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The end of Forever

Page 10

by Melody Ichigami

  “She...she...” The motel man started.

  He started to walk away, so I grabbed his arm, “It's OK” I said.

  Then I saw the raccoon. I looked over at the motel man, but he was holding something small and pink in his hand.

  “Part of my heart will save you.” He said, making the raccoon eat it. The raccoon turned into Courtney, then disappeared.

  “Where did she go?” I asked.

  “Well we saved her, but the curse will separate her from us until we find her.

  I wandered off. I walked for miles, until I came across a small town. I peered into an old bookstore. I picked up a poem book. I looked into the first page.

  I knew a girl,

  she always felt like she was,


  Deeper into


  A star from the heavens above,

  came down.

  To save this girl.

  They rose up


  Then got lost,

  and now,

  the girl is falling,


  That girl,

  is me.

  Then I knew. This was Courtney's book. I read on.

  You think your sad?

  Try almost being killed,

  by your friend.

  Try loosing the only

  true friend,

  you've ever had.


  loosing everything.


  I have.

  Only then, did I realize how much pain Courtney had. I was always thinking of my own pain. When had I ever though of Courtney? My heart aced with sadness. I have to find her.

  I put the book back on the shelf.

  “Do you like it?” I heard a voice ask.

  I gasped, “COURTNEY!”

  I spun around, to see Courtney with a tall redheaded girl. The girl was wearing cutoffs, a tank top, and sunglasses.

  “This is My friend Amy.” Courtney explained.

  “Her best friend.” Amy corrected.

  “Yeah one of my best friends.” Courtney said, giggling.

  “Your only best friend, you told me so. Or you at least said I was your favorite.” Amy snarled.

  “True dat,” Courtney said, “Anyways, how do you like my book?”

  “How did you get it published when no offense but your not that old.” I said, a little upset, because Courtney was my only best friend. And now shes all gaga over this redhead. I wanted to cry. I've known her longer! She should be with me...

  “Oh I was writing when I ran into a publisher. Long story short.” She said.

  Now I was even madder, I was supposed to be the one writing books! Here I was feeling bad for her, and she was off getting her dream book, a new best friend, and not caring about me.

  “Is something wrong? You look sad...” Amy said.

  I looked at Amy, I wanted to say, “Of course! You stole my best friend, rubbed it in my face, and she doesn't even care either!” But I couldn't. So I mumbled, “No.”

  She nodded, and left well enough alone. I wished she hadn't.

  I felt angry rise up in me as I screamed, “COURTNEY IS MY BEST FRIEND! SHE WAS MY ONLY FRIEND! I HATE YOU!”

  Then I stomped off. I shoved my hand in my pockets, and found a notebook in them. A tiny one. I opened it up and realized it was a calendar. Shortly after that I realized it was my birthday tomorrow. I sighed.

  I leaned on a tree, eavesdropping on Courtney and Amy.

  “Your my best friend, you always will be. This was all a misunderstanding. I hope I can explain this to you later-”

  She was cut off by Amy, “I just met you but you already seem like a ton of fun, there's something you don't know about me. I'll tell you if you want to know-”

  I had heard enough. They had already forgotten about me. They had forgotten about my birthday too! I did the only thing I could think of. Run.

  I felt the tears streaming down my face. I couldn't see anything. Then I ran into someone. The motel man.

  “Oof!” He groaned in pain and doubled over.

  “Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!” I wailed.

  He fell down, “The part of my heart I gave Courtney, it was the only part of my heart still beating.” He said, before closing his eyes. With his last breath, he reached in his huge pocket, and handed me a gigantic present wrapped in newspaper to me. And then, he was gone.

  I set the present down and my tears started that fell onto it started making the paper soggy. Because I knew, this death wasn't fake. He wasn't going to come back. And it scared me.

  Carefully I scanned the present. I opened the only partly closed envelope taped on the side.


