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Page 10

by Dave Blackwell

  “Hey?” Marie said, putting her hand on her shoulder and causing her to jump in fright. “What are you doing?”

  Anna turned around and looked up at Marie, her eyes red and wet.

  “Why are you crying?” Marie said, worry building in her. “Did you hurt yourself?”

  Anna shook her head and stood up, pointing to the fox.

  “Aww poor thing.” Marie sighed. “These things happen sadly.”

  A tear ran down Anna’s face.

  “I am sorry.” Marie got down on one knee, level with Anna. “There is nothing we can do, other than hope it didn’t have any cubs.”

  Anna looked down at the fox and reached down to touch is.

  “No don’t.” Marie took hold of her hand. “It may have a disease.”

  Anna nodded in understanding as Marie got up and walked towards the jeep.

  There was a cough followed by a gagging sound, Marie stopped when she was about to open the door and turned to face Anna.

  “Did you cough?” She asked.

  Anna shook her head.

  Marie walked to the front of the jeep, looking at the side of the road.

  The fox was standing on all fours, heaving and gagging. Its mouth wide open and its tongue hanging out.

  “Looks like it wasn’t dead.” Marie said in amazement.

  The fox threw up, splattering in the snow, a bloody mixture of something that Marie couldn’t identify.

  “Oh, that is gross!” She exclaimed. “God!” She shivered and turned away.

  The fox mewed and hobbled away, breaking into a run across the road and through a bush.

  “That is a lot of blood.” Marie looked at the puddle in the snow.

  Anna watched as the fox ran away, a smile breaking out on her face.

  “Come on.” Marie said, opening the jeep door. “Inside.”

  Anna climbed into the car and sat back in the seat, looking at Sophie with a smile.

  “What happened?” Sophie wrote in her book.

  Anna put her finger to her lips.

  “Another secret?” Sophie wrote.

  Anna nodded.


  The television mounted on the wall was muted, the subtitles on reflecting the antique sales show. The small room painted in magnolia, the carpet in a dark cream stained from years of use and drink spillages. At the centre of the room were two sets of cheap three seated couches and at the centre a small rectangular pine coffee table with a frosted glass inner, cracked down the middle. The table had several ring marks, dents and scribbles. At the end of the room by the window as an old rubber topped table with tea, coffee water and various mugs. Next to it a small box with teaspoons, sugar and milk. Under the table was an overflowing bin, the carpet heavily stained at the base of it.

  Jon laid back in the chair with his eyes closed, his black polished boots on the small coffee table. He wore a white shirt which was too big on him, un-ironed and not tucked in, a black tie and creased black trousers. His head and face, clean shaven.

  “Jon?” Martin’s voice broke the silence.

  Jon opened his eyes to find Martin sitting on the couch opposite him.

  “Martin?” Jon sat up, looking around in confusion. “What?”

  Martin was wearing the same clothes from the night at the house.

  “Why Jon?” Martin moaned. “Why did you kill me?”

  “I didn’t.” Jon stuttered.

  “You left me.” Martin cried. “You left me to die.”

  “No Martin.” Jon tried to speak.

  “I was your family.” Martin groaned.

  “No.” Jon buried his face in his hands and then looked up at the empty couch, sighing in relief.

  Suddenly he looked into the seat next to him where Martin sat, blood pouring from his eyes, nose and mouth. He turned and looked at Jon, his mouth open.

  “You killed me!” He screamed, turning to a howl.

  Jon woke up suddenly, breathing heavily and groaning.

  The door opened and he sat forward, putting his feet down.

  Janice stood by the door, holding it open and looking at Jon in disgust. Slamming the door behind her, she walked to the couch opposite and sat down, facing Jon and dropped her small black handbag on the floor between her feet. Janice was a Caucasian overweight lady in her mid-fifties. She was wearing black jeans, a black blouse and a cream overcoat. Her greying hair was long and bushy, her eyes grey and darkened, bright lipstick that was out of place.

  “One thing I want from you and you couldn’t even turn up!” She snapped.

