Til Death Do Us Part (Vegas Vows)

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Til Death Do Us Part (Vegas Vows) Page 7

by Harlow Layne

  “If you’re sure.” I tried to play off how excited I was to see him again, even if it had only been a little over an hour ago since my eyes last landed on him.

  “Positive, why don’t you give me your address and I’ll come pick you up.”

  “You don’t need to do that. I know you’re busy. I can drive.”

  “I don’t want to be worrying about you until you get here. If I come get you, then I can make sure your place is secured when you leave.”

  “That’s probably a good idea because I’m not handy in the least and I checked to see and my lock is broken.” I pouted, knowing he couldn’t see me. “Why would someone break into my place?”

  “Because the world can be a shitty place. If it makes you feel better, my place has an alarm. I don’t know how to work it yet, but we’ll get it set up and going for tonight.”

  It did make me feel better, but it was more knowing Leo would be there to protect me if I needed it than anything else.

  “I’d like that. I feel so…violated. In all my years living here, I’ve never even known someone who’s had their place broken into.”

  “Look on the bright side, you could have been home when it happened, and it could have been a lot worse.”

  I hadn’t thought of that. Would they have broken in while I was here, or would they have attacked me like they’d done to the rest of my belongings?

  Not wanting to think about what might have happened if I had been home, I rattled off my address and then told him I’d send it in a text since he didn’t know his way around Oasis. Not that it was hard, but still, I didn’t want to be alone any longer than necessary.

  “I’ll be there in…let me see how long my phone says. Ten minutes. Why don’t you get whatever else you’ll need for the next few days and I’ll be there when you’re done?”

  “Thank you, Leo. You’re a lifesaver. I feel like you’re getting a bad impression of me. I don’t normally go to Vegas and get married, nor am I prone to break-ins.” I sounded like an idiot, but I didn’t want Leo to think I was a train wreck like I was appearing to be.

  He chuckled and I could hear him moving around. “Don’t worry, that’s not the impression I have of you, and don’t worry, I’ll be there soon.”

  We hung up, and I got to packing all the clothes I had on the floor. I wasn’t sure if Leo would have a washer and dryer setup, but if he did, I wanted to wash all of my clothes. I didn’t want to wear them knowing some asshole had touched them.

  I still wasn’t sure why Leo was coming to me, except to make sure my place was secure. If he’d given me his address, I could have easily driven there.

  Since I had packed as lightly for my trip, I was gathering all my makeup and hair products when there was a light knock on my door and then Leo called inside, “Hello? Everly, are you here?”

  “I’m in the back in the bathroom,” I called as I sat down my hairdryer and started toward the front door. I’d only taken a few steps into the hall when Leo appeared like a knight in shining armor. He’d changed into a pair of black athletic shorts, a skintight white t-shirt that showcased his perfect abs, a pair of white tennis shoes with his hat on backwards. He looked like an all-American boy with bulging muscles that strained his tight shirt.

  My eyes devoured him as I ran down the hall and threw myself into his arms. “Thank you for coming,” I murmured into his neck.

  His arms wrapped around me and held me to him. He took in a deep breath and then sat me down. He kept his hands on my arms as he looked me up and down. “I’m glad you called. I would have hated to know you stayed here after seeing how bad it is. Those fuckers really did a number on you, didn’t they?”

  I felt better now that he validated how bad it really was.

  “I’m not going to lie, I would have been terrified to stay here, especially since I can’t lock my front door.”

  His hand skimmed down my arm and took mine before he led me back to the door. “Do you have a hammer and some nails?” When I shook my head no, he asked. “How about a landlord or something? A maintenance man, perhaps? They should come and secure the door.”

  There had been a number on my refrigerator to call if I had any problems, but I wasn’t sure if it was there now after the break in.

  “I did have a number, but I’ve never had to use it. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find it in the mess.” I bit my lip and looked toward the kitchen.

  “Where is it? I can look while you get your stuff together.” His brows furrowed as he scanned the area. “Pack for at least a week. I don’t want you coming back here until we can be assured this won’t happen again.”

  “Leo, that’s too long. I can’t impose on you like that.”

  “You’re not. Trust me. You’re literally the only person I know here. I’ve only corresponded with one person from the office and to tell you the truth, he kind of seems like a tool, so I won’t be befriending him anytime soon. Plus, we’re married, right? There’s nothing wrong with you staying at my place.”

  “So, you’re only inviting me so you’re not lonely,” my lips quirked up.

  “And because I like you and spending time with you. We said we’d try to make this work. What better way to do that than to live together for the next week or so? Now, go finish packing.” He swatted my ass before he turned into the kitchen.

  Going back to my room, I packed up everything I could find. I didn’t want to start turning over furniture or getting into that. It would make it all too real. I heard Leo talking to someone, but wasn’t sure if he’d found the number for the maintenance guy or if he’d called someone else, but he was putting my torn up cushions back on my couch in my living room when I came out.

  He looked up from what he was doing. “Are you ready?”

