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Page 19

by Dave Blackwell

  “She had a heart condition.” Marie said. “They didn’t expect her to live a full life. You changed that.”

  “I know.” Catherine said. “When I was curing her head injury, I felt her heart failing. So, I fixed that too.”

  “It nearly killed you.” Marie said. “Didn’t it?”

  “Yes.” Catherine sighed. “If it was not for Mary’s sacrifice. I would have.”

  “Mary?” Marie asked. “Who was she.”

  “A friend. She knew of my gift but did not want to be cured.” Catherine shook her head. “She offered to give what she had left so someone may live.”

  “Does this happen a lot?” Marie asked. “People giving up lives?”

  “That is a story for another time.” Catherine said softly. “You need to wake.”

  “How?” Marie asked. “How do I wake?”

  “Close your eyes.” Catherine said. “Take a deep breath.”

  Marie closed eyes and breathed in deeply.

  “Wake up Marie.” Catherine shouted.

  Marie woke suddenly, gasping for breath and coughing.

  “You are going to be okay kid.” Bill said. “Calm down.”

  Marie looked at bill sitting on the edge of the bed, holding her hand.

  “Dad?” She said, confused.

  “Well you remember me so that is a start.” He laughed. “What do you remember?”

  Marie panicked and felt her chest and throat for the gunshot wounds.

  “They are gone.” Bill reassured her. “You have been healed.”

  “How long have I been out?” Marie asked.

  “Tell me what you remember first please.” Bill said, his tone serious.

  “Getting shot, pain and then nothing.” Marie sighed in frustration. “Jon shot me and then Kimimela saved me.”

  “Ok.” Bill said smiling and gripping Marie’s hand.

  “The fact you are not freaking out tells me you know.” Marie suddenly felt more relaxed.

  “I do.” He smiled. “After Kimimela saved you, Jackson tracked me down and explained everything. Thought the whole deal was a scam until Kimimela showed me.” Bill said. “Sophie backed up the story. She was pretty upset and freaked out when she met Kimimela.”

  “Why?” Marie tried to sit up in the bed, struggling. “What was wrong with her.”

  “It wasn’t the Kimimela that Sophie was expecting.” Bill laughed. “But all good now. They spent some time together.”

  “How long have I been out dad?” Marie demanded.

  “Five days.” Bill said.

  “Five?!” Marie said in disbelief. “No way!”

  “Stop.” Bill said softly. “I have been keeping an eye on things. I bought Sophie here today.” Bill held onto her hand. “She is fine.”

  “I want to see her.” Marie said trying to get out of the bed. “Please let me see her.”

  “Calm down.” Bill held onto her shoulders. “She is downstairs. Let’s get you cleaned up first?” Bill said.

  “You are going to help?” Marie said slightly embarrassed.

  “Sure.” Bill said. “Or would you rather I get Elizabeth?”

  “No.” Marie smiled nervously and then burst out crying.

  “Hey.” Bill moved closer to her. “You are okay.” He sat next to her and put his shoulder around her. “Let it out kid.” He rubbed her arm. “Let it out.”

  Marie buried her head in Bills chest, sobbing heavily. Bill wiped a tear from his face, trying not to cry.

  “I love you dad.” Marie cried.

  “Me to kid.” He chuckled. “Stop crying before you set me off.” He sighed deeply. “Let’s go see Sophie.”

  Marie held onto Bill, crying softly.


  Sophie sat at the table in the kitchen, her leg in a cast resting on a chair. Her arm resting on the table, Kimimela sat opposite her, drawing on it and giggling. They were alone in the kitchen, there were three mugs placed on the table. Sophie was wearing a pink t-shirt and pink jogging bottoms. Kimimela wore blue jeans and a white t-shirt.

  “How old are you now?” Sophie spoke and awkwardly signed.

  Kimimela looked up and laughed.

  “How old do you think?” Kimimela sat back in the chair. She was taller and older, her hair tied back in a ponytail and she wore glasses, silver-rimmed.

  “If I have to guess.” Sophie thought about it for a few seconds. “Twenty-something?”

  Kimimela laughed.

