The Touchdown

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The Touchdown Page 10

by Bishop, K. M.

  “Hello, sweetie,” My mother said. She gave me a quick hug and then turned her focus to Ro, who was standing behind me waiting to be introduced. I hoped she didn’t feel left out. This was happening kind of faster than I thought it would. “And you must be Rowena?”

  “Yeah, Ro,” my beautiful girlfriend said reaching out to shake my mother’s hand.

  Mom shook her head. “No, dear. We are huggers in this house.”

  She wrapped Ro up in her arms and brought her close. Ro looked over at me a little confused, but with a sweet smile on her face.

  “Wow, that is a beautiful girl you got there, boy,” my dad said. He reached out his hand to Ro. “You can call me Ken.”

  “Hi, Ken,” Ro said.

  “This is my mother, Mary,” I added.

  We quickly went inside and got settled in. My mother was busy getting the big lunch she always prepared started. She would occasionally dart her head into the living room and add a bit to the conversation, but mostly she continued to work. My mother would never sit down. She was just someone who had to constantly be in motion. That was one of the reasons she was so thin. This combined with her height and it was easy to see how she had been a model when she was younger and she had actually been in the running for Miss Teen Ohio, where she grew up.

  “So, what do you plan on doing after college?” My father asked Ro.

  “Oh, I want to go into professional cheerleading. It’s my passion. It’s what I’ve always dreamt of doing.”

  “Wow, that’s fantastic. I have always felt that if you dream big enough and you work hard enough you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. The problem is, people today don’t understand what hard work is. They think that doing the minimum is hard work. They go to work, they may work hard at their day jobs, and then when they are home they sit down and waste time until bed. No, if you have a dream, after your responsibilities are taken care of, you don’t sit down for the day. No, you get to doing your real work. That’s how winning is done. You seem like a hardworking, bright young woman. I bet you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

  Ro smiled. “Thanks. I agree with everything you are saying.”

  Watching Ro and my father hit it off so well really touched my heart. It was important to me that she become close to my parents. I wanted everything to work and to work really well. If there was an issue with her and my parents then that would make our lives a bit more difficult. I was falling madly, deeply, head over heels in love with Ro. I saw a real future for us. And that meant that she might become part of my family one day, if she cared about me as much as I cared about her. I had yet to get confirmation on this, but so far all signs pointed to yes.

  Soon, my mother had dinner on the table. Ro had eventually asked if she could help her with anything. My mother said no, but Ro wormed her way into helping anyway because she had to help. That was who she was and my mother really appreciated that. Ro was just scoring brownie points with both of them all around today.

  After dinner my dad and I took a walk outside in his huge yard. The smell of barbecue filled the air. The neighbors were cooking up something that smelled wonderful. This was the type of thing I remembered from being a kid. My parents’ house reminded me so much of home and of being a kid where there was nothing to worry about and every dream you had would definitely come true one day.

  I still had that same type of magical thinking, but there was that nagging voice in the back of your head sometimes that said you would never get to where you wanted to go.

  “It’s great to see you again, son,” My dad said.

  “Thanks,” I replied. “Feels good to be home. I love the new place. I hope I can have one this nice someday.”

  “Oh, you’ll get there. How’s the head doing?”

  “Pretty good. I was only out for a week.”

  “I still wish you hadn’t waited to tell us. We had to hear about it on television. You need to keep us in the loop. That could have been serious.”

  “I’m fine. I would have been fine to play in that game, too. Luckily we rocked it out and dominated.”

  “Does it bother you that the team still did well without you?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, a little. Should it? Or am I being childish?”

  “Well, I suspect everything you do is childish to me, kid,” dad said.


  “Don’t mention it. How about you and this girl? Is it serious?”

  I didn’t say anything for a moment. I wasn’t sure how to answer it. “You know, I’m pretty sure it is. But I’m not sure exactly how she feels.”

  “Well, I’m happy for you. From what I can tell, you have something really good there. I can see it in the way she looks at you, the way she warmed right up to us—that is a great woman. I hope everything works out for the two of you the way you want them to.”

  “Thanks, dad. Me too.”

  “If you feel a certain way about a woman, there is no reason not to just tell her the truth.”

  “But what if she isn’t there, yet? There’s like this thing where everything must remain in balance with how you both feel, otherwise it gets lopsided, right?”

  My dad stared at me. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. You kids today have all these idiotic rules of engagement when it’s just dating, it’s relationships. Why hide how you feel from each other?”

  I shrugged. “I’m not sure, but you make an excellent point. Maybe I will tell her, but what if she doesn’t feel the same way? What if she breaks it off because my feelings scared her? What then? I really care about this girl. I know we haven’t been together long, but I’m terrified that I might mess something up.”

  “If it’s real, then you don’t have to be terrified. That’s one thing you should never be in a relationship. You don’t have to be scared. You shouldn’t have to constantly second guess yourself if you are doing the right thing. People constantly put on a show for each other. Nah, all of those defenses eventually come down and you can just be with each other. I don’t know why people wait so long for that to happen.”

