Til Death Do Us Part (Vegas Vows)

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Til Death Do Us Part (Vegas Vows) Page 8

by Harlow Layne

  She moaned again, this time the vibration nearly brought me to release in her hot mouth, but I held off, needing more.

  Removing her hand from my balls, she slid it down the front of her shorts and closed her eyes. When they opened again, they were full of fire.

  “Dip your fingers inside and show me,” I demanded.

  After this, I was going to demand she always wear skirts for easy access. I wanted to be able to slip my fingers inside her at any moment.

  I watched transfixed as she moved her hand and then pulled out two fingers coated in her want for me.

  The urge to pull her onto my face was unlike anything I’d felt before.

  “Fuck, that’s hot. I need to taste you again. I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough of you.”

  As if to prove my point, her head bobbed faster as she hallowed out her cheeks. I swore she was trying to break me. I’d gladly let her take me down if this was the way I’d go.

  When heat shot down my spine, I gripped her hair tighter. “I’m close. If you don’t want me to fill your mouth with my cum, you need to let me know now.”

  There was a moment where she only looked at me before she started to suck harder. My hips thrust up, making her take me as far as she could handle as I came down her throat.

  Letting my dick pop free, she licked me clean before placing a soft kiss on the tip and crawling up my body.

  She curled into my side, spent as if she just got off herself. “Hopefully that will help for a little while,” she let out a yawn, the puff of breath tickling my neck. “I’m in desperate need of a nap. Do you think I could take a break?”

  Pulling her closer, I kissed the top of her head. “You’re not here on a work program. You’re free to do whatever you want whenever you want.” Especially if it was giving me the best blowjobs of my life.

  “I just feel bad. You have so much work to do and I’ll be here curled up on your soft, comfy bed.” She hummed and wiggled to get more comfortable. “Whoever decorated your house did a good job, especially when picking out this bed. It’s going to be hard to get out of it in the morning.”

  “Sleep and I’ll see you when you wake up. Maybe I’ll have a room or two done and some food.”

  “Mmm, food.” She yawned, looking adorable.

  I had a feeling it was going to be hard to get out of bed for an entirely different reason, and that reason was Everly.



  After cleaning up after my last client, I moved to the break room where Trixie was talking to her friend and ex-employee Coco.

  The moment I walked into the room; Trixie pounced. “You never told me who the hottie was that dropped you off this morning.”

  Imagine my embarrassment when I went to start my older model Toyota Camry that stood out like a sore thumb in Leo’s neighborhood, only for it not to start. Not only did it stick out, but then I had to go inside and ask for a ride to work.

  I could feel the heat crawl up my neck to my cheeks at what I was about to admit to her.

  “What would you think if I told you he was my husband?”

  “I’d think you have some explaining to do since you didn’t have one last week.” Her brows knitted as she twisted her pink hair with her fingers. “Wait a minute, didn’t you take off so you could go to a wedding? You didn’t say it was your own. I would have given you more time off if that was the case.”

  “It was for my best friend, Camilla. Now ex-best friend, but that’s a whole other story.”

  “Yes, it is, and I want to hear about the one where you’re now married. Don’t you?” She looked to Coco with confusion written on her face.

  “I miss all the gossip of working here and it sounds like a juicy story, so I’m all in for hearing about it.”

  “All in for what?” a deep voice asked from behind me.

  Coco’s face lit up. She got up and moved around me. “Hey, baby, you’re early.”

  I turned in time to see the handsome and slightly rugged man dip down and kiss her. Looking around the room, he gave us a small smile and said good evening to us before all of his attention went back to his wife.

  “I got done early and wanted to take my girl to dinner but take all the time you need. Maybe you can give me a little trim while we’re here if that’s allowed.”

  “Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi,” Trixie said, shaking her head with a smile. “How many times have I told you, you and Coco are always welcome here? If you want her to cut your hair, then she can use my station.”

  “Thanks, Trixie, it’s getting a little long on the top, and I thought since we were here, we might as well kill two birds with one stone.”

  “Let’s move this conversation out to the salon.” Trixie all but dragged me out there, and I knew there was no way I was going to get out of telling her what happened.

  Bodhi sat down at Trixie’s station with Coco draping a cape around his shoulders. I sat down in my chair while Trixie took the one next to me.

  She picked up my left hand and narrowed her eyes at my ring finger. It was bare. Not because I was hiding I was married, but I didn’t want to wear it while I worked. I washed my hands so many times when I was at work and didn’t want to have to keep taking it off and putting it on. “Now spill all the dirty details.”

  Taking my hand back from her, I took a deep breath and let it out before I went on to explain what had happened in Vegas and even told them about Camilla and how our friendship ended. The only thing I didn’t tell them was who Leo’s brother was.

  Trixie stared at me for a full minute when I was done. I was thankful she’d let me tell my story without interrupting, but now she was making me nervous as she sat quietly looking me over.

  Coco was the one who broke the silence. “Wow, you had a very eventful weekend.”

