Hidden Betrayals (The Hidden Series Book 4)

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Hidden Betrayals (The Hidden Series Book 4) Page 18

by Kristin Coley

  A surprised laugh burst from Addie, and for a brief second some of the tension was gone.

  “Let’s go get Danny,” Addie agreed, slipping from the truck before they could change their minds and handcuff her.

  “Split up, one of us go around back?” Wade asked, glancing back at Addie for confirmation, but she shook her head, not seeing anything helpful from his question.

  “No, we stay together, go in the front. I’m not as worried if someone slips out the back at this point. Our primary goal is to retrieve Danny.” Jake waited for them to nod in agreement. “Check the windows, stay silent. This is not a sanctioned raid. We are breaking the law.”

  “Got it,” they murmured, aware if this got back to the Captain he would have to suspend Jake, at the minimum. It was one of the reasons they hadn’t called Connor to meet them, at least one of them would still be on the force if this went to hell.

  “Empty,” Wade mouthed as he peeked through one of the front windows. Jake nodded, his gun in hand as he tried the door, his eyebrow lifting slightly as it opened easily under his hand. He gestured to Addie to stay behind him and slipped through the door quietly. Wade followed behind Addie, because at some point he and Jake had decided an Addie sandwich was the safest place for her.

  She hovered behind Jake, his height and the room’s general gloom making it hard to see. A noise from the back of the house caused Jake to bring his hand up, motioning for them to move forward. He held his gun at the ready, scanning the area as they crept through the derelict house.

  An open door to the left drew Jake’s attention and he gestured toward it. Wade nodded and Jake went in cautiously.

  “Weapon down,” he shouted and then, “Danny.”

  Addie ducked under Jake’s arm at the sound of Danny’s name, but the sight in front of her caused her heart to freeze. Danny and Jake had their guns pointed at one another and Jace was on the ground. A sliver of moonlight came through the cracked window, just enough to see the hole in Jace’s chest.

  “I didn’t do it,” Danny said desperately, lowering his gun. “I swear I didn’t.”

  Wade muscled in behind Addie, pushing her further into Jake as he came in the room. “We believe you.”

  Jake glanced over at Wade questioningly, but whatever he saw on his face convinced him Wade did believe Danny. Jake lowered his own gun, sliding it back into the shoulder holster.

  “Tell us what happened,” Jake finally said with a sigh, but it was Addie who answered him.

  “It wasn’t a trap like we thought. This was a warning.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “She’s right.” Danny reached up to run his hand through his hair, but when all he felt was the short strands of his buzz cut, he settled for squeezing the back of his neck. “Jace was dead when I got here.”

  Addie lifted her eyebrow in question.

  “I got a text,” Danny offered, realizing what she wanted. “It was from Jace, or so it said. I got rid of all those old numbers after Samuel…...anyway, it said to met him here and finish it once and for all.”

  “And you didn’t think to call me.” Jake was disbelieving and a flicker of shame crossed Danny’s face as Wade crossed his own arms, staring Danny down. “Or me.”

  “No one ever calls me for the showdowns anymore,” Addie declared, stepping further into the room now that there was no threat. Danny gave her a half smile as she glanced at him in sympathy. Neither of the guys were going to budge, their pride hurt at the fact that Danny hadn’t trusted them to have his back.

  “I was angry,” Danny paused, closing his eyes for the slightest second. “Enraged,” he corrected. “Waiting at the hospital, knowing it was my fault she was in there,” he swallowed hard, “When I got the text, it was like blind rage took over. All I could think about was making him pay for what he did.” Danny glanced between them, searching for any indication of understanding.

  Jake relented after a quick glance at Addie.

  “I’ve been there.” He pinned Danny with a hard stare. “But I’ve never forsaken my friends either. Carly’s going to wake up in that hospital and you need to be there when she does.” He paused and took a deep breath, “We,” Jake gestured between him and Wade, "have your back. You,” he pointed at Danny, “have our back. Got it?” He studied Danny for a second to make sure his point had been made. “Good.”

  “He was shot in the back,” Addie observed, now the boys had settled their differences.

