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Ice Rift - Xtro: Alien Invasive Horror Thriller

Page 17

by Ben Hammott

  “What’ll it be?” asked the server. “Molly’s just finished baking a fresh batch of buns. It’s the perfect accompaniment for a coffee.”

  “Yeah, the smell of them has gotten my juices flowing. I’ll have one with a milky coffee to have now and a strong black and a latte to go, please.”

  Taking his order to a table, Penfield took a bite of the warm bun as he looked at the chimpanzee that he assumed was the squad's mascot. The germ of an idea began to form.

  When he had finished his snack, he grabbed his colleagues’ coffees, some Stevia sachets, and headed back to the lab to share his idea.


  “I can understand the need for an infected human, but why would you need a chimpanzee? Questioned Blightburn.

  “We are going to try driving the organism out of Greg with a serum we are concocting. We’ll stand a better chance of success if we have an alternative host for it to move to, hence my request for the chimpanzee.”

  “Okay, now I understand your reasoning, but where do you expect me to acquire a chimpanzee way out here in the middle of nowhere?”

  “There’s one in the canteen, or there was a few minutes ago.”

  “He’s right,” affirmed Troy. “I saw it earlier. It arrived with the SEAL team.”

  “That’s Boris, Richard’s chimp,” exclaimed Kathryn. “You can’t experiment on him.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Kathryn. I have the authority of the President of the United States and Congress to do what is required to eliminate an alien threat to humanity. That includes using the monkey.”

  Kathryn glared at Blightburn, “Richard will be furious.”

  “I’m sure I’ll weather his displeasure.” Blightburn turned to Troy. “Go find it and have it taken to the lab.” As Troy left the comms trailer, Blightburn updated Wendel. “The chimp will be with you shortly. It might be advisable to have one of your team head to the canteen with a tranquilizer to ensure it remains calm.”

  “Understood. I’ll arrange it.”

  “Have you found out anything useful about the alien plant hybrid?”

  “Only that it doesn’t seem to have started feeding on its host, and removing it surgically isn’t possible. Once infected, the organism becomes so closely linked to the host; it practically becomes part of them. Every organ, gland, and even its spinal cord is infiltrated, which gives it access to the major functions of its host.”

  “Would this enable it to control its host, as we have evidence this might be so?”

  “It’s what we first assumed, but we’re doubtful the hybrid organism on its own would have more than a limited control over certain functions. From what we’ve discovered so far, it is not a complex enough organism; it has a brain, but it’s so small, it would only be capable of simple cognitive functions. However, these black Xtros we’ve seen might have that capability. Perhaps when they enter the host, they link with the plant somehow and give it instructions.”

  “Like a pilot flying an airplane,” suggested Blightburn.

  “That’s a rather simple analogy, but yes.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Only that a sedative injected into the host should also send the parasitic hybrid to sleep. We have the tranquilizer guns, so it might be worth a try.”

  “I agree,” said Blightburn. “What’s your next step?”

  “We’ll finish up our examination of the co-pilot and prepare him for cremation, and then get everything ready to receive the live host. What’s the timeframe on that?”

  “A team is already on their way to the mine, so hopefully within the hour.”

  “Good. Now, if that’s all, I’ll get back to work.”

  “It is.” Glancing at the lab screen, Blightburn watched Wendel and his team prepare for their experiment for a few moments before turning to the screen showing Colbert’s camera POV and had Yuri switch comms so she could update him.

  Chapter 37

  The Infected Attack

  Requiring the three humans as part of its escape plan, the Alpha slipped out of the sheriff and separated into four smaller facsimiles of itself. After its three replicas had entered a host, the Alpha regained control of its own.

  Concluding their weak and vulnerable human hosts were inadequate for the tasks required of them, the three Xtros controlling Claire, Wayne, and Greg, made a few improvements before moving them through the tunnel.

  When the daylight at the main entrance came into view, Claire, Greg, and Wayne sprinted forward at an incredible pace, their footfalls on the ground barely making a sound.

