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Love At First Taste: Love Comes First Book Three

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by Turner, Olivia T.

  “I’ll see you at dinner.” I get up and leave with a polite smile, but he follows me. “Can I help you?” I ask with a grin as I turn around to face him.

  “I don’t want to leave the only sane person,” he says as he runs a hand through his blond hair, messing it up. Somehow, it looks even better. “I’m staying with you.”

  “You can walk me to the bridge,” I tell him as I turn and start walking with him on my heels. “But no guests are allowed inside.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  We walk up the stairs and I can feel his eyes on my ass. I don’t mind though. I kind of like this guy.

  Julie, Eivind, and Knot step out of Julie’s room as we pass. “Oh, just in time,” I say as we stop in front of them. All three of them look guilty. “Julie, don’t ever leave your bar like that again. And you two…” I shove my sponge into Eivind’s chest and then grab Luke’s and shove it into Knot’s chest. “Go make that deck spotless. If I see one scuff mark, I’m going to transfer you into the kitchen with Santiago.”

  Both of their eyes widen in panic. They’re terrified of the chef. They wandered in for a snack on their first day and Santiago almost sliced an ear off.

  “Yes, Chief,” they both say and then hurry off to get it done. When those two aren’t distracting my bartender, they’re good workers and fun to be around.

  Luke follows me all the way to the bridge like a lost puppy. “You can’t come in here,” I tell him when I reach the door.

  “I don’t want to leave your side,” he says with an earnest look in his eyes that shocks me.


  “I don’t know,” he whispers. “But I don’t. Ever.”

  “Okay,” I say with a laugh as I open the door. “Go back to your party and save the cheesy pick-up lines for the tourists in Nassau. We’ll be there soon enough.”

  I close the door in his face, but he lingers on the deck, watching me through the window as I take over for Ted.

  “Look at this text,” he says with a panicked edge to his voice as he shoves his phone in my face. I lean back and take it from his clenched fingers.

  “So?” I say when I read it. “What’s the problem?”

  He scoffs. “She’s going to a pub tonight with her friend Rachel?”


  “Rachel! She was over last month and she was drinking rose wine!”

  I shake my head, so confused. “I’m failing to see the problem.”

  “They’re going to a pub! They don’t serve rose wine at pubs. She’s clearly going with some guy she’s fucking.”

  “Whoa!” I say as I give him the phone back. “You need to dial it way back. That is not what that text says. I’m sure this Rachel girl drinks other fluids beside rose wine.”

  “I don’t know,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck as he stares down at his phone. “I just don’t know.”

  He storms out of the bridge and Luke catches the door with his big hand before it closes.

  “Nope,” I say sharply, but there’s a smile on my face as he looks in. “No guests beyond that point. It’s the law on this yacht and I have to warn you, Santiago is the judge, jury, and executioner for any laws broken.”

  “A lifetime of pain would be worth a moment by your side,” he says with those dashing green eyes shining like emeralds.

  “Okay,” I say with a smile and a roll of my eyes. “What did I say about cheesy pick-up lines? Let me do my job and stop distracting me.”

  “But distracting you is my job,” he says with a grin.

  I walk over and grab the door handle. “Then you’re not very good at it. I’m a professional and I don’t get distracted.”

  “We’ll see about that,” he says as I close the door and lock it on him.

  I exhale slowly as I head back to the wheel. It suddenly feels a lot hotter in here. He’s got me all flustered as I try to focus on the instrument panel.

  “Oh come on,” I whisper with a laugh as he comes into view in front of the large windshield. He’s standing on the deck in front of me as he grabs the bottom of his shirt with both hands. I see him grin before his shirt goes over his face and off his head.

  “Wow,” I gasp when I see his muscular frame in every stunning detail. His chest is rock hard and massive. His abs are defined like they’re carved out of granite. His arms… wow, those arms. They’re the best view I’ve seen from this boat.