  Jon sighed in frustration.

  “Have some respect!” She growled. “I had to do this alone!”

  “I am sorry mum.” Jon said. “I tried to find parking but couldn’t.”

  Janice scoffed.

  “I am sure you did.” She snapped.

  “It’s the truth.” Jon argued.

  There were a few minutes of awkward silence.

  “Was it uncle Martin?” Jon whispered.

  Janice started to cry, covering her mouth with her hand.

  “Oh mum.” Jon said shuffling forward.

  “No don’t bother.” Janice snapped. “What the hell happened?” She demanded.

  “What do you mean?” Jon asked, confused.

  “He was with you the other night.” Janice said. “Said he was helping you on a job.”

  Jon groaned.

  “You know Martin.” Janice scoffed. “He cannot keep anything to himself.”

  “He promised.” Jon said in frustration.

  “Martin never keeps anything from me. You should know that.” Janice growled, gritting her teeth.

  Jon shook his head.

  “What?” Janice asked. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

  “Nothing.” Jon said. “Nothing happened.” He was going to help me on a night job but changed his mind and left.” Jon lied.

  “So why did he end up at Catherine’s place?” Janice questioned him.

  “I have no idea who that is.” Jon said.

  “You do. We both dropped him there on his first day.” Janice said. “You commented on the fact they were loaded.”

  “Vaguely yeah.” Jon sniffed, wiping his nose. “What was he doing there?”

  “You tell me?” Janice said.

  “Mum.” Jon huffed in frustration. “I don’t know. He left and I worked most of the night and stayed at a mates place.”

  “Well the police said he was found dead.” Janice said as her voice faltered. “Catherine is missing and there was a young girl in the house.”

  Jon’s heart pounded in his chest.

  “A young girl?” He asked. “Did she see anything or?”

  “They won’t give me details, they wanted to know if she was with Martin.” Janice wiped tears from her face.

  “Why would Martin be with a young girl!” Jon snapped. “He wasn’t a pervert!”

  “No-one is saying that.” Janice shushed him. “They seem to think she is a relative of Christine.”

  “How did he die?” Jon questioned.

  “His heart.” Janice said. “His heart gave out.” She whimpered.

  “How?” Jon questioned. “He was healthy.”

  “They cannot say.” Janice cried.

  “I am sorry mum.” Jon said and got up, sitting down next to Janice and putting his arm across her shoulder. “I should have taken him home.”

  “Did he say anything to you?” Janice said, pushing his arm away and looking at him.

  “About what?” Jon was reluctant to ask.

  “Going to Catherine’s house?” Janice asked. “No. Only that he was upset.”

  “Upset?” Janice asked. “Why was he upset.”

  “Because he was fired.” Jon said bluntly.

  “He wasn’t fired.” Janice coughed. “They had a lot going on and asked him to take some time.”

  “Oh.” Jon replied. “He told me he was fired by that guy that worked there.”

reached into her handbag and pulled out a tissue, folding it she put it to her nose and noisily blew it. Jon cringed.

  “He thought he was.” Janice wiped her nose. “He killed the cat and damaged a car but the guy working there said they didn’t blame him for those.”

  “Oh right.” Jon looked at the television and then back to Janice. “So, what now?”

  “What do you mean?” Janice said. “With what?”

  “What happens with Martin?” He asked quietly.

  “Well they cannot release the body while the investigation is pending, but I need to go over details with the coroner. His health issues, mental health and so on.” Janice explained. “I need you to come with me.” She said.

  “Okay mum.” Jon said.

  “Considering you were the last to see Martin, the police may want to talk to you.” Janice said. “Just tell them the truth.” She pointed.

  “It is the truth.” Jon said, looking at the floor.

  The was a knock at the door.

  “Yes.” Janice said, wiping her eyes and breathing deeply.

  The door opened and Carol popped her head in, smiling.

  “Ready for you now Miss Elliot.” She said to Janice. “Do you want to follow me?”