  “I have no idea, but I would say that is about right.” She poked her tongue out at Sophie. “So.” Kimimela sighed, holding onto Sophie’s hand. “How are you really?”

  “I was scared in the hospital.” Sophie said. “Bill stayed with me and Jackson came too.”

  “I know. He is a big softy.” Kimimela whispered.

  “I know.” Sophie burst out laughing. “Where is he?”

  “He is asleep. He needed a break from you.” Kimimela teased.

  “More like you.” Sophie poked Kimimela in the arm.

  “I am glad you are better now.” Kimimela said. “Have you had any nightmares?”

  “Not since the man.” Sophie shuddered. “In the woods.”

  Kimimela nodded.

  “Are you sad that he died?” Sophie whispered.

  “Yes.” Kimimela sighed. “I never wanted to hurt anyone.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.” Sophie said.

  “I know.” Kimimela felt uncomfortable. “What shall we have for dinner?”

  “Do you like pizza?” Sophie asked with a smile.”

  “You and pizza!” Marie appeared at the doorway, slowly making her way down the steps.

  Kimimela stood up and moved the chair away from Sophie slightly. She went to help Sophie who shook her head.

  “I am okay.” She assured her and walked over to Sophie who started to cry. “Don’t cry please.” Marie exclaimed. “You will ruin my make up.”

  “You are not wearing any stupid.” Sophie laughed through tears. Marie gently hugged Sophie, rubbing her back. She sat down in the chair, looking at Sophie.

  “How are you?” She asked, wiping tears from her face.

  “Better than you.” Sophie responded and laughed.

  “She still has an attitude.” Kimimela said quietly.

  Marie stood up, groaning.

  “You will be sore for a day or so.” Kimimela said. “Sorry.”

  “You saved my life.” Marie smiled.

  “Tell her.” Sophie said loudly.

  “Loud all of sudden huh?” Marie laughed. “I like it.”

  Marie looked at Sophie and then at Kimimela.

  “Tell me what?” Marie was worried.

  “It is nothing bad.” Kimimela warned her. “Sit down.”

  Kimimela got another chair and put it in front of Sophie and Marie, sitting in the middle of them.

  “When I cured you.” Kimimela paused. “I couldn’t let go.”

  “What do you mean?” Marie asked.

  “With Sophie, I could feel her injuries.” Kimimela sighed. “Her brain was more damaged than the doctor knew, and she would not have recovered, with the chance that she did her heart would have failed. So, I fixed them both, I wished I could fix everything but that would have attracted attention.”

  “You gave her a second chance and I love you for that.” Marie said. “What did you want to tell me?” Marie looked at Sophie.

  “Your scar has gone.” Kimimela said. “From your stomach.”

  “I know.” Marie said. “I saw in the bathroom when I had a shower. Dad told me that some of my scars have disappeared.” She smiled.

  “Not only that.” Kimimela sighed nervously. “I have no idea how much I healed.”

  “What do you mean?” Marie asked. “Do you mean that I could have children?”

  “I don’t want to say, but when I healed you, I was unable to let go.” Kimimela said. “When Jackson found me, you looked better than I did.”

  “I cannot believe it.” Mari
e gasped. “But I cannot risk it surely.”

  “Because of me?” Kimimela said.

  Marie nodded.

  “Don’t worry about me.” Kimimela smiled.

  “Having a baby is the last thing on my mind.” Marie laughed nervously. “Have you helped many people?”

  “Yes, but years ago I stopped.” Kimimela said.

  “Why?” Marie asked.

  “I have wanted to do so much more for people but could not risk the attention.” Kimimela shuffled uncomfortably. “Eleven years ago, I cured a little boy of Leukaemia.”

  “Hey.” Marie suddenly remembered. “I read about that in the papers. They said he had only days.”

  “Yes. I used my gift and gave him a second chance, asked his parents not to tell anyone.”

  “What happened?” Sophie asked.

  “The parents tried to blackmail me.” Kimimela said. “I sat down with Jackson and told him all about it.”

  “Did he sort it out?” Marie asked.

  “Yes, and I still don’t know how, but I never heard any more.” Kimimela said.

  Bill walked down the steps.

