Home Forever

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Home Forever Page 13

by Cee Bowerman

  “Let it happen, Carles. Let me have it.” more breathing and he nipped my lower lip with his teeth.

  “C’mon, baby. I got you.”

  I could feel the burn starting to coil, but I needed more. More fingers, more lips, more words. Sam seemed to read my mind.

  “You know what I wanna do to you, baby? I want to put my mouth on you. I want your hands in my hair while I lick every part of you to see what it takes to make you moan.” I was getting closer now. The words. Sam continued, “After I finish with my mouth I am going to lick every part of you until I get to your mouth and let you taste yourself on my tongue.” he reached out to lick my lips with his tongue. I couldn’t participate. I could only breathe and push myself against his hand.

  “Let it happen baby,” Sam growled. “Can you feel how much I want you? How I want to be inside you?” The burn was taking over, I was so close. His hand and his voice were mesmerizing me.

  “Tonight, I am going to lay you down and taste all of you, baby. All of you.” Sam was whispering. I let out a moan. I was on fire and needed to let go. His hand was relentless, inside of me and with his thumb swirling around my clit. I needed this. I needed more.

  “When I am finished tasting you, I am going to fill you up, fill you up with me and you are gonna take it, right?” his thumb was pushing harder. I was so close. He knew it. He took his hand off my ass and moved it to the back of my head, running his hands into my hair and gripping a handful. “You want that baby? You want me inside you?” As his thumb swirled harder and he pulled my head back by the hair he leaned down and bit my neck, hard. I was gone.

  With a yell I let myself fly, he kept stroking me and biting my neck, saying words I couldn’t even process in my ear. He was breathing close to my mouth and making my blood sing. His thumb started to slow as I came down and melted into him again. His let his finger out of my body and cupped me in his hand. I was still moaning with aftershocks of that mind-blowing orgasm. He kept kissing my face, the corners of my mouth, my chin.

  After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and found his deep green ones staring deeply into mine.

  “I love you baby.” he whispered.

  I purred.

  “I love you too, my Sam Sam.” I purred again. “I liked that. I liked that a lot.”

  “I know you did, baby. I could tell.” he smiled and pulled my head into his neck. “Best thing ever.”

  Sam rolled to his side so that I was laying facing him, my thigh thrown up over his hip. His hand was tracing gentle patterns on my hip and lower back.

  “Open your eyes, baby. We’ve gotta get moving.” he whispered.

  “No. No moving. Nap.” I answered. Oh, hell no, I am not moving.

  “Let’s get up, get me showered and changed and get shit done. It’s gonna be just you and me here tonight and we can do so much more then. Can’t do any of that fun stuff ‘til we get our shit done.” he lifted his hand and smacked my ass cheek.

  Sam got up on his elbow and said, “I’m gonna take a shower here, baby. My brother is gonna bring me clothes from his place. Should be a bag outside the door by now.”

  “Oh my god! Could they hear me?” I whispered frantically as my eyes shot open.

  “Not gonna lie baby. Pretty sure they heard you on the other side of town. My sweetheart has never been a quiet one.” He smiled. Of course, he was attributing my very loud orgasms to his male prowess, which I can admit was entirely true.

  I flopped onto my back and groaned.

  Sam took that opportunity to bend his head down and latch his mouth on my nipple. My hand went to the back of his head. I moaned again. He took his mouth off with a loud pop.

  “Woman. Up.” he ordered.

  I opened one eye to glare at him and saw him move in to give me one more kiss.

  He knifed up and scooted to the edge of the bed. I saw him pull his shirt over his head as he walked into my bathroom. Two can play this game, funny man, I thought. I scooted my body up to the perfect position and watched my Sam undress while he waited for the water to heat. He looked up and saw my face in the mirror. He blew me a kiss and yelled, “Up and dressed, sweetheart. Now!” I waited until I watched his fantastic ass go through the shower door and shut it behind him.

  I flopped back on the bed and smiled, counting about a million reasons for my happy, and almost all of them had to do with the naked man in my shower.


