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Where Secrets Lie

Page 15

by R E Gauthier

  “Yes, my skin is all soft and smooth too. I used that cream you love.”

  “The one that makes you look like you’re glowing. Oh Mo Chridhe, I’m not sure I can wait much longer.” Kelsey’s fingers itched to slip inside her jeans. She loosened the button and drew down the zipper.

  “Hold on just a while longer. I promise I’ll make it worth it. Now, take your hand and touch your breasts. I love when I can kiss you there. Imagine your hands are my lips. Wet your fingers and use them to circle each nipple.”

  “Just a moment; I need to free both my hands.” Kelsey reached for her Bluetooth earpiece on the night table. She slipped it on over her left ear and turned it on. Placing her phone on the bed, Kelsey did as Miranda asked her. Her wet fingertips grazed one nipple and then the other. She moaned.

  Miranda moaned as well. “What are you doing?”

  Imagining running her lips and tongue over Miranda’s silk-clad nipples, Kelsey explained how she took the nipple into her mouth.

  “You’re a fast learner. Now take your left hand and lick your index finger.”

  Kelsey did as Miranda asked. “Now what?”

  Miranda’s breath was coming out in pants now. “Place your finger between your legs; touch yourself.”

  As soon as her finger touched the sensitive area, Kelsey’s hips bucked. “Oh my God, I don’t think I can stand much more.”

  “Please, take your time. I promise it will be so worth it. Slowly make circles with your finger. Wet it in your mouth if you must.”

  “Ahhh… oh my GOD, I won’t need to wet my fingers. I’m so wet.”

  Miranda groaned.

  Kelsey’s hips bucked again. “I’m not sure I can hold on much longer.”

  “Imagine it’s my tongue instead of my finger. I’m painting circles with the tip of my tongue. I’m tracing a line down further. What do you want me to do?”

  Holding on desperately to even a small thread of her control, Kelsey stammered, “come inside.”

  Miranda uttered a sound in her throat like she did when she was having an orgasm. “Oh my God Kelsey, yes, I am.”

  Trying to hold on a little while longer, Kelsey bit down on her bottom lip and said, “I can feel you fill me up; I cannot wait any longer. I’m going to…” Her hips bucked, her fingers danced over wet, sensitive flesh and as if Miranda was there with her, Kelsey could feel the fullness before she had the most satisfying release. “OH MY GOD!! Miranda, oh, Mo Chridhe, bidh thu a 'lìonadh uiread de ghaol dhomh fhad' sa tha do theanga a 'lìonadh mo chorp.” Kelsey repeated the Gaelic phrase in English: “You fill me with love as your tongue fills my body.” Overcome with such emotions, Kelsey felt her eyes fill with tears. For the first time, in all the times she and Miranda had made love, this one stood out as the one where Kelsey got the most emotional. Closing her eyes, Kelsey concentrated on seeing Miranda lying in their bed. Kelsey’s body went with her mind as she felt the warmth of Miranda’s body under hers. She could feel the warm breath move her hair. Opening her eyes, Kelsey saw the dark blue-gray irises filled with love. “I love you, Miranda more than life itself.”

  Miranda smiled and closed her eyes. “I love you too. I wish you could hold me a little while longer, but if you don’t want Nikki and Deb to find you in a compromising position on the bed, you had better go now.”

  Kelsey furrowed her brows. Could Miranda feel her with her? She and Aisling used to practice going in spirit to one another as children, but Kelsey hadn’t tried to do this for many years. Brushing her finger along Miranda’s cheek, she asked, “you can feel this, can’t you?”

  Miranda nodded, “yes, and as much as I love to have you hold me until I fall asleep, you won’t be alone much longer. Come to me in your dreams tonight; I’ll be here waiting for you.”

  As much as Kelsey wanted to remain in their bed, holding Miranda, she kissed the pouting lips and said, “sweet dreams my pretty little author and you were right, it was so worth it, and more.”


  After a quick shower and dressed in her t-shirt and underwear, Kelsey opened the bathroom door to find Nikki sitting on the bed with a silly look on her face.

  Her best friend’s lips were twitching, her eyebrows raised. “I leave you for an hour and a half, and you cannot contain yourself any longer, could you?” The amusement was evident in Nikki’s expression.