  Janice stood up and picked up her handbag and nodded to Jon, indicating to him to follow her.

  “It won’t take long.” Carol said. “I promise.”

  “It’s fine.” Janice said and forced a smile. “My boy will help.” She looked at him and raised her eyebrow. “Come on.” She nudged him slightly.

  Jon got up and straightened his shirt, following Janice as she walked through the door.

  As Jon stepped through the door and closed it behind him, someone ran into him causing him to lose his balance and yell out. He turned around and faced Anna, red-faced and angry.

  “Watch where you are going kid!” He snapped. “You blind or something.”

  Anna froze and stared at him.

  “What’s wrong with you?” He questioned her.

  “Leave her alone, she is only a child.” Janice said. “You were just as bad once.” She walked up to Anna. “Are you okay?”

  Anna looked at Janice and smiled.

  “Are you dumb?” Jon questioned her.

  Marie stepped around the corner.

  “She cannot speak if that is what you are asking.” Marie said, putting her hands on Anna’s shoulders. “Told you to wait for me.”

  Anna smiled.

  “She ran into me!” Jon moaned. “Stupid kid.”

  Marie was shocked at his reaction and ignored him.

  “Be quiet Jonathon, it was a simple mistake.” Janice snapped. “Leave the poor girl alone.”

  “You are sorry aren’t you.” Marie said to Anna who looked at Jon and nodded. “See there you go.”

  “Okay fine.” Jon said unimpressed.

  “We really need to go now.” Carol said and smiled at Marie. “Everyone is okay.”

  Carol started to walk away.

  “Sorry about that.” Marie said to Janice who smiled and started to follow Carol. Jon walked away and looked back at Anna who smiled and waved at him.

  Marie bent down.

  “Did you hurt yourself?” She asked Anna.

  Anna shook her head.

  “Miserable man.” Marie said and scoffed.

  “Sika.” Anna whispered.

  “I really need to find out what that means. “Let’s go in and get a drink.”

  Marie opened the door that Janice and Jon had left and walked in, after Anna followed her she closed the door.

  Anna sat quietly on the couch, looking at the palm of her hand. Marie held onto a mug of coffee, slowly sipping at it.

  “Are you ok?” She asked Anna. “Are you nervous.

  Anna looked up and forced a smiled, nodding.

  “Whatever happens today, you know you are welcome round any time.” Marie said.

  Anna nodded, wiping a tear from her face.

  “Don’t cry.” Marie felt her heart becoming heavy and tears well in her eyes. “Things will be ok. I promise.”

  Anna sniffed and nodded, hiding her face from Marie.

  There was a light knock at the door before it opened and Valerie walked in, closing it behind her. She looked at Anna and smiled. Anna got up and from the couch and sat down next to Marie, getting close to her as possible.

  Valerie slowly walked to the couch opposite and sat down. She was a short, slim and had short black hair which was combed back. Valerie was Indian on her father’s side, her mother she never knew was Australian. She wore a grey suit and polished grey shoes. Placing her black suitcase and umbrella at the side of the couch she forced a smile.

  “So, you must be Anna?” She asked. “How are you?”

  Anna didn’t respond, she looked up at Marie.

  “It’s okay.” Marie smiled.

  Anna looked at Valerie and nodded.

  “Well it is good to meet you and I am sorry that I couldn’t meet you before.” Valerie smiled. “It has been a very manic few days with the snow and home issues.”

  “I am sorry to hear about your father.” Marie started to say when Valerie shook her head.

  “It is fine, and I do not wish to talk about him.” Valerie said abruptly. “He was very ill.”

  Marie nodded in understanding.

  “Did you find out why it has taken nearly four days to locate the browns?” Marie asked.

  “As I said on the phone this morning, they had issues with mobiles.” Valerie scratched her nose. “The snow also caused problems where they were.”

  “Where did they go?” Marie asked.

  “A cabin somewhere up near the Lake District, no internet or phone service. They arrived at the house yesterday and contacted the police.” Valerie explained. “Gregg explained everything, the missing lady and the body and were questioned about the girl.” Valerie indicated to Anna.

