenous peoples from all over the globe of Earth. It was obvious they noticed differences, but once noticed, how easily they accepted each other. Was that the purpose of this observation?

  Then I noticed around the periphery were adults, apparently the parents of these remarkable children. They were observing also, and didn’t seem aware that we were there. I guess we were invisible. So I was confused. Was this real? If so, where was it real?

  “You’ve asked a very good question,” Counselor said, even though I hadn’t spoken.

  “I brought  you here so you could see all the possibilities available for your next incarnation. Not only can you choose your sex, but also you can choose your race and your ethnic family. You can choose where in the world you want to live. You might say these are temporary children, materialized as protocols for possibilities. Or patterns, templates to choose from.”

  “I thought our past behavior played a large role,” I said.

  “Yes, that’s true. We have to take that into consideration. But if you want to experience what it’s like in another skin color, here’s your chance.”

   “So why do you show us two-year olds?” Ruth asked.

  “Because they’re past the first baby stage of true innocence and are developing quickly the tools to live in the environment they’ve chosen. This is a reminder that race and culture have a strong influence on your next life span on Earth. It’s also a reminder that parents all over Earth really do love their children. You may find that hard to believe, Salvador, but it’s true. You probably can dig up some memory of that love expression toward you in your mother, and in your father.”

  “Humph,” he snorted. “I bet David the Torch can’t either,” he added. “We’re two of a kind there.”

  David looked at him in astonishment, as if he’d never considered they had anything in common. It was interesting to see the two eye each other. “You didn’t know who you were, either?” David asked after a while.

  Salvador shrugged his shoulders and was silent. I think both of them were uncomfortable and confused. But then, who isn’t in this place. It’s so totally unexpected, and unending. And I’m beginning to see how many different groups there are. Right now, we’ve left the children and seem to be flying over group after group. Some of them look like communities that you’d see on Earth, with gardens and houses and people working. I say people, but they’re not quite. They’re like half-beings, their bodies almost visible, as if their consciousness was trying to create a physical form.

  Counselor once more picked up my thought. “That’s true, Cassy,” she said. “But it’s not possible to exist here in physical form. They’re being pulled back to Earth. They’re not adjusting here. They want too many things that only Earth, or another similar planet, can provide. They don’t realize, yet, that they have to go back into the womb and start from the beginning.”

  “How are they going to find out?” I asked, perplexed, because I could tell this was going to come up for me. And those around me.

  “When their projects fail. When their gardens and buildings lose the solidity they so carefully tried to build and return to light rays. Then they’ll ask for help and a team will become available to them for the life-planning sessions they will need.”

  As we passed over various areas, we noticed excitement in some and passivity in others. Gail asked why the  groups seemed so different from one another. Ruth suggested it was the ‘many mansions’ that Jesus mentioned in the New Testament.

  “You’re quite right,” Counselor answered. “And you see that group over there?” We looked to where she was pointing. Several beings were moving toward a bright glowing ovoid, waiting, as if newly born into this place. She was soon surrounded with glorious exuberant colors, splashing up and around, and out until all was such brilliant light that we could hardly look at it.

  “It’s a celebration,” Counselor explained. “They are welcoming this spirit back from a special life-journey. She has been on a mission to Earth for the express purpose of helping humans raise their awareness of the Love that holds all things together. See what giants they are?” Counselor asked, and then motioned us to stay back “Give them room,” she said. “But let yourself feel the love that this group exudes.”

  I was gaping. I had never seen such energy, such an array of colors that kept swirling and changing, as if it were a language, but expressed in total silence. A silence so full of love that I could barely comprehend, and brought to me such longing that my ‘eyes’ overflowed with tears. And I’m not one to cry. I don’t like criers. It also brought a memory of  those times I climbed up on my father’s lap to get his love and embrace. I had almost forgotten that part of my life. When Louise came along, I was supposed to be the big girl. Big girls didn’t need all that petting. I looked around surreptitiously, wondering how the others were reacting. They seemed to be enthralled as much as I. David was big-eyed. Salvador’s aura was stock-still for a change. Gail and Ruth had moved toward the group as far as Counselor allowed their tethers to go.

   “This is a very special group, and we are honored to be seeing this reunion. The beings in this group were on Earth at different times throughout its existence. Humans call them Saviors, Lords, Masters.”

  David took issue. “There’s only one savior,” he said quietly.

  “That’s what you were taught,” Counselor stated. She gave him a sympathetic look. “And the Jesus you are familiar with made a huge impression in that world. Hence the marking of time from before and after his existence there.” She paused as if judging how well we were listening. “But other saviors were sent to Earth when the darkness threatened to blot it out. There were saviors before Jesus the Christ, and after him.” She paused again.

