If its from the Omnipotently infallible Sun; then it has got to be nothing else but; brilliantly unfettered and undefeatedly spell-binding light,
If its from the poignantly ecstatic Wind; then it has got to be nothing else but; profoundly sensuous and unimaginably innovative exhilaration,
If its from the indomitably Herculean Mountain; then it has got to be nothing else but; perpetually subliming and convivially enshrouding unity,
If its from the fathomlessly fantastic sky; then it has got to be nothing else but; perennially venerated and artistically uninhibited openness,
If its from the marvelously virgin pearl; then it has got to be nothing else but; unfathomably resplendent and timelessly bewitching artistry,
If its from the fearlessly Godly Mother; then it has got to be nothing else but; altruistically eternal and wonderfully ameliorating care,
If its from the realms of insurmountably ignited yearning; then it has got to be nothing else but; boundlessly unparalleled and inimitably effulgent ecstasy,
If its from the jubilantly cavorting sheep; then it has got to be nothing else but; unsurpassably unadulterated and gloriously unimpeachable innocence,
If its from the victoriously scarlet blood; then it has got to be nothing else but; ardently unending and blazingly unhindered passion,
If its from the innocuously golden sweat; then it has got to be nothing else but; irrefutably righteous and truthfully synergistic perseverance,
If its from the inexhaustible dormitories of the brain; then it has got be nothing else but; surreally titillating and majestically fructifying fantasy,
If its from the mouth of the invincible lion; then it has got to be nothing else but; unlimitedly unconquerable and ferociously untamed aristocracy,
If its from the soul of the newborn child; then it has got to be nothing else but; unassailably fecund and brilliantly optimistic truth,
If its from the body of the astoundingly gifted seed; then it has got to be nothing else but; timelessly endowing and astoundingly blessing proliferation,
If its from the lines of the incoherently sculptured palm; then it has got to be nothing else but; inexplicably reverberating and uncannily inscrutable adventure,
If its from the fierily robust nostrils; then it has got to be nothing else but; inevitably divine and magically mitigating breath,
And if its from the innermost realms of the passionate heart; then it has got to be nothing else but immortally Omnipresent and endlessly captivating "Poetry"
32. DANCE - PART 2
Dance. And you'll uninhibitedly release even the most infinitesimal iota of mercilessly trapped frustration; disdainfully entrapped in your bones.
Dance. And you'll metamorphose every droplet of your brutally estranged sweat; into a paradise of intriguingly unparalleled and triumphant newness.
Dance. And you'll feel like the most pricelessly blessed artist on this fathomless Universe; efficaciously expressing even the most obsoletely defecating of your emotions; like the blazingly unfettered Sunlight.
Dance. And you'll feel an unsurpassably overwhelming urge to lead a countless more lives; as if every of your inadvertently committed sin is forever erased into the wisps of worthlessly wanton nothingness.
Dance. And you'll feel the innermost dormitories of your soul profoundly blending with every ounce of the celestial atmosphere; galloping as God's most endowed organism alive.
Dance. And you'll feel the inferno of unconquerable desire tower to the most ultimate crescendo in your crimson blood; with every pristinely untamed pore
of your skin insatiably yearning to be timelessly kissed.
Dance. And you'll feel that the tantalizing mists of infinite infinity were invincibly captured in your magical palms; with every bone in your gallantly bountiful persona rhythmically swaying to the beats of the divine.
Dance. And you'll feel that there was no bath ever which was better than the bath of mesmerizing golden sweat; as it resplendently trickled like the most sensuously blessing waterfall over every patch of your fantastically glistening and naked skin.
Dance. And you'll feel that exhaustion never ever existed on the trajectory of this boundless earth; with even the most ethereal trace of disease forever transforming into the heaven of unprecedented excitement.
Dance. And you'll want every second to consist of a countless more seconds;
every pathway of ebulliently rhapsodic life to be endlessly eternal till the time planet earth holistically survived.
Dance. And you'll feel that even the most deliriously robotic structure around you was silken fluffs of enamoring candy; inevitably culminating into a limitless forest of desire in every cranny of your impoverished caricature.
Dance. And you'll feel an inimitable fountain of heart-rendering empathy arise in the whites of your eyes; putting even the most disastrously frazzled dormitory of your brain to a perpetually glorifying rest.
Dance. And you'll learn to fly without wings even in the most fathomlessly unlimited of sky; indefatigably adventuring and proliferating into astounding newness; even as the entire earth around you brutally fought and died.
Dance. And you'll feel even the most treacherously obstinate of impediments beneath your feet convert into the oceans of unbridled prosperity; victoriously enveloping every of your nerve with undefeatable rhapsody.
Dance. And you'll feel like a freshly adorned bride; inexhaustibly tossing and turning on the bedsheets of Immortal friendship; waiting for the prince of her life to kiss her to an infinite billion lives.
