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The Touchdown

Page 24

by Bishop, K. M.

  I’d always known that I would be a writer. And while I’d tried my hand at fiction and poetry—getting published with both in literary magazines, and online periodicals, I always gravitated towards journalism, covering news stories and finding out what really happened to people.

  Answering the questions of who, what, when, where, and how—that was where I thrived. And I loved the investigation process, getting down in the dirt and digging things up. That was what it was all about for me.

  And of course my second love of sports. Most notably football. I’d played a lot when I was younger and though I’d worked hard to make the high school girls team, it had become apparent to me that if I wanted to excel I would have to devote all of my energies to football. Since Journalism was more important, so football fell by the wayside, but never my love of it. That would never change.

  And with the love of football, came my love of football players.

  Oh, nothing turned me on like a sexy football player. The way they moved on the field, their tight, muscular bodies, and the way they handled the ball - all of it made me gush in all the right places.

  I realized the time and quickly got dressed. I was having breakfast with my best friends. It was a Saturday ritual that we engaged in, especially on game day. Being a student at Indiana University, you had to love football. It was more popular than basketball in a lot of ways. That was the reason I had gone to school there. It wasn’t the best journalism department in the country (though it certainly was good), but it had one of the best football teams. And that was just as important to me.

  I headed out to meet my friends at the Draco Café, the best little secret on campus. They had the best coffee, donuts, and assorted pastries on the planet. Breakfast, lunch, dinner—it didn’t matter; that was the place to be. At least for my friends, some of whom were in the journalism department, but most I’d met through my best friend Rosie, or just in passing during my undergraduate prerequisite classes.

  It was a warm, early fall day and the sun was shining beautifully. Everywhere I turned I saw people getting ready for the game. The whole campus was abuzz with the way the team had been playing so far, winning their first three games by at least two goals. They were dominating.

  Speaking of dominating, I would love to be dominated by Chance Atkins, I thought with a song playing in my heart. The man was the sexiest guy on the planet. He was tall, handsome, charming, with a great body and the type of talent that guaranteed if he played his cards right he would be turning pro in no time.

  The scouts would definitely be out in full force in the upcoming games toward the end of the season as the team headed into the playoffs. There was no thinking that they might not make it; so far they’d hit the playoffs every single year since I’d been going to school there. Though this year they did have a lot of rookies. So many of their best players had graduated last year. A few had received major league contracts and were well on their way.

  I knew that Chance was the next in line. He’d said he wanted it and that was his main focus in recent local newspaper interviews. And if I had any luck about it, he would soon be telling me exactly what his plans and feelings were when I had the interview with him this afternoon. I had contacted the coach and set everything up, but I was nervous about whether this would actually happen or not. The coach had seemed less than enthusiastic and was probably tired of reporters snooping around his locker room and trying to get into his players’ minds. He had games to win after all.

  I arrived at the café and was delighted to see Rosie and Collette, two of my best friends already seated and drinking coffee. From the way Rosie was grinning and moving around, I doubted it was her first cup. The girl was such a caffeine junkie.

  “Hey, girls,” I said. “You couldn’t wait for me, could you?”

  Rosie checked the time on her phone. “Hey, you are twenty minutes late. We thought you weren’t going to show.”

  “Why the hell wouldn’t I show? Have you ever known me to miss a weekly breakfast with my main girls?”

  Rosie smirked. “Please, we know how far in the clouds your head has to be today.”

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked, feigning cluelessness.

  “Well, if I was about to interview the sexiest man alive, I would be pretty nervous. I’d be worried sick about what I was going to wear, what type of makeup I would use, how I would do my hair, and a bunch of other things—really nasty things.”

  “Well, that’s you and not me. I like to maintain a level of professionalism,” I said.

  They both started laughing at me. “What in the hell are you talking about? We both know that you are freaking out about this. How could you not be?”

  I tried to play it cool. There was no reason for them to know that I was both excited and terrified. It was the biggest story I’d ever done and I was freaking out.

