Cougar Games
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Cougar Games
By Duckeggblue
© Copyright 2019 Duckeggblue
All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the author, except where provided by law.
This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and events are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
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Part I
Mrs Jones got married, darlings! You didn’t think it would ever happen did you?
Well my new husband is sixty-five years old. Yes sixty-five. Don’t look so shocked darling. His name is Robert and he was my gardener! Please close your mouth dear boy, a fly will land in it.
It turns out that Robert is a millionaire. I never have to worry about money any more and isn’t it just delightful how an ordinary person roaming in your midst is actually a secret millionaire?
Well, once I found out this news, of course I said yes. We all want to be a kept woman, don’t we?
Robert is well aware of my preference for younger men and in fact has offered to turn a blind eye to my shenanigans.
It also transpires that Robert is actually a closet gay. He came out to me. Even his close family has not been told his secret, well except for his only son who knows that his father bats for the other side.
Speaking of son, did I mention that Robert’s son, Jason is an absolutely gorgeous specimen of a man? At thirty, I suppose he is a little bit older than the boys I usually train, but my God, he is delicious.
I think Jason got all his good looks from his father. Tall, broad shoulders, strong back and legs. Very blue eyes. When I saw him, I asked myself, “Is it ok to fuck one’s own stepson?”
I suppose legally he is my stepson, but in reality my marriage is a hoax so I suppose he isn’t really my step anything is he?
When I met Jason for the first time, I felt a frisson of excitement and tingling in my pussy. We all know what that means, don’t we?
Jason himself did not seem immune to my charms. When I reached over to give him an enormous welcome hug, I felt something else that was enormous hit my stomach. My God, I practically wet my panties. It was all I could do not to grind myself against him.
When we parted, he had a look of shock on his face, which I found very endearing. To put the poor boy at ease, I gave him a wink and a gentle squeeze on his strong biceps. Wow, how I’d love those strong arms to pick me up while I wrapped my legs around his waist and he fucked me hard against the wall.
I had to figure out a way to get Jason alone so I could have my wicked way with him. I was positively sure that Robert wouldn’t mind. He was such a good sport.
Part II
My new, wonderful life is now in a huge mansion with two acres of land in the leafy posh town of Ascot in Berkshire. We have our own black wrought iron gate and sweeping curved driveway, lined with trees.
Every time I drive through our gates and to our sprawling house, I feel like the queen. The irony that I live with a queen has not passed me by, darling.
How did a gay man ever spawn a delightful, handsome, heterosexual boy you may ask?
I did put this question to Robert and he sheepishly admitted that he slept with a woman, once just to see what it was like. Tessa was someone he knew from school. An old friend as it was. They liked each other and she knew he was gay, but was happy for him to experiment with her. Nine months later, out popped Jason.
Well seeing as Robert is a millionaire, this wasn’t an issue for Tessa. Robert paid her a princely sum once she had Jason and they have shared parenting since his birth.
As I said before, Jason knows that Robert is queer. He is rather indifferent to it all. I mean once you’ve seen your father in a dress, heels and make-up, nothing else can surprise you, can it (this was at the age of two, when Jason walked in on Robert and caught him in his finery)
Yes, Robert likes men AND likes dressing up as a woman. I'm sure there is a term for that, but I can't for the life of me remember and I don't really care to.
So here I now lie, lounging by our outdoor pool, which is double the size of my previous pool. Robert is busy tending to the gardens. It is very similar to my life at my old house, is it not?
I am enjoying the sun in my itsy bitsy black bikini, when who should suddenly appear, as if by magic, but my darling son, Jason.
Oh yes, you’re right, he is not technically my son, but since I have never had children of my own, I do love calling him ‘son’.
“My darling son,” I cooed when I saw him. “Do come and give mummy a kiss.” I waved him over frantically.
He was standing quite far away, at the opposite end of the pool, tall and motionless. His hands were thrust in his jeans. His white t-shirt looked lovely against his tanned skin and dark hair. He looked like a petulant teenager, which I found quite arousing.
“Come on, what are you dithering for?” I continued to wave at him.
His face was so serious. I needed to inject some fun into his life. His job as a Project Manager in an Engineering company was sucking the life out of him.
I watched him move slowly and cautiously towards me.
“Good morning, Mrs Jones,” he said formally.
“Dear Lord, child!” I said. “I’m not Mrs Jones anymore and I’ve already told you, you can call me mummy.”
His lips pressed into a thin line. “You’re not my mother. We are not related in any shape or form,” he spat out.
I gasped at the hostility, “Goodness me, young man. You are positively rude. If you’re not careful, I’ll give you a damn good spanking. Now bend down and give me a kiss.”
Reluctantly and apprehensively, Jason leaned down as though he had been asked to kiss a viper.
His mouth was oh so close to my cheek and at the very last second, I turned my head and his lips landed on mine.
He leapt back as though electrocuted his eyes wide in shock.
“Oops, sorry, dear boy.” I wasn’t sorry at all.
