The One Thing Money Can't Buy (Custom Solutions Book 1)
Page 12
Until his banishment, Cari never imagined his life outside of the prickle. Admittedly, his life hadn’t been pleasant after he shifted for the first time. Most of the prickle, including his parents, shunned him when ever he was around. But he had a computer, one he’d saved up for and bought for himself, and he used to do odd data entry jobs found online, so he could contribute to the prickle financially. At nights he spent his time dreaming of an understanding mate who’d accept him white prickles and all.
And now, at least I have a mate, even if he is absent most of the time, Cari thought as he looked down at the new suit lying on the bed. He’d taken a long shower on his own, hoping Quaid would turn up and ravish him, but that hadn’t happened. If his mate didn’t turn up soon, he’d be appearing at the party on his own, and Cari didn’t think his nerves could stand that. But just as he thought that, he heard footsteps down the hall.
“Aren’t you dressed yet? We’re meant to be there in ten minutes.”
Quaid was dressed in the same basic black he’d been wearing while working with the others. His damp hair and the crisp shirt indicated he’d already showered and changed, making Cari wonder where his mate had been all day. He felt guilty for even thinking like that. Then he got angry, because he would have known where Quaid was, if the man had given him the courtesy of telling him.
“I’d held off getting ready, hoping to shower with you. But I see you found somewhere else to do that,” Cari said with a burst of spirit as he dropped his towel and reached for his new pants.
By the time he got them done up, Quaid was panting down his bare back, his hand reaching around and patting Cari’s torso. “Aw, did my precious mate want an orgasm to calm his nerves.”
“Not now, no.” Cari moved out of Quaid’s hold and picked up his shirt. “What I wanted was a mate who cared enough to hold me for five minutes before going into a situation I’m ill equipped to deal with. What I would’ve liked is to have seen my mate for more than the two minutes it took you to piss and dress this morning.”
Buttoning up his shirt with shaky fingers, Cari ignored the demands his body was making below the waistline. Being near Quaid always had that affect on him, but it wasn’t as though they had time to do anything about it now, and Cari didn’t believe in angry sex between mates.
“I was doing my job,” Quaid seemed surprised at how Cari spoke to him. “Everything we’re doing is about keeping you safe tonight. There’s going to be at least a hundred people attending tonight.”
“And I appreciate the safety concerns, all of it,” Cari tucked his shirt into his pants, made sure everything was smooth and then started working on his tie. “But it has got me thinking about what’s going to happen after the party is over, and I’m safe.”
“You’ll be with me.” Again, Quaid spoke as though that was a given, but what the gormless lion had failed to realize is they hadn’t been together at all since the night of the meeting. “Christian said we can stay here as long as we like, but I was sure you’d want us to have our own place. I assumed you’d be house hunting for us.”
“I’d be out house hunting.” Cari thanked the Fates for YouTube as he finished knotting his tie. He’d never have got it straight otherwise. “Nice to know you don’t have a problem with me going out and looking at houses while you work?”
“I thought you’d stay here and do it online. Ranger has got a list of realty sites you can look at.” Quaid seemed genuinely surprised.
His lips pressed tightly together, Cari slid his feet into his boots and did them up. Straightening his spine, he looked his mate square in the face.
“If you think I’m going to spend all my time sitting around this place waiting for you to get home, freshly showered and changed without me around, then you’ve got the wrong damn hedgehog.” Cari never ever swore, which just went to show how angry he was. “If you’re going to be working, after this party is over, which you haven’t denied,” a guilty look flashed over Quaid’s face, “then it’s about time I went job hunting too, don’t you think?”
Cari’s anger and jealousy wasn’t helped when Quaid started to laugh. “You’ve got almost two billion dollars in the bank. You never have to work again.”
“As my mate, neither do you, but that hasn’t stopped you taking on more jobs, has it?”
