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Hidden Betrayals (The Hidden Series Book 4)

Page 14

by Kristin Coley

  “He didn’t kill her,” she answered primly, knowing Wade already knew this. Wade’s ability to see emotion gave him an understanding of people that few would ever have. “You know that. You can see what kind of man he is.”

  “Now,” Wade declared, causing Addie to glance at him in question. “I can see what kind of man he is now,” he clarified, nothing on his face giving away how he felt about what he was telling her. “I have a feeling the Danny we know isn’t the same guy he was back then. Am I right?”

  Addie closed her eyes, pressing her lips together to stop them from trembling. Wade knew he was right, without her saying a word.

  “Addie,” Wade voice was low and pained, and she knew he’d felt the same stab of emotion she had when he’d asked the question. “I’m not trying to crucify him. I like him. I want to protect him. But we can’t hide from the truth.”

  She shook her head, unwilling to admit anything. A moment later the door opened again and this time it was Jake who wandered in.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” he crooned, immediately sensing she was upset and she didn’t need to look up to know he was glaring at Wade, blaming him for upsetting her. She tilted her head into Jake’s neck, the memory of the engagement ring picture causing her to smile for a second.

  “Quit blaming Wade for me being upset,” she whispered against his throat, inhaling his crisp scent.

  “I wasn’t,” Jake objected and Addie could feel Wade rolling his eyes across the room.

  “Of course, you weren’t,” Addie soothed, pulling back. “You would never do something like that.”

  “Damn straight,” he agreed, gazing at her like she was the most important thing on earth to him. They’d come over because Jake had wanted to ask Danny something and figured they’d give Carly a ride to class.

  Jake had been adamant that Addie stay with him while Jace was on the loose and she’d given in, knowing it soothed his protective instinct. She fought hard to keep her independence, knowing it was important she live on her own, and not slip straight into a life with Jake. She wanted them to be on equal footing when they finally lived together, or at least as equal as she could get it. Going from her mom’s house to his wasn’t the way to do it. She needed to prove to herself that she could be independent.

  “Connor is swinging by to take Carly and me to class,” Addie told him, pressing a kiss to his nose before leaning back and ignoring Wade’s groan at the sight. Or maybe he was groaning because Connor was coming by. There really was no way of knowing.

  “Why did Wade groan?” Jake whispered, sotto voice as he read her expression. Addie giggled, glancing at Wade who’d just went to sit at his desk.

  Danny came barreling in then, his hand entwined with Carly’s as they came to a stop at Addie’s desk. Addie’s eyes narrowed as she took in her friend’s flushed cheeks and soft eyes. She bit back her instinctive questions, figuring she’d wait until they didn’t have an audience.

  “So, you want the good news or the bad news?” Connor announced as he walked in, his hands going up and down like he was weighing the choices.

  “Good news,” Jake answered at the exact same time Addie said, “There is no good news.”

  “And Addie would be right.” Connor let out a sigh as he propped himself on the edge of her desk. “It’s all bad news.”

  “Seems to be the ongoing theme these days,” Danny drawled and Connor tipped his head toward him.

  “Nick was recently transferred to Angola, as in less than a week ago.” Connor glanced around to see if anyone found that as suspicious as he did. When he didn’t get a response, he cleared his throat and continued. “He was killed two days ago. Apparently, a fight broke out between him and his new cellmate,” he paused for effect, “A guy serving multiple life time sentences with no chance of parole.”

  “Huh, and what was Nick in for?” Wade crossed his arms over his chest, a ferocious frown on his face.

  “Possession,” Addie answered for Connor. “Serving a five-year sentence.”

  “Of which three had been completed,” Connor picked up, a smile nowhere in sight as he relayed the facts.

  “Someone wanted him to stay quiet.” Carly bit her lip, her hand rubbing Danny’s arm as he remained stone faced.

  “There’s more,” Jake said matter of fact, his gaze focused on Connor, who nodded.

  “Marcus Tramonte was released on parole. A week ago.”

