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by Alana Albertson

  I never understood the saying “there is a thin line between love and hate” until the moment I held a wounded Joaquín in my arms. You can’t turn love off. At least I couldn’t. I remember listening to an interview of a woman whose son had murdered people in a mass shooting. She wept, and I couldn’t imagine how she still loved her son.

  But now, I knew.

  I hated every bad thing Joaquín had ever done. He took everything from me and caused me unbearable pain, but sometimes, in my dreams, I remembered the little boy who had protected me from bullies, had held me when I feared the dark, had read me my favorite story over and over again.

  Forgiveness is more powerful than love and hate. I made a decision not to live the rest of my life in a cog of what-ifs and regrets.

  I took Grant’s hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

  I led him through the halls and out the prison’s gates, promising to leave my past behind me and live for the future in front of us.

  And I couldn’t wait to live it.


  Extended Epilogue


  “Grant, do we have to go to Paul’s parents’ home?”

  Grant gave me a hard glance and finished combing Julián’s hair. “You know we do. It’s a command party. We can’t get out of it.”

  Dammit. Grant was right. This was one part of being a Team wife that I hated with a passion. Playing the game. Pretending to be nice to women who had openly mocked me. Every time I’d seen Dara since Joaquín had been arrested had been a nightmare. When I first saw her at The Pickled Frog before I had gone undercover, she had greeted me with a condescending hug and a bitchy remark.

  Oh Mia, honey. So sorry to hear about Joaquín. But who knew he was into fucking strippers?

  Fuck her. Her husband was no saint. Grant had remained tight-lipped since he had no choice, but I still believed Paul had something to do with Joaquín’s shady dealings. But Joaquín had laughed off my questions. So I was left on my own to investigate. Again.

  I hoped Ashley had looked into Paul, though I hadn’t seen her around the base in months. Grant said she had vanished, even though Mitch couldn’t stop talking about how much he wanted to fuck her. She clearly hated my guts and believed I was in cahoots with my brother. I didn’t give a fuck what she thought about me. I knew who I was. I did nothing wrong. Nothing wrong but believe in my brother’s innocence. Even though he made a fool out of me, I didn’t regret a second of my actions. It had brought me back to my son, brought me back to Grant. Believing in Joaquín’s innocence had given me a new life. And I was truly happy.

  Grant kissed Julián’s forehead. “You look so handsome, buddy. Go put on your shoes.”

  I completely melted. He was such a good, warm, loving dad.

  I grabbed the diaper bag, and we headed out to Paul’s parents’ house. The legit scene of the crime. The place where my brother committed murder. The place where he lost his freedom. The place where he had finally come to reckon with what he had done to my son and me.

  Fuck. My. Life.

  As we drove from Coronado up into coastal Encinitas, I marveled at how my life had changed since last year. A year ago, I had just had plastic surgery and was pretending to be a stripper. Now I was married, sitting in a minivan while the son who I thought was dead was singing songs.

  We approached the mansion on Neptune Ave in Encinitas. This place was on the beach. Unbelievable. Paul’s family was so wealthy—why would he want to be a SEAL? Just because his father had been one also?

  Grant parked the car and carried Julián. I wished Grant had carried me; I wanted to puke.

  Dara opened the door and took the bottle of wine I handed her.

  “Oh, Mia, darling, so nice of you to join us. Please come in.”

  I used my acting skills and made my best impression of a smile and forced myself in the door.

  Julián took off and went to play with Gabriel, Pat and Annie’s son. While the rest of the SEALs were out drinking on the deck overlooking the ocean, Grant obediently stayed by my side. I loved my husband; he must’ve sensed how uneasy I was.

  But even his strong hand clutching mine did little to ease my anxiety.

  “I feel sick. I’m going to go to the bathroom.”

  Grant smirked. “Maybe you are pregnant.”

  I poked him. Grant was insatiable, and believe me; I was not complaining at all. But I wasn’t ready for another baby, not yet.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  I walked down the hallway and looked back to make sure that Dara wasn’t watching me. Once she was distracted in the kitchen, I made a break for it, and instead of going into the bathroom, I went into an office. Not sure why exactly, but something compelled me into this room.

  The office was very old-school and didn’t match the style of this modern beachfront mansion. There was a grand built-in desk made out of glorious cherry wood, a deep leather office chair, and bookcases filled with military history books. It smelled of stale whiskey and tobacco—exactly how I expected an older SEAL’s office smelled like.

  Where was Paul’s dad? Was he at the party? If he found me in here, I would pretend I was just lost.

  I didn’t even know what I was looking for. How many more secrets would there be to uncover? Even so, I felt like there was a clue waiting for me. Some type of new information that would shed light for me on the crimes of SEAL Team Se7en.

  I perused the bookshelf. Nothing stood out until I ran across a series of photo albums, labeled by year. I instinctively grabbed the one with the year of my birth, for no other reason but curiosity.