  I could see that the figures looked slightly different from one another if I concentrated on each one. Gradually each one took on a different kind of dress, as if  letting us see the historical figure they had been.

  That’s when Ruth gasped. “Krishna,” she said. “Moses. Buddha. Even Mohammed. Saint Francis. Oh, there are others I have never seen pictures of. Perhaps from Mexico? the Andes? the Himalayas? even ancient America?” She was excited and clasped her ‘hands’ together in reverence.

  “You’ve got it,” Counselor said.

  “What are you talking about,” David asked. He was a bit irritated.

  “Why are they all greeting this one...spirit?” Salvador asked.

   “Good questions,” Counselor said. “You’re beginning to pay attention. They are all greeting her because she has known them all. And because the Truth they teach, the Love they practice, is the same for all.” Counselor reached out and touched David and Salvador lightly on their shoulders. Just a quick, bright pinpoint of light like stars put on children’s papers’ when the
y do something well.

  “Each of these beings have been through the many incarnations on Earth that it takes to finally understand what the whole exercise is all about.” She laughed, her aura doing a little jig. “You see,” she went on, “Earth is very old. Millions and millions of souls have gone through millions of lifetimes on Earth, and gone through the travails and excitements it provides. It’s been said that Earth-time goes through evolutionary cycles.” She studied us, judging how much we were ready to hear.

  “People in the east say it takes 12,000 years to go from the darkest period to the brightest period and 12,000 years in a downward cycle from the golden age to the darkest age. And all that time Earth has beings watching over what is happening. When they see deep, destructive problems, they send down a spirit like the one who has just returned, to give Earth the light it needs.”

  David was shaking his head. ”That’s just totally wrong,” he said

  “Or you were given wrong information,” Ruth told him. “That church group you were with. The one’s that came up to the cabin and used our back yard for a shooting range. They were giving you false ideas. I was already dead, but I could see what was going on. They were just loading you up with fear. Isn’t that right?” Her usually blue aura was darkening into a violet with a reddish tinge. Anger.

  He looked startled. Then sighed. “They thought they were so right. They made the Bible read like a history book, and they didn’t like anyone who challenged them.”

  “I guess  you should know,” Gail commented. We all looked at her and waited for more explanation.

  “Well, I mean, you did go and try to shoot them into paying attention to you. What were you thinking, anyway?”

  “I don’t know,” David admitted. “They were just so righteous. And then they got to acting like I was an enemy. One day we were at the cabin—it was a shooting party for Christians. And the minister was there. He said some people were saying it wasn’t right. And he laughed. He suggested we all bring our guns to church and show them off. Unloaded, of course, he said. He was just pissed off at those who thought guns should be regulated. So, I figured I’d take him up on that.”

  “So you just one day decided to be the enemy?” Gail asked.

  “That’s what they wanted,” David said. “That was my role, I guess.” He looked at Counselor. “Isn’t that what you meant? We played roles, like in a play. On Earth.”

  Counselor nodded. “And what have you learned from that role?” she asked.

  David slumped. He motioned over to the group still rejoicing and celebrating. “I’d like to have some of that,” he said.

  I noticed that from out of nowhere, other ovoid lights were slowly moving toward the bright group of Giants, Masters, Lords, Saviors, then stopping, as if they couldn’t move any closer. As if some wall had sprung up preventing their approach.

  “You’re not ready,” Counselor said. “But if  you want what they have to give, you can choose to enter the disciplines necessary to raise your consciousness to their level.”

   “Disciplines?” he asked.

  This perked me up too. It sounded like work. Like going back and redoing lives, maybe changing some habits, or perceptions, or experiences. Like making choices I hadn’t thought of before.

  “Now you’re getting the picture,” Counselor said. “All these beings have spent lifetime after lifetime learning to discipline those senses that human beings take so much pride in. Admittedly, it takes those five senses to fully experience Earth, but that also opens each one up to all the hurts and humiliations that living with all those different people entail.”

  “So they were just like us at one time?” Gail asked.

  “Just like you,” Counselor replied. “The difference is, they persevered, life after life, to be the best human they could. Each life brought them more understanding about the meaning of their existence. Each time they learned a little more about compassion for others, serving others, loving and caring for others. And each time they served, they knew a bit more about the Love that is the glue, the essence of Life.”

  “So they became saints,” Gail said.

  “Right,” Counselor replied. “They became saints that could have stayed here on this plane forever. But because of their compassionate nature, they went back to Earth and suffered through the limitations of earthlings in their little bodies.” Counselor let her aura settle about her as she gazed at us, noting—and no doubt evaluating—our expressions.

