Life = Death - volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death

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Life = Death - volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death Page 8

by Nikhil Parekh

  A true poet is the one; who irrefutably trusts his pen more than anything else on this Universe; intransigently keeps embodying mystical verse; irrespective of a barrage of criticisms; by the incorrigibly cynical society,

  A true poet is the one; who nurtures every alphabet with his very own crimson blood; harnessing a bountiful entrenchment of dreams; with every iota of his ravishingly sensuous breath,

  A true poet is the one; who frantically gropes in versatile shades of majestic light as well as ominously sinister darkness; to evolve the most fantastically blossoming tomorrow,

  A true poet is the one; who philanders with gay abandon even in the most incomprehensibly unassailable of situations; stretching the realms of his fathomless

  mind; to blend with the sparkling; as well as the esoterically bizarre,

  A true poet is the one; who mesmerizes countless with the compassionately poignant cadence in his spell binding voice; as he divulges voluptuous rhyme from the bottom of his soul; and with maximum impact,

  A true poet is the one; who has the astronomically intrepid tenacity to confront the most acerbically treacherous of times; dance rhapsodically under pearly beams of moonshine; even as the lecherously corrupt society spat gallons of penniless saliva at his; miserably sagging countenance,

  A true poet is the one; who ardently caresses all that is beautiful; with an insatiable fire to endlessly discover resplendent newness; as each second rampantly unfurled into a wholesome minute,

  A true poet is the one; who timelessly wanders in lanes of exotically tantalizing enchantment; groping for the ultimate seductress of blooming jubilation,

  A true poet is the one; who is not bonded by any caste; creed; religion or society; ubiquitously spawning a civilization of perennially endless excitement; with the unprecedented artistry in his magically exquisite words,

  A true poet is the one; who is an unsurpassable idol of piquant sensitivity; yet not being the slightest perturbed by hideous tongues; ignominiously condemning

  and rebuking; his divinely art,

  A true poet is the one; who wakes and sleeps at the moments of his choice; at times dreaming in? realms of unconquerable yearning for countless hours on the trot; even as the turgidly pragmatic society lambasted him with lethally venomous swords of diabolical manipulation,

  A true poet is the one; who immutably gyrates in the corridors of unfathomable belonging; embracing and philanthropically assimilating all heavenly goodness;

  lingering profusely on this ebulliently euphoric planet,

  A true poet is the one; who enshrouds every vein of his mind and body alike; in a whirlpool of fabulously inscrutable enigma and kaleidoscopic grace,

  A true poet is the one; who sights the luminescently embellished canvas of this Universe; in its ultimate epitome; of unparalleled splendor and vivacity,

  A true poet is the one; who audaciously dares to venture into uncharted territories where no organism has ever been; despite Herculean vindication by the tumultuously ostracizing society,

  A true poet is the one; who sacrifices fathomless births of his; to beautifully evolve his art; more importantly to royally bless every ecstatic wind; of a vibrantly brilliant tomorrow,

  A true poet is the one; who incessantly loves his beloved more than anybody else on this world could ever conceive; immortalizing the spirit of his eternal romance; in every line of his; graciously benign poetry,

  Over and above all; a true poet is the one; who solely listens to his invincibly throbbing heart and nothing else; perpetually bonding with symbiotic spirit of

  synergistic existence;? metamorphosing every unfinished desire of the benevolent soul; into a charismatically endowing paradise.


  Steal it in such unsurpassably untamed amounts; an infinite times more than

  what the last bone of your diminutively shivering spine; could ever

  parsimoniously conceive or? desire,

  Steal it in such ardently unlimited amounts; an infinite times more than what the most rustically crinkled curvature of your lips; could ever nonchalantly? conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such fanatically unfathomable amounts; an infinite times more than what the most infinitesimal ingredient of your blood; could ever ephemerally conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such zealously unstoppable amounts; an infinite times more than what the most indolently unperturbed siesta of yours; could ever ethereally conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such boundlessly passionate amounts; an infinite times more than what the most lugubriously withering shadow of yours; could ever nascently conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such uninhibitedly fathomless amounts; an infinite times more than what the most dolorously dying nerve of yours; could ever prematurely conceive or desire,


