Book Read Free

Sharing Britney

Page 16

by Eden Rose

  My head whirls. I know exactly where he’s going with this. “Okay?”

  “If you stop seeing Britney and you stop interfering with my son, I won’t continue the investigation.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? You’re going to resort to blackmail?”

  “I’m willing to do anything to protect my son and my reputation.”

  This mother fucker. He’s trying to control Brit. “You’re willing to do anything to make sure that a white trash biker isn’t seen taking your place.”

  I’m getting so sick and tired of these controlling assholes who think they can do whatever they want. He has no right to be in here demanding that I stop seeing my woman. Especially after she said yes to marrying me.

  A dark thought clicks into my mind. “It’s going to be rather hard to stop seeing her. Now that we’re engaged and everything. Now that she’s moving in with Aidan to my house. Seems to me that you lost.”

  David’s face drops a little and I can tell that he’s trying to figure out what to say to piss me off. “You’re engaged to the mother of my son? You think that you can come in here and start changing everything up just because you want to replace me? Fuck you, Dylan.”

  My head jerks back a little at him using my first name. It’s not very often that someone has the courage to say my first name and if they do, it’s probably a legal matter.

  “Those are big words for a small beat cop.”

  I’m beyond annoyed regarding this conversation that’s not going anywhere. I know it and he knows that Britney is meant to be with me and so is Aidan. I don’t give two shits that he doesn’t have my blood running through his veins, he’s mine.

  “Be careful what you start, Kingman. I warned you ahead of time. How do you think your new woman’s going to feel when she has to explain to her son’s teacher about why you’re in prison? You think she’s going to wait for you?”

  I let his words roll off my back but I know that he’s about to stir some shit up. It’s only a matter of time before he stirs some shit that’s going to back fire on me and the club.

  The worst thing? Is this couldn’t be happening at a worse time than this. With everything that’s going on with the club and the fact that Slice is probably killing The Bear right now, the last thing we need is for the cops meddling in our fucking business.

  I shrug him off and smirk. “See ya later, David.”

  I slam the door in his face before he could say anything. The last thing that I want to hear is some of his bull shit being spewed regarding my relationship with Britney.

  My issue? That’s simple as I crawl over Brit’s sleeping body to hold her close. I’m probably going to go to prison before I go to war with The McSimmons clan and The Plague. People are going to die and it could be me.


  Unfortunately, happiness is a feeling that flees away from someone. It’s a sad and horrible feeling when you’re knocked off your bliss and thrown into the harsh reality that your life is not meant to be a Disney romance.

  And this is apparently the time.

  Call me a coward, but I was awake through the whole conversation between Flip and David. I didn’t say a word to either of them because I don’t know what the hell to say to them. How do you explain that you are so in love with someone that you are willing to risk everything?

  My happiness got a shot in the face when I heard David threatening to open an investigation against Lucifer’s Lair. They might not be happy with me right now due to all the bull shit that happened with Mack Truck, but they are still my family. I will still do whatever is needed to protect them and make sure that nothing bad will happen.

  If that makes me naïve, I don’t give a shit.

  “Does he have anything on you?” I whisper to him after I sat there stewing for over an hour. I know that he’s still awake because I can feel his eyes boring into my skin.

  “You were listening?” He whispers back to me as if he’s careful to not wake Aidan up.

  I nod my head and push the hair out of my eyes. “David doesn’t make idle threats, Flip.”


  I smirk. “Dylan.”

  He reaches over to me to run a finger down the slope of my nose. “Baby, none of that is something you need to worry about. I got it covered.”

  Even though I know he’s full of bull shit, I try hard not to press it even more. But wait a minute! If we’re going to be getting married, this is something I should know about.

  “No. I want to know what the fuck he’s talking about. I need to know everything.”

  I feel courage coursing through my body that I have never felt before and it’s weird. It feels as if I’m on top of the world or something.

