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Sweet Kisses

Page 5

by Goode, Ella

  “I’ve always wanted a family. We soon will make one.”

  I smile at that. His simple words always give me such warmth and hope.

  “I don’t know if my dad is a good man or a bad one,” I admit. “It’s why I haven’t opened the folder. Shady people come and go.” I shrug, thinking about my childhood. “He makes good money but some things don’t always add up. I look the other way. I don’t put my nose where it doesn’t belong. To be honest, I think it’s because I don’t want to know. He hasn’t been a terrible dad. Not always the most invested but I think he wants the best for us. Or what he thinks is the best.” That is my guess, with all the marriages he is always trying to arrange for us. Or I am all wrong and we are merely being traded or used for something, but I try not to let my mind go there. Whenever I’ve said no to one of the men my dad always did send them away. That is something. I always try to see the good in others.

  “You’re sweet, my kotyonok.” He takes the folder from my fingers. “You wish to not know then you don’t need to. I’ll do what needs to be done.”

  “That just makes me so naïve though.” My shoulders drop. I should want to know everything. Stand strong and finally find out the truth.

  “I've seen enough in my life for the both of us. It would be an honor for me to protect you, sweetheart.”

  “Am I in danger?” I ask.

  “Not if I am close.” I shift to straddle Victor. It’s crazy that in such a short time I’ve learned not to shy away from taking what I want. It helps that I know he enjoys when I do it.

  “There is nothing really for me to tell. In fact, I think you know more than I do.”

  “You do not care that I dig?”

  A burst of laughter pours from me. “Victor, you have a tracker on me. Dig away—but like I said, I do love my family.”

  “You need not finish, my kotyonok. I will make sure they are safe too.” I lean down to kiss him. His hands dig into my hair, which I’ve gotten used to wearing down. Each time I try to pull it up, Victor simply steals my hair tie while kissing me.

  “I’ve given you everything now.” I moan against his mouth as I press my sex into his cock, which is digging into me. “Now it’s your turn.”

  Chapter 11


  “Violet’s family has arrived,” King announces.

  “All of them?”

  “Her parents, her older sister, and the detective.”

  My plan has worked. I blocked Violet’s incoming calls from her family as well as her outgoing messages with a note of my own that should they wish to hear from her again, they would need to come for a visit. It’s encouraging that they have all shown up—all but the middle sister.

  “Make sure Violet is occupied while I meet with them.” I stand and straighten the cuffs of my shirt.

  “You mean interrogate them.” King grins.

  “Meet. Question. Whatever term you would like to use,” I reply. I require answers and they have them.

  “I’ll have Wilson create a distraction.”

  “Excellent.” Lennox is away from the resort on his honeymoon and so Violet is in charge, which is why I’ve had to bring her family down to me instead of flying to New Jersey. It works out for the best, though. This is unfamiliar territory for them, which means that they will be uneasy. Uneasy people are more susceptible to pressure—both the positive and the negative kind. We will see which they respond to.

  It doesn’t take long for a discreet knock to sound at the door. I nod to King, who goes and opens it.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Collins, please come in and sit down.” I point to the two sofas that face each other. “I am Sokolov.”

  “Sokolov?” booms Violet’s father, crossing the room to clasp his two hands around mine. “No first name?”

  “No one calls me by my first name.” I incline my head toward the sister and Detective Marks, who hovers behind her. “What do you drink?”

  “I’ll have—” Mr. Collins begins to say.

  “We’re not thirsty,” Violet’s sister Amie breaks in. “We want to know who you are and why you’re keeping Violet from us.”

  “Now, Amie, there’s nothing wrong with having tea first,” her mother cuts in.

  “I’ll have a brandy,” announces Mr. Collins.

  I give a brief nod to King, who makes the call for room service.

  “While we wait for refreshments, I will get to the point. Violet has not suffered your banishment well. I want to find out the cause of her exile and then you will fix it.” Her heart needs to be made whole.