  “I will neither admit nor deny it.” Kelsey felt the heat climb up her face. Wondering when she would ever stop blushing, she cleared her throat. “How did your shopping trip go?” Kelsey asked hoping to distract Nikki’s attention.

  Nikki chuckled. “You don’t have to do neither; I could tell what you had been up to as soon as I walked in and saw your face. How is Miranda?”

  Kelsey’s face’s temperature increased. Nikki’s attention wasn’t easily distracted. “She’s alone because Nanna went to stay at Lynn and Mitch’s place to watch Fiona while my brother and his wife get away for a couple of days.”

  “Alone? That must not be good. Whatever will she do?”

  Kelsey’s body temperature rose another few degrees; that shower did nothing to cool her down. “She has a lot of editing on her book; I’m sure she’ll keep herself busy.”

  “Have you read it yet; is it hot?”

  Kelsey thought about the words; she had sneaked a peek and read. She nodded, not sure she could keep from stuttering. Images of Miranda fluttered back into her mind. “Is it hot in here?”

  Nikki chuckled. “It is warmer than when I left; should I crack open a window?”

  “Yes, that might be a good idea. Maybe I’m experiencing my first hot flash.”

  Shaking her head, Nikki said, “I’m sure you’re too young for a hot flash; was this the first time you’ve had phone sex?”

  Kelsey didn’t even attempt to speak; she nodded, dipped her head, and smiled.

  Nikki smiled also. “Good for you; I’m glad that being away from Miranda isn’t hurting the romance.”

  Needing to change the subject, Kelsey tried to distract Nikki from her attention on Kelsey’s face. “How was the shopping trip?”

  “We found the perfect wig, and as per Ashley’s instructions, we found the exact outfit she has on. We also got some toiletries, and new clothes for Ashley for her stay here. Deb took them over to show Ashley.”

  Kelsey explained that she was more tired than she had thought and should get to bed.

  Giggling, Nikki said, “well, I’m going to go take a shower. You’re right to get to bed early; we have much to get started on tomorrow. Goodnight, Mack.”

  Turning away from Nikki to pull down the bed covers, Kelsey wanted to tell Nikki that she had learned she could still transfer her spirit like when she and Aisling did it as children. Kelsey felt Nikki’s thoughts come to her mind; she blocked them out. I need to work on not invading her privacy. So many ideas and words came to mind, but Kelsey merely said, “Goodnight, Nikki, I can’t wait to get this finished.”

  “Me too, then we can get back to some degree of normalcy,” Nikki said as she closed the bathroom door.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Village Inn Motel, Holt, Afternoon, March 14, 2012

  “Miranda made a great point yesterday,” Kelsey interjected.

  “Mack, I’m sure you and your fiancée had a wonderful time while we were out shopping but I don’t think Deb, and I need to hear about it,” Nikki smirked.

  Kelsey rolled her eyes. She, Nikki, and Deb were discussing putting their plan of trapping Paul Washburg into action. The three of them couldn’t agree on the timing. She recalled Miranda saying it couldn’t be easy running an investigation while babysitting a woman. “She said something about us needing to babysit Ashley, and I think we do have to look at finding a safe house for her. It doesn’t make sense with one of us watching over her at all times. We’re not utilizing our resources properly and dividing our attention could give Washburg the advantage he needs to outsmart us and get away again.”

  Deborah Norman’s usual t
houghtful expression had turned to one of amusement during the playful exchange between Kelsey and Nikki. She now looked like she was weighing Kelsey’s idea. “Agent MacGregor…I mean Mack has a point, we would be able to put this plan to trap Washburg in place better, if we don’t have to worry about Miss Foster’s safety.”

  Kelsey smiled. Deb fit into their working relationship perfectly. Knowing it had to be challenging to step into a unit with people used to working together, Kelsey had told the younger woman not to obsess about formal titles. Glancing in the direction of Nikki, who remained quiet, Kelsey, said, “Yes, we shouldn’t have to worry about her safety; it will only distract us too much.”

  Nikki pursed her lips and tapped her chin. Opening her mouth and then closing it, she shook her head.

  Knowing her best friend well enough to know her hesitation was likely due to something she found wrong with Kelsey’s idea. “What’s wrong, Nikki?”

  Nikki took a deep breath and nibbled on her bottom lip.

