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Where Secrets Lie

Page 31

by R E Gauthier

  “It’s still early on in the investigation, but what we have learned from eye-witnesses’ accounts, is that while you were walking to your cab, a sniper shot you. The crowd panicked, and you fell to the ground, which likely saved your life. We found the round that struck you in the pillar and another in the building behind you.”

  “A sniper? Why would a sniper target…? Oh my God, I need to call Nikki and—”

  Amy Linden explained that she had called Nikki after she learned that it was FBI’s SSA MacGregor that was the victim of the shooting. “I was waiting for you at the hotel when the call came in that there was a shooting at the airport. I arrived there when they were whisking you away in the ambulance. I got over here as quickly as I could to find you lying in a bed.”

  “But I need to call and make sure Nikki doesn’t let my grandmother and fiancée find out what happened.”

  “Nikki said, she wanted me to call her as soon as I knew you were okay, and to tell you, she’d make sure they don’t find out. I’m assuming Nikki was talking about your grandmother and fiancée.”

  Relaxing somewhat from this news, Kelsey closed her eyes. The pain in her head dulled to an ache. “So, do you have any leads on who shot me?”

  “From the conversation I had with Nikki over the phone about you poking around for information about a former Mi6 agent and his son, I can safely assume it’s because you’re asking too many questions.”

  The warnings in Kelsey’s visions and the odd premonitions about someone hitting her, made more sense now. “Well at least I know we’re on the right track.”

  Amy Linden scoffed and then said, “Nikki told me that you’re looking into the night your uncle, aunt, and cousin died, and your investigation has led you to Scotland, and now, here. I’d say you’re upsetting some influential people. People who are willing to kill to keep the truth from coming out.”

  “You said it was likely a sniper that took the shots at me. Does that sound like someone who wants to kill me? If they wanted me dead and sent a sniper to do it; I’d be dead right now. My theory is they wanted to scare me off from my investigation.”

  “Did it work?” Amy asked with her hands on her hips.

  Kelsey saw the concern in the dark blue eyes. The brows drew together, and the biting of her bottom lip told her Amy was worried. “I’m not about to stop looking into the truth. I made a promise, and I aim to keep it.”

  “Even if it means you die doing it? They may have tried to scare you this time, but if you don’t stop looking into that night, they may not be as accommodating next time.”

  “Then I’ll need you to help me find those answers I seek before they can make another run at me.”

  Shaking her head, Amy said, “you haven’t changed one bit, have you?”

  “If you mean that I still don’t back down when I know I’m right and want to find the truth, then no, I haven’t changed at all.”

  “You got your nickname for your unwavering convictions and stubbornness. I don’t want that to be the last words on your tombstone.”

  Kelsey explained to Amy about the night that Aisling, Aunt Cat, and her uncle died. Kelsey didn’t go into the fact she had a gift, that helped her see things that could happen. She also didn’t think she had to tell Amy Linden about how that gift had assisted Kelsey to reach this place in their investigation. What Kelsey did convey was that her strong connection to Aisling had propelled her to keep the promise of finding the persons responsible for her family members’ deaths. “I’m hoping you can find something; we know David McColl is the key to learning more about my uncle.”

  “I’m not sure what I will be able to find out. I don’t have much clearance in the agency. I do know that David McColl was an important man in the Mi6 since his recruitment in 1934; he headed up many international cases and was Mi6 Chief from 1974 until 1984. He died at the ripe old age of ninety-five in 2009 in his bed with his family beside him.”

  “See, you’ve helped more than you know already. I need to find out more about David McColl’s son Stéphane Guilliaume; then I’ll head home.”

  “McColl’s son’s name is Steven; not Stephane. Who is this Stephane Guilliaume?”

  “That’s the name we found while looking for my uncle’s true identity. You said McColl has a son named Steven.”

  “Yes, Steven McColl was recruited by his father to join Mi6 in 1969.”

  Kelsey’s heart began to race, adrenaline pulsed through her veins, and her head swam with a euphoria. “What? You’re more help than you’ll know. How do you know all this?” Kelsey’s uncle’s name before he entered the United States was most likely not Stephane Guilliaume as she once thought, but Steven McColl.