  Steal it in such gigantically unfettered amounts; an infinite times more than what the most lazily inconspicuous heartbeat of yours; could ever remotely conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such undefeatedly Herculean amounts; an infinite times more than what the most obliviously estranged fantasies of yours; could ever nimbly conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such unbelievably gargantuan amounts; an infinite times more than what the most feeblest senses of yours; could ever inconspicuously conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such rampantly unhindered amounts; an infinite times more than what the most heavily drooping of your lids; could ever fugitively conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such jubilantly unrestricted amounts; an infinite times more than what the most flailing of your trail; could ever fractionally conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such indisputably unconquerable amounts; an infinite times more

  than what the most stingily decrepit dormitory of your brain; could ever

  miserly conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such indiscriminately uncontrollable amounts; an infinite times

  more than what the most tiniest of your identity; could ever flutteringly conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such overwhelmingly rhapsodic amounts; an infinite times more than what the most emptiest iota of your existence; could ever evanescently conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such immeasurably colossal amounts; an infinite times more than what the most lackadaisically collapsing hair of yours; could ever fleetingly conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such enormously irretrievable amounts; an infinite times more than what the most cowardly whispering of your breaths; could ever stingily conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such endlessly inexhaustible amounts; an infinite times more than what the most incongruously distorted of your fingertip; could ever faintly conceive or desire,

  Steal it in such gluttonously insatiable amounts; an infinite times more than what the most mercurial glint of your eye; could ever primordially conceive or desire,

  And? steal? it as much as you like; an infinite times more than what the most non-existent element of your life could ever conceive or desire; but it was the only stealing on the trajectory of this invincible earth for which you didn't land in ghastly prison; but instead perpetually secured for yourself an unshakable place in the cradle of Omnipresent Heaven,

  Such was the unassailably majestic power of eternally proliferating love.



  Have your ears wholesomely relinquished? every of their ability; to listen to even the most thunderously roaring and passionately ignited of sounds?

  Have your lips wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to stretch into even the most infinitesimal of redolently enamoring and blissfully synergistic smiles?

  Have your feet wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to crawl even a decrepit inch forward; on the most irrefutably solid of land trajectory?

  Has your brain wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to react to even the most treacherously hedonistic of circumstance satanically unfurling right infront of
your eyes; ready to pulverize you for the remainder of your life,

  Have your fingers wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to feel even the most explicitly pronounced of shapes and forms; indefatigably floating and residing in the fabric of the eternal atmosphere?

  Has your skin wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to experience the most ardently uncontrollable sensations of panoramic pleasure and

  demonically annihilating of pain?

  Have your bones wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to budge even a fraction forward in self defense; in order to sequester you from the most ominously sacrilegious of massacring devils?

  Have your eyes wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to sight even an evanescent inch forward; even though the next step you alighted could irretrievably lead you to the gorge of morbidly silencing death?

  Have your shoulders wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to hoist even an ethereally diminishing of worthless feather; an invisibly amorphous particle sulking remorsefully in the atmosphere?

  Has your blood wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to liberate into even the most obliviously slavering puddle of royally unfettered passion?

  Has your stomach wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to digest even a singleton ounce of quintessential food and water; in order to symbiotically sustain the chapter of inscrutably endowing life?

  Has your neck wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to turn even an ethereal fraction to the most vociferously unstoppable and truculently anguished cry on the soil of this fathomlessly bountiful Universe?

  Have your teeth wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to holistically masticate even the most succulently savoring fruits of synergistically ever-pervading and vividly infallible mother-nature?

  Have your palms wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to hold even the most ephemerally dying shadows of the people they timelessly adored; loved and possessed?

  Have your cheeks wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to blush into even the most tiniest shades of unadulterated crimson; at the most mortifyingly realistic thunderstorms of sensitivity undauntedly caressing them?

  Has your identity wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to potently procreate even a parsimoniously fragile living being; of its very own virile kind?

  Have your nostrils wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to discern between even the most inimitably nonplussing scents of vibrantly ecstatic life and ghoulishly forlorn blood?

  Has your heart wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to throb even an infidel fraction; although the ambience in which it triumphantly prevailed; was perennially charged with the unconquerable electricity of love?

  If the answer to the above is "Yes"; then I'd still urge you to unceasingly surge forward by the grace of the Omniscient Almighty God; to embrace every echelon of tyrannized living kind; in your timelessly and insuperably victorious

  humanitarian swirl,

  And if the answer to the above is a "Big No"; then be immediately and irrevocably prepared for the most diabolical of hell; as the Lord had bestowed upon you effulgent life only to "Live and Let Live"; only to bond every beat of your immortal heart with every traumatized element of living kind; only? to wholeheartedly serve all estranged humanity till your very last breath; only to eternally share the infinite gifts of his Omnipotent Creation with each of his disciples; and not just to simply and

  worthlessly "Live"


  Neither could I feel the tiniest iota of thirst; Neither could I feel even an inconspicuously ethereal sensation in my lifelessly fetid skin,

