Hidden Betrayals (The Hidden Series Book 4)

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Hidden Betrayals (The Hidden Series Book 4) Page 19

by Kristin Coley

  “Like what you see?” He asked in amusement and Carly snapped her open mouth shut.

  “Maybe,” she flirted. “It’s definitely incentive to get well.”

  “If seeing me shirtless helps you get better faster, I will happily walk around naked,” he answered instantly, his expression serious.

  “I’d definitely have nurses in here more often,” Carly quipped as he carefully sat down on the edge of the bed next to her. “Aren’t you supposed to be going? You’ll be late.”

  “The Captain can wait,” Danny answered dismissively. “He’s not my Captain anyway.”

  “Danny,” Carly chided, knowing of Danny’s aversion to the majority of all law enforcement. It hadn’t helped when they’d discovered the drug ring he’d help bust had been overseen by the prior police captain. “Addie believes this new Captain is one of the good guys. Cut him a break.”

  Danny glanced down as Carly’s hand settled around his. “You’re right. I will.” She squeezed his hand and he meet her eyes. “I promise.”

  “Good,” she smiled tiredly, her eyelids drooping.

  “You need to sleep.” He pushed himself up, making sure not to jostle her.

  “Danny,” he paused at the serious note in her voice, his body tensing as he waited for her to tell him not to come back. He’d anticipated the possibility, but nothing had truly prepared him to hear it. “I love you.”

  Danny stared at her in shock, not having considered hearing her say those words for one second.

  “You look so surprised,” Carly commented, a grin tugging at the corner of her mouth. “What did you think I was going to say?”

  “That you never wanted to see me again,” Danny blurted out in his surprise.

  “What? No, Danny.” Carly reached for his hand and at her tiny grunt of pain, he slid his palm inside of hers. “I love you, Danny. I have for a long time. Probably longer than anyone would believe.” Danny shook his head in disbelief and Carly chuckled. “Including you. Its true though. I knew it before I got shot but I was scared to be the first one to say it.” She gave him a gentle smile, both of her hands cradling his one. “I was stupid.”

  “You’re not stupid,” Danny protested automatically. “I mean, some might question why you love me, but you’re not stupid.”

  “Anyone that questions my love for you, doesn’t know you.” Carly took a deep breath. “Why did you think I’d ask you to leave?”

  “I’m the reason you got shot!”

  “So?” Carly frowned as she considered how he might interpret that and revised, “You’re not the reason I got shot. Jace is the reason because he opened fire on the building we were in. I happened to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  “Yeah, next to me,” Danny said, guilt weighing in his eyes as he continued to blame himself for the incident.

  “Where I wanted to be and plan to continue standing,” Carly responded tartly. “As soon as I can stand without falling over,” she amended.

  “It’s risky,” Danny protested.

  “No more than Addie dating Jake or Jules married to Connor. It’s a risk they’re willing to accept and so am I. Besides, you’re a mechanic and the muscle for a PI firm. How much trouble can you get into?”

  Danny arched his eyebrows at that and reminded Carly, “You do remember your best friend is part of that PI business and trouble follows her everywhere?”

  “True, but I trust her and Wade to make sure you stay safe and when you need a little can of whoop ass opened, you call me,” Carly said confidently and Danny felt the knot around his heart loosen.

  “You know I love you, right?” He leaned forward, twisting his hand so he held both of hers in his palm.

  “I do, and you need to believe that I love every part of you, Danny Phillips. The good, the bad, and the extremely pretty,” Danny choked back a laugh, “What? There’s not one single ugly thing about you. You should thank me. I’ll be beating back jealous women for the rest of our lives.”

  “The rest of our lives?” Danny echoed.

  “Yeah, you’ve met my best friend, right? Short, chesty, kind of a know it all?”

  Danny snorted at her description.

  “Rings a bell,” he admitted.

  “Yeah, she assures me this is the forever kind of relationship. Told me I better be sure.” Danny lifted his head and Carly smiled. “Not sure if she was protecting me or you, but either way I’m a commitment kind of girl.”

