Book Read Free

The Perfect Holiday

Page 1

by David Horne

  “The Perfect Holiday”

  M/M Gay Christmas Romance

  David Horne

  © 2019

  David Horne

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This book is intended for Adults (ages 18+) only. The contents may be offensive to some readers. It may contain graphic language, explicit sexual content, and adult situations. May contain scenes of unprotected sex. Please do not read this book if you are offended by content as mentioned above or if you are under the age of 18.

  Please educate yourself on safe sex practices before making potentially life-changing decisions about sex in real life. If you’re not sure where to start, see here: (courtesy of Jerry Cole).

  This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Products or brand names mentioned are trademarks of their respective holders or companies. The cover uses licensed images and are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any person(s) that may be depicted on the cover are simply models.

  Edition v1.00 (2019.12.16)

  Special thanks to the following volunteer readers who helped with proofreading: Dave C., RB, JayBee, Naomi W., and those who assisted but wished to be anonymous. Thank you so much for your support.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  Chapter One


  I flopped down on the couch and let out a sigh of relief. “Two and a half weeks of freedom!” I shouted just as my roommate Carter came out of his room. He wore his work uniform, and which made me even more happy for the break from school. We both worked at the on-campus Starbuck’s and it was going to be closed during the holiday break. Finals were over and we had nearly three weeks off before we had to return to classes and work. Tomorrow would be my last official day before they closed down for the break.

  “Someone seems happy,” Carter said. Carter had a southern accent that never seized to make me smile. It was charming as all hell. But if you let him tell it, I was the one with the accent. It wasn’t the first time I’d heard that from someone since I’d moved to Georgia from Boston four years ago. But it was still funny coming from someone with an accent as thick as Carters.

  “What can I say man, I love a good break from school,” I said with a grin and Carter smiled. Carter had a nice smile, a smile I sometimes found myself staring at for far too long. It was stupid of me to be as attracted to him as I was but how could I not be with his icy blue eyes that I swore could see through to my soul. He was shorter than me which was something I’d always liked in my men. His face was perfectly symmetrical with sharp angles in all the right places. He kept his thick, jet black hair shaved close at the sides and long on top. I remembered the first time I’d seen it and wondered if it was as silky as it looked. I’d found out a few months later when we’d gone to our first frat party and he’d gotten drunk. His hair had been longer then and I’d held it back for him as he’d puked. It was softer than I’d imagined.

  I knew I was attracted to him almost immediately, but I’d never uttered a word. At first it was because I wasn’t out. I hadn’t come from a place where it was okay to be openly gay, so I’d been used to suppressing my attraction to other men. At first it wasn’t easy with us being in such close proximity to each other, but I’d managed.

  I’d eventually come out. Well, I was found out. Atlanta was no stranger to the gay scene and there were plenty of LGBTQ+ support groups on campus. I was a member of one of the bigger groups and a few of the members had told me about this gay club. I hadn’t really been out in the six months that I’d been on campus and I was itching for a hookup. So, one night, I’d gone out with the guys from the group. I’d ended up having an amazing time and I’d found a guy who was willing to take me home with him. My gay experiences were limited but I knew how to give a good blow job so I figured we wouldn’t even have to leave the parking lot and we could just blow each other in my car but as we’d stumbled out of the club, mouths fused together as if we were trying to eat each other’s faces off and fate decided to give me a swift kick to the balls because we stumbled right into Carter.

  To say he was shocked was an understatement. I remember looking at him with utter fear seeping into my bones. I’d been so damn mortified that I’d ran off before he could even say anything. I was sure he was going to be going to housing and requesting a new roommate by morning. But instead, he was sitting on the couch waiting for me when I finally decided to return to the dorm.

  “Why didn’t you tell me,” he’d said, and he looked hurt which surprised me. “I thought we were friends. Don’t friends tell each other stuff like this.”

  And that was how I found myself telling my very straight roommate that I was gay. I didn’t know what to expect from him after I’d come out. Disgust, maybe a bit of discomfort. But he surprised me by saying, “Cool dude. That just means I have less competition when we go out. You can be my wing man.”

  And I’d loved him for it. Even thought my heart was telling me to stop being an idiot, I’d fallen for Carter. And again, who could blame me?

  “Did you give any thought to my offer?” he said, snatching me from my memories.” He was pulling on his coat and scarf as he looked at me expectantly.

  It took me a moment to realize what he was asking, and I groaned. “I don’t know man, aren’t your parents sick of me crashing with you guys during every holiday break?” I said and he rolled his eyes.

  “Unless you want Mom calling you every second of the day to make sure you’ve eaten then you better come. Come on man, Mom is itching to fill you up with food for the next few weeks, you know how she worries.” And he was right. Carter’s mom Sheila was an amazing woman. She’d taken a shine to me the day we’d moved into our dorm. She was a mother hen and she took care of her chicks, with me being Carter’s roommate, I became one of those chicks. When she learned I didn’t have a mom to take care of me, she became even more determined to smother me with love.