  The heat swirling around my core starts descending between my legs when he unbuttons his pants and pulls them down his thick muscular thighs.

  I’m gripping onto the wheel, trying to look away, but that’s not happening. My eyes are glued to him and I’m all flustered because I know he’s watching me watch him.

  He steps out of his pants and I try to look away, but that bulge in his gray boxer briefs is so incredibly large. It’s stealing all of my attention and sending a heated throb pulsing between my legs.

  I never react to guys like this. It’s so unfamiliar to me to be filled with such desire and… lust. I don’t know how to handle it.

  “I’m just going to tan here for a bit,” he shouts through the windshield with a grin on his lips.

  My body tightens all over as he lies down on the deck, fully in my view. My heart is pounding as my breaths come short and quick like I’m about to start hyperventilating.

  I can see it all. His big round triceps as he rests the back of his head on his hands, his massive chest that looks so comfy to lie on, his rows and rows of hard sculpted abs, that big bulge that makes my mouth keep watering, his muscular thighs that carry his large frame, all the way down to his toes that are pointing forward like he’s leading the way.

  Oh lord. Even his toes are sexy.

  I swallow the saliva in my mouth, grip the steering wheel, and try to focus on the horizon.

  That’s my job and I’m good at my job. Keep focused.

  Oh, bloody hell.

  I’m lucky we’re in the open water or the tantalizing view of this guy would have me driving onto the shore.

  I wouldn’t stand a chance.

  Chapter Four


  “Someone threw me off,” the guy that Eivind pulled out of the water says as all the guys are seated around the dinner table. Most of them still look half-drunk. One of them is sleeping on the luxurious table. Not Luke. His striking green eyes are nice and alert as they follow me around the room. “I think it was that tall guy who helped me out.”

  “Why would he throw you in the water?” another one asks. “You were so drunk, you probably fell in.”

  “I felt hands on me,” he says as he glances up at the ceiling. “I think.”

  Luke isn’t paying them any attention. His focus is one hundred percent on me.

  I’m getting all flustered as I lean between two guys to pour some water. He’s got me so rattled that I spill some of it on the table.

  “Sorry,” I say as I quickly clean it with my cheeks burning red.

  This is too much.

  He’s looking so hot leaning back in his chair with the top few buttons of his dark navy blue shirt open. The breeze is blowing through it, making it look fluid as the wind tickles the ends of his hair. He has more color in his skin than he did when he walked onto the boat—probably from his suntanning show that lasted an hour—and it really suits him. It brings out the sharpness in his eyes.

  We’re anchored in front of Nassau and the sun is setting behind him, casting the vast sky in spectacular pink, orange, and purple hues. The lights from the island are on and they’re getting brighter as it gets darker. I wish I could take a picture of him like this.

  “Finish up,” I tell Ashley as I hand her the water pitcher. “I’m going to go check on the food.”

  Julie walks over from the bar with a huge tray of cocktails for the guys. I hold my breath as I step into the kitchen.

  “Oh, boy.” This guy… How is he getting me so frazzled?

  It’s the look he has in his eyes whenever his g
aze is on me. It’s like I’m his or something. Like he knows something I don’t. Like he paid someone or something off and now he has ownership over me.

  And the craziest part is, I like it. I want to be his.

  “Try this,” Santiago says as he comes over with a full spoon. I moan as I taste the most delicious fish that’s drenched in a heavenly sauce.

  “You’re good,” I say as I wipe the corner of my mouth with my finger. “If you ever want a wife, Santiago. Please think of me first.”

  He laughs as he tosses the spoon into the sink and checks on his vegetables that are grilling on the monstrous stove. This man is such a prima donna that he made our company replace the entire kitchen to his specifications before he would even agree to an interview.

  “I couldn’t do that to you,” he says with a grin. “I’d feed you until you weighed four hundred pounds.”

  “Oh, I don’t think I’d like that,” I say with a laugh. “I wouldn’t be able to get up the stairs.”

