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Page 5

by Dave Blackwell

  There was a clunk from the cupboard, something metallic.

  “You are safe now.” Marie said. “I only want to help you and I promise you everything will be ok.”

  Marie heard a shuffle but no response.

  “You must be cold in there?” Marie shivered. “Are you sure you don’t want to come out?”

  No answer.

  “Let’s play a game.” Marie sighed. “Knock once for no and two for yes.”

  Marie paused for a few seconds.

  “Do you understand?” She asked.

  Two knocks.

  “Brilliant. Do you understand what I am saying?” Marie said, looking towards the cupboard.

  Two knocks.

  “So, you are not deaf?” She asked.

  One knock.

  “Can you talk?” She added.

  One knock.

  “Ok no problem. Are you hurt?” She asked.

  Two knocks.

  “Glad to hear that. Can I see you please? I promise I will stay here.” Marie asked.

  There was a long pause, Marie listened for any sign of movement.

  “Please. I like to see who I am talking to.” Marie whispered.

  There was a pause and a shuffle, followed by the door of the cupboard being slowly pushed open.

  The girl lay on the bottom shelf in foetal position. She was naked, her knees pulled up to her chest tightly. Her long black hair, bloody, damp and messy. Dried blood on her face, neck and chest, slight splatters on her legs. She was pale and sweating, shaking and breathing heavily. Marie looked over her for any possible signs of injury but couldn’t see any.

  “Don’t be afraid.” Marie assured her. “I am here to help you. I promise.” She smiled at the girl who smiled back.

  “My name is Marie.” She pointed to herself. “What is yours?” She asked the girl who looked back at her in confusion.

  The girl looked around, trying to think but then looked back at Marie, shaking her head.

  “It is ok.” Marie said. “We can work it out later.”

  Marie shuffled on the uncomfortable floor.

  “My bum has gone to sleep.” She groaned.

  The girl smiled.

  “Do you live here?” Marie looked around the kitchen. “I mean the house. Not the kitchen obviously.” She laughed.

  The girl shook her head confused.

  “Do you know what happened here?” Marie asked.

  The girl shook her head to indicate no.

  “Probably for the best.” Marie smiled. “Do you know how you got here?”

  The girl shook her head.

  “Are you cold?” Marie asked. “Hungry?”

  The girl nodded.

  “Both?” Marie asked.

  The girl smiled and nodded.

  “Do you want to come with me?” Marie said and moved slightly forward.

  The girl yelped and grabbed the door, pulling it towards her.

  Marie sighed.

  “Why did you have to move Marie?” She cursed herself. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to scared you.” Marie said.

  The girl whimpered.

  “What can I do to show you I mean you no harm?” Marie asked, moving back against the table. “What can I do?” She thought to herself and then had an idea. “I’ll be back in a moment.” Marie said and got up slowly, leaving the kitchen.

  Marie gently shook Sophie who woke up and groaned, trying to work out where she was.

  “Thought I was dreaming!” She said in frustration. “What is going on?” Sophie signed, looking up at Marie was sitting in the back of the car, the passenger lights on merely illuminating the car.

  Sophie yawned deeply and loudly.

  “Sorry.” Marie apologised. “I need to ask you to do something for me.”

  “What’s that?” Sophie was confused.

  “I could get into trouble.” Marie sighed.

  “Trouble.” Sophie giggled.

  “I am doing this to help a little girl, so I don’t care if I do.”

  “The girl?” Sophie asked. “Where is she?” She looked around.

  “She has hidden away. She is afraid of me.” Marie said.

  “Why?” Sophie was confused and pulled a face. “Why afraid of you?”

  “I don’t know.” Marie said and before she could speak, Sophie talked over her.

  “You are not….” She pulled a shocked reaction in mock. “That scary.” She poked her tongue out.

  “Very funny.” Marie poked her in the arm. “Cheeky.”

  “Why is she afraid?” Sophie became serious.

  “Something happened to her and I don’t think she trusts adults.” Marie explained. “So.” She paused briefly. “I am going to ask you to do something for me.”