  Counselor went on. “These perfect beings went back into human form and became models for others to follow. Jesus knew his message of love and forgiveness would be challenged. They all knew they would be misunderstood and mistreated. Human ignorance and pride is a major tool of the dark forces that want Earth to continue in their control. They knew, however, that they were never alone in their mission. They always had some contact with those here, and with that One that is everywhere, in everything.” Counselor smiled. “Furthermore, they knew that there were some who had the eyes to see and the ears to hear, and that would be enough to keep their messages remembered through years to come.” Counselor stopped. She looked over at the celebration. As the movement of other figures kept coming, there also seemed to be something else going on.

   If one could see this place as a big sky, and you viewing it high above clouds from a plane, or even maybe as a skydiver floating gently with clouds, along with other skydivers, celebrating together, enjoying the experience, feeling separate and safe, then looking down one could see an opening, and those on the ground were looking up, wanting contact, wanting in on the experience.  Well, that was the feeling I was getting. As if those this saint left behind were celebrating in their own way. Like they did on Earth. Celebrated a life. Making it not a funeral, but a service helping those left with the transition, just as the one lifted up was in transition. 

  We all watched what seemed to be a long time.

   Gail broke our silence. “All those religious wars,” she said. “All the factions of one religion fighting over the rules to live by, as if only they were right. That’s one reason I never went to church much. Too much dogma. I thought just being a humanist, a nature lover, was good enough.” Her aura jiggled about as if she were laughing.

   “You were a good human,” Counselor commented with an aura of light that surrounded Gail like a hug.

  I watched, and waited for the ‘but,’ to come. Something told me that just being a good human wasn’t enough to keep you here, in this atmosphere which was really a comfortable place. We were all cared for, and cared about. And we could do no wrong, or at least we were not scolded and shamed and made to feel like hopeless nothings. That counted for a lot.      

  “Yes, this is a comfortable place,” Counselor agreed. “It’s a place to rest and recover. And hopefully find what it is you need to do to graduate from Earth school and realize this is your rightful home.”

  “That makes here sound temporary,” I said out loud. “And I was just beginning to get used to it.” I was being light and cynical. David seemed to be trying to smile. Salvador looked restless. Gail and Ruth looked expectant, ready to hear more.

  “You have all lived through a dark period on Earth,” Counselor stated. “It’s just now starting to enter a new age where people will learn better methods of communication. Already you have experienced the era of electricity and other energies that have made the lives you lived more full and fast. Perhaps too fast.”

  Ruth picked up on that and said, “That’s why the cottage was so important. People came to get away from the rat race, as they called it. The mountains were a place to renew themselves.”

   “Yes, Earth’s mountains are special places.” Counselor smiled. “The One made them with that in mind. Many mountain caves have been used as places of contemplation. And they have been used for less worthy pursuits.” She stopped there, but it seemed obvious that we were all thinking about the wars that were going on in mountains a lot more rugged than the Rocky Moun
tains we knew.

  “Wars will continue until the message of Love is understood.” Counselor looked at us in such a sorrowful way that I nearly cringed. Were we supposed to go back and carry that message of love? I, for one, couldn’t imagine that role.

  “Special Ones have been sent to do what they can,” Counselor said, repeating what she had said just moments before. “They are on Earth now, doing their best to spread the message that all souls are from One Source, that all individuals are related, that no one is better than another. At the same time, the darkness doesn’t want to let in the light. The darkness wants to rule, to keep ignorance going, to encourage division and selfishness, greed.”

  We all looked at Counselor.  She was so earnest. Her aura kept expanding and contracting, waves of her spreading out into the distance, then coming back and hovering around us like gentle arms embracing. She was using the best shower of Love she could, or that we were able to accept. It was as if we needed to know this before we made decisions about returning there. I felt a sharp, electric sizzle run up my ‘spine’ reminding me of the alarm-clock that used to awaken me to prepare for an early, before the sun was up, trip to climb one of those 14,000 ft mountains in Colorado, down there on Earth. Mountaineers are asked why they climb. Many say, ‘because it’s there.’ Many go to the Himalayas to experience greater heights, greater challenges. Going for the caves and the contemplation in the silence and solitariness I could relate to. That’s what I did. I really did. But why didn’t it work? Must I return to Earth to try again? It’s one of those possibilities to choose from. I remembered climbing, the challenge of taking one step after another to get higher and higher, to find the right path, to go on in spite of rain, cold snow, elevation that makes the hands swell, the breath come with effort, and at the top, to see the distances, the other mountains, the ravens soaring, catching the down drafts, the little pica’s with mouths full of grass, always busy with their nests, the marmots pitching their calls to each other, sharp and piercing.