  “That’s good to know because I’m a commitment kind of guy,” he answered, cupping her face and brushing his lips against hers gently. She tried to strain closer and wound up giving a cry of pain.

  “Damn gunshot wound!”

  “I think maybe I should go before you hurt yourself trying to get at my luscious body.”

  “You did not just call your body luscious,” Carly laughed even as she winced and a knock on the door interrupted them.

  “Dude, quit making out with your girl. We’re going to be late as it is.”

  “Wade calls,” Danny announced unnecessarily, backing up toward the door. “I’ll be back soon though. I have a promise to keep.”

  Carly’s forehead wrinkled, “Promise?”

  “To walk around shirtless, remember?” Danny threw her a wink as he disappeared through the door.

  “I’m going to be the most popular girl in the hospital,” Carly whispered, bemused.


  “Sorry for the last-minute change in venue.” The Captain began, sliding a folder across the table in the breakroom. Since it had a set of high windows it had escaped the damage the main office had sustained. “I see you got it cleaned up.”

  “We got the glass up, got rid of what was damaged. Mainly, we’ll need to get some frames replaced,” Wade answered. “We should get someone in here to replace the windows tomorrow.”

  “I’ll keep a patrol unit out there until then.” The Captain cleared his throat, an uncomfortable look on his face. “You’re probably wondering why I changed the location.”

  “It might have crossed our minds,” Jake replied, Connor standing behind him. Jake and Addie were at the small table with the Captain as Connor, Wade, and Danny arranged themselves in a semi-circle behind them.

  “I suspect we have a mole in the department.”

  His bland declaration was met with silence and he smiled. “I could ask you who it is –”

  “Doubt it would work. I totally missed the prior Captain last time we tried Guess the Mole,” Addie interrupted and the Captain nodded.

  “Yes, I was afraid of that.”

  “You have a suspect in mind,” Jake stated carefully.


  “But you believe we have a mole,” Connor stated equally carefully.

  “I do. I’ve been getting pressure from my superiors about the number of cases that get solved in my department. As well as crates of cold cases deposited in my storage rooms. There are too many things to believe its completely innocent or circumstantial. Combined with what you brought to my attention about Marcus Tramonte and Nick Jackson……well, I’m sure you can understand why I believe someone is keeping watch over our precinct.”

  “It’s Addie,” Wade broke in.

  “You sound like a broken record,” Addie snapped.

  “It’s not just Addie,” the Captain said. “It’s both of you.” His words had both of their heads swiveling back to him. “One of the things they brought up are the expenditures to your agency in reference to some of these cases. You’ve peaked someone’s interest and while I might have considered it benign before, I no longer do.”

  “I would assume not,” Jake barked and Addie rested her hand on his leg under the table. Danny leaned forward, interest lighting his eyes.

  “I do apologize for not mentioning some of this sooner. I did not see the connections, nor the danger.” The Captain rubbed his eyes and Danny spoke up.

  “They targeted me.”

  The Captain blinked and studied him. “Th
ey did. I assume in an effort to test your abilities. You would be more likely to react if it was one of your own in danger.”

  “It was all a setup,” Addie stated angrily, pushing up from the table. “Carly was shot and almost died. Danny was almost blown up. And for what? To see what we could do? What we would do?”

  “Yes,” Wade answered, gazing sightlessly at the room. “They’re curious. It started when you brought down the prior Captain and only increased when you met me.”

  “They’re dangerous.” Connor leaned back against the counter.

  “Most likely.” The Captain didn’t bother to pull his punches. “And powerful. Dangerous and powerful are not a good combination.” He sighed and directed his stare toward Jake. “We need to ask some hard questions.”

  Addie came back to them then, resting her hands on Jake’s shoulders. Jake leaned back as he touched her hand. “That’s up to Addie,” he answered, turning his head slightly toward Addie. “She’s the one at risk.”

  “Thank you,” Addie kissed the top of his head and slipped back into her seat. “Shoot.”

  “Who killed Jace?”