  “A chef who has a skinny wife is no chef at all.” I laugh as he tosses some spices into his sizzling pan.

  This guy has everyone who steps onto the boat running scared, but not me. He tried that nonsense when I stepped into his kitchen on my first day.

  He threatened to cut a finger off if I ever walked in here again. I grabbed a knife as well then told him it was my job to be checking in here and if he didn’t like it, he’d have a fresh pair of testicles to put into his sauce. He laughed and we’ve been friends ever since.

  His eyes dart over to where I’m leaning on the stainless steel counter.

  “Who are you hiding from?”

  I laugh as I shake my head. “I don’t know. A guy, I guess.”

  He straightens his back as he grabs a butcher’s knife. “Want me to cut him?”

  “What happened to you as a child?” I ask with a shake of my head. “Why do you always go straight to knives?”

  “I’m a chef. That’s what we do.”

  “No. That’s what you do.”

  He just shrugs as he carefully analyzes the sizzling food in his pan like a bomb inspector working on a live device. “So, who is this guy?”

  I sigh as I look up at the ceiling. “Nobody, I guess.”

  He’s just like all the other guys I come across. Yeah, they might show interest for the few days they’re here, but they inevitably leave. They always leave.

  “He doesn’t sound like nobody.”

  “Trust me,” I say with a sigh. “It’s nobody.”

  He pulls the fish out of the oven, places it on the plates, and drowns it in a creamy buttery sauce that these guys are probably going to be puking up later tonight.

  “Should I get Mila to help us out?” I ask as I grab a few plates.

  “No,” he snaps. “This is my masterpiece. I’m serving it.”

  I kick the door open and we head out to serve the boys.

  “What is this disrespect?” Santiago hisses when we see the empty table. Well, empty except for Luke. He’s the only one still sitting there.

  “Where did everyone go?” I ask Mila who’s on her phone again.

  “They wanted to grab some fast food on land before hitting the clubs,” she says with a shrug.

  “Fast food?!” Santiago growls as his whole body tightens. He starts swearing in Spanish as he kicks the door back open. It swings closed as the sound of plates smashing hits our cringing ears.

  “How did they get there?” I ask Mila.

  “Knut and Eivind took them in the shuttle boat. Julie went with them.”

  “What?!” I snap. “I was gone for like eight minutes!”

  She shrugs.

  “Fine,” I say with a huff of breath. I turn my attention to the only remaining guest and walk over with the two plates. “Hungry?”

  “Starving,” he says as he looks me over. I get a shiver, thinking he’s not talking about the food.

  “He’s eating on the deck upstairs,” Mila says as she simultaneously talks and types. “Ashley is setting it up.”

  “Why am I even here?” I ask in disbelief. “Do I even have to be at work?”

  “It doesn’t look like it,” Luke says with a grin. “So, come and join me.”

  I laugh. “Out of the question.”

  “Because you already ate?”

  “No, because I’m working.”

  “You just said that you don’t need to be here,” he says as he stands up. He’s so big. He’s towering over me even with the large table between us. “And besides, I’m the only guest here for the night, so I expect one on one service.” He takes the plates from me, which is nice because my hands are starting to ache. “So, come eat with me.”

  I hesitate for a second, but then follow him up the stairs and outside. “Wow,” I whisper when I see the table for two set up on the deck. We have a gorgeous panoramic view of the lit-up shoreline, the ocean, the emerging stars, and the setting sun. All with a nice warm breeze. It’s stunning. It’s perfect.

  Luke places the plates on the table and then pulls out my chair. “Join me. I insist.”

  I look around as I bite my bottom lip. I’m tempted. I’ve always been the one to serve and I haven’t ever sat on this beautiful yacht as the guest.

  There’s soft romantic violin music playing that Ashley must have set up for us. I make a note to apologize to her for being so rough about the chocolates. She can have the whole box for setting this up.

  “If the guest insists…” I say as I sit down.