  “Ready.” I slung my purse over my shoulder. “Thank you for this. You’re really taking your vows seriously.”

  “I take marriage seriously. My parents have been together for damn…I don’t even know off the top of my head, but they’re what I’ve always hoped for. When you look at them, you can see the love in their eyes even after all these years. They’re each other’s best friend and lover.”

  No pressure at all.

  “That’s what I want as well, even if I have only witnessed it in movies and books. I want to love and be loved until my last breath.”

  “Til death do us part.”



  Pulling up to my new place, I shut off the car. All my boxes had been placed inside my garage, making it impossible to park inside. My first goal was to place each box in the room they needed to be in.

  The movers should have done that, but the guy from work who was there to supervise had to leave early, so he had them place all my stuff in the garage.

  I was lucky all my belongings made it and hadn’t gotten lost along the way. It would have been bad if I only had the belongings in my suitcase. It wouldn’t have been a good look to show up on my first day of work in casual wear. From here on out, I’d be wearing a suit and tie from nine to five. It was going to take some getting used to, but that’s what life was like as an adult. You had to do things all the time that you didn’t want to do, or at least it seemed that way.

  I watched as Everly parked beside me and then got out of her car. She stood staring at the house.

  “This is the place your work set you up with?” Everly questioned after I came to stand beside her.

  “It’s pretty sweet, right? I mean, I would have been happy to have an apartment. I only hope they don’t expect me to be hosting parties and get-togethers.”

  Her eyes got big. “Do you think they will?”

  “Nah, I don’t think so. It was never mentioned.”

  “While I’ve never heard of them, I’d say they’ve done a good job of making their firm well represented. I mean, damn, this house has to be worth at least half a million and that’s what I’m getting from the front yard. Then they give you an Audi to drive. You’re living large right
out of the gate.”

  It did seem a little much and almost made me think it was too good to be true.

  “Well, if they wanted me to be living large, they should have fully furnished the place. There’s no way I’ll be able to match what they’ve provided.”

  Her big eyes landed on me. “It came furnished as well?”

  “Most of it. There’s one bedroom that’s bare and there are no towels, pots or pans, or things like that.”

  “Do they do this for all their employees?”

  Shrugging, I looked down at her. “Maybe. I did tell them I didn’t have much. Plus, it would have cost an arm and a leg to ship furniture from Sweden to here. It probably saved them money in the long run.”

  “Damn,” she breathed out.

  I felt the same way. Never when I graduated, did I think I would be set up like this. Although it did take me almost a year to find the perfect job. It probably helped I’d found it in Stockholm at an architecture firm that was starting out but had landed some prestigious jobs. Then one of my projects had done extraordinarily well.

  Linking our fingers together, I tugged on her hand. “Are you ready to go inside?”

  “More than ready.” She answered like a kid in a candy store.

  I liked that she was excited to see my place, even if I had nothing to do with it.

  “Leo,” she twirled around the entry, “this place is amazing.” She stopped and placed her hands on my chest. “What did you think when you saw all of this, or did you already know what it looked like?”

  “I had no idea. My first thought was that I’d been sent to the wrong house.” I laughed. “But I figured since the key worked and the house was empty, I was in the right place. Do you like it?”

  “I more than like it. I can’t believe you had to see my place looking like a total shithole. I mean, it’s never been anything fancy, but it’s nothing compared to this.”

  “Your place was fine. Now, it would be different if that’s how you kept your house. I might have rescinded my invitation for you to stay with me if that was the case.”

  “Really?” She laughed.

  “That would be an asshole thing to do, but I might have told you I like a clean house or something.” I shrugged, but it was true. “Please tell me you don’t leave stuff everywhere.”

  Raising a brow, she tried to keep her lips from twitching but failed. “And if I do?”

  Gripping her hips, I rubbed against her ass. “I’ll have to give you incentive to be a little tidier.”

  “Well, if I was a messy person and your cock was my reward, I’d be the cleanest person in the whole county, maybe even the state.”

  “Only the state? Maybe I can make it the whole country.”

  Her eyes became half lidded as she looked at me and licked her lips.

  I laughed, draping an arm over her shoulders. “Let’s grab your stuff from your car and I’ll show you to the master bedroom.”

  “How about we make a deal?” she suggested.

  I was intrigued, to say the least. “What kind of deal?”

  “For every room we unpack, an orgasm is the reward.”

  “Hmm,” I hummed. “I might have to go buy more things to fill the house if that’s the case.”

  “That’s not playing fair, but have no fear, I don’t plan to withhold from you once we’re done. That would only punish me more.”

  Fuck, I wanted her now. I loved how playful she was and the way she took our situation with such ease. If it had been anyone else, they probably would have run for the hills and consulted a lawyer within the first ten minutes.

  “I really need you to move or we’re going to get nothing done.” I wasn’t sure how much longer I could fight the pull of wanting her underneath me.

  Everly looked me up and down with heat in her eyes. “I never would have thought this look would be a turn on, but damn you’re hot as fuck in it. You’ve got my hormones racing.”

