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The Queen of Hope (Tower of Glass series) (The Throne Of Glass Book 1)

Page 6

by Anna Lacroire

  Amenea felt a sense of calm here, a sense of quiet. The last few weeks had been chaotic, she thought. The trip here, attending Chateau school, meeting Custennain and his brothers, the wonders in the Crystal chateau itself, her new attire, the glass tower and …

  Amenea’s thoughts were gently halted as her eyes fell upon the stone seat that the old mystical man had sat upon last time she was here with her sisters. The mystic man that had been seated before just beside the door to the courtyard, was not there. No one was there. Feeling a sense of detached freedom in even such a place as small as this courtyard, Amenea lifted her head up to breathe in the fresh air. She breathed it in deeply as she closed her eyes. How wonderful the quiet is, she thought as she opened her eyes again. How wonderful.

  Feeling that she may try and stay here until dawn broke fully, Amenea decided to sit on the edge of the fountain. She took off her jewelled slippers and gently dangled her feet into the cool, waters. Feeling refreshed she pulled out her feet and swung herself back round on the wide, stoned edge of the fountain where she was seated to dry her feet in the cool air. As she leant back, she suddenly lost her balance.

  “Oh no!” cried Amenea. She fell backwards into the fountain. With the weight of her robes now entirely full of water she was like a dead weight – she held her breath as she tried to fight against the pulling sensation that pulled her naturally down. Down, down, down she went. Suddenly Amenea was aware of the force of the pull which was very strong. She puffed out her cheeks and expanded her chest as she held her breath even longer as the plunged further and further, faster and faster into the darkness.

  The darkness of the fountain water was also feeling cooler and cooler as she went down. She opened her eyes under the water and saw that through the dark depths of the water that the water was exactly that. Full of depth. Underneath the fountain it was wider than she had thought, far wider than what the fountain looked like above – she tried to see all around her, but the strength of the vortex was pulling her down so fast and so strongly that she could not fight it. She just tried to steal glimpses of whatever she could see as she rushed down and down.

  Then just at that moment when Amenea thought that she was losing all hope as she was plunged into total darkness, light started filling the darkness. Bright, bright light. Shining from above and the sides. And strangely enough Amenea could hear a harmonious sound of orchestrated female voices singing softly. Amenea tried to listen to the words to work out what was being said but she was getting to the point of not being able to hold her breath anymore. She was wondering what on earth was happening. She had no control over her body she had to go where the force of the water was carrying her.

  In a flash moment, bright, white light entirely filled her vision so much so that she was blinded and the sensation of being pulled down changed. She was gently spun in all directions by the force of the water until her direction changed. She was going up not down.

  For a few seconds Amenea just hung in the water, suspended in its gravity. As the final depths of darkness started to vanish, images or faces that she did not recognise appeared in the water, almost like a transparent reflection. Then these faces and images, disappeared. Bright coloured lights followed their vanishing fade. Following them deep into the darkness beyond. Then, fast, fast, fast. Faster and faster she travelled in this column of energised water beneath the fountain going up and up and up. The flow of the water was following this bright light that was pulling her up. The waters were feeling warmer now. Yes, definitely warmer until her entire head and eyes were looking upwards. She felt a surge - a force pushing her, the waters were pushing her up - above her Amenea suddenly felt the natural pull of the water sucking her up, faster and faster. Hundreds of metres she travelled in a few seconds, until – she could see water no more… the sky, was up above her, then whoosh!

  Amenea was ejected with a wave of water, upwards into the air. Once in the air – the water descended and splattered ungracefully beneath her but Amenea remained, held in the air’s natural gravity. She looked beneath her and saw her feet, dangling at the end of her body, many meters, high up above the, golden sand which was beneath her. As Amenea moved her head from left to right a much as she could do, in this unknown position of elevation she saw that sand was all around.