  “Ok,” I said. “I’ll admit I am a bit nervous.”

  Nothing wrong with that.

  “Why are you nervous?” Collette asked.

  “It is a huge story,” I said. “I’m not so nervous about actually talking to Chance; I’m more worried that he won’t talk to me.”

  “You are gorgeous. Why wouldn’t he talk to you?” Rosie asked.

  “Thanks,” I said. “But I didn’t mean it in that way. What if he won’t answer any of my questions or doesn’t take the interview seriously?”

  “Don’t sweat it,” Collette said. “Wear something low cut. He won’t be able to take his eyes off you.”

  I groaned. “That’s exactly what I don’t want. I don’t want to be a sleazy journalist and I really don’t want him to be too distracted by my cleavage to give me an intelligent interview.”

  “Ah, I see,” Collette replied.

  The waitress came and I ordered a black coffee with a slice of apple pie. It was my favorite.

  “Wow, nothing of real substance,” Rosie teased. “I’m impressed.”

  “I know I should eat something filling to give me strength so I’ll be at my best,” I said. “But I’m a sugar fiend. Sue me.”

  “You remember that you are not playing football, right?” Collette joked.

  I smiled and stuck my tongue out at her. My friends were a laugh riot. And their personalities totally fit their majors. Rosie was majoring in fashion design and Collette was majoring in marketing. If you spent a lot of time with her, you would get the impression you were hanging out with a game show host. It was a bit exhausting at times.

  The waitress brought my coffee and pie. I took a sniff of the coffee and greeted it with a little hum.

  “Why do you always do that?” Collette asked.

  “What?” I replied.

  “Smell your coffee and then hum over it. Kind of looks like you are praying to it.”

  “I’m not praying to it, but with this day I might try that. I could use the help. No, I just love the smell of coffee. I actually think I love the smell of coffee even more than the taste of coffee.”

  “Yeah, I never noticed that before,” Rosie said. “Your little ritual.”

  “Ritual? Ok, now it sounds like I have some weird coffee religion or deity that I pray to.”

  I hummed and pretended to worship my cup of coffee for a moment. The girls laughed.

  “So, what are some of the questions you got geared up for Mr. Perfect?” Collette asked.

  “I’m mostly going to ask him about how he got started in the game and then I’ll segue into some more serious questions about the upcoming game with Stanford and the game with Maryland; those are the ones everyone is worried about.”

  “That sounds like the standard, stock interview,” Rosie said leaning back in the booth.

  I looked at her with shock. “What a thing to say,” I teased.

  Rose shrugged. “You need to learn to take that criticism.”

  “Oh, I can take that and a lot more,” I replied. “I didn’t get this job just because of my looks.”

  “You should have been getting the top
sports assignments last year.”

  I took a sip of my hot coffee a bit too fast and burned my mouth.

  “I agree,” I said. “But Alicia, in her infinite wisdom, has decided that there were other things I needed to be focusing on at the time, and she let my spot go to others.”

  “Too bad you have to wait for people to graduate to get a top spot around her,” Rosie said.

  “Well, that’s the way of the world, isn’t it? You can’t take a top level job until the person who is already there is vacating the spot.”

  “So, what if Chance tries to flirt with you?” Rosie asked.

  I didn’t really have an answer. That was something I was definitely not prepared for. I’ve always been considered attractive, some would even say sexy, and I’ve always had a fair share of interest from the males of the species, but at the same time, a top, alpha male like Chance who could have any and all the girls he really wanted, had never given me any serious chances.

  Mostly, this was because when they tried they figured out very quickly that I was not giving it up any time soon. And with guys my age, they would move on so quickly you’d almost swear they were invisible. It was ok; I was used to it.

  And guys in college were not used to girls being virgins, like me. Only my closest friends knew that I’d never been with anyone. It had nothing to do with any moral or religious reasons for me. It was just that I wanted the first time to be special. I didn’t need to be in love or anything, but I wanted the first guy to be something special, someone I would always look back on very fondly when I recalled the memory. I figured that the very first time you would always remember. And if it was a bad experience or you shuddered at the guy you gave it to, it would haunt me for the rest of my life.