  “Hi grandfather.” Sophie giggled.

  “What did I tell you?” Bill pretended to tell her off. “Cheeky little monkey.”

  “Hey Bill.” Kimimela smiled.

  “I see the grumpy kid found you.” Bill joked.

  “Old sod.” Marie whispered.

  “Guess what?” Bill said.

  Marie looked at him confused.

  “What?” Marie asked.

  Bill squatted down to the floor as low as he could and then jumped off the ground landing heavily.

  “You fixed his hip?” Marie exclaimed, looking at Kimimela.

  “I couldn’t watch him struggle up the stairs anymore and I wasn’t going to ruin the wall putting a chair lift in.” Kimimela turned to Bill. “Besides, he has been great over the last few days.”

  “Wow dad.” Marie was lost for words. “At least you cannot get out of cutting the grass now.”

  Kimimela laughed and Sophie giggled.

  “Quick Kimi take it back!” Bill joked.

  “Sophie.” Bill waved to get her attention. “Ready?”

  Sophie nodded.

  “What is happening?” Marie asked worriedly.

  “Stop worrying.” Bill sighed. “Kimi wants some time alone with you, so Sophie and I are off for a dinner date.”

  “You can be a gentleman and get me two vegetable burgers.” Sophie smiled. “And dessert.”

  “You walked into that one.” Kimimela said and laughed. “Her appetite is going to be like this for a while.”

  “I am hungry too.” Marie said.

  “You haven’t eaten in a while.” Kimimela said. “We had you on an intravenous transfusion for five days.”

  Bill walked over to Sophie and carefully picked her up.

  “Give your mum a kiss.” He held her closer to Marie who held onto her face and kissed her.

  “We need to catch up.” Marie said. “Seems like I haven’t seen you in forever.”

  Sophie nodded.

  “Come on gramps.” Sophie giggled.

  Bill shook his head and sighed, gently walking her from the kitchen into the hall.

  Kimimela and Marie watched as Bill helped Sophie with her jacket and put his own on, before leaving.

  Marie turned to Kimimela and sighed nervously.

  “You need to relax.” Kimimela smiled. “Not a vampire. Remember?”

  “I know. I am just.” Marie sighed and breathed deeply. “Scared.”

  “I know how you feel.” Kimimela said, placing her hand on Marie’s. “I have been there.”

  “How do you carry on as if nothing has happened?” Marie asked her. “I have a million questions.”

  “I know and I will answer as many as I can.” Kimimela said. “You saw my past, along with Jackson and Elizabeth’s.”

  “So much pain.” Marie gasped. “You have suffered so much.” She started to cry.

  “Please don’t.” Kimimela begged. “Look forward, not behind.”

  “I am sorry.” Marie said.

  Marie looked towards the basement.

  “Is he dead?” Marie knew the answer but had to ask.

  “Yes.” Kimimela said. “It was unavoidable.”

  “What happened to the body?” Marie stood up, groaning.

  “Jackson had it disposed of.” Kimimela said. “Better you don’t know.”

  “What happens now?” Marie said. “Do me and Sophie just go on our way and forget this happened?”

  “That is what I need to speak to you about.” Kimimela was nervous. “Jackson is dying.”

  Marie looked at Kimimela in confusion.

  “What do you mean? You have been giving him boosts every so often.” Marie said.

  “Cancer.” Kimimela’s voice broke. “He found out he had cancer in the nineteen sixties.”

  “You cured him?” Marie asked.

  “Yes, but it always comes back.” Kimimela shook her head. “I could never heal him completely.”

  “Why?” Marie was curious.

  “Maybe it is meant to be, he is over a hundred and sixty years old.” Kimimela chuckled. “The oldest man alive.”

  “That is surreal!” Marie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Older than you?”

  “Yes.” Kimimela smiled. “I am a hundred and forty.”

  “Crazy.” Marie said and then shook her head. “What is happening with Jackson?”

  “He refused to let me help him, Elizabeth is sticking by his decision and I cannot convince them.” Kimimela wiped a tear from her face. “Will you help me?”

  “How?” Marie asked.