  “I’ll think about it,” I said with a sigh. “Don’t forget I have last shift tomorrow so I can’t drive up with you,” I said, and he nodded. Carter’s family lived in Brooksburg, Tennessee, it was a little town outside of Knoxville which was about a four-hour drive from Atlanta. We usually made the drive together to keep each other entertained but I needed to work, and Carter was anxious to get home. As much as he complained about his hometown, I knew he got homesick sometimes. I was sure if I’d come from a loving family, I would too.

  “Fine,” he said as he pulled on his beanie. He looked even more adorable than usual if that were possible. “I’ve got to get going, I’ll see you later tonight if you aren’t passed out,” he said with a grin, the dimple in his cheek popping out. He then turned to walk out the door but paused. He snapped his fingers and said,
“I forgot to mention, my brother is coming home this year, so Mom is really going above and beyond. It would be cool if you came and finally met him, I think you two would hit it off,” he said with a casual shrug before leaving and closing the door behind him.

  Carter’s brother was infamous. I’d heard a lot about him and had seen some photos of him around the house. None of them recent however, because it had been years since his brother has been home. For the longest time, the eldest Dallas son had been overseas doing work for Doctors without Borders. Sheila and Carter’s dad, Brandon, always bragged about their sons and how proud they were of them.

  Other than me being pre-med, I had no idea what Carter’s brother Sawyer and I would have in common. No one wanted to talk medical jargon just because they knew to speak it. He was a successful doctor while I was struggling to pass my classes. Getting into medical school was beginning to look impossible but I wasn’t giving up. Not by a long shot. I had no one to make proud but myself and that was more than enough for me.


  I was asleep by the time Carter got home so I’d missed him when he left the following morning. He had left a note letting me know that he was hitting the road and that he’d text me when he arrived. He also told me to pack my shit and be there tomorrow.

  “So much for thinking about it,” I grumbled but I smiled. If Carter didn’t want me there, then he would have said so. The fact that he did want me to spend the holidays with them meant a lot to me. I wasn’t big on sharing my feelings, so I reminded myself to get him something nice for Christmas. For all of the Dallas’ actually. I wasn’t rolling in dough, but I had a savings account that had been set up for me when I was a baby.

  I didn’t know who my parents were or why they’d given me up. I’d been in foster care for as long as I could remember. The story was I’d been dropped off at a fire station with nothing but a bag of clothes and my birth certificate. I knew my mother’s name, Patricia Oliver but that was it and by the time I’d been old enough to research her it was almost impossible to find her. There was no father listed so I had nothing to go by there. Whoever my mother was had the afterthought to set up a savings account in my name. It had accumulated interest over the years and I’d finally gotten access to it when I’d turned eighteen. There had been an address linked to the account but when I’d gone to it, the tenants of the run-down apartment building were all long gone.

  So, I didn’t have parents but at least the one I’d had, had left me with a little bit of money. Which has helped, a lot over the past four years. The amount of money that had been left hadn’t suggested my mother was poor but the apartment complex she’d lived in would have suggested otherwise. I remembered one night were Carter and I had sat down and came up with all of these different theories about my parents. We thought maybe my father was in the Italian mob. If you looked at me, it was clear to anyone I wasn’t completely Caucasian. I had naturally olive toned skin that turned a gorgeous shade of caramel when I stood in the sun too long.

  “Maybe he was in the Mafia,” Carter had said as he took another swig of beer. It was his fifth one and his words were beginning to slur. “Maybe he’d been taken out on a hit and your mom was so stricken with grief that she couldn’t look at you without seeing your dad. So, she took the money he left behind for her and put it all into a savings account for you before she dropped you off at the fire station and went on to live her life a broken widow.”

  I’d stared at him for a long time, wondering how in the world he came up with the things he did. It wasn’t that farfetched, but I also doubted it was that romantic either.

  I pushed thoughts of money and presents aside as I went to my room and began to pack.


  My shift was uneventful, and I ended up going home early which worked great for me because it meant I could hit the road that afternoon instead of having to wait until morning. I’d texted Carter to let him know what was up and his response was for me to drive safely or he’d kill me. I may have smiled for the entire first half of the ride.

  I’d just made it to Knoxville when my phone pinged with an alert. I’d had my social media set up to alert me when certain people posted. I only had a few set so I knew it had to be Carter or someone from the group. When I came to a red light, I swiped open the screen and saw it was in fact a post from Carter. I regretted opening it immediately.

  Carter posted a photo of him out having dinner with his old high school girlfriend. They’d broken up when they chose to go to separate colleges, but Carter was still very much in love with her. Kimberly. She was gorgeous. I’d give her that, with her wide blue eyes and long blonde hair. She reminded me a doll. Seeing Carter with hearts in his eyes, made my own chest ache and suddenly I didn’t much feel like showing up to his parents’ place. I was being dumb, I knew that. I knew Carter was straight and that there was no chance in hell for us but that hadn’t stopped me from giving him my heart on a silver fucking platter.

