Then where did all your priestly devotion go; when you considered your wife
to be simply a worthlessly child bearing sac; ruthlessly incarcerating her blissful freedom; within the fours walls of your chauvinistically perverted house?
You proudly proclaim yourself to be an incessantly worshipping devotee of the Unassailably Majestic Lord Almighty; one of the most impeccably dedicated of his countless disciples,
Then where did all your unimpeachable devotion go; when you deliberately committed immeasurable deeds of crime; lechery; sadism; devilishness; when
you blurted an indescribable flurry of egregious lies in his name; just to
save your skin from the Sun of Truth?
You ecstatically proclaim yourself to be an exuberantly artistic devotee of
the Fearlessly Invincible Lord Almighty; one of the most holistically dedicated of his countless disciples,
Then where did all your mesmerizing devotion go; when you illegitimately
rose to the throne of ostentatiously decrepit success; laid the foundations of your ghoulishly massacring kingdom on the blood of fathomless innocent; nimble and pious; charring them to death alive??
And you uninhibitedly proclaim yourself to be an incomparably compassionate
devotee of the Victoriously Blessing Lord Almighty; one of the most peerlessly dedicated of his countless disciples,
Then where did all your poignant devotion go; when you mercilessly abandoned
the truest love of your life in the most disdainfully obfuscated of trash cans; violently embarked upon your devastating mission of metamorphosing the entire planet into a mortuary of betrayal; death venomous lies; satanically suffocating countless innocent human kind under your bigotically gluttonous and parasitically meaningless might?
A man of no formality; unstoppably abhorring all those who spun webs of sanctimoniously derogatory prejudice; on every step that they traversed,
A man of who insuperably believed that every religion was alike; blending each ingredient of my blood forever and ever and ever with the religion of priceless humanity,
A man who considered that every one of us alive was the greatest criminal; as we trampled countless insects and micro organisms as we breathed and walked; because every form of life for the Creator was symbiotically alike,
A man who liked to perpetually oppose tyrannically chauvinistic convention;
uninhibitedly liberate ever pore of his? body with the winds of vivaciously
panoramic nature,
A man who felt that procreation should be to the most unprecedented limits
between organisms and without the tiniest of restraint; timelessly proliferating the Lord's sacredly Omnipotent chapter of creation,
A man who felt that every organism irrespective of caste; creed and status; was the most inimitably beautiful and ecstatically talented artist alive,
A man who felt that it made no difference whether you slept all day; or snored in the night; as the Almighty Creator had chiseled every unfurling instant of life
celestially alike,
A man who paid two cents for maliciously decrepit superstition; unflinchingly believing that timeless perseverance and benign hard work; were the only mantras to gloriously triumphant success,
A man who immutably wanted to assassinate all those diabolical men; who sold
their mothers and sisters in order to worthlessly rejoice in parsimonious cuplets of tawdry wine,
A man who felt that the power of true friendship; was a power transcending even the greatest of contemporary superpowers on the trajectory of this unbelievably untiring Universe,
A man who irrefutably believed that if there was a singular elixir to rhapsodically triumph in life; then it was none other than sensuously Spell binding fantasy,
A man who perpetually wanted to shed every ounce of inhibition; parade wholesomely naked with the magnetically inscrutable leaves and animals; in
the uncannily exuberant jungles,
A man who indefatigably believed that artists were not mechanically moulded
from textbooks; but were born Omnipotently eclectic and blessed; right from
the womb of their godly mother,
A man who wanted to trounce the salaciously profane devil from its very non-existent roots forever and ever and ever; even though it meant an infinite scorpions of hell burying him deeper into his grave; by the unleashing second,
A man who unshakably believed that children are the ultimate messengers of
God; although the rest of the world profusely worshipped currency note and corporate concrete,
A man who emptied even the last ingredient of his blood to altruistically serve estranged humanity; even though he himself was one of those horribly slavering and emaciated on the threadbarely impoverished streets,
A man who became immune to even the most ghastliest of pain; if it ever dared become an irascible hindrance in the peerlessly unconquerable path
towards majestically undefeatable truth,
A man who profoundly preferred to eat in the bowl of the penuriously decaying leper; rather than licking the dishes of the abjectly corrupt politician; just for assimilating stinking wads of frivolous notes,
A man who inexhaustibly believed that the greatest education for any organism holistically breathing; was to imbibe the principles of insuperably compassionate living kind,
