Muffin and Knob's Special Adventure
Page 8
his own farts smell great,” she continued. “He’s not a handsome stud like you. And I thought I’d rather go to Alrica, sit on a topless beach and drink Mai-Tai’s until I’m reckless, careless, and… dareless…” She said while pursing her lips and frowning a little. The last word didn’t seem to fit. “Maybe I’ll see you there… sometime too?” Karmen faux kissed the air in front of the clerk, who all but fainted.
“Three tickets to Alrica coming up…” he said with a quickening, quavering, quaffing voice.
And they lived happily ever after.
If you liked this story look for other books under author
William A. Patrick III (none are as silly as this one),
like Linder in, Khing, Dealer’s Dog and others.
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