  I smirk a little to myself, proud of standing up to him and letting him know that we’re a team. “I need to know everything. We’re getting married,” I remind him.

  Gently, his hand stops tracing the lines of my face and I cup his hand against my cheek. “I love you,” I say just because the words seem to keep falling from my lips.

  “Brit, I’ve done some shit in the past that I’m not proud of and I don’t want it to hurt you or Aidan. I will do my best that it doesn’t.”

  With that, I knew that the conversation has been dropped and there’s nothing more I can do to push him into telling me what David has on him. Briefly, I feel the temptation to reach out to Chantal, The Bear’s ol’ lady. She’s a hacker and could probably find some shit.

  Why does it make me guilty? I feel like I’m invading his privacy just by thinking that. It’s fucking silly, but it’s true.

  I know I should trust him and believe in what he has to say but it’s extremely hard.


  This morning is just like every other morning in America. The mom makes breakfast wearing her pajamas while the kid is talking about what he wants to do for the week and the dad is getting ready for work. As normal as it sounds, I’m not stupid.

  We’re not normal and I have long ago accepted that the normal lifestyle isn’t for me.

  Flip walks over to me and places his hands on my hips before kissing my forehead goodbye. He doesn’t smell like his normal scent as he doesn’t have his shower shit at my place but he still smells good. He still smells delicious.

  “I’ll see you at work, precious,” he murmurs against my forehead. “Catch ya later, dude,” he throws over his shoulder for Aidan.

  Aidan loves that Flip treats him like he’s a big kid and not a little one. It’s cool and everything, but I still want him to be my baby.


  “Hey, brother. I need to talk to ya,” Flip says standing off the corner next to the bar.

  It’s a Wednesday, nothing too exciting is going on at the clubhouse but I know shit is about to hit the fan. Slice has been silently stewing for the past couple of days working on all the paperwork for Jen. They are also dealing with the fact that her husband was murdered and now there’s more shit they need to take care of. I know that he’s pissed off about us dragging them out and forcing them to attack, and I’m waiting for it.

  For the past few days, I have been drunk. Whether I’m at The Kitty having a stripper grind all over me or I’m in my room at the clubhouse getting wasted. Every time the alcohol wears off, I remember how big of a fucking dick I am.

  There’s no one to blame but myself. And I hate Flip.

  I lift the bottle to my mouth and spin on my barstool to look at him. After I take a healthy sip and the amber liquor is spreading through my body, I speak. “What?” Being nice to this mother fucker right now is not happening. He’s been going around bragging about Britney and how wonderful she is. The worst part? The brothers are acting like fucking high schoolers and will stop talking when I enter the room.


  “So, there’s no easy way to say this but I think you should know first,” he hedges with a guilty smile on his face. “Brit and I are engaged and she’s moving in with me.”

  With a good amoun
t of the alcohol already shooting through my veins, I’m slow moving but I attack. I jump off the stool and jump on him. “What the fuck do you mean?”

  My fist is pulled back and ready to fight when I tell it it’s time. I can’t believe this mother fucker.

  Flip has his jaw stiff and he’s ready to take the hit if I decide he’s going to get one. “Look, man. You had your chance and I love her.”

  My head begins to spin. I know he’s right but it doesn’t make it any easier to hear it coming from him. “You couldn’t wait, could you? You know she wanted me all this time and you couldn’t wait for her to be available for you to scoop up. You fucker.”

  It’s Flip that punches me straight into the gut. The force of the asshole’s punch knocks me back into the barstool that abandoned a few minutes ago. I fall to the floor and my head bounces off the foot rest on the barstool. For a few seconds, I’m seeing bright flashes of colors and I come back from my daze to see Slice holding him back.

  “What the fuck is goin’ on here?” He demands with his teeth grinding against each other. He looks pissed. “I come back here to talk to the prez and you fuckin’ pansies are humping each other on the floor.”

  “That bastard proposed to Brit!” I grind out.