A man who ardently anticipated every new unveiling moment; with the freshness of a newborn child; perceiving even the tiniest millisecond of life to be the ultimate paradise,
A man who wanted to cavort every instant of his life in the cradle of vividly enamoring nature and wildlife; timelessly watching the environment spawn into effulgent greenness; unfathomable distances away from the vagaries of the flagrantly blood-sucking planet outside,
A man who unendingly wanted to metamorphose even the most ethereal trace of
maniacal depression; into the mists of fantastically philanthropic and selflessly bestowing brotherhood,
A man who unnervingly believed that even sky gazing was an unparalleled art;
specially in today's times when the unsparingly treacherous world; dreamt boisterous business even in deep sleep,
A man who eternally believed that God was one; God was every form of invincibly divine goodness; when the planet had ruthlessly named him in different forms and shapes; unceasingly trying to prove that their individual beliefs and idols were infinite shades above the rest,
A man who considered life and death to be blessedly equal; as both were wonderfully egalitarian gifts from the Ominisciently Almighty Lord; as every form in which he'd instilled breath; had to oneday inevitably die,
A man who melted more pathetically than the abstemious candle; at the slightest tear drop that humanity suffered; inconsolably weeping at the sight of living kind being disastrously lambasted; by disdainful powerhouses of wealth,
A man who could as easily fall in love as the vespered wind; but then immortally dedicate each beat of his heart to her magically venerated grace; even fathomless centuries after existence had completely diminished,
A man who brusquely massacred even the most impregnable of blood relation;
if it came in between his way of perpetually coalescing with every fraternity of unbreakable humanity,
A man who breathed an infinite resplendent lives and an infinite traumatic deaths only for unassailably heavenly poetry; whilst the planet was extraordinarily busy building edifices of commercial currency coin; outside,
O! Yes; I might sound esoterically different; I might sound wildly uncivilized; I might sound eccentrically delirious; I might sound as if walking preposterously upside down; I might sound as if quaintly existing centuries even before the earth was evolved; but believe it or not; such a man was i.
Neither was there anything above it; not even the most i
nfinitesimally decrepit iota of independently integral standing; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything below it; not even the most ethereally nonchalant iota of exuberantly triumphant space; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more greater than it; not even the most ephemerally lackadaisical iota of unbelievably unconquerable goodness; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more successful than it; not even the most fugitively desolate iota of blazingly majestic victory; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more beautiful than it; not even the most fleetingly obsolete iota of unparalleled sensuous fantasy; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more resplendent than it; not even the most diminutively teeny iota of eternally wafting vivaciousness; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more truthful than it; not even the most fecklessly wastrel iota of perpetually Omnipotent sagaciousness; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more powerful than it; not even the most inanely dwindling iota of ubiquitously insuperable unity; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more special than it; not even the most obliviously apathetic iota of unassailably priceless optimism; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more Omnipresent than it; not even the most abstemiously fading iota of indefatigably unassailable freshness; could dare
dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more artistic than it; not even the most frigidly
decaying iota of unsurpassably intricate versatility; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more romantic than it; not even the most parsimoniously disappearing iota of fantastically seductive enthrallment; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more vivid than it; not even the most eccentrically transient iota of iridescently mesmerizing newness; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more spectacular than it; not even the most diminishingly disheveled iota of panoramically infallible paradise; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more virile than it; not even the most inconspicuously non-existent iota of eternally unstoppable procreation; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more tantalizing than it; not even the most languishingly indolent iota of inimitably uncontrollable excitement; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more vociferous than it; not even the most remotely collapsing iota of ecstatically effervescent voice; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more timeless than it; not even the most stingily Spartan iota of perpetually proliferating energy; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more optimistic than it; not even the most sleazily slouching iota of blazingly unfettered enlightenment; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more Omniscient than it; not even the most uncannily trembling iota of beautifully enamoring destiny; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more compassionate than it; not even the most