  Neither could I experience the slightest ounce of pain; Neither could I perceive the most remotest definition of spell-binding fantasy in my dolorously deadened brain,

  Neither did I have the most transiently vanishing of desire; Neither did I feel it the slightest that I was indefatigably walking on the trajectory of this earth; greedily relishing the acrimoniously unsavory midnight,

  Neither did I posses the most obfuscated of integrity; Neither did I bleed an infinitesimal trifle; even when stabbed with an infinite million knives of the rampaging devil,

  Neither could I? be seen by living beings celestially breathing alive; Neither could I be sighted by even the most amorphously non-existent of satanically vanquishing


  Neither did I exist on holistically succulent food and water; Neither did I consume even an ounce of air for times and centuries immemorial,

  Neither could I procreate my own progeny; Neither did I have even the most oblivious trace of sibling; who could address me by my meaningless name,

  Neither could I ever try and express myself; Neither did I let even the most cloistered spectrum of expression escape from the heart of this fathomless planet,

  Neither did I ever rise even a pathetic centimeter from my grave a boundless feet beneath mud; Neither could the most contemporary super-powers of the world harm even a whisker of my wantonly blundering soul,

  Neither did I smile a fraction in the tenure of my life; Neither did an emotional tear ever escape from the whites and blacks of my eye; for a countless more births of mine,

  Neither could the greatest of philosophers and saints ever understand me; Neither did the most invisible of flame rise in the sky even after I was brutally

  and wholesomely burnt alive,

  Neither did I relent the slightest to the most abhorrently demoralizing of abuse; Neither did I posses even the most evanescent shadow of a conscience and

  the elements of truth,

  Neither did I dissipate into a billion pieces when fed into the lethal grinding machine; Neither was I born out of any mother or father on the soil of this unflinchingly adventurous Universe,

  Neither did I reminisce upon my past; present and future; Neither did the advancing of age have the most mercurial of impact upon my persona; as I towered taller than the tallest of mountains; even on my 1 millionth birthyear,

  Neither did I have even the most ephemeral droplet of blood circulating through my veins; Neither did I have flesh at all; as every ingredient of my body was a ghoulishly assassinated and sacrilegious skull,

  Neither was I ever successful in sighting my reflection; Neither could anybody ever get the most fugitive innuendo of my inhabitation; even though I galloped taller than the skies; in brilliantly unfettered daylight,

  Neither did I have the most stingily decrepit of virility; Neither did I let even the most disappearing dimension of newness ever proliferate till limitless kilometers around me,

  Neither had I the most obsolete cognition of literacy; Neither did I use my feet to move; as I lay suspended like a unabashedly wastrel scarecrow from the hell of sky; painstakingly crawling my way down the ladders of unimaginable devastation,

  Neither could I ever glisten in the pink of mesmerizing health; Neither did I give the most inane chance to the chapters of righteousness; to perpetuate into the mortuaries of my unfathomably deathly deliriousness,

  Neither did I breathe an infidel trifle till the time earth veritably existed and even beyond; Neither did any heart throb in my chest; as all that my body was composed of;? was nothing but the pathetically diabolical gallows of death,?


  But if there was indeed one thing that I perennially loved to do; that was to scare the guts out of the last bone of your spine in blazing daylight; that was to asphyxiate you to such a death that even death would tremble to define; that was to render you forever and ever and ever in the coffin of nothingness; that was to make you realize that if you indeed believed in the Omnipotent Lord Almighty; it was simply because of me the torturous ghost who couldn't be defeated by anyone else; but the voice of the Divine.

  31. POETRY

  If its from the center of the voluptuously enriching clouds; then it has got to be nothing else but; tantalizing droplets of blissfully soothing and
blessedly emollient rain,

  If its from the petals of the splendidly embellished rose; then it has got to be nothing else but; fantastically unhindered and impregnably enamoring fragrance,

  If its from the pristinely untainted labyrinths of soil; then it has got? to be nothing else but; brilliantly optimistic and fabulously embellished fertility,

  If its from the gigantically undulating ocean; then it has got to be nothing else but; vivaciously wonderful and spell-bindingly poignant salt,

  If its from the blessedly sacrosanct cow; then it has got to be nothing else but; celestially fortifying and unconquerably compassionate milk,

  If its from the gallantly boisterous bumble bee; then it has got to be nothing else but; vividly enchanting and mellifluously iridescent honey,

  If its from the dedicatedly twinkling eye; then it has to got be nothing else but; undauntedly handsome and triumphantly blazing intensity,


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