  “Banishment?” her father bursts out.

  “I told you it was wrong to send her down here,” Amie cries out at the same time.

  “Don’t fight,” Mrs. Collins exclaims.

  I watch Detective Marks through this whole exchange. He seems to find his fingers fascinating as he can barely look away from them.

  Mrs. Collins waves her family quiet and leans forward. “Mr. Sokolov, we keep in regular contact with our Violet. We have weekly phone calls and daily text messages. If we don’t answer a text immediately, it is only because we are busy managing a business that will someday belong to Violet. Our daughter understands this perfectly so I don’t know why you have called us down here or even what business it is of yours.”

  King comes in with the drink tray and sets it down on the coffee table. As I pour Mrs. Collins her tea, I explain, “I am Violet’s fiancé.”

  “Her what?”

  “Did you say fiancé?”

  “Who are you?” This last bit of outrage comes from Amie.

  Calmly I hand the tea over to a furious Mrs. Collins. Her reaction seems odd to me and I tuck it away for further examination.

  “I am Sokolov.”

  “Do you own this place?” Mr. Collins asks. His tone is eager and greedy, which is also another data point.

  “No. I run the security for Lennox Luxury Living.”

  Mr. Collins can’t keep the disappointment off his face. Mrs. Collins has an entirely different response. She gets to her feet and as she rises, so does Detective Marks. Amie remains seated.

  “I think we’re done here,” Mrs. Collins announces. “We appreciate your hospitality but we are going to go find our daughter and take her home.”

  I lean back and direct my comments toward Amie, who appears to be the only Collins who truly cares for Violet’s well-being. “Where is the kidnapper who has never been caught?”

  Amie narrows her gaze but Mrs. Collins twirls around in anger. “How do you know about that?”

  “I did not realize it was meant to be a secret.”

  “It’s not,” Amie says quietly. “My parents are frustrated that the kidnapper hasn’t been found. That’s all.”

  It’s not frustration that sits underneath Mrs. Collins’ anxious tone.

  “With all the power of the New Jersey investigators on your side, it is disappointing that you haven’t been able to catch one man. What is the problem?” I ask Detective Marks, who has positioned himself at the elbow of Mrs. Collins. I wonder if he realizes how he gives himself away and how Amie has been misled for over a year. Was it money or lust that drove Detective Marks? That’s the one question I don’t have an answer for.

  “Hey, what’s going on here? Mom? Dad? Amie? What are you doing here? Is that you, Detective Marks?” A shocked Violet appears in the living room. Behind her, King mouths an apology. I give him a chin nod and beckon Violet to my side.

  “I invited your family to share with them the good news of our wedding.” I give her forehead a kiss and tuck her close against me. “They are delighted for you.”

  “Oh, really?” Violet beams. “I’m so glad. I was going to tell you but my cell phone was having trouble sending messages to the States.”

  “My dear baby girl,” Mrs. Collins cries, “it’s been so long since I’ve laid eyes on you. Come give your mother a hug.” She holds out her arms.

  Violet hesitates and that’s all I need to know how this sh
ould play out. I sit back down in my chair and pull Violet down on my lap, bracketing her in my embrace. The revelations that are about to happen might be shocking, but I think Violet must have known something was wrong. She sensed it and it hurt her. In order for her to move past this, she will have to hear the ugly details. It will be painful, but it will help her to move on.

  “Kotyonok, do you trust me?” I murmur in her ear. She nods, wide eyed. “Your kidnapping has been solved and your mother is here to tell you the truth of it.”

  “My mother?” Violet swings her head to face Mrs. Collins, whose face turns white and then red.

  “What on earth are you talking about?” the older woman huffs.

  “I am referring to the plan that you have to embezzle funds from the family company and run off with Detective Marks.”

  This stuns everyone in the room.

  “Victor,” Violet says slowly, “I don’t understand.”