  I suddenly needed a drink. And like a beacon, Pete’s Tavern was calling my name.

  Chapter Two


  It had been too long since I’d sat down and had a cold one. My life had been so hectic lately that I barely sat down to take shit, let alone have a beer. But that was my fault for taking on more than I could handle. But that was over, at least for a few weeks. I hadn’t been home in such a long time, and I made sure I made myself perfectly clear when I told the hospital staff, I’d bite their heads off if they even thought to call me over the next two weeks. I’d earned this vacation and I sure as fuck was going to take advantage of it.

  I’d gotten a hotel nearby which didn’t make a lot of sense. My hometown was only a forty-minute drive from here and my mother would lose her mind if she thought I was staying at a hotel for the duration of my vacation. I’d only gotten in hopes of finding someone to hook up with for the night. Brooksburg was slim pickings for the sort of company I preferred and if I was going to be there for the next few weeks, I figured I could get a quick fuck in before I went through a two-week dry spell.

  I looked around the bar and it was packed with bodies. It was Saturday which meant it was crawling with eager men ready for a night of fun. I spotted a few that had caught my eye but not what I was looking for that night. I was looking to get fucked and whenever I chose to bottom, I liked it with men my height and build, if not a little taller.

  I was ready to settle on this blond guy who had been eyeing me all night when my eyes fell on a gorgeous man with tanned skin and dark hair. I could only see his profile and even that was gorgeous. He was staring off into space as if he wanted to be anywhere but here and I could help him with that. I could take him to the moon if he’d come back to my room with me.

  I signaled for the bartender and when he came, I ordered a drink to be delivered to the sad looking man. He didn’t look older than twenty-one, but I was fine with that. His height and build were exactly what I needed for the night. I watched and waited as the bartender mixed the drink and delivered it. The young man looked perplexed for a moment when the bartender gestured my way, the man turned to face me and, “Holy Fuck,” I grumbled as I took him in. He was even more gorgeous than his profile suggested.

  A slow smile appeared on his face as he held up the drink in thanks before taking a sip. His eyes never left mine as he sipped at his screaming orgasm. It was one of the most suggestive drinks I could think of and as his tongue came out to lick around the sugared rim of the glass, I knew I’d found my bed partner for the night.

  I quickly shot down the rest of my drink. Before tipping the bartender and made my way over the man, who still hadn’t taken his eyes off me. They narrowed as I got closer as if he were assessing me. I was fine with that, because I hoped those hazel eyes would be looking over every inch of my skin a few moments.

  “Hey there,” I said as I took the empty stool next to him.

  “Hey yourself,” he replied, and chills raced over my skin. His voice was like the whiskey he’d been
sipping. Smooth and smoky. It was deeper than I expected it to be, but I liked it, I knew he’d sound amazing as he leaned over me and told me how good I felt around him. Fuck. It really had been too long. I was so hard up I thought I’d explode just from the images alone.

  “How’s the drink?” I asked with a smirk. A smirk of his own appeared and I was a goner. As if the man could get any sexier. I needed him in my bed. Now.

  “It’s good, could be better. I’m not really feeling the orgasm that it suggests.”

  Oh, hell yes. “I could change that,” I said, voice dripping with sex. I was beyond playing hard to get. He was going to be mine for the night.

  “Yeah?” He licked his lips as his eyes trailed to mine and I could see the gears turning in his head as he imagined my lips wrapped around him, and they would be.

  “I have a room right across the street, mind joining me?”

  He didn’t even hesitate. He slapped a few bills on the bar and stood. I fought back a groan because he was perfect. Perfect height and perfect build to pound me the way I needed.

  “Lead the way,” he said before he pressed his chest to mine. It was wide and hard, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on him.

  We left the bar and quickly crossed the street to my hotel. The second we got inside; he was on me like a lion on a gazelle. He kissed me as if I was his last meal and I reciprocated in kind. He had amazing lips. Soft and plump. I could have kissed him for days. But I had other things I wanted to do with my mouth and so did he.

  The evening progressed the way I’d hoped it would. I didn’t ask for his name and he didn’t ask for mine as we rolled around the sheets of my bed. I screamed out yes, and more, and please as he fucked me against the wall. He’d groaned in my ear as I’d taken him down my throat. I’d called him baby, as he’d pounded into me, pegging my prostate and sending me flying and I hadn’t cared. I’d have called him anything and everything with the way he’d made me feel. I’d soared higher than I’d ever soared in my life when he’d finally let me cum. I’d clawed at his back and screamed to the heavens as my body shook with the power of my orgasm. And then when he shot in the condom inside of me, he’d held on to me tight as his own orgasm took over.


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