  “Colbert, the scientists believe they might have found a way of forcing the alien plant to voluntarily vacate its host with minimal damage to the infected. To test it, they require a live infected specimen.”

  “Understood, Control. We’ll see what we can do.”

  Having swopped the flamethrower for his assault rifle, Mason stood guard at the mine entrance. Colbert and Sullivan released the straps securing the two aluminum caskets to the trailer. They would take them into the mine to retrieve Kelly’s body and, if possible, collect a live infected specimen for the scientists to test out their cure.

  Sensing movement, Mason peered into the gloomy mine and took a Chemlight from a pocket. He bent it to crack the glass vial within, shook it to mix and activate the chemicals, and lobbed it into the darkness. Three people running toward him were captured spookily in the green chemiluminescence glow. “Incoming!” he warned, raising his rifle.

  Colbert and Mason joined him at the entrance. Sensing things were about to go awry, Richard climbed aboard one of the quads ready to make a quick getaway if needed.

  “Damn, they’re fast!” exclaimed Sullivan. “That can’t be normal.”

  “Nothing’s normal about any of this,” uttered Colbert. “Pick the target directly in front of you, so we don’t shoot the same person and aim for a leg to bring them down.”

  Three shots echoed along the tunnel.

  Not one bullet found its target.

  Even before the bullets had left the barrels, the three infected humans had vacated the anticipated points of contact. Claire and Greg ran up the left tunnel wall, while Wayne went right. Maintaining their rapid forward momentum, they crossed over the roof to the opposite sides and back onto the ground again.

  Stunned by the unexpected and impossible maneuver, the three men fired short bursts at their legs; they would be upon them before they got a third attempt.

  As if they had rehearsed the tactic many times, Wayne, Claire, and Greg dived into the air, sailed over the bullets, rolled when their hands touched the ground, and ended back on their feet running.

  Although aware three weapons on full auto would bring them down, Colbert didn’t want to murder innocent civilians if there was a chance they could be saved. “Outside!”

  Hearing the shouted order and guessing shit and fan had now connected, Richard reached for the ignition key; it wasn’t there. A glance at the other quad revealed its key was also absent. Cursing, he glanced around for a solution to avoid dying at the hands at whatever was coming. Spying something, he climbed off the quad.

  With their three attackers almost upon them, Colbert, Sullivan, and Mason rushed from the mine and spread out.

  A few steps behind them, Greg and Claire emerged at the same time.

  Standing to the side of the entrance, Richard swung the length of metal rebar he had salvaged from a dilapidated building at their chests. It slipped from his hands when it connected with its targets. As they spilled to the ground, Wayne shot from the mine and jumped over them.

  Mason rushed to the quad, swapped the rifle for the flamethrower, and turned. Surprised to see two of the infected tumbling to the ground, and Richard backing away from the mine, he focused on the aggressor still standing.

  Landing on his feet, Wayne glanced around for the three men and halted his gaze on Mason walking toward him.

  Mason aimed the weapon to one side and fired a short burst of flame as a
warning before pointing it threateningly at Wayne.

  “What are you waiting for?” asked Richard, moving behind Mason. “Burn him.”

  “I’m not murdering an innocent civilian.”

  “He’s infected. You’ll be doing him a favor.”

  A shot rang out. Wayne collapsed to one knee; his shin shattered.

  In one swift motion, Claire picked up the metal bar she had been struck with as she stood and threw it at Colbert, who, after debilitating Wayne, had turned his weapon on her. With barely time to react, Colbert dodged to the side. The ad hoc spear struck his rifle, sending a painful jolt through his arms, before skidding away and puncturing the side of a building.

  Greg was up and running for Sullivan at the same time as the metal bar had been thrown.

  Although tempted to shoot Greg, Sullivan turned the weapon around and clubbed the man when he was near enough. Surprised when the hard blow to the man’s head didn’t stop him—he barely seemed to register the attack—Sullivan aimed a kick at Greg’s groin that failed to connect. Gasping for breath, he staggered back from the straight fingered blow Greg had stabbed at his neck.

