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Beggar Page 2

by Shan R. K

  I understood that she wanted to keep us quiet because her dad was the president, and the man and I served two tours together.

  But keeping stuff from me was not something I was going to take, which was why I decided to say fuck-it to all her plans and tell the guys. The sooner I claimed her ass the better my life would be.

  When I showed up the morning they were due to leave, I could tell Falon was surprised. I waited to see if she would get on another brothers bike so I could disfigure the fuckers face. But one thing about Falon, she knows when not to push her luck.

  She jumped behind me without a second thought. I was thrilled, but still too pissed. Which is why when we got to the hotel I didn't book a room for myself. I doubled with Storm, our VP.

  UNLIKE MY OTHER BROTHERS, Storm knows about Falon and me. He doesn't like keeping it quiet, and always gives me shit when we're alone. Neither the fuck do I, but I do it for Falon, surprisingly Storm is doing it for me.

  Falon is a petite twenty six year old, with a few heartbreaks, nothing too serious from what she's let slip.

  I’m a thirty one year old man with a fakuva lot of baggage. But I didn't want her at the back of another brothers bike, so angry or not, here I was.

  It didn't mean that we were okay. Right now however, I wish we were.

  I turn into 18th Street and my stomach tightens with a sick feeling. If I don't get to Lazer’s in the next few minutes my woman is not going to be okay, call it a hunch or eight years serving my country, but I'm never wrong.

  When Falon whispered, “someone's coming” and cut the call, I got on my bike and drove, no helmet or jacket. I didn't tell the brothers nothing, but knowing Storm, he’ll figure somethings going down. He ain't the VP of The Satan Snipers for nothing.

  Three weeks I've been doing this running around shit with Falon and I hate it. Keeping secrets from my brothers, making Storm do it too, it ain't right. I'm the Enforcer of the club, my dad was one of the six original members that started the MC nearly forty years ago.

  When I told Falon I wanted her in my bed every night, she gave me a blow job and offered to fuck me bare, she was that happy, then no show for two weeks. I had to hunt her down at her ma’s house in Barfa.

  First she acted like it was nothing and she was just busy, which had me walking back to my bike.

  It was a few days later when she came looking for me at the clubhouse, eyes all puffy and shit, telling me she didn't want to stress her dad, and that we should wait six months to tell him.

  My first reaction was hell no, but a week later I said, fuck it, I missed her.

  We spoke it out, more like banged it out and agreed to give things three months. I knew the real reason was that she wanted to be sure. I'm not a sure thing for her and I don't blame her for having doubts.

  Truth is, I have them too, but Falon’s the closest thing I'd ever gotten close to loving.

  Like most of my brothers that make up the Satan Snipers, I was conditioned not to feel emotion, not to feel remorse.

  When we joined the special ops program eight years ago we didn't think we’ll ever be free from it all, but Falon had a way of making one forget, and no way was I going to let one of the other brothers have her.

  Falon has known this life since she was born, she never let it harden her though. Her dad Rounder was fifteen when he found out his ex-girlfriend Molly was pregnant with Falon. His dad was the sergeant-at-arms of The Satan Snipers at the time.

  At sixteen while my blood brother Thorn was fucking anything with a cunt, Rounder was a single parent changing his three month old daughters diapers.

  Apparently Molly just upped and left.

  With the help of the club and Rounder’s mother Haze, Falon turned out pretty good.

  I stop my bike outside Lazer's. The smell of alcohol, cigarettes and cheap perfume pollute the air in high quantities.

  The rave music coming from Lazer’s is outweighing the other nightclubs. The crowd waiting to join in on the fun that's coming from inside is so long, there’s no way I’ll be able to bargain my way in, but right now I don't give a fuck.

  Normally I wouldn't draw attention to myself, it's my nature to blend in. I was trained to be a ghost and shadow in the armies special ops, and this is going against everything I've been taught, but I need to go fetch my woman.