  “Ok.” Sophie said and unbuttoned her seatbelt. “I will help you.” Sophie had a feeling of what was being asked of her and she was more than happy to help.

  Marie smiled and laughed.

  “Listen to me first.” Marie cleared her throat. “The girl is naked and covered in blood. We don’t know what happened or if she is hurt. There is blood on the floor in the hall, so I will cover your face.” Marie paused. “Ok?” She said waiting for a reaction.

  “You and blood!” Sophie giggled. “I am ok.” She smiled. “Blood doesn’t bother me.”

  “Ok.” Marie nodded. “We will go straight into the kitchen. Don’t touch anything in the hall. Try not to touch too much in the kitchen.”

  “Ok.” Sophie nodded.

  “I will wait outside the kitchen.” Marie said. “but I will still see you and keep you safe.”

  “I understand.” Sophie said, reaching for a bag in the footwell.

  “You are amazing.” Marie said and placed her hand on Sophie's shoulder.

  “Well you did promise me a burger.” Sophie smiled. “Maybe this means I get two.”

  “You know how to break a deal don’t you?” Marie said in amazement. “You can have two, if you can eat them.” Marie paused. “Are you sure you are ok to do this?”

  “Yes. Don’t worry.” Sophie insisted.

  “Ok let’s go.” Marie said and opened the door, stepping out into the heavy snowfall as Sophie crawled across the seat following her.

  Sophie stepped down into the kitchen and looked around. She looked back at Marie who stood at the top of the steps.

  “Where?” Sophie asked.

  “Cupboard under the microwave.” Marie signed, not using her voice but lipreading to Sophie who nodded back.

  “Ok.” She replied and made her way to the table. She put her red sports back on the floor and pulled her jacket off, putting it onto the floor and sitting down on it. Crossing her legs, she opened her bag and pulled out the fleece blanket, a notepad and a pen.

  Reaching forward she gently knocked on the cupboard door and then sat back.

  No answer.

  Sophie waited for a minute before knocking again.

  The door slowly opened, the girl firmly held it as she looked out.

  Sophie waved at her and held up the notepad in which she had written ‘HI’ in large letters along with a smiley face.

  The girl let go of the door and smiled.

  Sophie turned the page and wrote another note, holding it up. ‘I am Sophie’ the note said.

  The girl waved at her gently.

  Sophie wrote another note and held it up, ‘I don’t speak but I sign’.

  The girl nodded.

  Sophie turned the page and wrote ‘Do you speak?’

  The girl moved her lips in an attempt. Hesitated and then shook her head.

  Sophie wrote another note and held it up ‘Are you scared?’

  The girl nodded and sighed.

  Sophie wrote a note and held it up ‘Are you scared of me?’

  The girl read it and then looked up at Sophie, shaking her head.

  Sophie smiled and turned the page, writing ‘Marie is my foster mum’

  The girl looked at her in confusion.

‘She wants to help you’ Sophie wrote.

  Sophie put down the notepad and waved her hand towards her to indicate the girl to come out.

  The girl looked at her, unsure.

  Sophie held out her hand.

  The girl looked at Sophie and then at her hand, slowly she reached out and placed her hand on top of Sophie’s.

  “Come on.” Sophie mouthed and smiled.

  The girl slowly crawled from out of the cupboard, awkwardly covering herself at the same time. Her breathing panicked as her eyes darted around the room in fear. Sophie reached for the fleece blanket and slowly she handed it to the girl who looked at it, unsure what to do with it.

  Sophie giggled and unfolded the blanket, draping it over the girl who pulled it tightly around herself, feeling the softness against her.

  Sophie picked up the notepad and wrote on it, the girl watching her in anticipation.

  Holding up the notepad for the girl to read, Sophie mouthed the words.

  ‘Can Marie come in now’ the words said.

  The girl looked down at the floor and then up at Sophie, she nodded.

  Sophie looked to the doorway where Marie was glancing in, out of view of the girl.