  “Did the story check out?” Marie asked.

  “Yes.” Valerie sighed. “Young Anna here is from the states, born on a reservation. She has no traceable history as her parents were very anti-technology and lived off the grid.”

  “Where are they and why is she here?” Marie questioned.

  “That is something that the Browns will explain, but to cut a long story short, Catherine Wilson is the guardian and, in the event, that anything should happen to her. The Browns step in.” Valerie looked at her watch. “They are late.”

  “What is her real name?” Marie asked.

  “I forgot my notes and do not remember, it was a strange one.” Valerie smiled uncomfortably.

  “Okay.” Marie said. “It seems a little strange.”

  “This whole case is a little strange, but all we can do is ensure children are reunited and safe.” She sighed. “That is all we can do.”

  Anna tapped Marie on the arm.

  “Sophie?” Anna said softly.

  “She is having blood tests today.” Marie said with a smile. “Hopefully we can see her later.”

  Anna nodded.

  “Is she aware of everything that is happening?” Valerie asked.

  “Yes, she is.” Marie looked down and smiled. “I have explained everything. As much as she is scared, she is also excited.”

  “Yes.” Valerie said.

  “Sophie has been great, without her it would have been a harder situation. She engaged with Anna and pulled her out of her shell.” Marie laughed softly. “She doesn’t talk much but sometimes she doesn’t need to.”

  A knock at the door caused Anna to flinch.

  “It’s okay.” Marie said. “Remember what we talked about.”

  Anna nodded.

  The door opened and Elizabeth walked in holding a small brown teddy bear under her arm, she wore black trousers, cream blouse with a black jacket over it and polished slip-on shoes. Her long brown hair tied back. Thin silver framed antique glasses, her eyes were red from crying.

  “You must be Elizabeth.” Valerie said
and stood up, holding out her hand. “I am Valerie, we spoke on the phone. Good to meet you.” She shook Elizabeth’s hand. “Sorry for the circumstances in which we meet.”

  “Thank you. Apologies but I am a little emotional.” Elizabeth took a deep breath. “Jackson will be joining us shortly, he is having trouble parking the car.” She smiled.

  “Parking around here is a nightmare.” Marie said and stood up, holding out her hand. “I am Marie.”

  Elizabeth took her hand and shook it, she then looked at Anna who was hiding behind Marie.

  “Hello.” Elizabeth said. “How are you?”

  “Don’t be scared.” Marie said. “Remember our chat.” Marie said softly, rubbing Anna’s back. Anna moved in front of Marie and looked up at Elizabeth.

  “Hi.” She said softly and looked at the teddy bear.

  “Do you recognise this?” Elizabeth asked holding the teddy bear in front of Anna.

  Anna shook her head.

  Elizabeth got down on her knee.

  “This is Harry the bear. Catherine got this when she was a very young girl and when you came to live with us, she passed him onto you to care for.” Elizabeth smiled. “Do you remember?”

  Anna hesitated and then shook her head.

  “Anna has some memory issues.” Valerie said. “She doesn’t talk very much as you can see.”

  “Yes, we know, she was like this when she came to us.” Elizabeth said. “It took a while to break her out of it.”

  “What happened?” Marie said. “If you don’t mind me asking?”

  Elizabeth stood up, tucking the bear under her arm.

  “She was eight years old when her parents died.” Elizabeth sighed. “She was found in the wreckage in a comatose state. She had no memory of what happened and didn’t speak.”

  “That is terrible.” Marie said. “How did she end up here?”

  “Catherine had connections and friends in the States, when she heard of the girl’s plight, she offered to help. She joined us a couple of months ago to start a new life here.” Elizabeth explained.

  “And what is her name?” Marie asked.

  A knock at the door.

  “Come in.” Valerie said loudly.

  Jackson opened the door. He was wearing a black suit, grey shirt and grey tie. His face and head were recently cleanly shaven.


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