  Colbert aimed his rifle at a leg of Sullivan’s attacker and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. A glance at the damaged side where the rebar had struck revealed the reason. He swung the rifle at Greg when he attacked. Greg yanked the weapon from his grasp and flung it away. He followed through with a backhanded blow to the side of Colbert’s head that sent him sprawling to the ground. Greg reached down, grabbed him by the throat with one hand, and lifted him up. Unable to breathe from the pressure he thought might snap his neck, Colbert lashed kicks at his strangler, but the blows had no effect, he was suffocating.

  Standing just inside the mine entrance, the Sheriff observed the battle outside. It was proving to be an ideal distraction. He stepped back when a soldier walked past the mine to cover the female human with the weapon that breathed out fire, something they would all need to avoid. As soon as the man had passed, the sheriff checked none of the others were looking in his direction. Spying the human by the two quadbikes, who would see him if he stepped from the mine, he waited. A few moments later, the man grabbed a rifle from the quad and rushed to help the others. Seizing the opportunity, the Alpha-controlled sheriff rushed from the mine, sprinted past the quadbikes, and disappeared amongst the buildings.

  A burst of bullets sprayed Greg’s legs. Shattered bones dropped him to his knees and slightly released the grip around Colbert’s neck. Colbert kneed the man in the face, breaking his nose, but still, he held on and reasserted the pressure. Richard appeared and slammed the butt of the rifle into Greg’s head. Greg tipped to the side, taking Colbert with him. As soon as the pressure weakened, Colbert yanked the hand from around his throat and drew in deep breaths.

  Covered by the flamethrower that the Xtro controlling Claire knew could kill its host and it, it broke contact. Claire collapsed to the ground. The Xtro crawled out through her skin and rushed away. Sprinting after it, Mason followed its progress with a jet of liquid flame and chased it into a building. Standing in the middle of the room, his eyes and weapon searched for it. Scuttling above them directed both at the sound. Flames followed the Xtro scurrying across the underside of the roof until it dived through a gap in the wall.

  With its host out of action, the Xtro controlling Greg emerged from his neck and rushed away.

  Noticing the fleeing alien, Richard aimed the unfamiliar weapon at it and fired. Bullets sprayed the ground, the buildings, and one of the caskets on the trailer, but not one hit the tiny Xtro that disappeared behind a building Richard continued to punch holes in. He only took his finger from the trigger when the bullets ran out.

  “Did you hit it?”

  Richard looked down at Colbert. “No, but I’m sure I scared it.”

  “Thanks for the help.”

  “I believe that’s the second time I saved your life.”

  “I didn’t realize we were keeping count?” Colbert struggled to his feet and rubbing his bruised neck, noticed Sullivan sitting on the ground, his breath labored. He walked over. “You okay?”

  Sullivan tilted his head to Colbert and nodded. “Give me a couple of minutes,” he said croakily.

  Mason, his face masked with anger, strode up to Richard and snatched the weapon from him. “Are you completely stupid?” He pointed to the graze on the side of his head. “You damn well almost killed me. I was in that building you took potshots at. You never fire in the direction of friendlies when you have no idea where they are.”

  Richard shrugged. “You saying we are friends now?”

  Fuming, Mason took a step nearer, almost nose to nose to Richard.

  “That’s enough you two,” ordered Colbert, checking the footwear of the three that had attacked them; none wore brown boots or tan pants. “Stay alert! There is another infected who hasn’t shown himself yet. Mason, keep watch. Sullivan needs a moment.”

  Mason slung the rifle over his shoulder and crossed to the mine entrance with the flame thrower held ready to fire. “I’ve just noticed something. Again, Richard is the only one to remain unscathed.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. Your harsh words were a tad hurtful.”

  Muttering obscenities aimed at Richard, Mason kept surveillance on the area for any further threats.

  The Xtro controlling Wayne forced the man to his feet with a cracking and splintering of bone his damaged leg was forced to endure.

  The four men turned to the sound and noticed the bulge of broken bones in his bloodied pants leg.

  When its host toppled to the ground, the Xtro gave up and vacated the human.