  Sophie clapped her hands, causing the girl to jump in fright.

  Marie slowly looked in, smiling softly.

  “Hi.” She signed, looking at Sophie and then the girl.

  “Come in slow.” Sophie signed to her.

  Marie nodded and slowly descended the steps, the girl looked up at her in worry and grabbed hold of Sophie’s hand, gripping it tightly.

  “I am here to help you.” Marie reassured her. “I promise you are safe now.” She said and signed, taking small slow steps towards the table. “Can I sit with you?” She asked the girl.

  The girl looked at Sophie who smiled at her and nodded. Sophie continued to hold onto the girls’ hand as she shuffled up and sat up against the cupboard. Marie slowly knelt where Sophie had been sitting, holding onto the table leg as she lowered herself.

  “Hi.” Marie said to the girl. “I am Marie.”

  The girl forced an unsure smile.

  “Are you hurt?” Marie asked.

  The girl looked at Sophie and then back at Marie, shaking her head.

  “Do you know where you are?” Marie asked.

  The girl shook her head.

  “What is your name?” Marie asked.

  The girl shook her head, the fear and confusion evident on her face.

  “It is ok.” Marie could see the tears welling in the girl’s eyes. “We can work it out another time.” She reassured her.

  Sophie waved to Marie and carefully removed the girl’s hand from hers, she then wrote in her notebook and showed the girl.

  ‘Do you want to come with us?’ she had written.

  The girl read it and nodded.

  “We will need to go to the hospital first.” Marie added. “Just to make sure you are completely ok.”

  Sophie nodded in agreement.

  “I promise nothing bad will happen.” Marie said. “Will you trust me and let me help?”

  The girl looked at Sophie, and then to Marie and nodded.

  “Ok. Let me speak to the officer an then we will go.” Marie said and stood up, she looked to Sophie and signed. “Could you help her dress?” Marie said to Sophie who nodded and reached for her bag, pulling out some clothes and shoes. “See you in a minute.” Marie smiled and slowly left the room, walking up the steps.

  “So?” Gregg said as Marie walked into the hall. “What is happening?”

  “Well Sophie is better at this than we are.” Marie chuckled softly. “The girl cannot speak, which could be related to the trauma. She isn’t deaf.”

  “Ok. Can we get the paramedics in?” Gregg asked.

  “No.” Marie sighed. “She has agreed to come with me and Sophie so we will travel to the hospital with her, if that is good with you?” Marie knew Gregg would be fine with it but wanted him to say it.

  “Sure. You know how it all goes.” Gregg nodded.

  “Any luck with the staff members?” Marie asked. “Any updates?”

  “No nothing. We spoke to the kid from next door, he said they go away yearly for a couple of weeks. However, this year they were only going for a long weekend. We have been unable to locate them and have no ideas where they have gone.” Gregg yawned.

  “Anything on the girl?” Marie whispered.

  “Nothing.” Gregg shrugged his shoulders. “Spoke to the neighbours both sides and across the street, no one knows who the girl is.”

  “Crazy.” Marie groaned. “Poor girl.”

  “They are expecting you at the hospital.” Gregg said. “You know how it works.” Gregg whispered.

  “Yeah. She can stay with me. I’ll speak to social services in the morning and get back to you.” Marie said.

  “We will need to interview her when she is ready.” Gregg explained. “We need to know how she ended up in all this.”

  “I understand.” Marie put her hand on his arm. “Give her time.”

  Gregg nodded.

  “I promise you that if she says anything. You will be the first to know.” Marie said. “I promise.”

  “I know.” Gregg said gritting his teeth. “What do you need me to do?” He asked.

  “I need to get her to the ambulance.” Marie explained. “Could you both stand out of the way.” She indicated to the officer by the door.

  There was a knock from behind them both and they turned, facing the entrance to the kitchen.

  Sophie stood by the door and waved.

  Behind her stood the girl wearing white trainers, grey jogging bottoms and a red top with a hood, the hood was up, and her eyes covered with a mask.

  “What is that?” Marie said, pointing to the mask.