  “That’s not possible,” Danny denied, his gaze wild as it fell on Jake. “It’s not possible.” His voice was urgent and Jake looked perplexed.

  “Danny’s right. He was in for at least thirty years with no chance of parole.”

  “An ‘administrative’ error,” Connor stated as he made air quotes. “A mix up in the paperwork.”

  “And that asshole just waltzes out?”

  “Yep,” Addie answered blankly.

  “And let me guess, he never checked in with his parole officer.”

  “Got it in one, Wade,” Connor replied, not even attempting a joking tone. “He disappeared as soon as he was released.”

  “Someone helped him.”

  “No doubt, but the who and why are the real questions.” Connor glanced between Danny and Addie. “Marcus is released, and we’re supposed to believe it was by mistake, then Jace shows up attacking Danny, twice, and makes bail after the first attack. Then Nick is transferred and killed. Everything about this screams cover up, but what are they covering up?”

  Addie pressed her hand to her forehead with a moan, flashes of images and emotions hitting her.

  “What aren’t they covering up?” She managed to mutter, her face pale as Wade’s eyes widened.

  “Addie,” Jake called her name as he massaged her shoulder and she shook her head.

  “Nothing stood out.” Addie shrugged, her fingers twisting together. “There were too many flashes, words, but nothing that connects to Danny that I know of.”

  “The question was too broad,” Wade stated and Jake flashed him a silencing glare.

  “And it’ll stay that way.”

  “We’re going to be late for class,” Carly reminded them and Danny brushed a kiss against her temple.

  “We’ll look into Marcus’ sudden luck,” Jake said, pulling Addie into a tight hug. “Be careful,” he added, his words feathering delicately along her ear. She nodded, swallowing as she avoided his eyes.

  “You too.”

  “Alright, girls. Uncle Connor will take you to school in his super cool school bus.” Connor shooed them to the door and Carly ‘accidentally’ slammed him into the wall. “Damn, girl, remind me not to partner up with you on fight nights.” Connor rubbed his shoulder, pouting as he followed them out the door.

  Their voices faded as the door jangled, signaling their departure. Danny slumped against the wall, his breath leaving him in one long exhale.

  “This is bad.”

  The three exchanged glances, none of them wanting to admit how bad it truly was.

  “Someone went to a lot of trouble to get Marcus Tramonte out of jail and it wasn’t Jace.” Wade shoved himself up out of his seat and came around the desk, his movements jerky. “That takes power.” He glanced at Jake. “Marcus may want revenge against Danny, but you don’t get a man out of jail for revenge. You don’t take a risk like that unless you have the promise of a reward.”

  “And what reward would be worth that kind of risk?” Jake asked, his gut telling him Wade knew more than he was letting on.

  “Addie,” Wade answered and Jake felt his heart stop.


  “Keep going,” Addie chided as Connor flipped the blinker to turn onto campus. “We’re skipping class today.”

  “We are?” Carly questioned and Addie glanced at her in the back seat. “We are,” she repeated, firmer this time.

  “We need to find her.” Addie kept her gaze focused on the road as Connor shot a glance at her. “We need to know what happened.”

  “By her, you mean Dovina Brown.”
Connor drummed his fingers on the steering wheel in a staccato rhythm. “You know where she is.”

  “Yes.” A long pause. “Well, I know her general whereabouts,” Addie amended.

  “He didn’t kill her,” Carly piped in from the backseat.

  “None of us thinks he did,” Connor reassured her. “But what do you think will be accomplished by finding her body?’

  “We’ll figure out who the real killer is.”

  “You don’t want me to ask you directly,” Connor stated and Addie nodded. “You know something.”

  “I know that when I forced Jake to ask me who killed her there was a blank spot where there should have been a name, or a face, or something,” Addie growled in frustration. “Instead, there was nothing. I know Danny didn’t do this, no matter what he thinks he’s capable of, but I also don’t have enough to go on to find the killer. We need her body.”

  “You need to prove to him that he didn’t do it,” Carly said from the backseat. “None of this makes sense.”