  Amenea could make out a few, very tall, green tree’s in the distance, on the horizon. She could not see any people or houses just a monument or something like that, huge it was, colossal in size compared to anything else that she could see. The air was hot, very hot. Amenea licked her upper lip. It was salty – partly from the sweat, partly from the water in the fountain she thought. At that moment Amenea was looking at the fountain, now just to her right and slightly in front of her. It’s waters now lay still. What has just happened? She thought.

  Still slightly dazed and bewildered by this new experience, Amenea thought, where am I? Lifting her head back up from peering down below her she started to look around her again, but the harmonious voices sung louder and louder, forcing her to close her eyes just for a few seconds in this intense moment.

  Amenea thought – what is going to happen to me? What is all this? Then, in that moment, the singing faded and then stopped. It was almost as if someone had read her thought’s, felt her fear.

  Amenea opened her eyes again, the same bright lights that Amenea saw in the depths of the water, circled her. Different colours shone from each one – round and bright. They moved around her in a gentle, circular motion. Surprised, shocked and now starting to feel worried at this new experience. Amenea froze. Her body stiffened, and she held her breath in expectation of something about to happen, she could feel the strain of her eyeballs as she looked widely from side to side. Looking at these lights and their movements. Should she be scared – she thought. What is this? What is going to happen to me. The lights then suddenly stopped moving, hovered, then vanished. The next thing Amenea then remembered was darkness. Total darkness.

  Within the depths of darkness,

  You will find light.

  It’s hidden pathways,

  Will, be your guide.

  Believe in the future

  And all will reveal

  The truth, your wish,

  your dreams fulfilled.

  Chapter 12

  Amenea opened her eyes and blinked fast as someone’s eyes were looking into hers. Shocked and surprised – she pulled her head back and realised when she did try to do that, that she was actually lying down and therefore could not pull her head back. She suddenly felt startled and confused.

  Amenea immediately tried to sit up but she still felt disorientated and started to slump back down when a voice said,

  “It’s okay” it was a softly, spoken male voice.

  “Your okay – it’s okay.” The voice soothingly continued. Her eyes started to focus more and Amenea then realised that she was looking into the eyes of Custennain. Now his voice seemed familiar.

  “Just lay still for a moment – take your time. You are in my chambers. I found you next to the fountain, on the grass. You were drenched through and unconscious, so I carried you here and put my softest and warmest furs on you. The fire should be warming you by now.” He continued.

  “Would you like something to drink – you look exhausted?” Custennain said.

  Still lost for words and still feeling dazed, Amenea nodded her head slowly. Custennain turned to his side to reach for a stone encrusted, metal goblet on a large, solid, beautifully carved table that lay next to his enormous, wooden carved bed. As he did this, Amenea was again reminded of his huge shoulders that stretched widely across in front of her. Which cast an immediate shadow upon her small, wilted figure. His equally strong jaw line was caught in bright light that was now pouring in from the large crystal wall.

  “What time is it?” Amenea asked.

  “It’s been daylight for the last 30 minutes or so. Don’t rush, drink something.” he replied.

  As he said this, he turned back towards Amen
ea and held the goblet up to her lips. The other arm he slid behind her back and brought her forward, to a sitting position where she drank. She could feel his strong, large muscles, pushing in gently against her skinny, bony, back. She wanted to be herself and refuse his support, but she gratefully lulled her back against it – she felt exhausted.

  Just as Amenea drank the final bit of the water, one of the skins that was covering her and giving her warmth slipped and her breast, appeared – uncovered. Amenea looked down as she felt cool air on her body and then she realised that she was actually naked.

  “Oh, my goodness!” she exclaimed – shocked.

  “You were totally soaked when I found you, look …” he said as he pointed to a pool of water, on the floor beneath her robes which he had hung on his beautifully sculpted bone hangers. They were hanging above the fireplace and the fire was attempting to dry them out but here seemed to be too much water.

  With her mouth still open, in shock, Custennain realised that she was clearly very upset.