  “Marcus Tramonte.”

  “Where is Marcus Tramonte?”

  Addie paused, her face blanking before she shook herself and gasped. “Cold and wet. Wherever he is, it’s cold and wet.”

  “Who was behind Marcus’ release?”

  “I don’t know,” Addie answered without hesitation. “There’s nothing.”

  “Is there someone interested in your abilities?”


  “Who is interested in your ability?”

  Addie hesitated and then shook her head in frustration. “They’re in shadow. I sense something but there are no answers.”

  “Can you tell me how many?”

  “Too many,” Addie answered hollowly. She snapped out of her daze and said, “They’re not all part of this group, whoever they are. But there are many people who would like to exploit what we can do, if they knew.”

  “Yes, I imagine so,” the Captain answered slowly. Jake twitched, clearly running out of patience with the litany of questions. “Are you in danger?”

  “No,” Addie replied and sighs of relief filled the room.

  “I’m not so sure of that. Carly is in the hospital.”

  The Captain held up a finger then. “Did Jace act on his own when he opened fire on the building?”

  “Yes,” Addie answered immediately. “What do they want with me?”

  “They don’t want you dead.”

  “They want you to work for them,” Wade added, glancing at Addie knowingly.

  “Nice way to show interest. I thought we were past the age where boys hit girls to show they liked them.”

  “We still don’t know who they are or much of anything,” Danny spoke up. “What are our next steps?”

  “We wait and we watch. I don’t care who they are. They don’t belong in my department.” The Captain glared at no one in particular. “Wade, your ability could prove useful in catching our leak. Auras don’t lie.”

  “Not usually,” Wade answered cryptically.

  “There’s a chance these people might approach you, Addie. And you, Wade. I hope their intentions are good, but so far I’m not reassured,” the Captain continued. “I’d still like to find out who they are before they make their next move. Releasing Marcus Tramonte was a dangerous move.”

  “I can come by the precinct occasionally and observe. See if anyone looks guilty or maybe gloating,” Wade offered and the Captain nodded in appreciation.

  “We will uncover the truth,” the Captain declared, “But until we do, be alert. Someone is watching and I doubt they have your best interests at heart.”

  He stood then, his body language conveying the meeting was over. Jake and Connor walked with him to the door and as they disappeared from sight, Danny spoke urgently, a peculiar look on his face.

  “We need to find the girl, Wade.”

  Wade turned to him in surprise as Addie asked, “What girl?”

  Wade sucked in a sharp breath, his face stunned as they both turned to look at him. He knew the answer and it changed everything.

  “The girl with no aura. My soulmate, and apparently the key to figuring out who is targeting Addie.”


  “Time to go home,” Addie caroled, doing a little shimmy as she came into the hospital room with Jules right behind her. “Hello? Why aren’t you dancing down the hall?”

  Carly laughed as she perched on the edge of the bed. “It’s only been a week. I’m not sure I’m ready to dance anywhere quite yet.” She flashed a grin. “I’m more than ready to go though.”

  “That’s my girl,” Addie cheered. She hopped up on the bed next to Carly. “However, we do have to wait for the guys to get here. They were adamant about you not leaving without them.”

  “Strange,” Carly muttered with a shake of her head.

  “They are, but also adorable so….” Addie lifted her hands, like what can you do?

  “Keep them,” Jules answered, settling on Carly’s other side. “The doctor said everything is okay, right?” Addie heard the underlying anxiety in Jules’ question. The gunshot had forced them to remove part of Carly’s spleen, but Jules was more worried about Carly’s fertility. Jules may have accepted her inability to have children but she wouldn’t wish that on anyone else

  “Doctor said everything is fine. I can live life normally after I heal.”

  “Good,” Jules nodded, relaxing slightly. “I can’t have kids.” The words tumbled out of her, shocking all of them. Addie had already known this, but it was a surprise to Carly.

