The Touchdown

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The Touchdown Page 11

by Bishop, K. M.

  I looked back at Bobby and smiled. “That’s it… I want you to want it… beat yourself until you prove to me that you have earned the right to my womanhood…”

  Bobby smiled as he pounded his own girth. The look of lust in his eye was totally wild, frenzied, and crazed. He looked almost rabid and feral. The way he was staring at me while just rubbing himself almost raw it would seem with the force of it. If he kept this up he was going to come soon, I knew it. I had to let him get after it. This was finally the right time.

  “Ok, go for it, baby,” I said.

  Bobby quickly climbed up on the bed and plunged his hard, fleshy member deeply into me. I braced myself against the headboard and held on as he began to pile into me wildly, almost compulsory. He was driving himself deeply into my waiting mound, the wetness providing just the right surface for him to coast on through it.

  I could feel the bundle of my desires gathering together, waiting to release the product of all that lustful tension. My heartbeat was thudding in my temples, reminding me of how fast my blood was coursing through my body. I was so hot, so turned on, and totally on edge. I wanted to experience the release already, but I knew if I held out long enough then it would be totally worth it. The wait would be well worth it.

  I held my core up in the air enough so that Bobby had to spear it, and we were working together almost as if we were bouncing off each other. I loved every single second of the way he was driving into me, taking control, and letting go of every ounce of want and need that had consumed him. I wanted to be the rag doll he took it out on. I’d helped to work him up to this crazed level and now I was reaping the rewards of it.

  The more he pumped me full of himself, the closer I felt to him emotionally. The sex we had, it was so much more than just physical pleasure. It was an expression of real, actual love. I had never experienced that before. This was so different. It was extreme and it was a new world that we were both witnessing happen between us.

  I wanted Bobby to fill me full of all of his passion, his love for me, and anything else he felt in his life he wanted to get out. Sex between the two of us had turned into this amazing, cathartic thing that brought us closer together than I ever dreamt I could ever be to somebody.

  “I’m going to come!” Bobby growled.

  “Yes! Give it to me!” I bellowed.

  And he did. Every single bit of it. As I waited for his body to return to its normal state and I kept moving my hips back and forth to push him back into me, I felt my own sweet release coming. I didn’t make it known vocally this time. I just held my breath and let it happen. Yes… this was what I had always imagined love being like, only so much better. How was it possible to love someone this much? It actually hurt me and made me feel sick when we were not together. That was part of what made the sex so damn intense and addictive. When we weren’t together, it was torture. So when we finally did get together, I couldn’t bear the thought of us being separated in any way again.

  “Now that is how it’s done,” Bobby said.

  I laughed. “I’d say that was well done.”

  We both laughed at my corny joke, but the loving, sweet look in Bobby’s eyes let me know that nothing I ever said would be unappreciated by this man.

  “Should I call my parents and tell them what an excellent job of taking care of me you are doing?” Bobby asked.

  I laughed and kissed him. “Sure, go ahead.”

  “Nah, I think I will just tell them we are fine the next time they asked. But you heard my mother when we left. She told you to take care of me, so I might want to give her some feedback to let her know how things are going since we left them.”

  “If you ever talk to your parents about our sex life, I will kill you,” I growled playfully.

  “Oh, that sounds sexy…” Bobby teased me.

  He held me close to him and the two of us lay there together until sleep eventually found us.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I woke up about eight o’clock the next morning. It was a Sunday and I felt like resting, maybe lying around, and probably watching some football games. But I had a big term paper I needed to work on. So, I decided that I would have to leave Ro’s place after breakfast and spend most of the day locked in my room working on this stupid paper.

  When I woke up, Ro was not beside me. I smelled something good though, so I crawled out of the bed and made my way into her little kitchen area where Ro was putting together a wonderful feast.

  “Wow, this looks incredible,” I said.

  “Yep. I figured that you needed to replenish your body after the workout we endured last night,” Ro said.

  I kissed her quickly and grabbed a mug to pour myself some coffee. “Right you are.”

  I sat down at the table and watched her work. She made bacon, eggs, and some French toast. I loved French toast. How did she know all of my favorites already?

  She finished cooking the food and laid it on a plate in front of me to eat. And eat I did. I wasn’t even aware that I had that much of an appetite. I wasn’t usually that hungry in the mornings. Apparently, she knew my body better than I did.

  “Thank you so much, sweetie,” I said.

  Ro kissed me on the head and then sat down beside me to eat her breakfast. I took a bite of the food and I felt like it was my special day or something. The food was amazing. Ro had cooked a few small things before for me, but this was by far one of the best breakfasts I’d ever had. It reminded me of my mom’s Sunday brunches she used to fix, but only this was actually a bit better. This woman was truly perfect in every way.

  “So, when do I get to meet your family?” I asked.

  Ro’s face turned a bit red right then and she shrugged. “I don’t know. Whenever we can fit it into both of our schedules, I guess.”

  “Ok,” I replied. “That sounds doable. But you haven’t really told me too much about them.”