  “I did not look at you, I peeled off the clothes and covered you immediately with my thickest and softest furs you were very, very cold. Look your feet are still blue.” He said concerningly, as he looked down the bed, along her small, thin body, towards her feet which were now poking out from the end of one of the furs. Her elegant, golden anklet glimmered in the light and the single ruby stone that hosted the clasp, made her pure, white, skin glow. Amenea’s thoughts started to drift back to her mother who gave this to her for her last birth celebration. Feeling Custennain gaze upon her, Amenea stopped her thoughts and returned to Custennain.

  “Oh!” said Amenea.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. All I remember was that I was taking a walk to the courtyard as I could not sleep. It was early, before day break. Next thing I remember was … sitting by the fountain and dangling my feet in the fountain.” she replied.

  “Oh, you must have slipped then. The side of the fountain gets slippy, I slipped once, mucking around with Mabon.” He said.

  “I was hiding under the water for ages. Mabon reckons he couldn’t see me. I think he was just playing me along, he is such a trickster. I mean how long can someone hold their breath? Does he think I am stupid?”

  Custennain replied with a half-smile on his face as he rolls his eyes up and back at the thought of Mabon thinking he was hiding under the fountain waters.

  “Yes, I remember being soaked through as well. And I was wearing a really heavy tunic as it was fall, it took three days for it to dry our properly, afterwards. Mabon said when I came to the surface, I was pretending to be asleep. He thought it was my plan to jump on him. I didn’t – I can’t remember that. But I do remember not having this!” At that point he lifted his tunic and lifted the sleeve of his undergarment to reveal an image on his skin. It was like a small painting of …”

  “Oh, my goodness!” Amenea cut in.

  “It’s … It’s … It’s Abraxas.” She stammered. “I read about him in the book from Chateau school. And I have a small sculpture of him on a very large mirror, in my room.”

  “Yes, me too.” replied Custennain as he took a candle, to a more darkened part of the room that was not lit by the morning sun. “Look!” he exclaimed.

  Amenea now sitting up against the wooden bed head, laden with soft velvet cushions that Custennain had carefully and gently plumped for her support, before taking the candle – looked. As she did was trying to piece this all together.

  “What does it mean – what does it mean?” she muttered under her breath.

  Not hearing her, Custennain carried on.

  “Here,” he said as he handed Amenea a small silver plate. “Eat one of these honey and lavender snap melts. They are lovely and will melt in your mouth.”

  Amenea took one gratefully, she suddenly felt hungry. Her tummy turned and made a noise just at the sight of the small plate, boasting these small, freshly baked, lilac coloured delights. She was feeling very heady and a little dizzy since she sat upright. These were helping. She could feel the honey bursting into her mouth and gently rolling down the back of her throat.

  “I think Mabon drew this on me in liquid metals that the ancient ones have access to. Where he got it from and how, I can only fathom. That’s so typical of Mabon. “ Custennain declared as he stared at the tattoo on his skin.

  “I think he was just getting his own back on me. He has always hated that I have had this great mirror in my room - always and he didn’t. If only you knew how many times, he has gone on about this when we have been out riding. If it wasn’t embedded into the wall, I would rip the damned thing of and give it to him, just to shut him up.”

  Amenea now listened intently with interest.

  “So, he doesn’t have a mirror like this?” asked Amenea.

  “No, not him, not Herne, not father – nor anyone else, I don’t think.” He said, turning back to look at Amenea.

  Pulling the furs, back up to cover all her body, Amenea gently cleared her throat and looked straight at Custennain as he walked towards her from the corner of the room.

  In a clear but calm voice, Amenea spoke,

  “I do.” she said.

  Chapter 13

  When Amenea returned to her room she worried that questions would be asked! Had anyone noticed her missing in the early hours, did anyone see her leave her chambers? Did anyone see her leave Custennain’s? As she fretted and quietly worried, she busied herself when she returned to her chambers by redressing her hair and robing her body with a fresh robe.

  Although the air was fresh this morning, she felt warm. She briefly thought of Custennain and how she had laid in his bed, naked. Again, she felt warmth through her cheeks as she nibbled gently the corner of her lip whilst she thought. Slipping on some emerald, green, satin slippers she finished her attire and left her chambers. As she hurried quietly along the long corridor, she realised how quiet the Chateau seemed.