  “You’re still getting your ass kicked next time we spar,” Wade mentioned casually, bumping Danny’s fist.

  “Would expect nothing less,” Danny replied, some of the strain disappearing from his face.

  Addie cleared her throat, less amused.

  “Shot in the back and left here for Danny to find. No doubt as a reminder of Samuel,” Jake hurried to respond.

  “I might not have stated it quite like that,” Addie gritted, shooting a quick glance at Danny, “but yes. It’s clearly a warning aimed at us specifically.”

  “Or maybe they’re cleaning up loose ends?” Wade interjected. “Jace was a liability who knew too much.”

  “It’s the so called ‘they’ that I’m most concerned about. We knew Jace was part of it and now he’s dead. That only leaves us with Marcus Tramonte.”

  “We need to find him,” Danny cut in. “The question is how. I didn’t come here to kill Jace.” The others gave him a doubtful stare. “I didn’t. I wanted information and to maybe beat the crap out of the little weasel. But I wasn’t going to kill him.” Danny gave a little shrug. “At least I didn’t intend to kill him.”

  “Moot point now. Jace is dead and Tramonte is in the wind.” Wade met Addie’s glance and they both turned to Jake, who immediately started shaking his head.

  “You know I don’t like this.”

  “We do, but this concerns Addie’s safety,” Wade argued and within a second Jake had his hand tangled in Wade’s shirt jerking him forward.

  “You don’t think I know that?” He growled, giving Wade a shake. “Everything about Addie’s safety concerns me, up to and including asking her questions that could endanger her health.” He released Wade, who straightened back up to his full height, but didn’t retaliate against Jake’s actions.

  “Look, we all want to keep Addie safe,” Danny stepped between them, taking on the role of peacemaker. “We have to way the pros and cons.”

  “Never thought I’d see the day Danny was the voice of reason,” Wade replied, amusement lacing his voice as he relaxed his stance.

  “I’m about to pass out from all the testosterone in here,” Addie drawled. “Maybe we should go outside so it can dissipate.”

  “What are we going to do about Jace?” Danny asked, regret along with a hint of frustration in his words.

  Jake scrubbed his hand across his face, the long night beginning to catch up to him. “Call it in, let the boys analyze the scene.”

  “They won’t find anything,” Addie said as she moved to the door. “Same as Samuel Phillips.” She bit her lip and glanced at Danny apologetically. “I mean, Samuel. I wasn’t making light –”

  “I know,” Danny waved her apology off. “You were thinking out loud. I thought the same. This was an execution.”

  Addie shivered, her eyes lingering on Jace’s body for a second before she shook off the feeling of déjà vu.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Wade took Addie’s arm to escort her out as Jake pulled out his phone. “We’ll wait outside.” Jake gave an absent nod as they left and it wasn’t until they were outside that Addie took a deep breath.

  “Carly,” Danny began and then hesitated with a glance at Addie. He scrambled to figure out what he wanted to ask without actually having to ask it.

  “She was still in surgery when we left,” Addie spoke up helpfully. “We asked where you were and well, we ended up here.”

  Danny nodded slowly, still wanting to ask if Carly was going to be okay, but unwilling to push his luck for the evening. />
  “That’s not all he wants to ask,” Wade drawled, correctly reading Danny’s hesitation. “I think that’s the question of the hour, but you may not like the answer, Danny.”

  Danny stumbled back, his mind jumping to the worst conclusion and Wade cursed, reaching for him.

  “Not what I meant.” Danny shook him off and took off for the street. “Damn it.”

  “Danny!” Addie called and raced after him.

  “Son of a bitch,” Wade growled, following after them. He slowed as he watched Addie fling herself at Danny in a flying tackle. “That’s one way of doing it,” he chuckled as Danny stumbled from the force of her tackle but didn’t go down. He did catch her though and finally stopped his race back to the hospital.

  “What were you going to do? Run all the way back? I know you’re worried, but for God’s sake don’t run off halfcocked.” Wade listened to Addie lecture Danny as he strolled up to them. “I’m seriously questioning your intelligence right now. How many blows to the head have you sustained?”