  I didn’t want to pry, but when it came to her family, Ro was a bit secretive. I’d always wondered why, but she did not really volunteer that information very readily. It seemed like a sore button for her, so I let it drop for now.

  “You will meet them some day,” Ro said. “Trust me. They will want to meet you.”

  I smiled and reached over to pat her hand.

  “So, what do you have planned for the day?” I asked.

  “I have practice at three. I need to refine some of the cheers for the game next week. We are trying something new.”

  “That sounds good,” I said. “We have practice later today, but it’s supposed to be a light practice. I hope so, because I have so much schoolwork to catch up on. Someone has been preoccupying my time recently…”

  Ro pretended to be innocent. “Who me?”

  “Yes, you,” I confirmed. “And really, that is fine with me. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  Ro smiled. “What is your paper about?”

  I smiled. “It’s an English paper. It’s a research paper about Robert Frost.”

  Her eyes perked up. “You like Robert Frost.”

  “I had to do this paper on him. I actually wasn’t that familiar with his work, but after reading some of his stuff and doing some research, I’d have to say he is one of my favorite poets now. I think Mending Wall is by far my favorite.”

  “Mine too,” Ro said. “Did you have a favorite poet before this assignment?”

  I took offense playfully. “Are you trying to say that this dumb jock doesn’t know poetry? You forget that I love great, classic rock music. My favorite poet of all time is Jim Morrison. I’m not just talking about his song lyrics; I mean his actual poetry. The guy was a genius.”

  “I agree,” Ro replied.

  I listened for a bit as she recalled her favorite poets and classic authors. We’d never had this conversation before. Every day it seemed that I learned something new about Ro that I fell in love with. She was truly the only woman in the world for me.

  “You mean you like Bram Stoker? Not j
ust for Dracula?” I asked.

  “Yes, I love Dracula’s Guest. And Lair of the White Worm, too. Dracula was such a huge hit that it just overshadowed everything else he ever did. The same thing happened with J. D. Salinger, too.”

  “Right on,” I replied. “I love picking your brain about these things. I can’t believe it took me this long to learn that you love gothic literature, too.”

  “Of course,” Ro said. “We should do a gothic film festival sometime. What do you think?”

  “It’s a date,” I said.

  We continued to chat over breakfast. Eventually, I had to leave though. It was a two hour drive back to campus, and I hoped to have a few hours to work on my paper before I had to get to practice. Leaving her was always so hard, and every single it got worse. By the time I was in the car heading down the road, I felt like crying. It made me feel a bit like a wimp, but leaving that woman even for just a little while was devastating to me. I just wished we lived closer together, or better yet, I wished we lived together period.

  The day ahead of me seemed sad and lonely without her by my side. I thought of all the mundane things I would be doing and that she was not there to do them with me. It sounded silly, but it was the way I felt. I was in love. I had never known how completely I could care about another person until now. I wanted this beautiful, sweet angel in my arms all the time.

  I wondered about asking Ro to marry me. Would she say yes? If she loved me enough, she might. But wouldn’t that complicate things? We lived far apart, but we were also going to different schools. Normally, we could change schools, but with both of us being committed to our sports teams and working towards professional career goals in those sports, it was unlikely. We would have to wait until graduation before we could hope to do anything like that.

  But it would be possible to get engaged. That would solidify things more, wouldn’t it? Why did I need that? Why did it feel so urgent? Was I getting that needy? I wasn’t sure what was happening to me, but I suddenly found myself feeling a way that I had never felt before in my life. Marriage… was I ready for such a responsibility? Maybe not, but to me it sounded like the next logical step.

  People would tell us we were crazy. That was fine; let them. It wasn’t up to other people to determine our happiness or what we wanted to do. We would do what we felt was right for us and our own happiness.

  I realized we were young and these were some very big decisions I was wrestling within my mind. But that was the way things went sometimes. Timing seemed to be the biggest lesson I was learning lately. Sometimes things happened when they happened and it was easy to get overwhelmed and to feel unsure and not ready, but you had to deal with this and embrace things when they came to you.

  I was just about out of town when I saw a car pull around me and park right in front of me. Quickly, I slammed on the brakes. The car was not budging; it only sat there. It was a large SUV with tinted windows. Not a newer car though; it looked several years old and not in the best of condition. What the hell was it doing?

  I honked the horn. “Hey! What’s the problem?”

  The doors all opened right then and several men got out of the car. It took me a moment to realize that they were all wearing varsity jackets. They were members of the Purdue football team. And they all looked pissed off.

  They marched towards my car menacingly. My first instinct was to pull it in reverse and find another way. But I didn’t move. It would take a lot more than this to intimidate me.

  The leader of the group, whom I recognized as Jack Mason—their starting quarterback—gestured for me to roll down my window. I had a bad feeling about this. Normally, I would have gotten out and stood toe to toe with his dork, but there were five of them. The odds were not in my favor and I was well aware of the difference between being brave and stupid. Sometimes you just had to pick your battles and live to fight another day.

  I rolled my window down just a hair. “What’s going on?”