  My father was making some very astute observations and giving me some great advice. He had experienced so much in his life. He was full of wisdom and I always sought that out. I was very glad that I had brought Ro out to meet my family.

  We left a little bit after dark. It had been a great visit and by the time it ended I had made the decision that I would tell Ro exactly how I really felt about her. There was no more keeping it inside, no more hiding it. We had to get it out in the open. I was still scared, but I was less so than I had been before. I just would have to hope for the better. This was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I had to tell her how I felt.

  The drive back was pretty long, but we filled it by listening to music and singing along to the radio. I loved how we had the same tastes in music. For whatever reason both of us were really drawn to eighties hard rock and metal. The hair metal music had always been something that really grabbed me. There was nothing like it out there before or since, and definitely nothing out there like it today. No matter what I was dealing with or what kind of mood I was in, that music always got me pumped up and ready to go. It injected me with the feeling that no matter what I could rise above and conquer anything. It was about strength.

  When we got back to her place, Ro invited me inside. “Allison is staying the weekend with her cousin. So, we will be totally alone…”

  I smiled. “I definitely like the sound of that.”

  When we went inside, Ro got us both a few beers. We sat down on the couch to relax and unwind after the trip. I knew that it was now or never. I had to come clean about my true feelings. If this was going to go farther, I had to know. If this was going to come to an end, then I had to know that as well.

  I took a swig of the beer and sat it down on the coffee table. “Ro, I want to tell you something.”

  She was all ears, leaning in and smiling at me so kindly. She was so beautiful. Wo
w… how did I ever get this lucky?

  “What is it?” Ro asked sweetly.

  “We’ve been together about a month now, and during that time I think we’ve become very close.”

  “Yes. I agree.”

  “Well, I think I’ve known since early on, but since the moment I met you I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

  Ro smiled. She looked down and then back up at me with those perfect eyes of hers.

  “Me too.”

  I wanted to ask her to clarify, but I was on a roll and I had to continue with my thoughts. “Well, I just want you to know that I love you. I’ve loved you since soon after we first met. I want you and I to look to the future together. I know this may seem all of a sudden and too soon to be thinking about this, but with me feeling this way I just had to know if you feel the same way, or if I’m just spinning my wheels.”

  Ro moved closer to me on the couch. “I totally feel the same way.”

  I could see tears in her eyes as she smiled at me. I couldn’t believe she was saying those words. I’d dreamt of it, I’d had this same conversation in my head half a dozen times or more, but this was really happening. Ro felt the same way I felt about her. Our love was not just one sided as I had feared. But why was I afraid? I’d known, deep in my gut I’d known, that this had to be bigger than that. Yet, my mind had created this this obstacle that did not really exist. I’d let my head twist myself around until I was at times almost in a frenzy with worry. I’d never done that before, but I’d never cared so much about a woman before.

  And Ro had just confirmed it. This was real.

  I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back. I stayed there for several seconds, admiring this warm, beautiful, perfect woman that I had somehow welcomed into my life. What had I done to deserve a love that was so precious? Most people went their entire lives without ever finding that one perfect person. I believed that so many people just settled and gave up. But I’d hung in there until I found a woman that I couldn’t imagine ever being without. This was it. This was the real thing. I knew that my life would never be the same no matter what.

  I didn’t want it to be the same. I welcomed the change in my life. I had never realized how much I longed for it or how lonely I had been until I met the woman of my dreams. And now she was here in my arms and I was never going to let her go.

  “I love you,” Ro said.

  Hearing those words rolling off her lips was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard in my life. I could just hear it repeating in my head over and over again. The way it sounded off her lips was the sound of an angel whispering in my ear. My soul felt like it was on fire with the passion that was erupting through every single pore in my body.

  I kissed Ro softly on the mouth and then she buried her head on my shoulder. She was crying hard now.

  “What’s wrong? Why the tears?” I asked.

  “Because, I’ve been scared to admit it to myself and to you. This is not what I wanted to come into my life right now, but I never want it to leave. I guess the timing happens when it happens. And I just feel so overwhelmed with emotion right now.”

  I held her closely and let her cry it out. This was such an emotional time for the two of us. I knew that Ro was scared, as I was. And even though she wasn’t saying, she was thinking about the rift between our schools. Now that we had taken that next step and solidified our feelings for each other and where we wanted this relationship to go, there was a real threat stemming from that rivalry. We were going to be together a lot and it was just a matter of time before someone got wise and then just a matter of time before the wrong person received that information.

  Chapter Twelve


  We barely made it to the bedroom with any clothes on. I was more turned on than I had ever been in my entire life. Bobby had just told me that he loved me. And I had said it back. Wow… This was a turning point in my life. I knew that. There was no going back on this. I had to be sure and I had to be real with him. And I had been.