  I was dressed by the time Sam stepped out of the shower. I had on my favorite jeans, worn bare in some places, frayed holes in others. My top was a sleeveless, black, v-neck tshirt that I had tucked into my jeans. I accessorized with my black belt, a leather cuff on my wrist. My black boots were already on my feet, knowing that soon I would be on the back of Sam’s bike. Once again, I had on the earrings and promise ring that Sam had given me when we were younger. I had my hands up braiding my hair in a french braid as I saw Sam in the mirror. He had the towel tucked around his waist and his water from his wet hair was running in rivulets down his chest.

  “You look beautiful, baby.” He leaned down and kissed my bare neck. “I want to eat you up.”

  As I got to the middle of my braid I pulled it to the side and began braiding to the end. I turned and looked up at him while my fingers worked and his eyes went down and watched them braid.

  “Is that my ring?” His eye moved up to mine, they were such an intense green it almost took my breath away.

  “Of course. The earrings too.” I answered. I twisted the tie on the end of the braid and flipped it over my shoulder. “I wear the ring every day. Always have.”

  “You always had a piece of me with you? No matter where you went?” he asked softly.

  “Of course. I’ll show you what else of you I have with me all the time too. Tonight.” I teased.

  “Oh really?” he was intrigued.

  I reached over and grabbed another towel from the basket I had on the vanity. I started sectioning his hair and squeezing it with the towel.

  “Go sit down, baby. Let me do your hair.” I smiled. I had missed this. So much.

  “I’ll never say no to that, sweetheart. Let me get my pants on, grab the stuff you need and meet me in the kitchen. I’ll sit on the barstool so you can reach me better.” he walked towards the bedroom door, opened it and grabbed the bag from the floor just outside the room.

  When we were younger I was obsessed with Sam’s hair. Every chance I had I would sit behind him so I could run my fingers through it and feel the silkiness, smell his scent, feel close to him. I grabbed a wide tooth comb, the towel and took one last look at myself in the mirror.

  Sam had on a pair of Zeke’s jeans and, of course, they fit him perfectly. They were faded and worn to perfection, and he had left the top button open. They rode low on his hips and cupped his ass perfectly. Such beauty and perfection, all mine again. He was carrying his shirt in his hands and walked barefoot to open the bedroom door. I followed him out and was not surprised to see Zeke and Lisa sitting at the island. Both of them had grins on their faces and I could tell Lisa was trying very hard not to laugh out loud.

  Sam sat down in the seat next to Zeke and I began to work on his hair. I parted it off in sections and squeezed each one with the towel. Sam had his head back but was making small talk with Zeke and Lisa while I worked. He had never minded my obsession with his hair, if anything he had actually enjoyed it. Once his hair was dried and combed through I stepped back and turned his stool so he was facing me. I used the comb to brush through his beard while he watched my face. When I was finished I leaned in and kissed him on the mouth before I turned to put up the towel and comb in my bathroom.

  “I haven’t seen the widdle puddy tat yet, Sam. Wanna change your story?” Zeke teased.

  “Oh, you wait. I am gonna make friends with that big fucker and bring him over and set him loose in your house.” Sam was not usually one to make idle threats. Zeke should be worried. “You’ll see him. Will scare the shit outta you when you do. We ready to go?

  “That works. Jace is there with Kari and I thought we could all ride while Carlie runs her errands.” he looked over at me. “Sound good, Carlie?”

  “Let me get finished dressing. Just a sec.” Sam walked back to the bedroom.

  “Sounds perfect. Lisa you gonna be good with this? I know you have never been on a bike before.” I asked her.

  “Zeke and I talked about it. I will take it in stride and see how far I go. If I have a problem, he will just pull over and I can settle, or we can call someone to come and get me. It’s handled.” She was smiling so big I thought her cheeks must hurt. I loved the look on her.

  I leaned over the couch to give my king a rub and let him know we would be home soon. Sleep had overtaken him and he didn’t acknowledge I was even there. Sam came out of the bedroom, I grabbed my bag, followed everyone to the door and set the alarm before I walked out.

  A new day. An old love. My family. Life is good.


  We arrived at the garage and Zeke and Lisa walked across the street to go get us coffees from Roosters. As we walked up into the first bay Sam’s arm went around my waist and he pulled me closer to him.

