Book Read Free


Page 21

by Dave Blackwell

  “Taking this one on.” Bill said. “Her name is now Anna.”

  “How are you just taking all this?” Marie asked. “Why are you not freaking out.”

  Bill took hold of his daughter’s hand and held it tightly.

  “Trust me I did.” Bill laughed. “The girl showed me everything that she did for you and Sophie. Damn even Jackson showed me when he found the baby.”

  “And you are fine with it?” Marie asked.

  “When your mother died, it broke me into a million pieces.” Bill said softly. “I put myself back together for your sake and I have brought up an amazing girl with amazing values. Even when you lost Alison, you didn’t give up.”

  Marie started to cry.

  “If you want something to cry about, I have more.” Bill said laughing.

  “What?” Marie wiped the tears away.

  “As well as this little one.” Bill gently rocked the baby. “Sophie wants to ask you something, but she wants me to ask you first.”

  “What?” Marie asked. “Does she want to leave?”

  “Far from it.” Bill said smiling. “She is going to ask you to adopt her.”

  Marie gasped.

  “You better say yes.” Bill said softly. “I love that kid.”

  Marie burst into tears, burying her face in her hands. She sat up and put her arms gently around her father, hugging him.

  “You are okay kid.” Bill said. “Don’t squish the little one.” He laughed.

  Marie sat back in the chair.

  “What do we do now?” She asked.

  “Read the letter that Jackson left you.” Bill said. “They planned everything.”

  “Only one little thing though.” Bill said. “We have to move.”

  “We?” Marie asked.

  “I am coming with you.” Bill said. “No chance am I missing out on this grandfather lark.” Bill laughed.

  Marie smiled and pulled the letter from her pocket, looking at the writing, she then slowly opened it and read it to herself.


  Marie closed the door to the portable toilet, waving the air around her nose, her face screwed in disgust. She didn’t notice the albino Alsatian when she turned around, almost tripping over it.

  “Christ!” She snapped.

  The dog looked up at her, panting and wagging its tail.

  “Hey there.” Marie said.

  The dog looked at her, cocking its head in curiosity.

  “Are you lost?” She asked.

  “He doesn’t talk.” The young woman said turning the corner. “Bit stubborn like that.”

  Marie laughed nervously.

  “Did he scare you?” The woman slapped her thigh to get the dogs attention. “Come here.”

  The dog slowly walked up to the woman, sitting down in her shadow. The woman wore combat trousers, hiking boots and a khaki shirt. She had a plain blue baseball cap on and a small rucksack over her shoulder.

  “He is beautiful.” Marie said and smiling. “Not the first time I have seen an albino dog.”

  “It is rare, but that is what I love.” The woman replied. “He is unique.”

  “Okay to stroke him?” Marie asked.

  “Go for it, he loves the fuss.” The woman said.

  Marie got down on her knees and stroked the dog’s ears, the dog panted heavier.

  “Cute guy.” She smiled. “I am Marie by the way.” Marie held out her hand to the woman who took it and shook it.

  “I am Emily.” Emily smiled. “I work here.”

  “Oh, wow that is amazing. Doing what?” Marie asked.

  “Rescue mainly.” She stroked the dog’s ear. “We go out looking for morons that get lost or decide to hike out of their comfort zones.” She laughed. “You just visiting?”

  “Yeah.” Marie nodded. “Mini break with my father and girls.”

  “Sounds like fun.” Emily said. “Better get back to work, nice meeting you.” Emily waved and walked away, the dog following shortly after.

  Bill leaned against the car watching the girls when Marie cut through the trees, smiling when she saw him.

  “Find any?” Bill asked.

  “Yes, but they stunk pretty badly.” She laughed. “Not held my breath for so long.”

  “should have gone back in the lodge.” Bill teased.

  “Easy for you to say.” She pulled a face. “You can go anywhere.”

  “True.” Bill took a deep breath. “Anyhow. You ready?”

  “Yes.” Marie picked up her rucksack and unzipped it.

  She pulled the camera from her rucksack and took the lens cap off, checking the settings on the lake in front of her. The afternoon sun was beating down and there was a gentle warm breeze.

  “You need help with that?” Bill teased. “Or do you need an adult to sort it.” He laughed.

  “Very funny old man.” Marie poked her tongue out at him. They both wore hiking boots, combat shorts and white t-shirts.

  “Want me to get a shot of you three?” Bill asked. “I could do with an updated one.”

  Marie nodded and handed the camera to him, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.

  “What was that for?” Bill asked in surprise.

  “For coming with us.” Marie said. “And being an awesome father.”

  “And grandfather!” He chuckled.

  “Anna?” Marie called. “Photo time.”

  Anna kneeled by the lake, picking flowers. She stood up and wiped the dirt off her knees and grumbling. She was wearing white trainers, a pink t-shirt and white shorts.

  “Coming mummy!” She yelled and ran towards Bill and Marie holding a handful of flowers.

  Sophie leaned against the jeep, holding a mobile phone and writing a message. She wore blue jeans, blue canvas shoes and a grey t-shirt. Her long blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. She had a cochlear implant on one side and a normal hearing aid on the other.

  “Sophie.” Marie called out. “Can we get a photo?”

  Sophie looked up and put her phone away, smiling as she made her way towards Marie. She saw Anna making her way and ran up behind her, grabbing her and growling.

  “Gonna eat you!” Sophie said as Anna screamed in delight.

  “Stop tickling me!” She shouted. “Going to wee myself!” Anna giggled.

  “No not again!” Sophie teased and put her down. “What you got there.”