  I jump off my bike and head to the front door. The bouncer is clueless as I walk right up to him. He's too busy flirting with the tall willowy girl with the blonde hair and fake tits.

  TWO CONSECUTIVE SHOTS choose that moment to shock everyone. It's coming from behind the club, and I'm already rounding the corner in a run. The sound of sobbing speeds my movement, but I pause in my tracks doing a double take at the scene before me.

  Falon is in a hunched position, her jeans are torn off, laying in pieces beside her as she shakes with uncontrolled sobs. I give her body a quick scan. Besides the torn jeans she’s intact.

  I can't afford to process anything beyond basic survival right now, not with the tall hooded figure holding a gun and two men dead on the floor.

  I edge closer to the figures back.

  I'm unnoticed.

  My moves silent and breathing evened out.

  “Hey Girl, you okay.” The voice is dry, rough, hoarse from lack of water or not talking, I don't care but it's definitely female.

  Falon lifts her head toward the female. Her face smeared with make up running down her cheeks. I fight the need to show her any compassion or make sure she acknowledges me. I got to stay focused.

  “Ththth...anks,” Falon stutters, hiccuping.

  THE HOODED FEMALE LOWERS the gun to her side, and I go in.

  Gripping her arms to the side I pull the gun out from between her hands. She's fighting me but quickly loses spirit when I release her.

  So she doesn't like to be touched, interesting and opposite Falon, who craves affection.

  Not wasting time I empty the gun, all the while noticing this girl's breathing is labored.

  I jog across to the dead men and ignore the two opposite women as I rub our prints off the gun, and put the two dead men prints on it. I finish with the blonde guys cold hand and lay the gun next to him as the back door swings opens.

  People swarm through and my gaze goes to where Falon is, but she's not there. At my full height I scan the crowd and see the hooded girl pulling Falon in-between the dumpster. The hoody girl is quick and doesn't understand what the fuck she just did, who she just saved. Not only did she save the prez daughter’s life, but she saved my woman's pride too.

  The people crowd the dead bodies, some taking pics, others screaming or crying. Majority are just standing there staring at the two dead guys, and wondering what the fuck happened.

  Wisp rushes over to me, her hazel eyes glassy, lips thinned. Her short denim skirt barely covers her pussy. The busty leather thing she has covering her tits is no better.

  Storm and Texas are going to turn her hide.

  We might be an all sexist club but the guys who have claimed one of our own, whether temporarily or permanent take their commitments very fucking seriously.

  And there's no doubt that Texas isn't going to let her slide this one out with a few fucks. We don't mind the girls dressing in skimpy shit around the clubhouse. In public we mind, we’re territorial motherfuckers and have killed for much less.

  The women know better. Wisp knows better.

  I kiss her head so I don't draw attention to us, “Call Den and Spade, and make sure you give a heads up to Storm, cops are gonna be here any minute.”

  I retreat backwards, my step slow as not to make things obvious. Stopping next to the dumpster, I lean on it casually, “Falon, we need to go baby the cops are gonna be here any minute.”

  “We take the girl.”

  It takes me a second to realize that was an order, shit, this bitch really saved my woman to have her standing up to me.

  Falon might keep secrets and try to be tough, but it's her nature to be pliant.

>   She's never given an order, but right now she's speaking to me as the president’s daughter, not as her man.

  What she doesn't know is, in no fucking way was I leaving the hooded chick behind. When she killed those guys she passed the biggest test of The Satan Snipers, we have to protect her and take her in.

  But I'm a fucking man, if my woman wants to think it was her choice and she's calling the shots then that's what she gets, “Ok, let's move.”

  They both start to come out, the other girl still covered in a hoody comes first and fuck, what's that smell. I sniff closer to her, she reeks, yuck.

  I retreat a few steps away from her when Falon comes out wearing haggard ripped jeans that are a few sizes too big.

  At least she's covered. It's then, it clicks. This girl is homeless, she was sleeping here.