He stormed off in a huff and I admired his perfect buttocks in his tight jeans.
Such a delectable body, but if only I could get it naked and underneath me.
Part III
That evening, during dinner with Robert, we had a serious heart to heart.
“Robert darling, do you think Jason is gay?” I asked.
He burst out laughing and nearly spit out the piece of chicken that he had been chewing .
“No dear, of course not. What on earth made you think that?”
I couldn’t possibly tell my husband that his son was spurning my advances could I?
“Well, darling he never talks about girls and has never brought a girl home to see us. Does he date, do you think?”
“He’s fine, love. Just a bit shy around women, I think. Plus all us queers have the ‘gaydar’ – you know? We can tell if someone is gay and trust me, my son is one hundred percent as straight as your hair, after you’ve run your GHD hot irons over them.”
“Gosh, I love it when you talk hair and make-up, darling. Shall we have a pamper evening? We can talk about clothes and do each other’s make-up. You need more practice.”
Robert looked over at me with a huge smile and winked. “Yes, that would be lovely.”
Goodness me, it was truly marvelous having my own gay best friend, who just happened to be my husband. I just needed to sort out our son.
Part IV
The very next day, I cal
led Jason,
“Hello darling, it’s me, your mother.”
There was a long pause on the other end of the line and I could feel his apprehension through my phone.
Through gritted teeth, I heard him say, “I’ve told you before, you are not my mother. I already have one.”
“There, there now pet, don’t be so hostile,” I said soothingly. “There is nothing wrong with having two mother figures in your life.”
“What do you want, Mrs Jones?” he asked in a rather annoying and sarcastic tone.
“Darling, I wanted to ask if you’d like to come over for lunch this Sunday, with your father and I. We would love to spend more time with you. I can make your favourite - beef casserole.”
“That’s not my favourite,” he replied curtly.
“What is your favourite meal then, poppet? I’ll cook it for you. I’m quite the masterchef you know,” I boasted.
“Beef Wellington,” he answered reluctantly.
“Oh what a coincidence, darling! That is one of my specialities and favourite meals. We have so much in common already. Come round about midday?”
“Fine. I’m only doing this for dad. I know he likes you a lot and I want to keep the peace,” he said.
“How positively civilised. Thank you for all your efforts, darling. I look forward to seeing you Sunday. Please don’t be late. You know how I love good manners in a young man.”
I cut him off and smiled to myself in glee. Let the cougar games begin.
Part V
The week past by in a blur of sunbathing and shopping with Robert. I hadn’t had a decent fuck in over three weeks and I was feeling terribly horny.
Robert, bless him felt awful for me. I do get a bit ratty when I am not serviced regularly and the poor dear was getting the short end of the stick.
At one point, when I yelled at him for brushing my hair too roughly, he even suggested calling an escort agency and helping me choose a nice young man (one for him too). It was oh so temping, but I was holding out for someone more delicious. I didn’t have the heart to tell dear Robert it was his own son I wanted between my legs.
On Sunday, I pulled out all the stops to cook Jason a scrumptious meal. I was rushing around the kitchen like a busy bee; seasoning beef, rolling pastry, slicing apples to make a crumble and rubbing flour to butter for the topping.
Robert kept popping in from the garden to watch me with a delighted smile on his face.
“It makes me so happy, my dear to see you take such a interest in Jason. You are such a good stepmother to him. I am sure he will appreciate all this wonderful food.” He came over and gave me a platonic peck on the cheek.
“Oh my darling man, Jason is the sweetest young boy. I would do anything for him,” I smiled back at my best friend.
Inside I was in a slight turmoil about my ulterior motives, but at the end of the day, a woman cannot control her natural urges, can she?
The table was set, the beef wellington in the oven and I was dressed to the nines in a pretty pale blue summer dress. It had a very low cut top to show my ample cleavage, was nipped in at the waist and flowing just above my knees. It was a beautiful silk number and I thought it matched Jason’s eyes quite beautifully.
“You look stunning, dear,” said Robert when he saw me, “if you were my size, I’d ask to borrow that dress,” he winked at me.
I giggled like a school girl and went over to give him a big hug. He really was one of a kind.
The doorbell rang at exactly midday. I do love a young man who was so punctual. I rushed to the door and threw it open, my arms wide for a hug.
Jason stood there, looking so handsome and serious. He made my insides melt.
He was clutching a bunch of dusky pink roses and was standing straight as a pillar.
“These are for you,” he said, thrusting the flowers into my chest.
“Oh, dear boy! I am so pleased to see you. Thank you for the divine flowers. Pink is my absolute favourite colour. This shade matches the exact colour of my nipples,” I said seductively at him and took the flowers.
His jaw dropped and his eyes looked straight at my generous bosom, my creamy cleavage on perfect display.
“Don’t just stand there, come in, come in so I can give you a proper hug.”
I ushered him in and held my arms wide to allow him to step into them.