  “Flowers stupid.” Anna said bluntly.

  “Who for? You know mum hates flowers.” Sophie looked at her in confusion.

  “For granddaddy.” She smiled. “He likes flowers.”

  Marie stood by a fallen tree.

  “How about here?” She said to Sophie. “Looks really nice.”

  “Good idea.” Sophie said and ran over to Marie, grabbing hold of her and hugging her.

  Anna slowly walked up to Bill and looked up at him with a grin on her face.

  “Here.” She handed the flowers to him. “For you Grandpa.” She giggled.

  “What happened to not using the G-word on me?” Bill whispered and placed the flowers gently on the floor.

  “Changed my mind.” Anna stuck her tongue out. “Grandpa. Grandpa. Grandpa.” She giggled.

  “Going to throw you in the lake!” He ran at her as she screamed, running into Marie’s arms.

  “What’s grandpa doing to you?” Marie said.

  “Going to throw me in the lake.” She giggled.

  “With the alligators.” Sophie added in sarcasm.

  “Oh, ignore her.” Marie said. “You are too skinny for them.” She tickled her as she screamed.

  “Right you kids, get together.” He aimed the camera. “Sophie and Marie together, and Anna in the middle in front.”

  Sophie put her arm around Marie’s shoulder and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Bill fired off a few shots.

  “Perfect.” Bill said and checked the photograph. “Let me set up the tripod so we can all be in it.”

  “I’ll help.” Marie made her way towards Bill.r />
  Anne ran off back to the side of the lake, slowly followed by Sophie.

  “You okay dad?” Marie said. “Looking a bit off.”

  “Just hot.” He sighed. “Not used to this heat.”

  “So, what do you think of Yosemite then dad?” Marie sighed. “It’s amazing isn’t it?”

  Bill nodded.

  “It is.” He nodded.

  “Death Valley tomorrow.” Marie said. “And then the crater place.”

  “Grand Canyon you mean.” Bill shook his head. “Crater placed.” He mumbled.

  “Vegas should be interesting.” Marie said. “Then back home.”

  “Ah at least it will be cooler.” Bill sighed.

  “A tad maybe.” Marie smiled and gave him a playful punch. “Are you glad you moved with us? To San Francisco?”

  “Yes.” Bill said. “Loving every minute.” He suddenly remembered something. “Have you planned the surprise for Sophies birthday?”

  “Yes.” Marie smiled. “Sixteen years old, time really does fly.”

  “You were a nightmare at that age.” He chuckled. “Saying that now, you still are!”

  “Oh charming.” Marie laughed.

  “Love you really.” He hugged her. “And can now share that love with two amazing grandchildren.”

  Anna stood on the edge of the lake, throwing stones into the water. Sophie stood next to her, on her mobile phone.

  “Sophie.” Anna whined. “Look.”

  “What is it?” Sophie looked at the lake and then back at Anna who was pointing.

  A blue butterfly was floating in the water.

  “Aw poor thing.” Anna moaned. “It drowned.”

  Anna stepped into the water and bent down, fishing it up.

  “Anna you got your trainers wet.” Sophie told her off. “Mum will freak.”

  “But it’s drowned.” Anna moaned.

  “I know.” Sophie pulled a sad face. “That is how nature works.”

  “Maybe we can help it?” Anna said.

  “It cannot be helped.” Sophie responded and put her phone back in her pocket.

  “Mouth to mouth?” Anna said and held it in her hands, blowing at it.

  Sophie started laughing.

  “What?” Anna was hurt. “Why are you laughing at me?”

  “You cannot give it mouth to mouth, it is too small.” Sophie bent down in front of Anna who had tears welling in her eyes. “Don’t be sad. It has gone somewhere better.” Sophie smiled. “Put it on that rock.” Sophie pointed to a rock.

  “Okay.” Anna said in defeat. “Poor butterfly.” She laid the butterfly on the rock and then hugged Sophie who giggled and hugged back.

  “Let’s go.” Sophie said.

  “Bye bye morpho.” Anna said and waved to the butterfly.

  Sophie looked at her confused and shook her head.

  “Weird kid.” Sophie muttered as Anna ran off towards Bill.

  Anna caught her foot on a branch and lost her balance, falling heavily against the floor. She yelped out in pain and started to cry, holding onto her knee.

  Bill and Marie ran to her aid, along with Sophie.

  “Anna?” Marie panicked.

  Anna still crying, revealed a graze on her knee.

  “Let me have a look.” Sophie said and looked closer.

  “I think that is a special plaster job.” Marie said and smiled in relief, looking at Bill.

  “Come here you.” Bill bent down and picked up Anna who stopped crying and forced a smile. “Let’s get you a plaster for that knee and then get a photo.” Bill sighed. “Then I think it’s a good opportunity to get ice cream?”

  Anna squealed in glee as Bill carried her towards the car.

  “You okay mum?” Sophie said. “You looked worried.”

  “I am fine. I think I was expecting to see something different.” Marie said.

  “like what?” Sophie asked.

  “I don’t know.” Marie avoided the question. “She is fine. How are you?”

  “I am good. I got that job.” Sophie said smiling. “They texted me just now and offered me a part-time role writing for the paper.”

  “Wow that is great.” Marie put her arms around Sophie. “That calls for a bigger celebration.”

  Marie and Sophie walked towards the car where Bill sat Anna on the seat, cleaning and dressing her knee.

  On the rock where Anna had left the butterfly, it started to twitch, its wings began to flutter as it got to its legs, drying its wings before flying off across the lake.




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