  I opened my door to get out as Sam was coming around to my side of the car. He put his hand in and helped me out and closed the door behind me. As we walked around to Zeke and Lisa, Sam’s arm went around my waist and he pulled me closer to him.

  As we walked through the garage, different men called out greetings to Sam. Since I was a newcomer, and especially since I was with one of the bosses, our appearance was causing a buzz. I could feel eyes on me, but not in a bad way. Just curiosity.

  There were three men standing in the open area outside the back office, Sam’s office, where I had seen that woman with him yesterday. Sam introduced me to them all as his girl, and I shook each of their hands. After a minute or two talking with Sam, one of them men who kept glancing at me said, “You’re the car chick!” One of the other men agreed and said, “Yeah! I knew I recognized you!”

  Sam smiled and said, “Yeah. This is my girl.”

  I had to ask. “The car chick?”

  The man who Sam had introduced as Rowdy pointed to the office and said, “From the picture. The lady that was here yesterday. Sorry about that, by the way.”

  I tilted my head at Sam. “The picture?” He looked at his boots. “The picture?” I said just a little louder.

  I heard Lisa come in behind me and ask Zeke what I was talking about. I started to walk closer to the office and Sam began to sputter. “Baby. Now listen.” Zeke was laughing behind us.

  I opened the office door and saw it. The picture. Of me. Blown up to poster size. I was wearing a white tank, short cutoff jeans, and my red hair was teased sky high. I was sitting on the hood of Betty, barefoot, with my legs out to either side, almost in the splits. My hands were on the hood right in front of my crotch, giving me a crazy amount of cleavage, and I was leaned toward the camera with my dark red lips puckered in a kiss.

  “Oh my God! How long has that been there?” I spun to Sam. Lisa pushed past me and saw the poster and whistled.

  “Damn girl. Very 1980’s rock video of you. Damn.” she whistled again.

  “Well, it’s been there since I took over the office. So, about 8 years? Everyone loves it.” Sam said quietly, sipping the coffee Zeke handed him.

  “You are fucking kidding me! Are the other pictures up somewhere too?” I growled.

  I heard Zeke chime in. “Other pictures?”

  Lisa was still mesmerized by the poster, she put her arm out to hand me my coffee.

  “Sam?” I asked quietly. “Where are the other pictures?”

  “In the safe at my house behind an armed guard and a rabid wolf with one foot in a trap. I swear to God.” he was trying so hard not to smile.

  “Other pictures?” Zeke said again. Lisa looked at me with her eyebrows up, head tilted.

  “I didn’t know what to get Sam for Valentine’s day one year and I was feeling a Tawny Kitaen vibe. We went out in the country and ‘Drea and Steph took a whole roll of film of me and Betty. I had to pay the guy at the drug store $30 bucks so he would let me stand there and watch him process them so I could make sure that no copies went anywhere by my hands.” I was again staring at my own boobs on a poster. I took a sip of my coffee and even that bliss didn’t phase me.

  “I didn’t know that about the film guy. Once he saw what was printing I bet he would rather you have kept the $30 and let him keep a few copies.” Sam laughed.

  “What kind of pictures are we talking here?” Lisa asked.

  “There were three bottles of Boones Farm involved in this photo shoot. I was feeling very...relaxed...I guess you could say.” I answered her. Lisa grinned and looked at Zeke. I looked over and he had both eyebrows up. I had to admit, the look on his face was kind of funny.

  “I wanted to see you in the office every day, Carles.” Sam tried a puppy dog face and it just didn’t suit him.

  “I’m gonna burn the rest of those pictures.” I told him with a glare.

  “Can’t. I scanned them to digital a few years ago to make sure nothing happened to them. Extra set of prints are in the lock box at our bank. The originals are in that safe at the house, you know, with the wolf.” He shrugged. “I wanted to cover my bases in case of catastrophe.” Now Sam wasn’t even trying to pretend he was sorry.

  I took one more glance at the poster and then looked over at Lisa.

  “Stop looking at my tits!” I hissed at her.