  “God, Jules. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Well, it’s not okay. But I’ll be okay. I’ve known for a long time, but I got the final nail in the coffin the other day. Not even my eggs are viable for harvesting.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Carly replied, her tone conveying what she couldn’t; a mixture of pain, sorrow and sympathy. “I wish I could fix it for you.”

  “There’s adoption,” Jules nodded firmly, her gaze staring straight ahead.

  “There’s also surrogacy,” Addie mentioned with a smile.

  “My eggs are no good,” Jules said bitterly.

  “Donor eggs.”

  “It’s expensive and difficult and who could I trust to carry our baby?” Jules burst out, slapping her hand over her mouth as she realized she’d asked Addie a loaded question. Addie just smiled and said, “Me.”

  Music interrupted whatever Jules was about to say in reply as four doctors walked into the room, their heads tilted down. Addie gave a conspirator’s grin as she hopped up from the bed.

  “Ladies, I’d like to introduce you to Dr. Feelgood,” Wade’s head came up and he winked as Jules and Carly’s mouths dropped open. “Dr. Hardwood.” Connor tilted his head rakishly as Jules gasped. “My personal favorite, Dr. Ryder.” Laughter spurted from Jules, but Carly was staring at the fourth ‘doctor’ in line. “Last and most importantly, Dr. Love.”

  Music poured into the room as the guys ripped off the white coats they were wearing. The girls shrieked in shock, and a couple of nurses appeared in the door.

  The four guys moved in a synchronized rhythm as they bumped and thrust in time to the music. Any unease they may have felt disappeared as more nurses piled in and a chant started, “Take it OFF!”

  Scrub tops came off the guys in a single coordinated move. Wade danced closer to the shouting nurses, his hips rotating in a way that would make Elvis proud.

  The other three guys flirted with the edge of the scrub pants, dipping them down low to show off their Adonis belt before turning their backs to the women. Wade went back over to them and Carly whisper shrieked, “They wouldn’t!”

  A second later their pants were gone and happy shrieks were heard from the gathered onlookers.

  “Oh my God,” Jules whispered in a daze as Connor, aka, “Dr. Hardwood,” came prancing ove
r to her and pulled her from the bed so he could bump and grind around her.

  “I’m impressed,” Addie whispered as ‘Dr. Ryder’ came up behind her and thrust his hips against her backside in an extremely suggestive manner. “You’ve been practicing.” A low chuckle sent shivers down her spine.

  “We have, darling. I’ve seen Magic Mike more times than you by now.” Addie burst out laughing as Jake kissed her shoulder and backed away to rescue Wade from the horde of women clinging to him.

  Danny danced his way to Carly, moving in front of her, but careful not to bump against her.

  “I….” Carly trailed off, unable to form words as ‘Dr. Love’ danced in front of her in nothing but briefs.

  “Feeling better?”

  “I’ve never felt better,” she answered honestly, her eyes wide as she took him in. “But if you take those briefs off in front of anyone but me, you’ll be in for a world of pain.”

  Danny threw back his head and laughed, the motion so carefree, Carly stared in awe.

  “Trust me, baby. This is all for you and only you. Plus, Jake said anything more would get us arrested for indecent exposure.” He winked and danced back to where they’d started as the others joined him and they gave a few more synchronized hip thrusts and booty shakes before ending with a bow.

  They pulled clothes on quickly to the disappointment of the onlooking nurses who were well aware most of the men were taken, but several shoved their numbers into Wade’s pockets as he dressed.

  “I feel like a hunk of meat,” Wade muttered as the room finally cleared.

  “Now, you know what it’s like to be me,” Connor said without an ounce of shame. Groans went up around the room and Connor shrugged. “It’s true.”

  “No doubt it is,” Wade told him. “At least in your mind.”

  “Come on, stud.” Jules looped her arm through Connor’s. “Let’s give Carly room to actually get out of here.”

  “We’ll meet you downstairs at Wade’s car,” Jake called, his hand in Addie’s as they left Danny and Carly in the room. They’d managed to convince Carly’s parents to let them bring her home. She was going to stay at her parents for a few weeks though until she was fully recovered.


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