A strange look passed over Quaid’s face, but the alarm on his watch stopped him from answering. Glancing down at it, Quaid said, “We have to go. Christian wants us there before the guests arrive so the cameras can track all your movements from the start.”
“Of course, he does.” Cari picked up his jacket and eased it over his shoulders. Slipping his wallet and phone into the specifically made inside pockets, he buttoned up his jacket and straightened his shoulders. “Let’s get this over and done with. If you’re bothering to escort me back here after the party, perhaps we can talk then. Unless you crash out on me again, which is becoming a rather annoying habit.” Determined not to show any nerves, any emotions at all, Cari stalked past Quaid and out the door.
Quaid was in the shit. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to work that out. He wasn’t a hundred percent sure what had changed in Cari’s attitude, but neither he nor his lion were keen on their mate snipping at them. It made him feel edgy and uncomfortable and that wasn’t something Quaid was used to feeling.
Working on the security logistics for the party had been something positive he could do to ensure his mate’s safety. It was instinctive to volunteer suggestions for other jobs coming up, while surrounded by the guys he worked with. He’d liked coming home late at night, tired but buoyed by that feeling of getting something achieved, tumbling into sheets warmed by his mate. Admittedly, he hadn’t had a chance to do much with the woody he always woke up with, but he never guessed Cari would get upset about it.
And now he had blue balls, because watching Cari put his clothes on was as arousing as seeing him take them off, and an upset mate, which was not good news. Frankly, Quaid needed to get his head in the game. To forestall any possible threat to Cari, Christian had invited the Fanshaw pack alpha, the head of the cat coalition in town, the leader of Cari’s ex prickle as well as all the council elders, town dignitaries, and members of the press. Every available company staff member was on hand for security. There were so many wires running to cameras and audio equipment in the great hall, bathrooms, and side rooms where the party was being held, in one corner by the stage they had to put in a false wall to hide it all.
Quaid had run through every single threat scenario, time and time again. From overzealous parents who’d suddenly decided to reclaim their son, to the Fanshaws trying to claim pack rights, to the council members determining Cari was a danger to the state. Cari would be better protected than any A-list celebrity or visiting royalty. But the whole plan hinged on Cari staying by his side, and from the stiff back and the bristle in his mate’s hair, Quaid couldn’t guarantee that was going to happen.
Who knew he’d be so upset about me showering in the locker rooms? To be honest, Quaid had done that out of habit. All staff had a locker with fresh clothes in it. In their line of business, it was necessary. He’d been running one last diagnostic when Ranger reminded him of the time, and bam, he was showered and dressed before he’d even thought about it.
Quaid realized he’d committed a relationship faux-pa. He tried to imagine how he’d feel if Cari sauntered in the house freshly showered and changed – having clearly been naked somewhere else. Quaid growled at the thought, causing Cari to turn and flick him a glance, but the little hedgehog kept on going. He didn’t even ask what was wrong? Quaid got a sinking feeling he might be in more shit than he thought.
What he did know, was the talk they were going to have to have after the party, was probably going to be as fraught as the party itself and that didn’t help his agitation. Catching up to Cari, he placed a hand on his mate’s lower back as the main house of the mansion came into view. “Please stay by me,” he muttered as C
ari tried to move away. “Your safety depends on it.”
“Cari, Quaid, is everything okay?” Christian greeted them at the door.
A glance and the perceptive man knew something was wrong, but Quaid shook his head, ever so slightly, forcing a smile. “Nerves,” he said.
“You shouldn’t lie to your boss,” Cari said pertly. Smiling up at Christian he asked, “Is the bar open yet? I’m parched.”
“There’s some water on the tables, why don’t we take a seat,” Christian led the way across the floor, to where the main table, for the guests of honor had been set up. “You don’t drink alcohol, do you?” He asked Cari as Quaid trailed behind.
“Nope.” Cari shook his head. “But tonight, I might make an exception.”