  “Your mother planned to have you kidnapped and then ransom you but that was foiled because your sister arrived early. Detective Marks appeared out of nowhere, claiming that he was engaged in undercover work and was able to save your sister, but an inspection of the police reports show no undercover operation being carried out at the time. Was there, Detective Marks?”

  The man’s face remains impassive and the very lack of emotion—the way he’s trying to conceal all responses—confirms my every suspicion.

  “Is that true, Daniel?” inquires the quiet voice of Amie. Her expression shows resignation that a slight bit of relief?

  “It’s a bunch of bullshit, babe,” Marks replies but his denial rings hollow.

  “Is that why you’re standing so protectively next to Mrs. Collins while your fiancée is alone on the couch?”

  Everyone’s eyes swing to inspect Marks and Mrs. Collins. She springs backward, putting her hands in front of her. “You tried to kidnap my Violet?” she screeches. “How could you? After all that my family has done for you!” She points an accusing finger in Marks’ direction. “I trusted him. I paid him so much money to find the wrongdoer.”

  I turn to Marks. “Your move, Sherlock.”

  He rolls his shoulders under the expensive wool suit that Mrs. Collins’ money paid for and pins the older woman with a hard stare. “Is this how you want to play it?” he growls low. “Because I kept records of everything.”

  The older woman pales. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. Eugene, will you, for once in your life, find your backbone and defend me?”

  Mr. Collins leans back in his chair. “I think you are doing quite well, if you don’t mind me saying so.”

  “This is a serious matter,” Mrs. Collins proclaims in an outraged voice. “This man is basically stealing money from us under the guise of helpfulness. We hired him to find the man who threatened our daughters. Violet had to stay down here in this resort so far away from her family that it breaks my heart.” Mrs. Collins crosses the room, dramatically throwing her arms wide. “Baby girl, you don’t have to worry. Your mother is here now.”

  Violet runs to Amie’s side, who places a protective arm around her sister.

  “Cut the crap, Karen,” Marks breaks in. “Amie, I’m sorry. Your mom and I started knocking uglies two years ago. She had a lot of money and I had a lot of debt.” He taps his nose. “Got a little powder habit and I couldn’t keep stealing from the evidence locker because people were starting to notice. Anyway, the old broad hit me up when I was writing out a traffic ticket. If I looked the other way, she might have something for me. So I looked the other way and got a nice fat stack of cash in my squad car the next day. I called her the next week when the coke I bought ran out. She was always good for it.”

  “Don’t listen to him,” Mrs. Collins shrilly interrupts. “He’s talking nonsense.”

  “It’s not nonsense,” says Amie quietly.

  “What do you mean, Amie?” Violet takes Amie’s hands into her own.

  “Daniel and I have never slept together. He’s rarely affectionate with me. At first, I thought it was because he was just not the type and then I worried it was me.” A tear drips onto their joined fingers. “I thought he wasn’t attracted to me and that’s why he never touched me.” She swipes a hand across her face. “I’m almost relieved that it’s because he was in love with another woman. Almost.”

  Violet jumps up, grabs the tea that was poured for Mrs. Collins and hurtles it at Marks’ head. He barely escapes the china from beaning him in the forehead, but the tea splashes on his clothes.

  “Goddammit,” he curses. “This is fucking nuts. Why would I sleep with the old hag when I’ve got you, Amie? You’re the one always turning me down.”

  “Old hag, am I?” screams Mrs. Collins. “That’s not what you said last night when you were down on your knees eating me out.”

  “You’re paying me twenty-five grand per sex act. I’d say you were Beyonce for that kind of cash,” Marks says scornfully.

  I give a chin nod in King’s direction for him to take out the trash. He walks up behind Marks and slams the butt of his gun against the man’s head. The detective crumples to the floor. Mrs. Collins lets out a piercing wail. “Oh no, baby!” she yells and runs to Marks’ side, forgetting all about her act.

  Amie bursts into tears.

  “Mr. Collins, I think you should tend to your wife.”

  The man gets to his feet. “Yes, I suppose I should.” He heaves a deep sigh and rounds the sofa. “Come on, Karen. We need to sort all of this out.”