He looked like a man ready to shoot himself. His face looked quite petrified.
I took matters into my own hands and went in to envelope him in my womanly body. He felt hard all over and I mean all over.
I sighed and closed my eyes enjoying the moment. My hand still holding the roses was on his back, but my other hand snaked down to touch his firm buttock and pull him closer to my warm pussy.
I wanted to stand like that forever, but someone was clearing their throat behind us. I dropped my hands reluctantly and stepped back.
“Hi dad,” said Jason.
Part VI
“Son!” greeted Robert. “Good to see you again! Come and give your old man a hug.”
Jason walked over to his father and gave him a generous hug. I felt quite envious at how demonstrative he was with his dad. If only, he could loosen up for me.
“Look at the beautiful flowers Jason bought me, love. I do adore this pink shade. It reminds me of something quite personal,” I said looking pointedly at Jason.
The poor boy’s face was starting to turn it’s own shade of pink and he wouldn’t look me in the eyes.
“Pass them over here. I’ll arrange them in a vase,” said Robert.
We all filtered into the warm kitchen, with the delightful smell of beef wellington in the oven.
“Lunch will be ready very soon, my dears. Why don’t you go and get us all a drink, Jason? You know where everything is.”
I busied myself getting all the food ready, steaming some lovely seasonal vegetables, mashing potato and then slicing the beef wellington.
Meanwhile, Robert had arranged the roses in a pretty vase and Jason had poured us all a glass of white wine. It was all so cosy and I felt warm and tingly all over.
The men helped me carry the food into the dining room and I made sure I was sitting right next to Jason and up close so that our chairs were touching. He was still doing his utmost to ignore me.
As Robert served the food, I turned to Jason and touched his arm, “Darling, how is everything going at work? You don’t talk much about it. Is everything alright?”
“It’s fine, Mrs Jones,” he answered.
“How long have you been there now? Are there any prospects for promotion?” I enquired, ignoring the fact that he had called me ‘Mrs Jones’ again.
“Three years and I was promoted last year.”
Gosh it was like pulling teeth. He was so difficult to talk to.
“Do you like what you do, darling? Is it interesting work?” I tried again to draw him out.
“It’s fine, Mrs Jones,” he repeated again.
A loud clang rang out and we both looked up and saw that Robert had deliberately dropped his knife and fork on his plate. He looked quite angry.
“Listen son, I don’t know why you have such a bad attitude towards Celia here, but I insist you stop calling her Mrs Jones. At the very least, call her by her name or even ‘mother’ is fine with us both. You have been quite rude to her since she became part of our family,” he said passionately.
“It’s alright, darling Robert….”
There was a heavy pause when no one said a single damn thing and it was most awkward. Robert’s speech was quite beautifully delivered and I felt an outpouring of love for this special man, whom I had married.
Jason broke the silence. “You’re right, dad. I do apologise moth…Celia,” he turned to look me straight in the eyes, for the first time that day. His lips were pressed in a tight line.
My word, he had the most vivid, fiery blue eyes. I wanted to drown in them.
I leaned into him, pressing
my ample bosom against his arm.
“It’s quite alright, darling. Let bygones be bygones eh? We will soon be the best of friends. I just know it.”
I smiled back at him, giving him my one hundred mega watt smile that has had many young men quiver in excitement.
His expression however remained quite cautious, although I also saw a small spark of something fire up in his eyes. My, my I knew exactly what that spark was and smiled gleefully to myself as we continued our lunch in a comfortable silence.
Part VII
“Egad!” I shouted loudly. I looked with dismay at the wall calendar in the kitchen. Six weeks! Six dreadfully long weeks since I’ve had a good seeing to by a young man. This was the longest dry spell I had every suffered and by God, I was suffering.
Robert came running quickly into the kitchen from the lounge.
“What is it, darling? What happened?” His face was a picture of concern. “You gave me a fright, with your loud wail.”
“Nothing, nothing. I just need a good shag, darling. My insides are drying up from under-use and I’m becoming very irritable, as you know. I can’t bear this celibacy.”
“Oh dear. Can I do anything to help?” he asked kindly.
Yes, I thought. Get your son to give me a good seeing to. But of course I didn’t say that, did I?
“Well darling, you know those two lovely lads who took over some of your gardening, jobs? Liam and Brad? I think I should give one of them a call. I’m desperate for a fuck. You don’t mind, do you?” I asked.
“No darling, of course not. They are quite fine specimens. I wish they were gay, as I’d like to do them both. Go for it. Just let me know what day they are coming so that I can make myself scarce, alright?”
I walked over to give Robert a huge hug and a kiss. He was just the most generous man. How lucky I was to have snagged him.
In my head, I was playing a game of “Eenie, Meenie, Minie Mo” between Liam and Brad. In the end, Liam won and it was deliberate on my part. He was dark haired like Jason and had blue eyes so I did have an ulterior motive to choosing him. I was going to pretend he was Jason, while he was servicing me.