Quaid waited until Cari was seated before crouching down by his side. “Cari, it won’t be a good idea to have anything alcoholic until after this plan has played out. You said yourself it made you sick. If your powers go haywire with all these people present, that could cause a panic and nowhere would be safe for us then. Ever.”
Turning to face him, Cari glared. “I am not stupid, nor am I overwrought,” he hissed quietly. “I am upset my mate saw fit to get naked somewhere else without informing me. I’m horrified you made the decision to continue working without discussing it with me first. I can’t tell you how upset I am at your idea that I remain housebound for the rest of my days while you’re off out, only coming home when you feel like it. I am beyond insulted you thought an orgasm would make me feel better when I haven’t had a private cuddle in days. I am not your sex toy, nor your concubine. I’m a person with my own needs and feelings, something you’ve seemed to overlook.”
“Cari, mate,” Quaid glanced around. People were starting to arrive. He quickly picked up Cari’s hand and sandwiched it between his own. “I’m so sorry. I’ve been thoughtless and inconsiderate. I can see that now. My only excuse is I have been working like a trojan, trying to secure this party, for your safety. I honestly just lost track of time. You could’ve come and seen me. You knew where I was.”
“And have all your colleagues looking at me like I’m an unexploded bomb about to go off? No, thank you.” At least Cari didn’t pull his hand away. “Every time I walked into the room all conversation stopped and no one except you would say a word until I left.”
A million excuses Quaid had for his friends, died on his lips as he considered what Cari had said. His mate was right. None of Quaid’s friends had said so much as a hello except Christian and Dolph. Then he thought about the jokes Cari didn’t hear, either sneering at Quaid for being a kept man, or joking that he had to keep his mouth shut in case Cari got upset with him. The “jokes” were why Quaid hadn’t known what to say when Cari reminded him, he didn’t have to work either.
“I’m sorry,” he said again. “You’re right. We’ll have a proper talk about this when we get home and plan our future together. Is that okay?”
“We need to find a home first.” Cari leaned forward, his free hand resting on Quaid’s cheek. “I’ve missed you. It’s not a lot of fun being in a gilded cage by myself.”
“We’ll work it out. Together. I promise. You and me against the world, yeah?” Quaid gave a hopeful smile, his heart lifting as Cari returned it.
“You’d better sit in your seat,” Cari whispered. “There’s some officious looking men heading in our direction.”
Checking over his shoulder as Quaid took his seat, he worked hard to keep the grimace off his face. Council members were heading their way. Quaid noted a bear shifter, a wolf, a cat, and someone who he thought was an eagle. Christian was by their side, ever the dutiful host. His Armani suit looked new.
“Gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to the guests of honor, Quaid Poullon and his mate Caractacus Hudson. Friends, these are the council representatives who were hoping to speak with you the other day when you took that trip.”
“You can surely remember what it’s like when you’re first mated, boss.” Quaid leaned back in his chair. Members of the council didn’t intimidate him. “Cari and I just wanted a chance to get away for a bit.”
“When you knew you’d been invited to dine with us?” The cat shifter, cougar if Quaid wasn’t mistaken, looked horrified. “How rude.”
“Do I know you?” Cari asked, looking up at the cat shifter. “You look a lot like Ryan who used to be a friend of mine until he tried to bite me after I’d been claimed.”
Quaid stiffened. Now Cari mentioned it, he could see the resemblance too. “I have a son, Ryan,” the cat shifter said stiffly. “But I can assure you, as the son of a council elder, his behavior is always above reproach. In fact, he couldn’t attend this event this evening because he’s doing relief work in Africa.”
So, that’s where he was sent when his plan didn’t work, Quaid thought. One less asshole to deal with this evening.
Cari’s laughter rang around the fast filling ballroom. “I take it you haven’t seen your son for a while,” he said, covering his mouth with his free hand. “He has a lot of ‘youthful exuberance’ when he’s been drinking and that’s putting it politely.”