  “Talk to him.” Kimimela said. “Try and convince him.”

  “He won’t listen to me.” Marie scoffed. “He doesn’t even like me.”

  “Sit down.” Kimimela pointed to the chair and sat down opposite. “Because we are connected, I can connect you with him.”

  “Do you mean like a dream?” Marie asked. “Really?”

  Kimimela nodded.

  “I cannot promise he will listen to me.” Marie said.

  “Try.” Kimimela begged. “I need them.”

  “How does this work?” Marie asked.

  “Lay on the table and close your eyes.” Kimimela stood up.

  Marie got to her feet and sat on the table, pushing the mugs to one side she swung her legs up and gently laid back.

  “Will this hurt?” Marie asked.

  “No.” Kimimela placed her hand on Marie’s forehead, Marie closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

  Marie lay on the table, feeling the coldness of Kimimela’s hand against her and then the warmth as she removed it.

  “Now what?” She said, her eyes moving around under the closed lids. “Hello?”

  Marie opened her eyes and sat up.

  “Kimimela?” She called, looking around the kitchen.

  She looked down and noticed her clothes had changed. She was wearing a blue summer dress.

  “What is going on?” Marie felt the material between her fingers. “I got rid of this thing ages ago.”

  A loud knock echoed through the hall.

  “Hello?” Marie looked towards the door. “Who is there?”

  No answer.

  Two knocks, much louder.

  Marie walked up the steps into the hall and looked at the front door.

  Two knocks.

  Marie walked to the door and turned the handle, slowly opening it.

  Marie found herself standing in the middle of a forest, surrounded by trees, flowers and long grass. It was warm and the sunbeams streaked through the branches. Marie turned around, expecting to see the door she had walked through.

  “This place again?” She whispered. “Hello?” She called out. “Anyone.”

  “Hello?” A child’s voice behind her.

  Marie turned around to find a little girl, she was barefoot wearing a white dre
ss, dirty and grass stained. An albino Alsatian sat next to her, softly panting.

  “Hello?” Marie replied, looking around for anyone else.

  “Hello Marie.” The girl said and smiled.

  “You know who I am?” Marie was confused. “Who are you?”

  The girl giggled, turned and ran away into the forest. The dog barked and followed. After a few seconds, Marie sighed in frustration and run after the girl.

  When Marie caught up with the girl and the dog, they had approached the fallen tree by the lake where Jackson sat writing in a journal. He looked up when the girl approached him, she pointed to Marie.

  “Hi.” Marie said.

  “Why are you here?” Jackson asked. “Are you still asleep?”

  Marie was out of breath, she leaned against the tree.

  “No.” She was panting. “No, I woke.”

  “Are you sure?” Jackson asked.

  “Yes.” Marie paused. “I am sure of it. Sophie was at the house.”

  “Sophie is still in the hospital.” Jackson Sighed. “They will not let her out.”

  “But she was there and everything.” Marie groaned. “What is going on?”

  Jackson closed his journal.

  “You are still asleep.” Jackson said. “It can take a day or two to recover.”

  “Bill said it had been five days?” Marie said in confusion.

  “Only a day has passed.” Jackson said. “It appears you have been misled.”

  “By Kimimela?” Marie asked.

  Jackson nodded.

  “There are many different personalities of Kimimela here. Charlotte. Catherine. Anna.” Jackson explained. “All those personalities clash sometimes.” Jackson laughed. “Sometimes she can be quite childlike.”

  “She said I was cured.” Marie said softly, watching the little girl play with the dog.

  “You have been. You were dead for a short while and Kimimela was unable to let go, curing all your old injuries dating back to when you were born. Falls, cuts, scrapes.” He pointed to her stomach. “The gunshot wound that resulted in the loss of your child.”

  “Why was she unable to let go?” Marie asked.

  “We don’t know.” He groaned, leaning forward and holding his chest.

  Marie put her hand onto his shoulder.

  “What is wrong?” The worry in her voice.

  “I am dying.” Jackson said bluntly. “I made a mistake of trying to remove Kimimela’s grip on you and it resulted in her absorbing some of my life.” He sat down on the tree. “My health is not so good.”


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