  “Twelve, if you include his football career,” Wade answered, smiling as they glanced at him in shock. “By the way, I can apparently ‘answer’ any of Addie’s questions, but only Addie.” He let out a breath, tucking his hands in his pockets as he rocked back on his heels gently. “I have a feeling Danny suspected already, and Addie figured it out tonight when I knew where you were.” Wade glanced at Danny saying, “You don’t need to ask.” Wade then tilted his head toward Addie, “But you feel free.”

  “Is Carly alive?”

  Wade nodded, his smile growing wide as he knew the answer. Danny leaned over, his hands hitting his thighs as he let out a relieved laugh.

  “Is she going to be okay?” Addie asked tentatively, knowing it was a risky question, but Wade only nodded, closing his own eyes in relief, but they flew open when Addie launched herself at him in a hug.

  “I’m so happy I’m not even mad at you for keeping this a secret. You’re lucky,” Addie mock glared at him, but as he lifted her higher she squealed.

  “Lucky, huh?” Wade bounced her a couple of times, laughing as she shrieked and grabbed his shoulders. “Seems like you should consider yourself lucky I don’t drop you.”

  “I wouldn’t if I were you.” Jake came up behind them, a smile betraying his warning as Addie waved at him. “Good news, I take it.”

  “Carly’s going to be okay!” Addie sang happily. Jake’s grin faltered for a second, but Addie’s happiness won out over his concern.

  “That’s awesome,” he commented, smoothly extracting her from Wade’s hold and brushing his lips against hers. “It’s the best news I’ve heard all night.”

  Wade watched them for a second before tapping Danny on the shoulder. “How about we head back to the hospital and see your girl?” He glanced at Jake with a lifted eyebrow to see if they were allowed to leave and Jake nodded.

  “I called it in. Then called the Captain. He wants to talk to us, but it can wait.” Jake fished out his keys and handed them to Wade. “Y’all go ahead to the hospital. I’ll greet the unit and have someone give me a ride back.”

  “I’ll stay with you,” Addie quickly said, lifting her head from Jake’s neck.

  “No, you’ll go with them,” Jake countered, squeezing her as he lowered her to the ground. “It’s safer and I know you want to see Carly the second you can.”

  “It could be hours,” she protested, but Jake shook his head resolutely.

  “It could be hours here,” he answered logically. “It’ll be more comfortable at the hospital and you won’t have to pester me to ask you questions.” He smiled to take any sting out of his words and she gave him a small moue of dissatisfaction.

  “I want you with us,” she murmured, her desire to keep him close and within sight strong as she considered everything that had already gone down that night. “What if someone is watching and just waiting for us to split up?” Fear wasn’t an unfamiliar emotion for Addie, but this was more than that. She’d come too close to losing one of her friends tonight and part of her wanted to wrap them all up in bubble wrap and keep them safe.

  “Then they’re in for a rude awakening.” Jake skimmed her cheek with his thumb, seeing the worry she tried to hide. “I won’t let them hurt me and I know you’ll put the fear of God in anyone who tries. Same for the others.” He lowered his forehead to hers as he finished, “And we all will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” She wrapped her arms around his waist in a tight hug, whispering a prayer as she let him go.

  “Do not die,” she commanded, shaking her finger at him. “Do not get shot, stabbed, or threatened. Do not get hurt,” she finished, her voice cracking slightly.

  “Same goes for you, sweetheart.” Jake kissed her temple and stepped back. “Get going. It’s been a long night and it’s only getting longer.”

  “Come on,” Danny gently tugged her to the truck, lifting her into the passenger seat as Wade went around to the driver’s side. “Let’s go bug Carly till she wakes up.” He shut the door as she smiled faintly and turned to look at Jake.

  “I don’t know how to thank you,” Danny started.

  “Then don’t,” Jake stopped him with a hint of regret in his eyes. “I understand. I do. I failed you with Samuel.”

  “No,” Danny protested and Jake waved his hand.

  “I did. I failed you both.” Jake gestured to the house where Jace’s body laid. “I can’t blame you for coming here. I would have done the same if it had been Addie. I just want…” Jake broke off as Danny spoke.