  At that moment she opened the door to the dining area where Amenea knew her family would be breakfasting only to be taken in by what she saw.

  The large, room with its tall ceilings and ceiling embedded crystal, chandelier that normally appeared vast to Amenea when she was normally eating her breakfast here – seemed to be almost unnoticeable this morning. The room was full of people sitting and eating breakfast. As Amenea tried to gently advance towards her sisters, Amenea realised that most of these people she didn’t know, however her mother did and with the kind smile her mother was displaying and her familiar gestures that she was displaying towards the people. Amenea felt a little more reassured that she had nothing to worry about.

  Now, half way into the room herself and trying to move quietly, quickly and as invisibly as she could Amenea was suddenly stopped in her tracks by a moving chair that had been abruptly pushed out into her pathway by a young man. The chair now stood in front of Amenea and the tall, dark haired man that pushed it out, as quickly jumped up to be behind it. He was now staring straight at Amenea and a small smile was starting to glisten on his ruby, red lips.

  His eyes were piercing blue in colour and he looked straight at Amenea. Their allure was mesmerising, and they stunned Amenea as much as the action of the chair did.

  “Would you be so kind?” he said.

  Feeling entirely embarrassed and confused by what she was experiencing, Amenea was grateful when her mother quickly came to her side.

  “This is Prince Darhl.” said Amenea’s mother. “He and his family are joining us for breakfast today. We thought it would be a nice idea for you all to meet before the Carving of the light ceremony, next week.” her mother said. Not really having any idea about what her mother was talking about, Amenea started to lift her robes to sit and as she did Prince Daryl, moved the chair swiftly back to the side of the table next to his own place. He stood and waited for Amenea to position herself accordingly before he gently eased the chair in, towards the table with Amenea now sitting upon it.

sp; Amenea noticed how tall he was and how elegantly he moved wearing soft, dark leather pants, partly covered by a long, draping, deep blue cloak. All around the edges of the cloak were small crystals and stones that glistened in the daylight. Feeling overawed by his height and direct attention to her, Amenea wilted slightly in the chair that he had so easily placed her upon.

  “Your mother says, it will be your first.” Prince Daryl said.

  Looking obviously confused Prince Daryl quickly followed that remark with.

  “But you are lucky because, it will be the first time for your sisters also.”

  Amenea was aware that other people at the table were looking at her, she felt as if they were silently waiting for her to respond and whilst she didn’t want to look up just, yet she had to focus hard on what on earth Prince Daryl was talking about. As Amenea delved deep into her mind she tried to look casually around the table at exactly who was there whilst she tried to remember a fragment of something her mother had told her a long time ago about this Carving of the light ceremony.

  All the people around the table were very finely dressed, their table manners were also impeccable. And there seemed to be a small army of waiting staff, silently milling around the guests. Amenea didn’t realise there were this many waiting staff at the Chateau. The men were wearing fine leather gilets on top of fine velvet tunics. The tunics were delicately edged with a gold knotwork stitching. The ladies who were all sitting around mother were as equally, finely dressed in soft gaberdine robes and small velvet over capes, fastened with the most elaborately decorated, singular clasp. Amenea couldn’t make out exactly what was on the clasp, but it was beautiful.

  Amenea had almost done the full turn of the table with her eyes when some of the waiting staff appeared next to her and offered her a platter to choose from. After Amenea had gently selected some bread, berries, warm ham and quail’s eggs, she picked up her cutlery to start eating. As she did so she was suddenly aware that the Prince was staring at her and from his gaze and posture it would appear that he had been doing that the entire time. Amenea smiled at him kindly but uncomfortably and started to eat her breakfast under his watchful eye and as she filled her mouth with a small selection of the berried ham, she looked up to feel the draw of another gaze upon her. It was her sister, Oriana but the look on Oriana’s face was one of anger.


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