  Since he only needed a trim, Coco brushed Bodhi off before she took off his cape. He stood a few feet away with his brows pulled together. “Do you have any idea who might have broken in?” I had no idea, so I shook my head. I still hadn’t wrapped my head around why someone would target me. “Do you need me to check on your apartment before you go back?”

  “I did that last night,” Leo said from out of nowhere. I whirled around to see him standing by the door with a sexy grin on his face. When had he arrived?

  “And you must be the husband.” Trixie stood and went over to shake Leo’s hand.

  “That would be me. Nice to meet you. You must be Trixie.”

  “Oh, has Everly been talking about me?” She smiled, preening up at him.

  “She mentioned your name and pink hair. We haven’t had a lot of time to talk.” He smirked.

  Dear god, had he heard me talk about all the sex we had? I would die if he did. It was bad enough Bodhi heard it, but I couldn’t very well make him leave the room once I started.

  Everyone went around and introduced themselves as I stood back and watched. Somehow, Leo fit into my life with ease when most guys would have run for the hills in our situation.

  “Well, I don’t know if you’re both smart or stupid for staying married, but either way I’ll support you. If you hurt her though, I will come after you.” The look on Trixie’s face let me know she meant business.

  “I don’t plan on it,” Leo replied, looking at me with soft eyes.

  Coco moved to Bodhi’s side and leaned against his tall frame. “I can’t believe your place was broken into. That’s a lot to come home to.”

  “It was. I feel so…”

  “Violated? It’s not a good feeling. If there’s anything I can do, even if it’s only to talk, I’m here.”

  “Thank you.” I didn’t know Coco all that well, but she seemed like a sweet person.

  “Do the police have any leads? Were any other apartments broken into?” Bodhi asked, pulling Coco against him as if talking about all this was making him remember their past.

  “Nothing. When I went to the station this morning, they said no one else had reported a break in.”

“Maybe it was someone who lives in your building and noticed you were away. Did you tell anyone you’d be gone?” Bodhi asked.

  “No one. I only speak to a few people who live there. Most people keep to themselves like me.” It didn’t make me feel good I was the only one whose apartment had been broken into. What were the odds? “At least Leo took me in, and I feel safe there. I’m not sure I’ll ever feel safe in my apartment again after coming home to that.”

  Moving to me, Leo brought me into a warm hug. “You’re welcome to stay with me for as long as you need.”

  “Maybe since you’re married, she should just move in.” Trixie stated it like it should be law, making me pull away from Leo to give her big eyes.

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not? You want to make this marriage work and you’re at his place right now. How is it going to work if you move out?”

  I didn’t have any answers for her, but I couldn’t just move in with Leo after knowing him a few days, could I?

  “I kind of have to agree with her,” Leo said, looking down at me. “You said you’d never feel safe and you’re already at my place.”

  Looking up at him, I spoke only for him to hear. “Why don’t we talk about this later when we don’t have an audience?”

  A brief flash of hurt crossed over his face before he nodded.

  “It’s probably nothing, but stay vigilant with your safety. When my ex-boyfriend was stalking me, I thought it was my imagination at first and pushed it to the back of my mind. If it wasn’t for Bodhi, I’d probably be dead.”

  Bodhi wrapped an arm around her in a possessive hold. They’d been through a lot in the beginning, but it made them both stronger.

  “Let’s not forget the serial killer,” Bodhi said, tightening his grip on his wife. “That should make everyone be more cautious.”

  “That’s not something I’ll ever forget.” Trixie started to sweep up the hair that was on the floor from Bodhi’s haircut.

  Trixie didn’t like to talk about how one of her clients had been abducted outside her salon or how it forced her into hiding until the killer was caught. I couldn’t imagine how scary it had been for her. I’d say the one good thing that came out of the situation was Trixie had one hot cop boyfriend. He was a dead ringer for Clark Kent.

  Leo looked around the room as if someone might jump out at any moment. “I thought you were joking when you said a serial killer was in your town.”

  “It does sound crazy, doesn’t it?” Coco answered him with a tentative smile. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready to get out of here and for my husband to take me on our date.”

  I knew Coco was taking the attention off the topic of Oasis serial killer in case Trixie got triggered.

  Leo smiled and waved as Coco and Bodhi left out the front door. “Well, it was good meeting you. I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of you.”

  Trixie locked the front door before she turned to him. “Yes, now that you’ve married our girl, I expect to be seeing lots more of you.”

  I gave Trixie a side hug and whispered in her ear, “If you give him too much of a hard time, he might regret his decision and file for divorce.”

  “Then you’re not seeing the way he looks at you.” She nudged me in the side and winked at me. “Go have fun and be open to living with him because he’s right.”

  I gave her a fake smile and called out, “Good night!”

  Wrapping my hand around his elbow, I dragged Leo out the backdoor of the salon. “Please ignore Trixie. She means well, but can be a bit much sometimes.”

  “It didn’t bother me.” He held open the passenger door for me and didn’t close it until I was safely inside and buckled up. I had a feeling he wanted to say more, and I was right. The second he sat behind the steering wheel, he turned to me with a question on his face.