  “My sleep mask.” Sophie explained. “She was scared to see the blood, so I gave it to her.” Sophie was unsure if she did the right thing. “Is that ok?”

  “Brilliant.” Marie gave her a thumbs up. “Good thinking.” She smiled, feeling proud. “Are you ok to walk her outside?” Marie asked Sophie who nodded confidently.

  “Tell her.” Sophie signed.

  “Sophie is going to lead you outside, so hold onto her.” Marie said as the girl reached out blindly, holding onto Sophie when she held out her hand.

  “Go slow.” Marie lipread and signed. She looked to Gregg and the officer, warning them to be quiet. The officer slowly opened the door and stepped back.

  Sophie walked towards the open door, gently pulling the girl behind her who took slow, hesitant steps. Marie watched as they stepped outside and then followed them.

  The girl let go of Sophie’s hand and removed the mask, handing it to her. She put her hood down and looked in awe at the falling snow.

  Marie stepped down and looked up at her.

  “It is snow.” She explained. “Have you seen snow before?”

  The girl shrugged her shoulders, unsure.

  Sophie tilted back her head and stuck her tongue out, catching snowflakes and eating them. The girl watched her and started to copy her, struggling to catch any.

  Sophie giggled.

  “We need to go.” Marie said.

  The girl looked down at her and her smile disappeared.

  “It is ok.” She smiled reassuringly. “There is nothing to be afraid of.”

  Sophie waved to get Marie’s attention.

  “Speak for me.” She signed.

  “Sophie wants me to be her voice.” Marie said to the girl who then looked to Sophie.

  Sophie signed to Marie.

  “Sophie said she will stay with you and look after you.” Marie said.

  The girl looked at Sophie and smiled.

  “I will too.” Marie added.

  The girl jumped down onto the path and slowly walked out into the middle of the drive, looking up at the sky as the snow fell heavily. She held out her hands and tilted her head back, sticking out her tongue and giggling as the sno
wflakes fell on her tongue.

  Marie watched as Sophie joined her and tapped her on the arm, taking hold of the girl’s hand, she slowly led her to the waiting ambulance.

  “What is your story?” Marie said to herself and started walking towards the girls, putting her hands into her pocket and shivering.


  “Listen to me Graham.” Marie pleaded. “Put the gun down and I promise you that you will be okay.” Her voice trembled. “We can get you the help you need.” Marie was against the wall, holding her hands up in defence. Her shoulder length hair tied back into a ponytail, her lip cut and her nose bloody. She wore black trousers and a white shirt which had been stained with coffee that had been thrown at her several minutes before. Her heart was pounding in her chest, she fought to stop her hands from shaking.

  “Just shut up!” Graham snapped. “Let me think!” He growled.

  “It has been hours Graham and I'm sick of this.” Marie said. “I need the damned loo for a start.”

  Graham stood in the middle of the room, he was short and stocky with rough stubble and short messy hair. Sweat ran down his face, soaking into his grey t-shirt. His black jeans were faded from years of washing. He was barefoot, his feet cut and bleeding. He aimed the nine millimeter Glock at Marie’s head, his hand slightly shaking, his finger off the trigger.

  Marie looked around the room, trying to focus. The living room was small, a two-seater red couch at the centre of the room. To the left was a door leading to the hall, in the corner next to the door was a television stand with a television that had been knocked over and was face down, the picture flickering against the wooden floor. A window the length of the room in front of the sofa, had brown curtains pulled across. To the right was a shelving unit with various books and movies lined up, ornaments and toys. A small coffee table was thrown to one side, resting against the wall. Broken crockery and glass littered the floor, water from a vase, dead and dried flowers strewn. Pictures and photographs hang loosely from the walls, some at the floor. The walls painted a dark magnolia, the floor was in cheap wood and partially polished and scuffed.

  Her nose was throbbing and her eyes watering from the sharp pain when she sniffed, trying to stop her nose from bleeding. She felt the cut on her lip with her tongue, the metallic taste making her heart thump.


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