  Unable to stop the fast-moving alien, they watched it scamper beneath the quads, climb the sheer cliff, and disappear from their sight.

  After seeking out the Alpha, the four aliens amalgamated to become one entity again.


  Having witnessed the attack on the screens fed from each of the SEALs’ cameras, and reluctant to distract them during the battle, Blightburn made contact when it was over. “Are you all okay? I have a med-team standing by.”

  “A little battered but otherwise okay,” replied Colbert. “I assume you witnessed how fast and strong the infected were?”

  “We did. Their reactions in dodging the bullets were astonishing. I’m checking with the lab, but I think it’s safe to say from what we’ve just witnessed, the Xtros can enhance their hosts to ensure their own survival.”

  “The military applications to enhance our soldiers in a similar fashion are unfathomable,” uttered Colonel Jennet. “It’s now even more imperative we have an Xtro to examine.”

  Blightburn scowled at the man. “One step at a time, Colonel.” She returned her gaze to the screens. “A retrieval team is on its way to collect the infected. ETA, one minute.”

  “Understood. As soon as Sullivan’s recovered, we’re heading in to retrieve Kelly’s body.”

  “If it is possible, we also need an Xtro specimen. It might be beneficial in arriving at a cure to save the infected or to determine their weakness if they have one.”

  “We’ll do our best, but you’ve seen how fast those things move. Even if we could get close to one without becoming infected, it’s hardly likely to stand still why we shove it in a jar.”

  “I guess not, but if the opportunity arrives, go for it. Good luck.”

  Those in the control room watched Colbert’s camera turn to the truck approaching the mine. The retrieval team had arrived.


  After the truck had reversed into position, the retrieval team climbed out. Their first task was to inject anesthesia into each infected body. As they were body-bagging them and loading them into caskets, Colbert approached Richard and handed him a flamethrower.

  “Strap this on. We are heading inside and need you to protect our backs in case those Xtros return and come up behind us.”

  A little surprised that they trusted him for the task, Richard hefted the heavy
set of metal-framed tanks onto his back. He was now in charge of perhaps one of the most feared weapons ever used on the battlefield. This modernized version was a safer and more efficient upgrade of the Vietnam-era M9 flamethrowers. The lighter nitrogen-charged system fired a constant flame. Although no longer in military use, INSECT had resurrected and improved the weapon. It was the ideal portable solution to eliminate dangerous alien organisms in the field; there were not many Earth organisms that could withstand the cleansing heat of intense fire, they hoped alien organisms would prove as vulnerable.

  Colbert then handed Richard the detonator. “If we don’t return, blow the mine.”

  Richard glanced at the detonator’s red button. “I just press it, yes?”

  Colbert pointed at the dial on the side. “You need to turn it on first. The button will light up when it’s live.”

  “Simple enough. What’s a safe distance for me when it explodes?”

  Colbert pointed at the mine building Richard had covered in bullet holes. “Take refuge there, and you’ll be fine.”

  Richard glanced at the bullet-riddled building. “How will I know if you’re not coming back?”

  “I imagine when something other than us comes along the tunnel would be a good clue.” Colbert took the flamethrower Mason handed him.

  “In case the worse happens, I’ll need a set of keys for one of the quad bikes.”

  “Colbert took the ignition key from his pocket and handed it to Richard. “I can trust you with this?”

  “As long as my life isn’t in imminent danger, you can.”

  “I suppose that’s the best I can hope for,” Colbert spoke into his helmet mic. “Control, if Richard blows the mine without good reason, assume he is infected and shoot to kill.”

  “Understood. Shoot to kill.”

  Richard smiled. “Well done, Colbert. You are learning.”

  “Fool me once etc., etc.” Colbert turned away and led Sullivan and Mason carrying one of the caskets into the mine.

  Keeping guard by the entrance, Richard turned to the sound of the truck’s engine starting and watched the retrieval team drive away. Wondering what the Xtros were up to and whether they were close by, his eyes scanned the mine workings, but not surprisingly, he glimpsed no sign of them.


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