  This elicited a laugh from the whole group. They were laughing it up that they had me outnumbered. Good for them. Chickens. Not one of them would have tried to take me on by themselves. That was the way bullies always operated. They always put the odds in their favor. Now, when they were alone, they were scared shitless.

  “He wants to know what is going on.” Jack said. “Wow, that is hilarious. It’s like he has no clue.”

  The group laughed again. I was getting tired of this. “Hurry this along. I haven’t got all day.”

  Jack leaned in towards the window with his face getting close to the glass. He was full of anger. There was no joking now.

  “You will wait as long as I tell you to,” he said.

  I rolled my eyes. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Oh, we are sure,” Jack said. “You think you can come into our school, and date one of our cheerleaders without any repercussions? Really? Are you that stupid? Or did we hit you harder than I thought in our game?”

  “Oh, the game you lost? No, I had a good day that day. And it’s none of your fucking business who I date.”

  The gang erupted with sneers and laughter.

  Jack stood up and gestured, posturing like he thought he was all that. The guy was so damn dumb. “Really? That’s what you think? You are stupider than you look. Now you listen. This is your only warning. You stay out of our town, away from our school, and you break things off with that cheerleader. You got me?”

  I laughed. “And what if I don’t?”

  “If you don’t, we will kill your stupid ass.”

  The group started to kick my car before I could even respond. I wasn’t all that concerned with my old jalopy (a 1995 Grand Am) getting dented or dinged, but I was a bit pissed that these morons thought that they could get away with it.

  I threw the car back in drive and drove around them, almost hitting several of the morons who were stupid enough to get in the way. Once I was cleared, I was on the road heading out of town.

  I kept glancing behind me for several miles trying to see if anyone was following me. No one was.

  I hated to admit it, but the incident rattled me a bit. I wasn’t concerned for my own safety, but I was afraid of what might happen with Ro. They knew. Somehow they knew…

  It was a small town, a college town. We both knew that it was just a matter of time before they discovered our secret, but somehow we both thought we could hold on a little bit longer, maybe until graduation. We were wrong.

  I thought about calling Ro and letting her know, giving her a heads up. But I wasn’t sure if she would need to know. I hoped that this was just some stupid football players blowing off steam because they lost a game, and maybe they would leave Ro alone. But deep inside I knew that was not likely going to be the case.

  I picked up my phone and gave her a call. “Ro,” I said when I answered. She was alarmed instantly at the tone of my voice. I calmly told her what happened, but I did downplay it a little so that she wouldn’t fear for my safety. I wanted her to be aware, and I wanted her to be ready for anything, while at the same time she needed to know that this was probably not going to amount to much. At least that was my wishful thinking. And sometimes wishing things were one way when they were really a very different way could get you in a huge mess of trouble. I was about to find that out the hard way, and unfortunately Ro was, too. That was a harsh truth I don’t think either one of us was really prepared to deal with.

  “I don’t know how they found out? We’ve been so careful,” Ro said.

  “It’s ok. They are morons. They were blowing off steam. They ganged up on me and pushed me around, ordered me out of their town when I was already leaving. But if they see me around campus again it might be a different story. I guess I always considered the level of hatred those guys have for my team to be a bit of a joke. I guess I was wrong.”

  I laughed to ease the tension. I was nervous. I hated it, but for the first time in a long time I felt a bit uneasy. I’ve always been the kind of guy who is cool under pressure
. I don’t let things bother me. I think I get that from my dad. I do the best I can and give a hundred percent every time. That’s good enough for me. If it’s not good enough for someone else, that is their problem.

  “I hope it just blows over,” Ro said. “I guess I’ll hear all about it at practice. Knowing those guys, they will gloat to their girlfriends, several of who are on the cheer squad.”

  “Figures. That’s fine; let them have their little moment. Nothing is going to keep us apart, baby.”

  “That’s right,” Ro said.

  That was right. If these idiots wanted a war, I’d sure as hell give them one.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I went to practice that afternoon with the reality of Bobby’s phone call still very fresh in my mind. It had scared me a great deal, much more than I had let on to him. I could tell in his voice that there was something he wasn’t telling me. Maybe he was downplaying the whole thing for my benefit to make sure I wasn’t too freaked out by it. Well, the tone of his voice had the opposite effect. I’d never heard Bobby scared before, but I could tell that this had shaken him up a little bit.

  Knowing what I knew of Bobby he wasn’t the type to back down from a fight, which was what I was most scared of. If these guys started something bigger, Bobby would damn sure end up in the mix and throw down as hard as he could. And if he was outnumbered that way, he would get hurt. I couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to him. I loved him so much.

  It felt so freeing in my mind to admit that to myself. It was out in the open. We’d said it to each other. That commitment had been made. Now our hearts were free to beat and feel the way they wanted to without any repercussion of guilt or uncertainty. That was the way it was supposed to be, right? At least that was how I’d always thought of it in my dreams.

  I got to practice early where I ran into Allison who was coming straight from class. I told her exactly what happened, what Bobby had told me and I told her my concerns about it all. She listened and I could see the fear growing in her eyes as well. She knew this was serious.


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