  “You are like one breeze away from a nip slip, sister. That picture is hot!” Lisa was still staring at the poster.

  I spun around and walked out of the office to find that all the employees had found a reason to be gathered near the office door. I growled. They scattered. I sipped my coffee while I plotted painful revenge.

  Once Jace and Kari arrived at the garage the six of us got on the motorcycles to prepare for our day out on the town. I got comfortable behind Sam, glasses on my face, bag on my hip with the strap across my chest, my feet on the foot pegs, thighs gripping his hips, like my body naturally remembered the place I was supposed to be. While the bike idled we waited on Lisa to get adjusted behind Zeke. She was nervous and fidgety until he put his hand over both of hers at his wast and squeezed. I saw her face go soft and she relaxed into Zeke’s back. I felt the same. Relaxed into my man with the sun on my face, ready for the wind in my hair. I leaned into Sam just a little more and spoke loudly in his ear so he could hear me.

  “I’ve dreamed of this.” I said simply. He leaned back into me for a second and rested his head on my shoulder before he answered, “Me too.”

  And, we were off. We rode around town and Sam occasionally pointed out some landmark that he knew I would remember, or a new business I didn’t recognize and then give me a thumbs up. He was giving me a tour of his home, complete with recommendations. I appreciated the gesture, but it was hard to concentrate with the sound of the bike in my ears, the rumble of the motor beneath my ass and the feel of his tight abs under my hands.

  After the long way around town we arrived at the main bank branch in the downtown business area. Sam put one finger in the air and spun it to tell the others to cruise around while we went inside. He pulled to the side and I watched as Jace and Kari passed us, followed closely by Zeke and Lisa. Lisa smiled brightly as they rode by and I couldn’t stop myself from sighing. Sam backed the bike in at an angle with the back tire resting on the curb and then he cut the motor. He patted my calf to let me know he was ready for me to get off the back. One ride and we were back into our old groove.

  I held his shoulders, pushed myself up on the foot-pegs and swung my right leg over the back fender of the bike to find the ground. My left hand slid from his shoulder down his arm as I dismounted, and as was our custom, when my hand reached his elbow he curled his arm up and gripped my forearm to help steady me on my feet. I held his arm and leaned in for a quick kiss and then moved to the sidewalk to wait fo
r him.

  He got off the motorcycle with fluid and grace, having done it thousands of times in his life. I stood still as he walked to me and stopped at my front. I was standing on the curb and he was still on the street so our eyes were level. I put my arms around his shoulders as his hands found my hips and we kissed sweetly for just a few seconds. I pulled my lips away and took a step back, letting my hands slide down his chest to my side. He stepped up on the curb and grabbed my hand in his and we started our walk into the bank. My neck started to tingle right at my hairline, my spine straightened, and I turned my head to look around. I could feel someone’s eyes on me. The tingle on my neck quickly turned to a burn between my shoulder blades. Sam felt my tension.

  “You okay, babe?” He asked as he turned to look at me.

  “Someone is watching us.” I whispered. “I can feel it.”

  He didn’t ask me if I was sure or tell me I was imagining things. He stopped walking and used my hand to spin me in front of him and put his hands on my hips.

  “Look up at me and scan around the area while you smile at something sweet I just said. I am going to do the same behind you. When I let you go, move slowly around so you can take in everything and find what feels funny.” He said this with his head slightly tilted to mine, a smile on his face. I knew his eyes weren’t on me but were looking around us behind his mirrored shades.

  I tilted my head a little to the right, plastered a smile on my face and said, “I love you, Sam Sam.” I took in as much as I could behind him on my right side and then leaned up to kiss his chin and tilted my head over the other way. I didn’t see anyone that stood out. Mostly regular people who looked like they were on a mission to get their business done so they could hurry along.

  He pushed on my right hip and I slowly pivoted my body, taking in the view that was behind me as Sam moved up to my side. His arm went around my shoulders.

  “There’s a car over there with Kansas plates. I’ve got the numbers down in my head. Other than that, I don’t see anything out of place. You?” I had spotted the car. It was an older model 4 door, dark gray, not very clean, missing the hubcap on the passenger rear tire.


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