  I heard footsteps down the hall and hid under the desk. Luckily, no one opened the door. I knew Grant would come looking for me soon. But I decided to flip through the photo book and then I would go back and attempt to be social.

  There was nothing exciting in this picture book. Just some baby pictures of Paul who seemed to be around four. Pictures of his parents. Pictures of San Diego. Luxurious vacations I would never take.

  I had reached the last few pages and was about to place the book back on the shelf when I saw one final photo. My heart skipped. There were a bunch of SEALs on base and a Mexican man in work clothing standing in the background sweeping.

  I squinted my eyes. I had to be sure.

  But there was no doubt.

  The man in the picture was my father.

  ¡Ay, Dios mío!

  My vision blurred. What did this mean? Had he lived down in San Diego before he moved to San Francisco? Did he know Paul’s dad? Did Paul’s dad know my biological mother?

  I swiped the picture from the album and stuck it in my purse, shoved the book back into the shelf, and then quietly left the room. My hand was shaking. I had to tell Grant. He would be mad at me for snooping but I no longer kept secrets from my husband. I had learned that lesson. Nothing was worth risking my marriage.

  This could all be a weird coincidence. But it dawned on me that I knew nothing about my father’s life before he met Joaquín’s mom. I had been so focused on getting Julián back and dealing with Joaquín’s drama that I had convinced myself that discovering more about my own birth mother didn’t matter.

  But now I realized that I had been wrong.

  I had to get to figure out where I came from. Who my mom was? What happened to her? How she met my dad? Why he had taken me away?

  And if he had ever been involved with the SEALs.

  Back outside, I found Grant drinking a beer and admiring the ocean waves. I would tell him all this discovery later tonight. But first, I had come to a decision that I’d been mulling over since Joaquín had confessed.

  “You okay?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, babe. I’m fine. Look, I’ve been thinking. I know Julián is young, but I really want to become an NCIS agent.” I was nervous about his reaction. Grant supported my dreams but he had wanted me to wait until Julián was a little older.

  Grant kissed me. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to sit still long. They wo
uld be lucky to have you. We will make it work. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I ran over to Julián who was playing in the sand. As I hugged my little boy, I vowed to do anything to keep him safe. And that included uncovering the truth about who I was and where I came from.

  Joaquín was in jail now, and nothing would ever stop me from under covering the truth about the sins and the secrets of the Se7en Deadly SEALs.

  Thank you for reading COVET and finishing Season 1 of Se7en Deadly SEALs!

  * * *


  I don’t recognize the classy woman in the mirror staring back at me―sensible hair, nude lipstick, curves bound in the finest business suit. I have dedicated my life to uncovering the secrets of the SEAL Teams. Hoping one day, I’ll be able to find out who kidnapped my sister.

  As a NCIS agent investigating the Teams, there is no margin for error. I have to maintain professionalism at all times. I didn’t count on being forced to work with the resident SEAL bad boy, Mitch Martinez. But opening up to Mitch is the key to unraveling the secrets of the Teams. Any sacrifice will be worth it if I can discover what happened to my sister. Mitch may tempt me, but I’ll never let him into my heart.


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  And sign up for my newsletter to find out about my latest books.

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  If you loved Conceit, you’ll love the thrilling, dark, and sensual Trident Code series. INVINCIBLE is available now.

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  And don’t miss my Beauty & The Beast retelling, BEAST, available now.

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  And if you are looking for a poignant military romance, try BLUE SKY, available now.

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  Want to connect with me? Stalk me on Instagram, like my Facebook page, or join my Facebook group, Alana Albertson’s Allstars for exclusive giveaways and previews of my latest books.

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  Turn the page for an excerpt from SMUG - Season 2 Episode 1 of the best-selling SE7EN DEADLY SEALs SERIES

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  Se7en Deadly SEALs Season 2


  “Pierce. There’s been a shooting. Get down here immediately.” My boss didn’t waste time on pleasantries, not even when he called on my day off.

  I hopped out of bed and threw on the first clean work clothes I could find. Where were my fucking heels? I dug for them under my bed, hobbled over to the coffee pot, and poured myself a stale mug of joe before nuking it.

  I swiped through my phone and there it was.

  “Navy SEAL dead.”

  Holy shit. I’d been avoiding SEALs since the Joaquín Cruz case. What a mind fuck that had been. The investigation into the drug smuggling was still ongoing, but I had recused myself from the case. I had gotten too close to crossing a line with Mitch, and I wasn’t willing to put my career on the line for anyone.

  I raced down to the location my superior had texted me. The BUD/S compound. After weaving between tourists on the bridge trying to catch the Coronado sunrise, I finally arrived.

  After I flashed my badge at the gate and drove onto base, dread started to sink into my stomach. SEALs were the worst. Their codes of silence were impossible to break. And they would choose the brig before they flipped on another SEAL.