  In the back of my mind, I knew that she wouldn’t always wait around for me. I knew that she would want someone there for her and I wasn’t. I knew that I pushed her away when I told her she’s nothing but a fly. I did all this shit and I still can’t stop thinking about her.

  I’m lonelier now than I was after I found out my baby sister was raped and murdered one hundred feet away from our tent. I couldn’t even save her, I thought I was doing the right thing.

  Now, I don’t know.

  I’m more pissed off at the fact that I had a chance to make it work with Britney but I shoved her away. I’m even more pissed off that my sister’s murderer has never been found and there’s shit I can do about it.

  Now I just want everyone to go the fuck away and let me enjoy my booze in peace.

  I should have known that shit wasn’t going to work out like that though. The Bear is storming into the main room of the clubhouse and he looks pissed as fuck. God damn it.

  Carefully, I push myself off the floor and stand up to my full height. The effects of the alcohol are screwing with my balance which makes me lean against the bar top for security.

  “I’m only gonna say this once, mother fuckers. We have too much goin’ on in this MC to be fightin’ about some pussy,” he yells out over the music that has now stopped.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bic standing next to the stereo with a sly grin on his face. Even though the bastard is older than shit, he still knows how to command the room. He used to be a higher ranking member but he stepped back a few years ago to relax, or at least that’s what he said to me.

  The man isn’t that fucking old but he acts like he’s full of wisdom and makes sure everyone knows it, too.

  Bic has his signature scowl on his face and he looks bored. “I’ve fuckin’ had it with you crybabies!” He shouts out while staring at us all. After making the rounds so all of our faces are looked at, he then starts spouting off the shit that is pissing him off. “You guys talk about brotherhood, this is not what I signed up for. Brotherhood left a long time ago and now all that’s left is a bunch of fuckin’ pussies.”

  My mouth drops as I try to decide what to do next. I want to punch the man in the mouth but at the same time, he has a point.

  Rabies comes out of nowhere with a cigarette hanging from his lips and he walks over to Bic. He sticks his hand out for Bic to shake it and it’s the craziest thing I have seen in a long ass time. “I respect you, brother. I respect that you’re here and tryin’ to make us better.”

  The Bear growls a little and then looks at all of us to make sure that we’re paying attention to him. “This is how it’s gonna go from now. You got beef, take it up to the brother in the cages. You got woman issues, handle it outside of here. I don’t give a fuck what is goin’ on in your life but the club hasn’t been comin’ first.”

  Hearing two men that I have respected for a long time explain their point of views, makes me realize that I did fuck up by sharing Britney. I should have been a man enough and told him that she’s mine but I didn’t.

  “If you want to keep bein’ little fuckin’ bitches, I’m gonna treat you like on,” The Bear continues with a look that tells us all that he’s serious. “This club has been through enough and I’m not gonna let pussy tear us apart. You fuckin’ got me?”

  “Aye!” We all reply.

  I do know exactly what he means and because of that, I’m not going to jeopardize the brotherhood over something like this. If Britney loves Flip, I guess that means she loves him.

  There’s nothing else I can do but wait to see if he fucks up, I guess.


  “Take my dick like the hungry girl that you are,” Flip growls in my ear.

  He’s behind me while I’m leaning against the bathroom vanity. My eyes are wild with lust and his face is full of it as well. He’s got my hips in his hands and is pulling me against his thunderous hips fucking me like crazy.

  “Oh, fuck!” I cry out as he strokes in and out of me with measured strokes. Each time he slides all the way in, he’s brushing against my G Spot driving me closer and closer to the edge.

  Flip is whispering the dirtiest shit in my ear and it’s making me hotter than ever. “Look at you, precious. Look at how hot and turned on you are for me. Look at how much you want this dick. My dick. Say it,” he grits the last part out.

  “I want your dick!” I scream.

  “Tell me your mine,” he demands as he stuffs me full of his cock again.