  “Eugene, I was just swept away by the moment. He seduced me. You have to understand.”

  “I understand it all,” Mr. Collins replies. There’s weariness in his voice and resignation. The lack of fury surprises me. Mrs. Collins allows herself to be led out of the suite while King hauls the unconscious detective away.

  I reach for the tissues and shove the box in Violet’s direction. “I’m sorry,” I say quietly.

  “For what?” Amie blows her nose noisily. “It’s not your fault my mom’s a slut and my fiancé is a prostitute.”

  “Is this all in the report?” Violet asks “I never read it because...I guess I was scared.”

  “Not all of it. I received confirmation last night from a police informant that Detective Marks had never been involved in any undercover work at any point. He doesn’t work for the state police. He’s still a beat cop in a town two counties over.”

  “That explains why he was gone a lot,” Amie says bitterly. “He said he had work so I barely ever saw him.”

  “He probably was working.”

  “Some of the time. The rest of the time, he was getting paid to sleep with my mother. I can’t believe she did this to me.”

  “It’s going to be all right,” Violet murmurs but when our eyes meet, we share a wordless agreement that Amie is going to be hurt for a very long time.

  Chapter 12


  I lay my head on Amie’s shoulder. We’ve been sitting on the beach for over an hour now enjoying the shade and cool breeze. It’s bittersweet having her here. I wish her visit could have been under different circumstances instead of the sadness that brought us back together. I’ve missed her so much. Growing up with sisters meant that I always had a friend. Amie and I have always been close. I grab her hand and hold it, wishing I could take away whatever pain she’s feeling.

  “He’s not worth it. I know that’s not what you want to hear right now but it’s the truth. You deserve a man that treats you like a queen.” She deserves to be treated like Victor treats me. Amie is beautiful on the inside and out. The thought of some jerk making her feel unwanted makes me sick to my stomach. I can’t even think about what my mother has done in this situation. I focus my anger on Detective Marks and push my mother’s disgusting behavior to the side. My mother is a battle for another day. One I’m not sure any of us will care to have. Amie squeezes my hand as she allows the tears to continue to flow down her cheeks. She’s always so strong. It hu
rts my heart to see her like this.

  “I love you, Violet. I’m so sorry that your life has been uprooted for all of these months because of some scam that Mom and Daniel tried to pull. I feel like an idiot.”

  I squeeze her hand that I’m still holding. Amie was always the one to comfort me when we were younger and I want to give her that now. Seeing what kind of men are out in the world makes me even more grateful that I have Victor. Many people will say our relationship has moved too quickly, but I know that I can trust him and he will do anything for me. He always has my best interests at heart.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong to feel bad about, Amie. Besides that, I’m happy here now. It was hard when I first arrived but then I made friends. Victor also changed things for me.” That brings a small smile to her face. I hate that my sister is hurt but it did make me find Victor.

  “So. You and I am Sokolov are a thing huh?” I nod my head and we both burst into laughter. Once we catch our breath Amie continues to talk. “He seems so serious except for when it comes to you, Violet. As soon as you entered the room his eyes softened. I hope someone looks at me one day the way he does you.”

  “You will find it. It comes out of nowhere.”

  “I don’t think Sokolov can come out of nowhere.”

  I snort a small laugh. The man is big. Unmissable. He not only takes up a lot of space, you can feel his energy without even seeing him. You know he is there. Just like I know he’s standing about thirty yards behind my sister and me keeping a watchful eye on us.

  “You didn’t love him.” I lift my head from off her shoulder to look at her. “It would hurt more if you did. I don’t think I’d be able to breathe if Victor was out of my life,” I admit. That single thought would be devastating. I don’t know how I lived without him before. “Real love is everything and I know you’ll find it. There’s no way some man isn’t going to blindside you. Trust me. It happens. A lot around here, actually.”

  Love has been in the air lately. “You saying I should hang around?”


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