  I joined the swarm of officers hovering outside and saddled up to the first familiar face I saw.

  “Who was it?” I asked a fellow agent.

  “The SEAL was Paul Thompson.” Oh my God. He was Grant’s superior officer. I scanned the men. No sign of Grant. But Mitch’s face registered a look of amusement when he saw me.

  His eyes undressed me as he approached. I might not put my career on the line for the guy, but it didn’t stop me from eye fucking him right back. I couldn’t help but stare at his massive arms and ripped chest underneath his dark blue instructor shirt.

  “Good to see you again, Autumn. You going to crack this case, too?”

  Son of a bitch. That cocky motherfucker. He represented everything I hated about SEALs.

  “You bet. Who discovered him?”

  He smirked. “I did.” Then he whispered in my ear, “You might as well give up now, because I’m not going to tell you anything.”

  I exhaled. “Telling me nothing will only get you arrested on obstruction, Mitch. Paul was a fellow SEAL, I would think you would want his murderer brought to justice. Plus, I never take no for an answer.”

  He brushed my hair, and I slapped his hand away. “Then you and I have something in common, sweetheart. Neither do I.”

  Start Se7en Deadly SEALs Season 2 Now!


  Also by Alana Albertson

  Want more romantic reads?

  Try my other books!

  * * *

  Se7en Deadly SEALs

  Navy SEAL Romantic Thriller

  Season One:

  Conceit, Chronic, Crazed, Carnal, Crave, Consume, Covet

  Season One Box Set

  Meet Grant! She wants to get wild? I will fulfill her every fantasy.

  Season Two:

  Smug, Slack

  Meet Mitch! I’ll always be your bad boy.

  * * *

  The Trident Code

  Navy SEAL Romantic Suspense Series


  Meet Pat! I had one chance to put on the cape and be her hero.


  Meet Kyle! I’ll never win MVP, never get a championship ring, but some heroes don’t play games.

  * * *

  Heroes Ever After

  Military New Adult Fairy Tale Retellings


  Meet Grady! With tattooed arms sculpted from carrying M-16s, this bad boy has girls begging from sea to shining sea to get a piece of his action.


  Meet Erik! I’m a Navy SEAL, a Triton, a god of the sea.

  And she will never be part of my world.

  * * *

  Blue Devils

  Military Pilots Contemporary Series

  Blue Sky

  Meet Beckett! I’ll never let down my guard for this Devil in a Blue Angel’s disguise.

  Blue Moon

  Meet Sawyer: One Night with this Blue Devil will make you a sinner.

  * * *

  Rescue Me

  Romantic Comedy Series

  Doggy Style

  Meet Preston! When it comes to doggy style, he’s behind you 100%.

  * * *

  Snow and Her SEALs

  Contemporary Reverse Harem

  The Temptation of Snow, The Seduction of Snow

  Meet Snow’s SEALs! Seven sexy Nave SEALs. Why should I limit myself to just one?

  (co-written with Lisa London)

  * * *

  Men of Oz

  Contemporary Reverse Harem Series

  Desiring Dorothy

  Meet Tin, Crow, Lev, & Wiz! Seven sexy Nave SEALs. Why should I limit myself to just one?

  (co-written with Nicole Blanchard)

  * * *

  Dance with Me


  Meet Bret! He was a real man—muscles sculpted from carrying weapons, not from practicing pilates.

  * * *

  Military Contemporary Stand Alone


  Meet Shane! I’m America’s cockiest badass.

  (co-written with Linda Barlow)

  About the Author

  ALANA ALBERTSON IS the former President of RWA’s Contemporary Romance, Young Adult, and Chick Lit chapters. She holds a M.Ed. from Harvard and a BA in English from Stanford. A recovering professional ballroom dancer, she lives in San Diego, California, with her husband, two young s
ons, and five dogs. When she’s not saving dogs from high kill shelters through her rescue Pugs N Roses, she can be found watching episodes of Cobra Kai, Younger, or Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team.

  For more information:


  ¡Ay, Dios Mío! I can’t believe I finally finished this series. I wanted to thank everyone who made it possible.

  To Nicole Blanchard to listening to me whine about this series. Thanks for putting up with me.

  Deb Nemeth—for always fitting Grant and Mia in and reading me the riot act when I wanted to nix their HEA.

  Ashley Williams—You are incredible and I’m so lucky I found you.

  Julie Titus—for your beautiful formatting, your warmth, and for always fitting me in.

  To my husband Roger—for loving me in sickness and in health. Even when I’m writing all day in my fuzzy pajamas. For watching the boys while I write. For being my HEA.

  To my two beautiful sons, Connor and Caleb. You are my world. I love you more than anything. To my two unborn daughters who I lost while writing this series and will never meet, I love you both and wanted you so much.


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