  “I do.” He pushes me in then takes the napkin from the table and places it on my lap. “Wine?”

  “I’d love some.”

  I watch as he takes the open bottle of white from the ice bucket and pours each of us a glass.

  My eyes never leave him as he sits down and raises his glass. “Cheers.”


  We clink glasses and I take a cold sip of the delicious wine.

  “You didn’t want to go partying?” I ask him as we dig into the amazing fish.

  “I didn’t want to leave your side,” he says with a smile.

  I can’t help but blush as I tear off a piece of my fish with my fork. “Where did you say you were from, Mr. Cline?”

  “Luke. And I don’t think I did. I work in Manhattan.”

  He tells me all about his family company and he has me laughing when he describes each one of his brothers and his little sister.

  “So, you have family dinners in the conference room?”

  He laughs. “Every Thursday night. It’s a tradition my dad started and you better not miss one if your last name was Cline.”

  “It’s nice to meet a new friend,” I say as I take another sip of wine. He watches my lips wrap around the rim of my glass and it sends a jolt of something hot ripping through me. I don’t think anyone has made me feel so beautiful in my life. So… noticed. “I guess you’re leaving back to New York in four days?”

  He takes a deep breath as he looks at the spectacular scenery of Nassau glowing in the dark. The sun is gone for a slumber and the bright moon is out. The stars are lighting the night sky on fire and it’s all terribly romantic. We’re the only ones up here and it feels like we’re the only ones on the planet right now. It’s just us.

  “I think I might hang around for a bit,” he says as he turns back to me. “Something caught my eye.”

  “And what’s that?” I ask with a playful grin. “One of the strippers? It was Chastity, wasn’t it?”

  “You got me.” He takes a bite and grins as he chews, his eyes never leaving mine. “I can’t go back to New York if my heart stays on this boat.”

  “Lucky Chastity,” I say as a rush of heat washes over me.

  He puts his hand on mine and looks me deep in the eyes as the soft music plays. “I’d like to stay, but I guess we’ll see what happens.”

  I pull my hand away after a minute like I need it to eat, but really, it’s because if he holds my hand like this any longer, the customer servi
ce barrier between us will crumble down forever. It’s already quickly eroding.

  “Tell me about yourself,” he says.

  “What do you want to know?”



  He nods. “Where are you from? Let’s start with that.”

  “A small town in Texas.”

  “I thought I detected a slight accent. You hide it, don’t you?”

  “A little bit,” I say in my southern drawl. He smiles. “It only comes out when I’m really mad.”

  “I’m glad I’m not hearing it now.”

  “Are you kidding, sugar? I’m as happy as a tick on a dog.”

  His laugh reaches his eyes and it makes me smile. “My dad says that all the time.”

  “And what small town did you say it was?”

  “I didn’t. You’ve probably never heard of it anyway.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because the only restaurant downtown is in a bowling alley. Trust me. You’ve never heard of it. There were eleven of us in my high school graduating class and two of them were my cousins.”

  He laughs as I tell him all about it. My parents were both born there and they’ve never left. Not even for a vacation.

  “They must love it,” he says.

  “Or, they’re too afraid to put themselves out there and experience life.”

  “But you’re not,” he says as he points his fork at me and narrows his eyes. “You want to experience everything. You want to see the whole planet, don’t you?”

  I gulp as those fierce green eyes focus on me, analyze me, break down the wall I’ve put up for everyone else.

  “That’s why you’re working on this yacht, isn’t it? A different country every week. Bahamas tonight, where to next week?”

  “British Virgin Islands. A family. They’re regulars.”

  “Does it get lonely?”

  “Yeah,” I say after a long sip of wine. “Sometimes. What about you? Do you have someone special who’s waiting for you back in New York?”

  “Eight million people in the city, but it’s lonely there too. It’s always lonely when you don’t have the one.”

  We stare at each other for a long passionate moment and this time, I put my hand on his.


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