  “I’m yours, I’m yours! I promise!”

  Flip slides all the way out and sticks his thumb in my ass. I groan at the invasion but it’s a delicious burn. “I’m going to fuck you here, next. While I fuck you, I want you to watch your face in the mirror. I want you to see how much you love me.”

  I wanted to tell him that I don’t need to watch my face in the mirror. That I already know how much I love him, but I don’t.

  “Suck my dick first.”

  I spin around until I’m in front of him. Flip’s dick is wet from my juicy pussy but it’s the way his eyes dance with horniness that gets me even hotter. I drop to my knees to take him into my mouth.

  I lavish him with my tongue, giving him the show that he wants from me. I wink up at him as I suck him into the back of my throat, gagging on the head. He’s getting harder and harder as I continue fucking him with my mouth.

  “That’s it, baby. Get me nice and wet so I can fuck that ass.”

  My hand cups his balls and I roll them in my palm. He’s groaning loudly and praising me. “You are so fucking good. Yeah, fuck! Baby, your mouth is so hot.”

  Inside, I’m beaming with praise. I slide my mouth off of his dick and then slide my lips again down his shaft.

  “Stop, stop!” He begs me. Flip’s eyes are wild and my lips are sore from sucking him but I love the look on his face. “Get up and give me that ass.”

  While I do what he asked, no. Demanded. I hear his wrestling with something behind me. I feel him lining his body up to sink into mine again but this time, there’s two thick mushroom sized heads lined up to my holes.

  I look in the mirror to see him concentrating on something very intently.

  “Holy fucking shit!” I moan out loud.

  Two thick dicks spear inside me, spreading me open for him to fuck me. I feel fuller than I have ever felt before! His dick is in my ass and the other one is in my pussy. Every time Flip slides in and out, the dildo goes with him.

  “That’s it, baby. Take these dicks inside your tight body,” he groans against my ear. Flip sinks his teeth into my earlobe and I squeeze my inner muscles around the dicks.

  “How do you feel?” He asks me.

  “Full! I feel full!” I answer immediately.<
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  Flip chuckles. “Damn right, you feel full. I’m never sharing you again. From now on, you’re going to take what I give you and like it. Your body will be made for pleasure. Brace your hands on the counter.”

  I do as he says and he slides one of his hands around my hip until he’s brushing against my pussy lips. “I love your tight and beautiful pussy. You know that? I love the way your lips get all puffy as I fill you full.”

  My body syncs in with his thrusts and we fuck each other so good. Flip fingers my clit like a wild man until I’m speaking in tongues. He bites my shoulder- hard- and I scream out.

  “Damn!” I groan. He’s so thick but I will be damned if I tell him to get out of me. I want him too bad.

  Flip’s bottomed out in me and I moan as he grips my hips to push and pull me. We are both moaning and groaning out in pleasure until he’s yelling out his release. His come fills me full and he’s kissing my shoulder.

  “Fuck, girl. If I would have known you were this amazing, I would have kissed you before!”


  I’m surprised to say that shit has been quiet for the past week and I haven’t spoken to David throughout this whole time. I keep waiting to see if he’s going to show up and stir up some drama.

  Aidan and I have moved into Flip’s house and I must tell you, I love this house. At first, I was weary about living with him so quickly but I have known him for two years and I know he’s a good guy.

  Plus, he loves Aidan like he’s his own son. Nothing in the world means more to me than my son. Aidan loves Flip and has tried to convince him to allow my son to call him dad.

  “Hey, precious,” Flip says as he steps up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

  I nestle the back of my head onto his chest, relishing the feel of his strong body. I draw his strength from him every day and I love it. “Good morning,” I whisper to him.

  I’m in the process of making pancakes and bacon when the doorbell rings.

  “I’ll get it!” Aidan yells as he runs across the wood floors of the foyer.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” I ask Flip with my eyebrow arched. “It’s only eight in the morning…”


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