  “I trust you, Jake. Always have. You were there for me when few were. You took a chance on me and showed me a way out of the choices I’d made. You gave me direction when I could have easily gotten lost after Samuel’s death. It wasn’t your fault he died.” Danny paused, his jaw working as he fought to get the next words out. “Anymore than his death was my fault.” He took a breath and then another, the sensation easier now that he’d admitted a truth he’d fought for so long. “I couldn’t see past my own guilt, but the truth is I didn’t kidnap Sam or put a gun to the back of his head and pull the trigger. You helped me see that.” Danny glanced at the truck and the two people inside. “You all did.”

  Jake clapped a hand on Danny’s shoulder and pulled him close, tapping his back hard as they hugged. As the sounds of sirens pierced the air he shoved him back, saying, “You better get going. I don’t need you intimidating the local boys.”

  Danny chuckled thickly, nodding as reached for the truck door. “Pretty sure Addie won’t let us leave until she sees some uniforms surrounding you.” Jake’s teeth flashed as he backed away.

  “You might be right,” he admitted ruefully. “She’s a little overprotective.”

  “I can’t imagine why,” Danny deadpanned as he hopped in the truck. Jake waved, walking backwards for a minute before spinning around to greet the units pulling up in the driveway.

  The truck didn’t move until the officers had followed Jake back inside the house.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “So, wait, Jace is dead?” Carly asked in disbelief. “How long was I out?”

  “Eleven hours and forty-seven minutes,” Addie replied promptly, giving a shrug as she caught their stares. “Give or take a few minutes.” She gave Carly a pointed stare. “Let’s not do that again.”

  “Agreed,” Carly answered with a pained grimace, reminding them she had been shot less than 24 hours before.

  “We’re supposed to meet with the Captain in an hour.” Addie glanced over at Danny. “Sorry, Danny, but he requested your presence at the meeting.”

  Wade handed Danny a bag. “Got some fresh clothes for you.”

  “Thanks,” Danny said with a notable lack of enthusiasm. “Are we meeting at the station?”

  “No,” Addie answered as Wade gave her a look of surprise.

  “I thought we were?”

  “Change of plans.” She shrugged. “It’s at our office now.” Their phones dinged with an incomi
ng text and Wade read the message aloud, “Meeting venue changed at Captain’s request, the PI office.” Wade glanced around. “Looks like he sent it to all of us.”

  “Not me,” Carly grumbled, shifting uncomfortably in the hospital bed.

  “I think you have a good excuse,” Addie answered, smiling gently.

  “Just so long as you tell me what happens!”

  “We need to get going if it’s back at the office,” Wade interrupted. “Danny, you riding with us?”

  “Yeah, I want to bring my bike back so I have wheels.”

  “Alright, but go change. You stink.” Addie wrinkled her nose and Danny scowled as Carly laughed, then stopped with a gasp of pain.

  “No laughing,” Carly groaned.

  “You need a nurse?” Danny asked anxiously and Carly shook her head, forcing a smile.

  “I’m fine. Go ahead.” Exhaustion lined her face as she added, “My mom will be back soon.”

  “We’ll wait outside,” Addie offered, grabbing Wade’s arm to drag him in the hallway. Jake and Connor were supposed to meet them at the station, but now it looked like they were all going back to the office.

  “Giving them their privacy?” Wade asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

  “Since when did you turn into Connor?”

  Wade blanched at Addie’s question and she giggled.

  “Jesus Christ, I am.” Wade shuddered. “Forget I asked that question.”

  “With pleasure.”


  Carly tangled her fingers in the sheets as she listened to Danny change in the bathroom. He’d left the door partially open in case she needed him and she considered calling out just to catch a glimpse of him sans clothes.

  “What’s that wicked little grin for?” Carly’s eyes popped open at his question and she was struck speechless as he finished tugging his shirt over his head, leaving an uninterrupted view of his chest. Dark curly hair covered the hard muscles of his upper chest, trailing down and disappearing into his jeans. His abs rippled as he pulled his shirt down slowly, a hint of his defined V revealed by the edge of his jeans.


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