Dance. And you'll feel as if you were the ultimate messiah of humanity; enlightening boundless orphans and deprived; with the miraculously subliming optimism in your vividly gleeful stride.
Dance. And you'll discover the most fragrantly invincible meaning of life; symbiotically coalesce every element of your majestic form with the insuperably panoramic cradle of Mother Nature.
Dance. And you'll feel as if your heart was the most pricelessly infallible creation on this gregariously impregnable Universe; with each of its Immortal beats forever bonding with the Omnipresent light of the Creator Divine.
Dance. And you'll feel as if the chapter of victoriously Omniscient life could never ever end; and with every joyously unhindered leap that you took into the atmosphere you were reborn again and again and again; for an infinite more lives and lifetimes.
Don't you want to prosper in life; reach the zenith of astronomical success in? the moments that you were destined to holistically exist ?
Don't you want to gallop in untamed exhilaration towards the sky; enshroud every cranny of your disastrously bedraggled persona; with winds of exhilarated happiness ?
Don't you want to float relentlessly in a land of dreams; fantasize about the most unprecedentedly beautiful lingering on this planet; with every breath that you mystically exhaled ?
Don't you want to blossom in the aisles of unfathomable desire; march on the lanes of irrefutable triumph; till times beyond eternity ?
Well if your answer is NO; then please coalesce immediately with inconspicuously heinous winds of diabolical hell; and if you nodded YES; then immortal love is the bird that'll take you there; and perpetually ensure that you robustly flied.
Don't you want to bask in the glory of uninhibited freedom; unequivocally evolving your own new paths in life ?
Don't you want to survive as the most opulent entity alive; disseminating the invincible essence of truth; humanity; and brotherhood to the most remotest corner
of this boundlessly mesmerizing Universe ?
Don't you want to be insatiably possessed by people you astoundingly adored; rejoice impeccable moments of your wonderfully bountiful childhood once again ?
Don't you want to seductively philander in the stupendously resplendent glory of the marvelous night; kiss the immaculate stars as you surreally trespassed by ?
Well if your answer is N
O; then please transpose immediately with pathetically blood-sucking parasites in satanic hell; and if you nodded YES; then immortal love is the wave that'll take you there; and perpetually ensure that you incredulously smiled.
Don't you want to leave your mark upon this fathomless earth; while you splendidly existed in supremely symbiotic harmony with nature's glamorous treasures ?
Don't you want to proliferate countless of your very own; witness your progeny blossom with your poignantly scarlet blood incarcerated in their veins ?
Don't you want to sparkle in the full fervor of compassionate existence; walk shoulder to shoulder with your philanthropic mates in happiness; as well as inexplicable pain ?
Don't you want to wholeheartedly transcend the boundaries of infinite infinity; pluck your unfathomable repertoire of benign desires; from royal blue carpets of
blissful sky ?
Well if your answer is NO; then please sink immediately in realms of treacherously invidious hell; and if you nodded YES; then immortal love is the cloud that'll take you there; and perpetually ensure that you were blessed with all your wishes in
flash seconds of time.
Don't you want to drown in a garden of enchanting roses for times immemorial; majestically replenishing every iota of your dwindling senses with heavenly scent and the overwhelming scent of humanity ?
Don't you want to incessantly pour out the inner most recesses of your estranged soul; inundating the celestial atmosphere with the profusely passionate artistry in your integral sound ?
Don't you want to impregnably face every obstacle that dared come your way; unflinchingly confronting the most mightiest of battles viciously trying to asphyxiate all your ambition ?
Don't you want to live life to its unsurpassably fullest capacity; coining an intriguingly fabulous chapter of new existence; on every brilliantly intrepid step that you tread ?
Well if you answer is NO; then please consume immediately the acrimonious thorns of ghastly hell; and if you passionately nodded YES; then immortal love is the only messiah that'll take you there; perpetually ensure that you lived sacred life; even after veritable death.
Each star twinkles,?
Each rose scents,?
Each clock ticks,?
Each cloud drifts,?
Each arm sweats,?
Each lip smiles,?
Each skin bleeds,?
Each eye winks,?
Each wind blows,?
Each wave undulates,?
Each echo mystifies,?
Each seed sprouts,?
Each mother bears,?
Each pig gobbles,?
Each fist curls,?
Each ball rolls,?
Each icecube melts,?
Each bird flies,?
Each cloth sequesters,?
Each dungeon darkens,?
Each soul stupefies,?
Each nightingale mesmerizes,?
Each tooth chews,?
Each mosquito bites,?
Each peacock blossoms,?
Each lion roars,?
Each mind dreams,?
Each organism evolves,?
Each soldier immortalizes,?
Each shape signifies,?
Each battle vindicates,?
Each nose smells,?
Each waterfall diffuses,?
Each path leads,?
Each summit personifies,?