  “Basic Mi6 History. I’m into everything to do with the history of the agency. My role as an Intelligence Officer means I have access to the personnel files. I made it my mission to learn about the past Chiefs of Operations of Mi6.”

  “I need to call Nikki and give her this information. With it, she can look deeper on her end. Do you know what happened to Steven McColl?”

  Amy shook her head. “That’s about as far as my clearance will help me where Steven McColl is concerned. After his recruitment, he went undercover, and classified his missions as the furthest from my paygrade.”

  “Is there someone who could help me. I’m looking for people who may know what cases he worked on and who may have wanted him dead.”

  “I do have a friend with higher clearance, but I’m not sure how much he can find out. What about Nikki, can she try some high-tech espionage on her end to find the information?”

  “With this new information, Nikki may have someone who can help.” Kelsey wondered if the acquaintance that helped with finding the redacted CIA file may be able to help to find information within Mi6. “Do you know who might know where they put my phone?”

  Amy was able to find a nurse who brought all of Kelsey’s personal belongings to the room, including her phone.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Hillingdon Hospital, Outside of London, Early Morning, March 27, 2012

  The next several hours passed by quickly while Kelsey lay in her hospital room. After calling Nikki and giving her the information, she learned about her uncle, Kelsey called Miranda and spoke to her, but she had to disappoint her fiancée when she said they couldn’t have phone sex. Without telling Miranda, she lay in a hospital in London, Kelsey explained that she was waiting for a friend from Scotland Yard to give her some vital information. Kelsey promised that she’d call Miranda the next day once she had more time to talk. Feeling guilty for lying to her fiancé, Kelsey called Nikki back to arrange a massive bouquet of purple lilies, addressed to Miranda with a little Scottish love note, sent to Nanna’s house.

  While waiting for either Amy or Nikki to call her back with some information, Kelsey slept off the pain medicine Doctor Talbert gave her for the constant ache in her head. Nurses kept coming in and waking Kelsey to make sure she was comfortable. She assured them if she weren’t comfortable, she wouldn’t be sleeping but they explained they had to be sure she slept and wasn’t unconscious again.

  Waking in the early morning hours, Kelsey heard her phone buzz. One positive outcome to being awakened all through the night was Kelsey wasn’t able to settle into a vision or a nightmare about being shot. It would seem as though Kelsey’s brain kept her oblivious to the moments after the bullet struck her in her head. Reaching for her phone, Kelsey accepted the call before she was aware who called her.

  “Hey, Mack, I have some news from my friend. It looks like your uncle was the Mi6 agent whose name they redacted on the original file about him coming to the US. With the names and the dates, you gave me; they were able to create a backdoor virus that gleaned information when someone created a search for those names and dates.”

  “That’s great Nikki, do you think we can find out what my uncle was working on in Mi6 that may have endangered his life?”

  “My friend isn’t sure because of the firewalls and s
ecurity systems in place at Mi6, but they think they can use the same virus and wait for someone to create similar search perimeters within the Mi6 agency.”

  “Just be careful, because someone knew about our investigation and they were willing to shoot me to keep me from looking for more information.”

  “That’s another reason why I called you. I didn’t want to yell at you right after you woke up, but Jesus, Mack, maybe we’re taking this too far. The truth is essential to someone; important enough to want to kill you.”

  “Like I told Amy, if they wanted me dead, I would be. Someone shooting me was to scare me, nothing more.”

  “Yeah, but if it doesn’t scare you, which it hasn’t, they’ll try harder next time. I don’t want to lose you while you’re in some foreign country.”

  Knowing she had no backing to argue that she wouldn’t be dying anytime soon, Kelsey decided to joke about her near-death experience. “You won’t be able to get rid of me that easily. Besides, my Birthday is in eighteen days; I wouldn’t want to miss out on the gifts I’m getting.”

  “Don’t joke about it; I’m serious when Amy Linden called, I was about to get on a plane and be there at your hospital room when you woke up. I don’t even want to think about how Nanna or Miranda would take it if you had of died.”

  Kelsey imagined her grandmother losing another granddaughter, and she swallowed the lump in her throat. The thought of never seeing Miranda again sent a shudder through her body. “I’m sorry Nikki. I think if I sit and think about it, I’ll be no good and I need to hold it together.”