negligibly? tethering iota of pricelessly uniting friendship; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more unconquerable than it; not even the most
disdainfully flailing iota of limitlessly Herculean strength; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more symbiotic than it; not even the most creepily tiny iota of eternally fructifying bliss; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more self-sustaining than it; not even the most lividly subjugated iota of existence; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything more Immortal than it; not even the most miserably obfuscated iota of perpetually bestowing love; could dare dream come near it,
Neither was there anything beyond it; not even the most irascibly infidel iota of unendingly spawning infinite infinity; could dare dream come near it,
Because whatever was; is and will ever be there on the trajectory of this fathomless Universe; is all in it; is all heavenly blended with each of its synergistically blossoming ingredients; is all hand-in-hand with it; is every divinely unfurling instant of? majestically Immortal and ever-pervading undefeated Life.
When I wasn't blissfully snoring; I was still inexhaustibly writing a cistern of stupendously rhapsodic and gloriously majestic Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't unsurpassably fantasizing; I was still inexhaustibly writing a garden of ingeniously magical and miraculously mitigating Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't superbly adventuring; I was still inexhaustibly writing an ocean? of bountifully resplendent and timelessly undefeated Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't scrumptiously relishing; I was still inexhaustibly writing a playground of optimistically enlightening and unbelievably royal Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't limitlessly triumphing; I was still inexhaustibly writing a cascade of beautifully panoramic and effulgently liberating Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't pricelessly smiling; I was still inexhaustibly writing a lantern of unendingly vibrant and inscrutably tantalizing Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't gloriously partying; I was still inexhaustibly writing a paradise of eternally vivacious and pristinely redolent Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't unassailably inspiring; I was still inexhaustibly writing a festoon of incredulously ameliorating and perpetually compassionate Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't magnanimously feasting; I was still inexhaustibly writing a cocoon of symbiotically philanthropic and ubiquitously coalescing Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't ebulliently fornicating; I was still inexhaustibly writing a mist of wonderfully reinvigorating and blessedly burgeoning Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't flirtatiously winking; I was still inexhaustibly writing a swirl of brilliantly untainted and Omnipotently ecstatic Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't mellifluously singing; I was still inexhaustibly writing a heaven of iridescently innovative and spectacularly celestial Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't synergistically relaxing; I was still inexhaustibly writing a pearl of unconquerably seductive and unprecedentedly enamoring Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't amiably conversing; I was still inexhaustibly writing a palette of majestically invincible and Omnipresently procreating Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't holistically earning; I was still inexhaustibly writing a canvas of inimitably untamed and fragrantly altruistic Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't unceasingly exultating; I was still inexhaustibly writing a tunnel of mystically replenishing and perennially enthralling Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't devoutly praying; I was still inexhaustibly writing a meadow of vividly glorifying and fearlessly jubilant Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't ardently dancing; I was still inexhaustibly writing a rainbow of poignantly marvelous and unshakably subliming Immortal Love Poetry,
When I wasn't unstoppably admiring; I was still inexhaustibly writing a mirror of truthfully Omnipresent and inherently revealing Immortal Love Poetry,
And when I wasn't quintessentially breathing; I was still inexhaustibly writing a cosmos of unbreakably everlasting and universally bonding Immortal Love Poetry.
A true poet is the one; who indefatigably fantasizes in the aisles of uninhibited freedom; without caring even an inconspicuous trifle about the conventionally
tyrannical society,
A true poet is the one; who romanticizes art even in the most languidly dreariest of stones; relentlessly floating in the p
lanet of harmonious melody,
Life = Death - volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death Page 7