  I grab hold of Falon’s arm rubbing my thumb on it for only a second. It’s not in me to show too much affection unless I'm fucking so she knows I was worried.

  We start walking, the other girl following behind Falon, until we stop where I parked my bike. The cops are already stationed, ushering people out of the way, so they can close the doors. No one gets in or out.

  I pull the girls to my bike, hearing the roars of my brothers bikes coming up the road.

  The three of us wait for them.

  Storm turns his black chrome and parks it directly in the middle of all the chaos while the others stay on their bikes and park across the street.

  He pulls his helmet off and I notice his cut missing.

  A quick look across the road, I know the others are also missing their cuts. They were obviously warned in time and decided not to draw the unwanted attention.

  The faded jeans and white t-shirt I'm wearing makes me blend in too.

  I watch Storm ruffle his brown hair until it's all pushed back. His eyes scan the bustling crowd, until it lands on us.

  I got Falon’s hand in a tight grip, and she's holding the homeless girl’s arm.

  So she doesn't like men touching her, I wonder how fucked up this homeless girl is.

  Storm’s a few inches taller than my six four, but suffered a back injury a few years back and the hunch he has now is telling me that my brother's back is killing him, shit.

  “We gotta leave now,” He says, “Prez called, he spoke to the detective, they giving us ten to get moving.”

  I look Falon over, her skin isn't glowing, it's green instead and we don't have a fucking cage to put her in. She's gonna have to hold it in a bit longer.

  Storm sees my hesitation and notices the hooded girl.

  His interest in her makes me wanna barf. He hasn't smelt the bitch yet. I would smile if we had more time or if the circumstances were different.

  “She can ride with you, Falon’s with me.”

  He doesn't argue, he walks to his bike and the homeless girl follows.

  I don't hear what she tells him or he tells her, but the smile playing on his lips when she says something almost makes me want to punch it off his face. Fuck what the hells wrong with me.

  Falon and I cross the street just as Jade, Wisp, Chadley, Den, Spade and Venus run up to us.

  “I’m so sorry Fal.” Den says

  My jaw tightens, “You not yet. But when I'm fucking done with you, you would be motherfucker.”

  Falon touches my arm, it's the first contact she's voluntarily given me since I found her hunched over, “Please, Zero not now.”

  My death glare trained on him makes my message clear, I'm dropping this now, but we far from fucking done, he messed up and big time.

  Den had one task, watch Falon.

  Spade was looking after the other girls, more so Wisp and Chadley, who couldn't protect themselves.

  Den should've paid more attention, did what he was fucking told to do.

  We cross the road and the others do well to be quiet, especially ‘cause I know the girls are dying to ask what happened.

  When Texas, Knight and Bull are in hearing shot, still on their bikes I order them, “We shoot straight to Kanla, two stops, We need to get to church.” The lot nods.

  Knight’s face, grim, because he knows what that means.

  Wisp glances across the road watching Storm. Curious I follow her lead.

  What the fuck, Storm is slipping his helmet on the homeless girls head, not the spare one he keeps for Wisp.

  Her hoody is down and it's darker where they're standing at the edge of the pavement.

  Storm leans on his bike and the light to the club goes on.

  My eyes glue to the vision that's all away across the road.

  Her skin is so fucking pale and hair so dark.

  I don't stop watching them until her helmet is fully on her head and her face now hidden behind the dark glass.

  Slowly her hand lifts to rest on Storm’s shoulder. I feel something, but I'm not sure what the hell I’m feeling and I don't fucking like it.

  The small huff from Wisp is noticed by all of us and pulls me from the fucking trance.

  She's pissed off that he's giving his helmet up for the homeless girl, but Wisp doesn't know what she did for Falon. And we don't have time to talk and explain shit.

  I grab Falon by the arm who hasn't said a word to anyone, and move across the road just as the other brothers rev their bikes getting ready to hit the road.

  By the time we getting on my bike, Storm has the homeless girls arms wrapped around him, and his speeding off to take his place in the front next to Bull, our road captain.