  “That’s not helping matters,” I confessed.

  “I’m only trying to point out I feel it too, and it’s hard to fight the urge to not drop to my knees and blow you right here.”

  Cupping my semi, I groaned. “Okay, let’s get your stuff and then I’ll give you a tour. Then I’ll work on one room and you can work on another otherwise I don’t see much progress in our future.”

  “I can think of some progress, but not the type you need right now.” She winked before ducking out of my hold.

  I hated the loss of her body heat and not being able to smell her, but it was for the best. I had to remember she was my reward, but I wouldn’t get my prize if I let my dick take control of my body.

  After grabbing her suitcase and a duffel filled with so much stuff it could barely zip, I showed Everly the house and left her in the master bedroom to first unpack her things and then mine. I went back out to the garage where I’d been when she called and finished sorting the boxes.

  Only then did I go about taking them to the rooms they belonged in.

  Stopping by the bedroom, I ducked my head inside to see how Everly was progressing. “How’s it going?”

  “Good.” She peeked her head out of the closet and bit her plump bottom lip. She’d put her long hair up into a ponytail. It was hanging over her shoulder with the end swishing back and forth across her breast. “Should I just leave my clothes in my bag? I mean, I don’t want to take up space in your closet.”

  “You haven’t started to unpack them yet?”

  “No, I pulled them all out and was inspecting them to see if there was any damage. Back at my place, I’d thrown them all in without looking. I want to wash them all before I do anything else with them. Even if they’re not dirty, they are, you know?”

  That made sense. I was sure she felt violated after having someone go through all of her belongings.

  “Wash them and put them in my closet and dresser. Wherever you want them. There’s no sense in living out of a bag while you’re here.”

  “Okay.” Her mouth twisted to the side. “I didn’t want to overstep my bounds.”

  “You’re not. This place is new to me. I have zero attachment to it, so please make yourself at home.” My only fear was I’d get used to her being here, and when it was time for her to leave, I wouldn’t want her to.

  “How’s it going for you?”

  “I got all the boxes to their respective rooms except in here. Now I need to decide which one to start with first.”

  “Why don’t you finish bringing in your bedroom stuff and then you could help me in here?”

  I wasn’t sure if that was a good idea or not, but I decided to go with her suggestion.

  Working with Everly so close was a lesson in restraint. Every few seconds, I looked over at her and watched as she bent over and showed off her perfect ass or how she’d reach up and her shirt would ride up showing her soft, tanned skin. Working with my dick hard was not something I’d recommend. I had to keep readjusting myself and pressing my hand to my dick, trying to convince him we needed to wait because I knew once I stripped her bare and had her underneath me, I wouldn’t want to stop until the morning.

  Everly came into the room and threw the sheets she’d washed onto the mattress. Never in my wildest dreams did I think watching someone make my bed would turn me on, but there was something about Everly and the way her body moved that had me pushing aside my restraint and going to her.

  She was leaning over the bed, trying to straighten out the top sheet, when I plastered the front of my body to hers and let her feel how hard she made me.

  “Is that for me or did you put a brush in your pocket?” She giggled, reaching around to run her hand down my length.

  “All for you. Do you know how hard it is to unpack while sporting a semi?” She cocked her head to the side as best as she could while turned to look at me. “It’s impossible. You’ve got me so damn hard.”

  “I thought we were waiting until the room was unpacked.”

  Leaning down, I nipped at her
lips before I started kissing along her jaw. “I think we deserve a little reward for how hard we’ve been working.”

  “I think I should reward you for coming and saving me and also for giving me a place to stay. How about you lay back and I show you how thankful I am?”

  Rolling off her, I splayed myself out on the bed, giving her all of me to do with what she wanted. Pulling my shirt up to my neck, she ran her tongue along the flat disc of my nipple before she looked up at me with a wicked grin. Moving off the bed, she pulled off my shorts and boxers and let them fall to the ground.

  She ran her fingernails down both legs, making me jerk at the sensation. Crawling onto the bed between my legs, Everly wrapped her fingers around the base of my shaft and slowly started to pump while her other hand cradled my balls. Leaning down, I thought she was going to take my dick in her mouth, but she went further and sucked on one ball while continuing to stroke me.

  “Damn woman, you’d bring me to my knees if I was standing.” A low rumble fell from my lips when she let my ball slide out of her mouth only to come up and take me fully into her mouth until I was deep into her throat.

  Instinctively, my hands went to her head, my fingers wrapping around the long strands of her hair and pulling it to the side, wanting to watch what she was doing to me.

  “I don’t know what I like more, watching your pretty lips wrap around my cock or watching as your pussy stretches and takes me in.”

  She moaned around my shaft, sending a pleasurable vibration through my body.

  “Fuck, sweet girl, I want to be inside of you so bad. Do you want me as bad as I want you?”

  Looking up from between my legs, she nodded as best as she could while continuing to suck me off.

  “Play with yourself. I want to watch your fingers slip inside your pussy and come away slick with need.”


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