  “Well, now that we have names and dates, you can come home. I’m sure you being there will not be necessary any longer. What does Amy think she can find out?”

  Kelsey explained that Amy Linden wasn’t sure what she could find out from Mi6. Not having a reason to stay on here in the UK, Kelsey decided she should consent to Nikki’s deduction. “I guess you’re right; there isn’t any reason for me to stay if you think you can get the information and Amy can always call us with anything she learns on her end.”

  “Do you know when they’ll discharge you?”

  “I’m sure after the doctor examines me later, they’ll let me go.”

  “When they do, call me, and I’ll make your flight arrangements.”

  Kelsey promised she would call Nikki as soon as she knew when she could leave the hospital. As Kelsey was closing out the call, her phone rang again. Checking the screen, Kelsey saw Amy Linden’s name. Tapping the accept tab, Kelsey answered with: “Amy, what were you able to find?”

  “Mack, we have a problem. When my friend searched for the information, an alert sounded and agents came to speak to him. I’m certain you’re in danger. I’m on my way to the hospital; you have to get out of there now.”

  Kelsey tried to ask Amy what she was talking about when the call ended. Dropping her phone on the bed, Kelsey went to the closet where the nurse put her clothes and bags. As quickly as she could, she dressed in a fresh shirt. The one she wore from Glasgow was now ruined with blood-spatter. Pulling on the jeans, she dug out of her bag; she grabbed her phone. Swiping to her contact list, she tapped Nikki’s image.

  “Mack, what’s—”

  “Nikki! I cannot talk long but I’m leaving the hospital right now, Amy said I’m in danger from inside Mi6.”

  “Shit! I was afraid of this. What are you going to do? Where can you go?”

  “Nanna gave me a name I could call here in London, I’m calling the number, and once I make plans, I’m throwing my phone away. I cannot risk them using my phone to get to me.”

  Nikki gave Kelsey the secure phone number where she could reach her after throwing away her phone.


  Driving to an undisclosed part of London, England, Morning, March 27, 2012

  Kelsey sat in a taxi cab she took from the store near the hospital. She used the new burner phone she bought after throwing out her phone as she left the side entrance to the hospital, to call the number Nanna gave her. After making the call, she said the word; refuge and the man gave her an address, Kelsey gave the address to the taxi cab driver.

  After a two-hour drive, Kelsey saw the streets wind through large buildings, and she could smell the sea air. The driver told her they had reached their destination. Kelsey paid the driver and climbed out to find herself in front of the London Port Authority building. Not sure where she should go, Kelsey, scanned the street for a sign to what she should do next.

  A man approached Kelsey with his face obscured by a wide-brimmed hat. “Are ya MacGregor?”

  Kelsey nodded. “Yes, I need help getting out of England. My grandmother informed me you could help.”

  The man nodded. “Where you goin?”

  “I’m going to the states, but people are watching the train and bus stations, and airports. Can you help me?”

  The man nodded. He took out a cloth from his pants and wiped his hands. “I have a boat to Dover, and there is another boat will get you to Calais. Once there we’ll get you to the airport in France. Do you need a new identity?”

  Kelsey hadn’t thought of it before, but if her passport may be flagged. Mi6 could notify international travel authorities to stop her from leaving the country. “Yes, how long will that take?”

  “Not long; come with me.”

  Kelsey followed the man into a building, and after he took her photo, she waited in a chair. Her stomach grumbled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten since she had a bowl of soup the night before. She had to throw out the baked goods Colin and Estelle gave her. The bag containing all the lovely baked pastries didn’t fare well in the shooting and subsequent trip to the hospital.

  The man came out of a room down the hallway. “Take this and go down to the room at the end of the hall. Someone will be by to collect you. Good Luck, Kelsey.”

  Kelsey took her new passport. Opening the cover, she saw her new name was Laura Grant. Her hometown was New Port, Rhodes Island and there were stamps from different European countries and looked worn so as not to draw much attention by looking new and unused. Impressed, Kelsey thanked the unnamed man and went down the hallway to the room.