Each ideal enlightens,?
Each ray brightens,?
Each scorpion stings,?
Each gutter stinks,?
Each tongue satiates,?
Each demeanor shadows,?
Each root embeds,?
Each cow milks,?
Each glue sticks,?
Each mirror reflects,?
Each trend innovates,?
Each beauty enchants,?
Each destiny enthralls,?
Each embrace intimates,?
Each stare captivates,?
Each pearl scintillates,?
Each muscle fortifies,?
Each game rejuvenates,?
Each effort achieves,?
Each foot tramples,?
Each ambition drives,?
Each lie decimates,?
Each manipulation massacres,?
Each passion fulminates,?
Each wing flaps,?
Each journey explores,?
Each arrow wounds,?
Each talent blooms,?
Each mission idolizes,?
Each example symbolizes,?
Each joy celebrates,?
Each tear commiserates,?
Each emulation falsifies,?
Each experience realizes,?
Each desire erupts,?
Each benevolence proliferates,?
Each proof validates,?
Each violence rebels,?
Each sleep replenishes,?
Each idea metamorphoses,?
Each adjective enhances,?
Each antiseptic heals,?
Each parasite clings,?
Each insult pinches,?
Each nail scratches,?
Each dog barks,?
Each bee hums,?
Each duck quacks,?
Each squirrel nibbles,?
Each feeling bonds,?
Each silence blesses,?
Each rebuke vomits,?
Each spider weaves,?
Each flame ignites,?
Each eraser rubs,?
Each brick constructs,?
Each dolphin delights,?
Each raspberry enthuses,?
Each acid burns,?
Each insinuation intrigues,?
Each leaf withers,?
Each snake hisses,?
Each pirate plunders,?
Each prince rules,?
Each enigma eludes,?
Each truth eternalizes,?
Each emblem patronizes,?
Each story modernizes,?
Each whip tyrannizes,?
Each raconteur soliloquizes,?
Each shackle traumatizes,?
Each beat pulsates,?
Each wine intoxicates,?
Each beam dazzles,?
Each sword slashes,?
Each advertisement beguiles,?
Each feather tickles,?
Each fire blazes,?
Each matchstick incinerates,?
Each droplet pacifies,?
Each complication tenses,?
Each sport recharges,?
Each whisper reverberates,?
Each model exposes,?
Each commodity sells,?
Each death depresses,?
Each height impresses,?
Each relationship harnesses,?
Each inspiration leads,?
Each medicine rehabilitates,?
Each knife cuts,?
Each noose strangulates,?
Each tail wags,?
Each desert simmers,?
Each farmer ploughs,?
Each scepter protects,?
Each conviction delivers,?
Each ink embosses,?
Each fish swims,?
Each frog croaks,?
Each leech sucks,?
Each astringent cleans,?
Each wall defends,?
Each cream titillates,?
Each desire mellows,?
Each romance flowers,?
Each monster growls,?
Each lunatic frenzies,?
Each lover exultates,?
Each revolution perseveres,?
Each knot entangles,?
Each reward astonishes,?
Each cynosure reveals,?
Each impersonation cheats,?
Each coalition unites,?
Each sharing satisfies,?
Each yawn isolates,?
Each poking irritates,?
Each design synchronizes,?
Each dimension accurates,?
Each earthquake devastates,?
> Each misdeed penalizes,?
Each thorn pierces,?
Each picture portrays,?
Each scowl abhors,?
Each lock incarcerates,?
Each key unveils,?
Each bone crunches,?
Each storm transcends,?
Each stream gurgles,?
Each fountain cascades,?
Each suspense chills,?
Each grave dooms,?
Each cuckoo sings,?
Each butterfly frolicks,?
Each chameleon changes,?
Each sadist tortures,?
Each fist clenches,?
Each neck rotates,?
Each bank secures,?
Each handshake binds,?
Each repetition emphasizes,?
Each panther gallops,?
Each fox manipulates,?
Each froth tantalizes,?
Each caricature mocks,?
Each ride frees,?
Each hook captures,?
Each horizon expands,?
Each platform resurrects,?
Each foothold maneuvers,?
Each sheep bleats,?
Each fountain cascades,?
Each icecream cools,?
Each candle melts,?
Each rain stimulates,?
Each bicycle pedals,?
Each fossil recounts,?
Each chocolate ravishes,?
Each dragon snares,?
Each rat squeaks,?
Each sponge compresses,?
Each spring rebounds,?
Each thumbprint qualifies,?
Each age teaches,?
Each situation demands,?
Each nostalgia yearns,?
Each caress stirs,?
Each encouragement revives,?
Each elastic stretches,?
Each file stores,?
Each boundary limits,?
Each mouth speaks,?
Each wave ebbs,?
Each bliss bestows,?
Each salute respects,?
Life = Death - volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death Page 9