  I wasn’t sure if it was about something he heard inside or if it had to do with me living with him.


  He looked around the parking lot, and his shoulders shook. “I’m kind of dumbfounded by this town and the people you know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Hearing about stalkers and serial killers isn’t normal, Everly. These are plots to movies my brother’s in, and to think it happened here is…I don’t have words for it.”

  “Well, my thought is that since all that has already happened, what else is there to throw at us.”

  “I’m sure there’s something.” He chuckled. “Was your boss a part of it?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “She doesn’t like to talk about it, so I don’t know much. What I do know is one of her customers was almost abducted outside in this very parking lot, but managed to get away. Trixie hid out or something with her and the two cops. One thing led to another and now Tate is her boyfriend. It was before I started working here, so I haven’t asked questions.”

  “I wouldn’t either. Do you think that’s why I got this sweet job?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Because no one wants to move to a town where there are stalkers and serial killers.”

  “If that was the case, no one would live in lots of towns. I think you got the job because you’re a good architect or whatever you do.”

  “Whatever I do.” He chuckled to himself. “How about you and I go on a date and learn a bit more about each other?”

  I leaned over the console and kissed his cheek. “I’d like that.”

  Turning the car on and pulling out of the parking lot, Leo didn’t look at me as he spoke. “Yesterday I didn’t think much of your place being broken into, but after learning about all this other stuff, I really don’t like it.”

  “Me either. Especially knowing no one else’s was broken into, but what am I going to do?”

  “I know one thing. This weekend we’re going to pack up your apartment and move the rest of your things to my house.”

  And then I knew he was crazy. “Don’t you think you should live with me for more than twenty-four hours before you decide that?”

  “Nope, we may be doing everything backwards, but I’m not letting you go back there. Not to a place where I can’t protect you from all the bad people in the world.”




  Placing my hand on Everly’s knee, I tried to calm her down. “Don’t be nervous.”

  “Easy for you to say; my mom loves you. She thinks you’re absolutely perfect.” Her teeth went to her upper lip where she started to gnaw on it.

  Pulling her lip out from between her teeth, I ran my thumb over it. “Well, it’s easy since I’m the perfect husband.” I smiled big at her.

  “Oh, Leo.” She frowned. “I didn’t mean to make you feel as if you weren’t. You are perfect. At least for me.”

  “I know you didn’t, sweet girl. Trust me when I say Luke will love you. He’s the most mellow dude ever unless you fuck with his family.”

  “Yeah, not helping. You are his family, and the youngest.”


  Everly had been worried my family would think she was using me after I made her give up her apartment. It didn’t matter how many times I’d tried to reassure her. I hoped after meeting Luke, she’d see she had nothing to worry about.

  “Alex loved you from the moment I mentioned you. She’s been wanting me to have a girlfriend since I met her. Really, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. They’re so damn tired they don’t have time to hate anyone. If you hold the baby or make it so they can take a nap, they’ll love you for life.”

  “I love babies, so I’ll happily watch her while they get some rest. The picture your brother sent the other day was so cute.”

  “Yeah, Mason is ecstatic to be a big brother. Gracie’s lucky Mason is so much older than she is because I have a feeling he’s going to be crazy overprotective of her.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet. It makes me wish I had an older brother growing up. What was it like for you?”

p; “We’ve always been close, but I’ve been the closest to Luke even though he’s been out of the house most of my life. He made sure to always call or come visit when he could. Liam scared all the boys away from Stella, so they’ve had a love/hate relationship since high school. By the time I got to high school everyone had moved out of the house and it was just mom and dad and me.”

  “Aren’t you going to miss your family being here in the United States?”

  We pulled up to the gate of Luke and Alex’s neighborhood, and I put in the code. I knew if I got her talking, Everly would forget about her nerves.

  “I’m sure I’ll miss them, but I knew they wouldn’t be happy if I held myself back. They’ll come here, especially now that they have a granddaughter to dote on and we’ll go there.”

  “You want me to go to Sweden with you?” Her face was a mask of shock.

  “Of course, I want you to come. Maybe we can go this Christmas unless they come here.”

  “I don’t even have a passport.”

  “Then I guess we better get you one just in case.” I pulled up to Luke’s house and turned off the car. I hoped they’d give us a few minutes to get out of the car. I didn’t want Everly to have a panic attack in front of them, and with the way her breaths had increased, and her hands twisted in her lap, she was close to having one. Taking off my seatbelt, I turned to her and pulled Everly into my arms. “I don’t know what you’re so afraid of. You’re amazing and even if they don’t like you for some crazy reason, I’m not going to go home and file for divorce. I can’t imagine my life or my home without you in it.”

  Her arms tightened around my neck. “Now you’re going to make me cry and mess up my makeup.” She took a deep breath in and held it for a long moment before she let it out. “I don’t know why I’m so emotional.”

  I didn’t know either. Everly was always calm. Even after she’d had someone break into her apartment, she’d remained calm, but the prospect of coming face to face with Luke and Alex and she was shaking to death.


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