  “Say it; I want to know what you’re thinking. We won’t do anything unless we’re all on board with our plan.”

  “No, there is nothing wrong with your plan. It’s sound; it will work. I’m only concerned that Paul Washburg had got to someone before who was under a bodyguard’s protection.”

  Kelsey nodded; she understood Nikki’s hesitations. In D. C. Jeanette Willsgate’s bodyguard couldn’t protect the young woman from Washburg’s plan. “That was different. Washburg found her and got to her through her bodyguard; we have the upper hand this time.”

  Nikki smiled. “For our plan to work this time, we have to make sure Washburg cannot find Ashley Foster if something goes wrong.”

  Deb frowned and sighed deeply. “What could go wrong? He doesn’t know we have Ashley and with me as a decoy, he’s going to make his move, and we’ll catch him.”

  Kelsey wished it could be that simple but knew from dealing with killers like Washburg; you never can take anything for granted. “One thing we need to be ready for is the eventuality that a killer like Washburg can and will outsmart the best of us.”

  Nikki paced the small confines of the room. “He’s shown us, time and time again, to be prepared because he usually gets the upper hand.”

  “Deb, if Washburg discovers we have Ashley, he could do one of two things; go search for her or give up and run again. I don’t want him to have the choice to do either, but if he does, we want Ashley Foster as far away from here or her family in Grand Rapids as we can get her.”

  Deb’s furrowed brows spoke volumes as she asked, “where could we put her that he wouldn’t expect us to?”

  Kelsey mulled over their options. They could send her out of state, but Michigan was a sizeable sprawling state, so she decided on a small FBI field office. “I’ll call Supervisory Agent Blackmore; he owes me a favor and Flint is a small place far away from here and Grand Rapids.”

  “I’ll call Torres and check on her progress; we’ll be able to go ahead with our plan once we know she has people on Nancy Washburg.” Nikki took her phone out, and it buzzed. Chuckling, Nikki said, speaking of her, looks like Torres has an update for us.”

  Kelsey watched Nikki listen to what Torres had to say. The red-head smiled and giggled. Her eyes lit up with satisfaction. Kelsey tried not to listen in on Nikki’s thoughts, but it proved difficult as Nikki brimmed with a myriad of ideas.

  “Torres has great news! Her PI friends located Nancy Washburg in a senior care facility specializing in memory care. They found her under the name of Estelle Fredericks and admitted by her son Peter Fredericks.”

  Sudden giddiness bubbled within Kelsey as some tension released. Softly chuckling, Kelsey said, “I’m sure she’s enjoying herself too.” Thanking God silently, she closed her eyes. “We needed this more than anything; we can go through with our plan now.”

  Nikki pumped her fist. “Yes, without Nancy Washburg we didn’t have a plan b. Torres made a visual confirmation that it is Nancy Washburg admitted to Buckner’s Memory Care Home in Buffalo, New York.”

  Drawing in a deep breath, Kelsey said, “things are falling into place for us; Deb are you ready to become Ashley Foster?”

  Deb nodded and looked Kelsey directly in the eyes. “I am.”

  Kelsey could have sworn that Deb’s chest puffed out just a little. One look at Nikki and she was certain Deb had. Shaking her head to keep out the thoughts from the two women, Kelsey told Deb to prepare Ashley for an upcoming trip. “I’ll call the Flint field office and Nikki; you make sure we have all the electronics ready at the apartment building.”

  Deb picked up her jacket and left the motel room to do Kelsey’s bidding.

  Nikki nibbled on her bottom lip and clenched her hands in front of her.

  Kelsey sensed the concern and conflict in her best friend. “She’ll be fine; we’ll have everything in place to ensure we’ll see Washburg coming from miles away.”

  Nikki rubbed her brow and took a deep breath. “I’m not used to being worried about someone.”

  “Nikki,” Kelsey warned the red-head.

  “I know, but it’s not easy.” Shrugging and straightening, Nikki bounced up on her toes.

  “You said this wouldn’t be a problem.” Kelsey bore her eyes into Nikki’s back.

  Turning, Nikki said, “it won’t; I promise.”

  Kelsey squeezed Nikki’s shoulders firmly. “I’m going to hold you to that promise. Deb is a perfect fit for us; we don’t need any drama right now.”