The eagle shifter looked as though he was trying to contain his laughter, but the wolf changed the subject. “It is against the law to ignore a council summons. You two could be charged for failing to appear.”
“It was hardly a summons, was it, gentlemen?” Christian moved so Cari couldn’t be seen by the elders. “At the time, you said you wanted to meet with Cari and Quaid, and it wasn’t possible then. Now here they are and I’m sure you can all have a lovely chat later. In the meantime, if you gentlemen would like to find your seats, I believe the first course will be served shortly, and there are a lot of other people who want to meet the happy couple.”
The wolf and the cat looked as though they were going to argue, but Dolph was there, with his beaming smile and huge presence and the men were herded away. The eagle threw Quaid a discreet thumbs up and the bear looked as though he was more interested in the food than anything else. Quaid let out a long breath, noticing he was still holding Cari’s hand.
“You okay?” he asked quietly.
“The council doesn’t bother me, not with all this media around,” Cari whispered back. “But I don’t think I’m ready for what’s coming next. My mom, dad, and the leader of our prickle have arrived.”
Chapter Twenty Five
It’d been months since Cari had seen the three people intent on getting to him now. He watched with what he hoped was a calm detachment, as Christian attempted to direct them to their designated seating. But Cari’s mother wasn’t going quietly.
“Cari is our son, he’s from our prickle. We should be sitting with him.” She protested loudly, pulling her arm from Christian’s grasp. A few flashes of light indicated the press were taking an interest, and of course, Cari’s mother noticed them. “What does it say about our society, when a mother can’t even sit with her son at a party,” she said flicking her anger to sadness as fast as flicking a switch. “His own mother, banished to sit at the lower tables with everyone else, instead of being by her son’s side. How could anyone be so cruel?” She had the look down pat complete with faux tears and writing hands.
Cari’s gut clenched instinctively, it’d always been easier through his life to let his mother’s manipulations impact his behavior. But his mother’s use of the word “banished” brought back every hurt he’d thought he’d buried, and that pain fueled his resolve. Standing up, he rested his hand on the table, the other gripping Quaid’s like a vice. “Banished members of the prickle aren’t allowed to be in contact with existing prickle members, Mother,” he said in a quiet calm voice. “I’m sure your leader will remind you of the protocol, if you’d forgotten. By prickle law, you are meant to shun me, as you did the night I was kicked out of my home, and for the rest of our lives you must stay at least one hundred feet from me at all times or risk being shunned yourself. Isn’t that right, Leader?”
The squat man’
s face was bright red and he huffed, and squirmed, unsure what to say. “Yes. Well. Extenuating circumstances….”
Fortunately, Christian jumped in. “There’s a hundred-foot distance provision in your prickle’s banishment policy? Thank goodness we’re in the large ballroom then. I would have hated to have disrespected your prickle’s ideals through sheer ignorance.” He waved a finger at two wait staff. “Can you move the prickle’s table to the other end of the room please? Over near the front door should be far enough away. Gentlemen, madam, if you will come with me. This way,” he repeated as Cari’s mother tried to turn back. “I’d hate for you to be shunned because of prickle policy.”
Cari slumped back in his chair, his heart racing, his lungs working overtime. “That was really brave of you, my mate,” Quaid crooned in his ear as he reached for a glass of water. “You weren’t rude, you didn’t get upset, you just informed your mother of the laws she already knew, for the benefit of anyone who might have felt sorry for her.”
Taking a sip, and then another, because Cari wasn’t sure he could speak otherwise, he whispered back, “I was terrified. I never dreamed she’d try and claim to be my family when she’s barely noticed my existence before.”
“Look around you,” Quaid said, keeping his voice low. “All the money, all the powerful people in this room. And who’s at the table of honor, sitting with Christian and Dolph? You and me. That’s it. Just you and me.”
“This might have been easier if we’d eaten in the kitchen,” Cari said, but he wasn’t about to shame his mate by showing any weakness. Sitting up, he pretended to be interested in the first course being served.