  The day had been spectacular with his family. When he’d first suggested that we go up there together and I could meet his parents, I knew that Bobby thought this was getting as serious as I felt it was. I’d never actually gone with any of the guys I had dated previously in college to meet their families. And some of them I had dated for a while.

  And his parents were amazing. They were funny, sweet, down to earth people who worked hard and played hard. His dad reminded me so much of Bobby. The two of them were definitely cut from the same cloth. I loved watching them together. And I also enjoyed spending that time with his mother. They both made me feel like I belonged there. I felt at home, even though I’d just been there a few hours.

  I knew from the first time we were together that I loved this man with all of my heart and soul. It was very confusing to be able to feel that way about someone I had just met, and just been with the one time, but I knew it was true. And this was proof that it had not been a fluke, or a figment of my imagination. This was about as close to love at first sight as I thought any person was ever actually, likely to find in this life. And now that I had it, I was going to hold on to it with everything that I had.

  Bobby picked me up, scooping his arms underneath my legs and tossing me on the bed. I loved the way he took control sometimes. It made me feeling just helpless enough that I needed rescuing from my beautiful, strong, sexy man. It was a good feeling. Sometimes I just got tired of having to be so strong. Bobby was more than happy to take the reins.

  He quickly closed the distance to the bed and pulled my panties off. I was completely nude now, lying on the bed spread eagle with my sweet goodies exposed on display for Bobby’s insatiable appetite. He watched as I fingered myself, getting the wetness to sparkle even hotter and more tempting.

  “You ready for it?” I asked. I moved up in the bed a bit, making him wait for it like he was a good little doggy.

  He bought into the game and snarled slightly as he leaned over the bed, ready to pounce on me.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s what I want…let me taste you…”

  I smiled and stuck two of my fingers deep inside my glistening wet folds. When I pulled them out a moment later my fingers were now wet with my special juices. I held my hand out to Bobby. He wrapped his lips around my fingers and tasted me. His mouth cleaned my fingers off completely.

  “There… that’s a good boy… you like that?” I teased him.

  He nodded his head up and down with a smile. He was really enjoying this. Good. He was such a good man. We had so much fun in the bedroom together. There was this easy going nature to us. It was so much fun.

  I plunged my fingers even deeper into my center and then fed myself to Bobby once again, wetting his appetite.

  “Oh, you taste so good…” Bobby said.

  “You want more?” I asked.

  “Yes, please,” Bobby replied.

  “Ok, then come and get more,” I said.

  I leaned back and spread my legs. I then proceeded to motion for Bobby to come to me. He did as I demanded. His face was now in between my legs, lapping up inside of my pleasure center. The instant his tongue touched me was always the most extreme thing I had ever felt. It was like my body kept forgetting how intense it was and I was never able to get used to it. Every single time was exactly like the first time. That was amazing.

  Bobby’s fingers were intertwined with his mouth operations this time. While his tongue worked my clit, his middle fingers plunged up inside of me, pushing down against my lower wall making me feel like I was completely full of something. It heightened my sensitivity and I closed my eyes while leaning back to enjoy the full force of this sweet lust.

  My feet rested gently on his shoulders, closing in on him gradually as the pressure in my womanhood became even greater, my body working towards what I hoped would be an epic release of sex. I placed my hand on the back of his head to guide him, and to also stroke his head and pet him. It was fu
lfilling on multiple levels. It was like Bobby was my own willing sex slave. My mind had worked up several scenarios of kink that involved such measures, but I had yet to go out and buy any kinky tools or toys to facilitate that sort of thing with the two of us. That was on the list for the future though. I was pretty sure that Bobby would be on board.

  I pressed my hips into Bobby’s face, feeding him every single ounce of my sex as he licked furiously trying to satisfy our mutual needs. I noticed that he was beating himself off below. His hand was moving viciously up and down on his own member. Yeah…that was it. The sight of him working his meat turned me on even farther. I humped his face faster and more forceful now, shoving myself into his mouth. I was so wet now. He was doing his best to keep up with it, but so far I was proving to be too worked up for him to handle it.

  I was dripping over the sides of his mouth. It was a beautiful sight. It all came together to turn me on at a whole other level, far higher than I could ever remember being before.

  I moved my hips side to side, teasing him with every single twist. As I did so, I held his head steady, making him lock eyes on me and waiting to be fed his sweet treat only when I said so. I moved to the right and waited, my sex brushing cutely against his lips and outstretched tongue. His oral appendage was dangling out of his mouth, holding fast, just waiting for me to give him more. I smiled looking down at my love. I felt the urge to kiss him softly, but instead swished myself the other way, pausing just long enough over him that he was able to let his tongue dart out and grab a little taste of the paradise that awaited him very soon.

  I moved off his face and crawled away from Bobby, gesturing with my hand for him to stay where he was. It was not time, yet. I had to get into position. I crawled into the position on the bed that I decided was appropriate. Then I bent over as far as I could, shoving my ass up in the air. I could feel myself dripping out of me, falling to the bed. Bobby was watching me carefully, his hand still wrapped around his tremendous length.


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