  Inside the room, a young woman greeted Kelsey with a sandwich and a cup of coffee. “Someone will be here for you. Here eat this and sit down; you look like you’re about to faint.”

  Kelsey wasn’t sure what the young woman knew about her situation, so she just thanked her and sat down on the wooden chair. “You wouldn’t happen to have an Aspirin, would you?”

  The woman nodded and went behind a desk and handed Kelsey a bottle. “Help yourself, take a few for the road. You have a long trip in front of you.”


  Paris to Pittsburgh Flight, Early Evening, March 27, 2012

  Kelsey’s head ached relentlessly while on the cargo ship from Dover, England to Calais, France. The pills she took in London and then in Dover weren’t touching the pain. At least she had eaten some more food and had some water before arriving at the Charles de Gaulle Airport. Upon arriving inside the International Departure Terminal, she bought her ticket to Pittsburgh.

  Once she sat at the gate waiting to board the plane, Kelsey called to tell Nikki she would be leaving Paris midnight local time. Kelsey asked that her best friend call Miranda and tell her that Kelsey would be home the next day. Nikki promised to make sure Miranda understood that Kelsey’s itinerary made it impossible to call Miranda.

  Kelsey asked Nikki about what happened to Amy Linden after their call ended. Nikki explained that Amy Linden was safe, but her friend had not been so lucky, Amy told Nikki that he was found dead at his flat in London. Amy’s supervisor questioned her, but after determining she didn’t access any files, they let her off with a warning. Kelsey felt horrible that her actions and request for help had a man killed. Nikki told her she didn’t have any more information on her end, but Nikki’s friend had assured her that they might have more soon because someone had opened a search for Steven McColl.

  The or
deal that began at the Heathrow Airport yesterday afternoon was about to come to an end as the full airplane taxied to the runway. Kelsey looked around at her fellow flight-mates and saw a wide range of ages and races. She had been on the lookout for any suspicious people from the moment she left the hospital. Not seeing anyone who even seemed to look her way, she finally relaxed her vigilance.

  Falling asleep on the flight from Paris, France, was more natural than Kelsey had thought it would be. She took the headphones the flight attendant offered her, and after putting them on, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. A few moments passed before she felt the first sensations of full relaxation. Her limbs shook as the tension released and Kelsey’s body felt as if it were falling. Trying to wake up, she felt her body jerk, but she felt an immense warmth surrounding her. Kelsey’s mother’s voice said, “sleep my child; you’re safe now.”

  Smiling in her sleep, Kelsey deepened her breaths and slipped deeper into her seat. I’m coming home Mo Chridhe, and I promise never to leave you again.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Liberty International Airport, Newark, New Jersey, Early Morning, March 28, 2012

  Kelsey slept almost the entire nonstop flight from Paris, France to Newark, New Jersey. She woke at one point to adjust her position and then fell back to sleep. It helped that the flight was during the nighttime and the fact she hadn’t had much sleep in the last two days. Upon waking, Kelsey asked for two bottles of water and promptly drank both; her mouth felt as though she had swallowed sand. She got up and walked around and went to the bathroom. Her head still felt tender, but the pounding had stopped. As the seatbelt signal chimed and the announcement, they would be landing at Liberty International Airport in Newark, New Jersey in five minutes came over the intercom, Kelsey had returned to her seat.

  Watching several of the passengers wake up, Kelsey felt an odd feeling pass over her. She closed her eyes, and behind her lids, Kelsey saw a darkness envelope her. Then a man appeared in front of her; his face obscured. When the man grew closer, Kelsey saw that the man didn’t have a face. Then the man turned to leave and then turned back to her, this time it was the face of Sara Taylor, and she laughed at Kelsey before turning away. When the person turned towards Kelsey again, it was the face of Paul Washburg, or at least it was the face of the young Washburg before his disfigurement in the prison fire. Paul Washburg said, you’ll never be safe, you’ll always be looking over your shoulder, and then he vanished. As Kelsey experienced the sensation of falling, she gripped the armrests and leaned back. From the darkness came another figure and this time it looked like a woman, the woman had Aisling’s face, and she was smiling. As the woman, with a young Aisling’s face leaned in towards Kelsey, she drew a gun and said, “I warned you; now you’ll pay the price.”


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