  Counselor had paused, her aura settling down around her. She seemed to be listening to all our inner thoughts, perhaps analyzing them. She spoke first to Ruth, and I caught myself feeling left out. After all, Counselor had been responding to my thoughts before. Why not now?

  “You’ve been studying with some of these Masters over different lifetimes,” Counselor said to Ruth. “You’ve understood their messages. You’ve been frustrated with the way the  messages have been misunderstood and distorted. Still,  you have done well. You no longer feel the need for family. You will find satisfaction in a group of men or women devoting themselves to raising their consciousness. As a nun, or monk. Right?” Counselor smiled at Ruth, whose blue aura spoke joy, joy, joy.

  “All of you. Let yourselves feel the Love that this group is emitting. Absorb it.  It is like food. Take it with you. But we cannot stay. None of you are ready for the strong energy they are evoking. It would be dangerous for you to get any closer.” She paused. “Still, when you are curious enough, when you long enough, when you’re tired enough of wailing for what you know not, come back to this feeling and know that Love like this is what you are after.”

  Her words hit me hard. Love like this. Yes. That’s what it is!  Counselor was already moving us on, leaving this group to their celebrations. And it felt so lonely all of a sudden.

  “Okay,” Counselor said, almost crossly. “Do you, all of  you, now realize you have some work to do? You complain about not being loved, about being disappointed, about being ignored, about being rejected. But what are you going to do about it? Are you going to turn it around and find ways that you can be loving, caring, accepting people? Are you ready to take a good look at what your goals are for the next incarnation?

   “So you’re going to expose us to this great Love and then tell us we can’t have  it?” Salvador asked in a bold, righteous voice.

   “Ah, I got your attention,” smiled Counselor. “Sometimes it takes a bit of doing.” She turned to David. “And you. What do you say? Did you feel the Love?” She stepped directly in front of David, whose Torch was pretty much out, challenging him.

   “Yes,” he said, pouting. “I felt it.”

   “But you’re not convinced it’s available to you?”

   “Probably not.”

   “Why do you suppose that is?”

  “They don’t see me?” David shrugged.

  “They don’t feel any love coming from you!” Counselor said sternly. “You chose a gun over Love?” She shook her head sadly. “When are you going to understand that Love cannot be purchased. Love cannot be forced. Love does not come by killing the possible giver of Love.”

  “But they didn’t have any Love. They just hated,” David whined.

  “And you absorbed that hate? You thought hating back would get you Love? Doesn’t work that way, David”. Counselor was inches away from him, as much in his face as one could get. And yet, it wasn’t like any encounter I could imagine on Earth. Counselor had an authority that one couldn’t ignore.

  “How can you love if you don’t know how?” This came from Gail, surprisingly. I thought it was a David question. Could it be he wasn’t even able to formulate that question? That he didn’t even know that was a question he needed to ask? If so, then, his last life must have been really barren. Could he have been one of those babies orphaned and placed in cribs, so crowded into a room with others that the staff had no time to pick them up, cuddle them, play with them? Or did he come from an indifferent mother and missing father who themselves had not known parental love. If, as Counselor was saying, we are all a finger of the One, when did these little ones get lost? When did those fingers get cut off? and why?

  “My, how many questions you have,” Counselor said, again picking up my thoughts. The others looked puzzled, but she didn’t stop to explain. But in answer to Gail’s question, she said, “If you don’t know how to love, you will need to be shown by example. And be willing to risk accepting and honoring the emotions of love in yourself. Basically, you are made of love. But when you go back to Earth you are also given free-will to break away from love and try living on your own. Love, you see, always involves two. Love is kept alive by the energy of many fingers. The One is Love made from the bonding of many, the ‘we.’” She threw this out like a seed that might find the soil it needed to grow, but with the possibility it would find only stony ground.

  It brought to my mind the trails I had traveled, past big boulders with little soil, and yet a tree found root and continued to grow, year after year. I had always been amazed at the tenaciousness of nature. So many different kinds of wild flowers I had seen, some in open meadows, some hidden in shadows, many along streams, some in high, dry country. So I suppose love was somewhat like that tenacious nature to live and grow.

  “Very thoughtful,” Counselor said. “You might want to share those thoughts some time with the others.” She opened her wide, wing-like aura that seemed to throw sparkles of goodness in all directions, a kind of showering us with fairy dust. “But I have something else for you to see,” she announced, and began to move. We followed, again with the speed of light it seemed.



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