  “What do you mean?” Connor looked at her through the rearview mirror.

  “Jace was angry at Danny.” Carly paused and corrected, “Is angry with Danny, but it feels like more is going on here. Something’s off,” Carly finished, shrugging as she turned to stare out the window.

  “Carly’s right. We just need to figure out what they really want.”

  “They,” Connor said, but underneath lied a question.

  “Marcus and Jace,” Addie replied instantly before drifting off.

  “Addie,” Connor prompted as Carly watched with concern.

  “I don’t know,” Addie answered, sudden fear overwhelming her. “I don’t know.” She shook her head, her fingers clenched around the handle on the door as she whispered again, “I don’t know.”

  Connor reached over and squeezed her shoulder.

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  “We don’t know for sure they’re after Addie.” Jake ignored Danny’s words as he paced. “So far they’ve only attacked me.” Danny gave Wade a desperate glance. “You didn’t see how angry Marcus was when he was arrested, when he realized I’d betrayed him. Jake, you were there.”

  Jake slowed, a hint of hope on his face.

  “If anyone would risk their freedom for a little revenge it would be Marcus and Jace,” Danny continued, feeling like he was finally getting through. “Everything they’ve done so far indicates they want me to pay. They probably have some elaborate plan.”

  “He was enraged when we brought him in,” Jake replied slowly. “He would do anything to get back at you.”

  “Even risk his freedom?” Wade asked, disbelieving. “He’s gone to a lot of trouble to get out. You really think he’d risk it to get payback on the guy who turned him in?”

  “Yes, I do,” Danny agreed immediately. “He thought he was untouchable and I took that away from him. Plus, he can’t know about Addie.” Danny glanced between Jake and Wade. “Right?”

  “She was instrumental in taking down our old Captain and Jason Hart,” Jake confirmed. “Whether or not Marcus knew about her or cared about her is another thing. He was focused on you, Danny.”

  “Then why do you think he would want Addie?” Danny dug deeper. “Wade, you seem positive this is all to get at Addie. Why?”

  Wade glanced away uncomfortably and Danny knew he was hiding something. Jake narrowed his eyes, obviously having the same thought.


  “What if they don’t want revenge? What if they want Addie?” Wade glanced between them and saw they didn’t get what he meant. “Addie can answer questions, impossible questions. You think someone wouldn’t pay a ridiculous amount of money for someone like her? Might want to force her to use her gift for them?”

  “No,” Jake’s denial was instinctive. Guttural. “No.” He kicked out, sending a chair flying across the room. “They don’t know about her. They will never know about her.”

  Wade’s gaze was sympathetic but Danny saw something else before Wade shuttered his expression. Knowledge. Wade believed they already knew. In fact, he was positive they did.

  “Maybe not,” Wade placated. “But we need to be aware of the possibility. Danny could be nothing more than a distraction.”

  Danny cleared his throat. “It’s something to keep in mind, but so far they’ve only targeted me. Carly and Addie are with someone 24/7. They’re safe,” he reminded them. His words didn’t have the effect he intended as he took in Jake’s clenched fists and tight jaw, so he went for a distraction instead. “Addie hid a picture in her drawer,” he stated baldly.

  Jake blinked and even Wade glanced at him in question.

  “I saw her yesterday. She found another picture but this time she hid in the drawer. I think she liked it,” Danny clarified, gesturing to the desk in question.

  “She was looking at something this morning,” Wade added slowly. “I caught her when I came in. She shut the drawer in a hurry, but there was pleasure, happiness, in her aura.”

  “You think it was one of the engagement rings?” Jake muttered, some of the tension easing out of him. Danny relaxed slightly for a second he’d thought Jake was about to put Addie in protective custody and they all knew how that would turn out.

  “One way to find out,” Danny stated, moving to the desk. “Let’s see what she was looking at.” He went to the drawer and tugged on it, but it didn’t budge. “It’s locked,” he stated unnecessarily. “Guess it’ll have to wait.”

  He glanced up to see two sets of eyes staring at him in disbelief.