  “Hang in there Baby.”

  “I’m fine, lets just get out of here.” Falon’s abruptness doesn't sound good.

  I know I should comfort her but we gotta move. We can't deal with this now.

  If I show Falon a shred of comfort she's going to break, It's all over her face.

  Once her arms are secured around my waist, my bike throttles and we’re gone.

  It’s two minutes when I take my place at the back of the formation, at the back of my brothers.

  Watching them, protecting them, guarding them. Its why I am the enforcer of The Satan Snipers. I've always had this way of seeing when shit is about to happen.

  We hit the free way and I catch a glimpse of my VP with the girl on his back, and I just know things are about to get complicated.

  Chapter 3


  THE WIND IS BLOWING through my hair, the guy whose name is Storm, is driving like this is his last ride, and I love it. I'm glad I didn't chicken out, and I'm more glad that I'm gonna have a hot bath and hot meal when we arrive at this clubhouse he told me about.

  He said I'm one of them now, he said that I’ll never have to be hungry again. It’s crazy that I agreed, but his brown kind eyes told me he was certain, that he’ll take care of me and I believe him.

  For the first time I believe someone besides my mother and It's stupid I know. But somehow I feel lighter, I've never felt lighter, ever.

  I didn't get to see Falon’s boyfriend nicely, but the guy is tall and imposing. I'm scared of him. When his gaze tracked me from across the road at Lazer's I just wanted to wither under his scrutiny.

  He probably thought I didn't notice but I did.

  I watched him from the corner of my eyes as he stood across the road surrounded by his people.

  He was staring at me, and it made me feel like he was a hunter and I, his prey.

  Doesn't he know that prey never wants to get caught.

  But Storm has a warmth that I choose to trust. I saw interest spark in his gaze, it wasn't sexual but more curiosity and then understanding, when I asked, “Do I have to hold you and shit.”

  I Inked that down to a good thing. He didn't mask his face, he didn't look down on me, but showed me that he understood. And I knew I'd be safe with him.

  Truth is, I was hungry and cold, so fucking cold. After I saved the girl, and her boyfriend swiped the gun, something told me that I was going to have to go with these people, even if Falon hadn't insisted.

; There was no way her boyfriend was leaving me. I was going willing or not. I had a choice to make, I could go willingly and get treated well or I could go by force, and they’ll spit on me and treat me like crap.

  I chose the logical route, willingly, and I'm glad, especially since this guy named Storm is taking me on a ride of my life.

  We stop at a gas station, about sixty miles away from Washington D.C. The bikes all park in one of the four gas lines. My arms are still snug around Storm’s waist, my legs shaky and itchy.

  I can just imagine what people in cars must be thinking seeing all these big machines moving together.I wonder if it keeps them up at night.

  The lights in the garage are bright, even with the helmet on.

  I've never been out at night, normally I'm out cold by now, or somewhere hidden. There's this weird feeling to it, I can't even explain it.

  These bikers are obviously naturals to the call of the night.

  I watch Falon and her boyfriend climb off his motorcycle together and head for the garage shop hand in hand.

  My stomach grumbles at the thought of what they going to buy, reminding me I haven't eaten since this morning.

  I lost out on that hot meal now.

  Guess I'm just going to have to stick it out until I get to this clubhouse.

  After our tank is filled, Storm taps my thigh causing me to jerk, and my heart rate to spike.

  I don't like it when men touch me.

  I don't like it when they touch my thighs especially.

  I want to run.

  My instincts are telling me to jump off, but my brain is telling me stay, they aren't a danger to me. There’s too many witnesses for Storm to do anything. I start shaking and Storm immediately gets off the motorcycle.

  My body starts to shiver, vision darkening..

  I focus on his helmet coming off his head. I watch his stubbled jaw and thick brows covering his light brown gaze.

  There's a twinkle that is close to a smile tugging his lips as his eyes dance in humor.


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