  If your reading this I'm either dead or dying. There is something I've known since I was a child. It frightened me, and I told myself it wasn't true. But it was, and is. We human can do more than we believe. I was a smart child. It may seem impossible, but I did it. I did it without telling anyone. I time traveled to the future. And what I was was almost unreal. What I saw was the end of forever. The beginning of darkness and sorrow. The universe was dying. Human were destroying one another from greed. The fire spread. And the day that this started was today. It starts in Europe. It will spread quickly. If nobody stops it, the end of forever will be in exactly a week. It may seem too hard, but you can do it. The weak people who could not fight, or did not want to fight, were killed off immediately. You can do more than you think. You are an amazing girl. And you are a princess. I believe in you.

  I read his letter over and over. Why me I wondered for the hundredth time. The end of forever, huh? Well what am I supposed to do about it. I looked down at the present again. I opened it. I stared disbelieving what I saw. The motel man's time travel machine.

  It was as big as a telephone booth. It looked kinda like one too, from the outside. It was amazing, but it didn't look it. It looked like a big chunk of rusty old metal.

  I pushed open the small door, and cautiously walked through it.

  From the inside, it almost looked like the inside of an elevator. Big buttons with numbers on them, filled the bottom half of one wall. The top half, was filled with a giant screen.

  The giant screen read Year I punched in the year I wanted to go to, which is this year, I wanted to go ahead a few days just before the end came. I punched in the day and time I wanted to go to. Location. Hmm. The motel man had said it started in China, so I'll go there. I pressed the Go Button and closed my eyes.

  I got really dizzy. I feel to my knee's, and grabbed my throbbing head. Suddenly, it all stopped. Slowly I opened one eye. Then the other.

  Immediately I heard screaming. I stepped out of the time machine. Then stepped back in, in horror.

  Fire, dead bodies, and fighting. That's what the world turned into. Water is no longer clear blue, it's blood red. I was shaking with fear. How was I supposed to stop all this? I'm no hero. I never will be a hero. I cried into my sleeve. Hero's weren't supposed to cry.

  I heard a scream, “Help! Somebody! ANYBODY! Helppppppp!” A boy's voice cried.

  “Shut up, stupid kid. We never wanted you. It was a shame to be called your parents! Now you die.” I heard a low gruff voice answer.

  I knew how it felt to be unwanted and almost killed by your parents. Nobody should have to deal with that.

  Without thinking I ran out, and stepped in front of the boy.

  “What are we getting out of this? What do human get from war? We will all die if this keeps going on! People put everything before other people! Is a new television, game system, or computer, really worth more than human? We people, we need each other. Everybody needs someone. Everyone is important. But we don't think we matter, so we kill off other people, so we feel strong. But are we really strong when we do that? Or is the strong person is the person, wh
o can hold off the temptation to kill. Who can push those thoughts away. Who can defend a person they don't know. It's so easy to kill someone else, it's hard to defend them.” I yelled.

  People turned around, and stared at me. I don't care if I die now. I said what I need too. They may not care what I said, but they heard me.

  “She's right. If we love each other, we all win. We will all be strong.” The little boy said, stepping out from behind me.

  The boy's dad dropped his knife, “I will be strong.”

  The boy hesitated before running over to his dad. Tears is both of their eye's, they hugged, and hugged.

  “Thank you...thank you.” They both said, looking at me.

  Slowly after that, everyone dropped their weapons, and cried.

  A few people protested and shop their guns in every way yelling, “I am strong! Killing people isn't only easy, but fun!”

  One of the bullet's landed in the little boy's back.

  I watched him slowly fall to the ground and die. The dad grew angry, picked up his knife, and headed for the killer.

  I blocked his way, “Would your son want you to do this? Or would he want you to be strong?” I asked.

  He dropped his knife, picked up the boy's body, and ran away.

  The rest of all the people picked up their weapons, and went home.

  Asia down, Europe to go.

  I stepped in the time machine, not believing what I had done. Would it be boasting to call myself...a hero?

  I punched in Europe, and waited.

  I closed my eyes, wondering how to save Europe too. And I noticed nobody was fighting. Everybody was hugging and crying.

  I walked up to a woman, “The war ended here too?” I asked.

  “The war is done everywhere. Thanks to a little girl. She stood up for a boy, and gave a great speech. It opened everyone's eyes, and saved us all. If she wouldn't have done that, we might have all been dead by now. The girl is all over the news and

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