  Nikki nodded and looked away.

  Please, Nikki, don’t let me down now.


  Ashley Foster took the news of her sequestration better than Kelsey thought she would. Nikki explained that Kyle wouldn’t be able to find her or get to her through her family if she stayed with the Flint FBI agents. They took Ashley’s phone away from her, giving her a burner one that she could use to make all her calls. The two women agents arrived to escort Ashley to the safehouse and Kelsey thoroughly searched their car for tracking devices. She may have been overreacting, but she didn’t want to leave anything to chance where Paul Washburg was concerned. Nikki had searched Ashley’s purse and gave her another exact copy with all new items right down to the wallet in case Paul had dropped a tracking device among her personal belongings. They were not about to leave anything to chance; not this time.

  “I didn’t find anything, how about you?” Nikki asked

  Kelsey shook her head. Removing the ballcap and large coat she wore to disguise her identity in case Washburg had someone watching the motel.

  “We can assure you that our car wasn’t tampered with in any way. We picked it up at an auto depot as per your instructions. We’ll be taking Miss Foster to an undisclosed location. We won’t tell anyone of our whereabouts, and we’ll call you from this phone once we get to Flint,” Special Agent Amy Dyer said.

  Kelsey was sure they had done as she asked, but she had to make them understand the reason for her caution. “We’re sorry this seems over-the-top, but the man we’re dealing with has a way of fooling people. Be sure you know everyone you allow close to Miss Foster. He can disguise himself well and will use women to get close to her, so don’t let your guard down.”

  “Only I and Special Agent Simmons will have direct contact with her until we hear from you,” Special Agent Dyer affirmed.

  Once Kelsey felt confident that the two agents knew the importance of taking every possible precaution with Ashley Foster, she knocked on the wall of the room to signal Deb they were ready for her to bring Ashley out of the next room. Deb disguised as Ashley brought the real Ashley, wearing a short dark wig, sunglasses, and a big coat, out of the motel room. Kelsey and Nikki watched the exchange, through their motel room window, as Deb handed Ashley over to the Flint-based FBI agents. It had been Nikki’s idea for Kelsey and her to remain inside until Deb left the motel disguised as Ashley. Nikki explained that Washburg might have followed Ashley when Nikki brought the young woman from her apartment. He could be
watching the motel, and they had to make him think that Ashley had been visiting some, friends.

  Deb, wearing the duplicate outfit Ashley had worn to the motel and a blonde wig, asked, “are we ready to start this?”

  Deb’s eagerness was commendable, but Kelsey wanted her to understand the danger she would be putting herself in, by masquerading as Ashley Foster. “You’ll have constant surveillance, but you will still need to be careful at all times. Ashley said that the only people calling her would be using her cell phone, so never answer the landline. Don’t talk to anyone if you can help it. We don’t want you tipping off any of Ashley’s neighbors or friends. If someone calls and it’s one of Ashley’s frequent contacts, text them back, make up an excuse. Keep your sunglasses on outside the apartment because they help to hide those eyes of yours.”

  Nikki snickered. “From every angle, you would fool anyone, but one look at your eyes and even the postal worker will know you’re not Ashley Foster.”

  A light pink hue made its way up Deb’s face. She dipped her head and nibbled on her lower lip. “Contacts may help.”

  Kelsey and Nikki shook their heads.

  Kelsey had never seen such strikingly blue eyes with their unique slanted shape. “I’m afraid nothing will work; just keep the sunglasses on while outside of the apartment unit.” Deborah Norman’s Asian mother passed onto her daughter the unmistakable shape of her eyes, while her blonde hair and blue eyes came from her father’s Norwegian’s ancestors.

  Handing a box to Deb, Nikki said, “you can only use the burner phone to contact us. Luckily, Ashley is a freelance photographer, and she won’t be expected to be anywhere.”

  Deb took the box and opened it. Rising on her toes, she said, “I understand the dangers and precautions. I won’t leave the apartment for anything. I won’t answer Ashley’s phone or her door. I’ll text everyone and keep the curtains closed in case Paul Washburg is watching me. Of all the undercover operations I’ve been part of, this one is the least difficult. I need to stay put and wait until he comes to me. I’ll be ready and trust you’ll have my back at all times.”


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