  “What?” Danny asked, his brows lowered. Wade arched an eyebrow at him and it dawned on Danny what they expected him to do. “No, I’m not breaking into her desk for some ring!”

  “Oh, come on. It’s not like you’re going through her underwear drawer,” Wade exclaimed. “You know how to pick a lock. Pick it.”

  “Just because I can doesn’t mean I should,” Danny shot back defensively.

  “And this is the guy who thinks he might have killed a woman,” Wade murmured to Jake, but loud enough for Danny to overhear.

  “Funny,” Danny retorted, flipping his middle finger up.

  “Hey, I’m glad to know you respect her space,” Jake began and Danny started rummaging on the desk for a paper clip. “I do. But I also want to get the perfect ring and if there’s a chance she hid it in the desk drawer…”

  “You do realize there’s an equally good chance she thinks Carly will love this ring?” Danny drawled, straightening the paper clip he’d found.

  “What?” Jake’s confusion was obvious as Wade grunted.

  “I doubt it. The emotion in her aura reflected possessive pleasure. The fact that she hid it would indicate she didn’t want you to find it. Not that she wanted you to get it for Carly.”

  “What does Carly have to do with anything?” Jake burst out, baffled, as Danny wiggled the paperclip in the lock.

  “Addie concluded that Danny was looking at engagement rings for Carly. Not entirely sure how she jumped to that conclusion but we weren’t about to correct her either,” Wade answered as Danny gave a satisfied smile.

  “Got it.” He slide the drawer open and gave a small grunt of surprise. “Not what I would have expected,” he elaborated, lifting the picture from the drawer and handing it to Jake.

  “It’s perfect,” Jake said to himself as Wade leaned over for a glimpse. “You’re sure she liked it?” He asked anxiously, looking at Wade.

  “She loved it,” Wade answered, nodding.

  “Thank you. Both of you.” Jake gave a smile of appreciation which quickly faded. “I need to go in and figure out what the hell happened with Marcus. See if I can get a lead on his whereabouts.”

  “Let us know if there’s anything you need,” Wade said. “We’ll work on finding Jace. I think if we find one, there’s a good chance we’ll find the other.”

  “You’re right. Thanks again,” Jake said, lifting the photo before leaving.

ant to tell me what’s going on?” Danny asked, cutting to the chase as he glared at Wade. “You know they’re after Addie.”

  Wade shook his head, stopped and let out a sigh.

  “My gut tells me she’s in danger. Call it instinct or whatever, but she’s the reason for all of this.” Wade glanced at Danny, worry lining his face. “Not to say they won’t hurt you in the process, but everything in me says she’s the goal.”

  “If that’s the case, and I’m not saying you’re right, then someone else is pulling the strings. Marcus has no beef with Addie. I’m the one that got him put away,” Danny said, trying to fit the puzzle together. “You think it was the captain? The old captain,” Danny amended.

  “I don’t know, but I think it’s someone who knows what she can do.”

  “That changes things,” Danny warned, fear coiling in his gut.

  “I know,” Wade answered, already two steps ahead. “I know.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Daniel paced the length of the motel room, his long strides making short work of the small room. He was about to go insane stuck here while his brother was missing. Kidnapped, he corrected. Sam had been kidnapped and it was his fault.

  Remorse hit him hard and left him swaying. He slammed his hand against the wall and fought the urge to plow his fist through it. It wouldn’t do any good. It wouldn’t find Samuel any faster and it wouldn’t get him out of this room.

  Protective custody.

  Daniel snarled at the thought. It had been bad enough when he was stuck here with nothing to do but wait until the trial. Now, it was a thousand times worse. He knew they hadn’t wanted to tell him Samuel had been taken.

  They’d feared his reaction. With good reason.

  It had taken four officers to contain him and even then he’d fought them. It was only until one of them slipped him a note that he’d calmed down.

  He reached in his pocket, fingering the ragged piece of paper. He didn’t need to pull it out to know what it said. He’d memorized it the first time.


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