  So, I’d been picky, much to the annoyance and total aggravation of so many guys I’d dated over the years.

  It was almost a fun, powerful game on my part. I’d toyed with the idea of making guys jump through crazy hoops to steal my virginity. Hell, I’d even heard of girls who were auctioning theirs off for money online. That was an idea… but no… I wanted mine to be real. I wanted it to be with someone that I could not imagine not ever sleeping with.

  And so far, I had not met that guy.

  “I’m not sure,” I said. “I guess, I’ll just try to steer the interview back on course.”

  “And what about when it’s over?” Rosie asked. “And he still wants to take you out.”

  I smiled. “Well, if he asks, I probably won’t say no.”

  Rosie and Collette cheered, giving each other high fives. “Do you think he might be the one?” Rosie asked.

  I shrugged and looked around to make sure no one was hearing any of this. There were a few things about myself I liked to keep very private.

  “It’s possible,” I said after a few seconds of consideration. And now that I was thinking about it… yeah… that was possible. He did embody all of the attributes I’d want in a guy like that, except I didn’t really know him as a person. I mostly knew him as this entity, this spectacle that was worshipped campus wide and possibly statewide among football fans.

  But I’d never really spent any one on one time talking with him. We hung out in different social circles, we had different classes (he was a History Major), and he spent all his time practicing football and hitting the gym. I worked out enough to stay healthy, but I’d given up on being considered an athlete years ago.

  “Nice!” Rosie said. “Oh, I’d love to get me some of that.”

  I shook my head. “Don’t you have a boyfriend?” I asked.

  “Not really,” Rosie replied. “Remember? Darryl and I broke up a few weeks back. It wasn’t working out. But I do have my eye on a few guys on the football team.”

  “So does every girl in school,” I said.

  “Well, guess who just made the alternate cheer squad…”

  I couldn’t believe it. That was so hard to get. “Wow, that’s fantastic! Way to go.”

  “Thank you,” Rosie said. “But, it’s just an alternate. That means that one of the leads would have to get hurt for me to have a shot. I kind of hate that I’m wishing bad things to happen to other people so something good can happen for me. Does that make me the worst person ever?”

  I nodded. “Yes, it does.”

  Rose looked me in the eye to see that I was serious, but then I burst out laughing. “Not cool.”

  “I know,” I said. “It’s ok; I think it’s ok to wish that. That’s the way of the world sometimes, you know?”

  We finished our coffee and then we went about our separate ways. I had some prep work to do before the game and it looked like Rosie and Collette both had some homework to do as well. The two of them always put everything off until the last minute.

  When I got back to my room, I quickly removed my clothes and started the shower. I felt sticky and a little bit gross. I’d slept through morning jog and gone straight to breakfast without a shower.

  I removed my clothes gave my body a once over and then stepped under the hot shower, letting the warm water wash over me. It felt fantastic. I loved the freeing feeling of standing under that controlled waterfall of warmth as it wrapped around me. Every aching muscle or tension spot I might have had in my back (it had been a stressful week getting ready for this interview) all started to relieve itself within seconds.

  As I soaped my body with my loofa and let the bodywash exfoliate over me, I found myself thinking about Chance. Oh, it would be so sweet to have him in that shower with me. What I would do to that man…and more importantly, what I’d let him do to me…

  I smiled at the thought as I continued to soap myself up. I lathered up my shampoo in my palms and soaked my hair through and through.

  Was I really going to let Chance go all the way with me? I had to laugh at the thought, mostly because it was not even a possibility yet. I’d never spent any time with him and though he had a reputation as a horn dog who pounced on any woman who showed interest in him, I didn’t know if that would include me. How did I know that he would for sure be interested?

  As I rinsed the soap from my body, my curves and shapely femininity became apparent to my eyes, and I smiled to myself. Yeah, he would probably be somewhat interested.

  And if I also wanted him, then what? How would I handle this? What would I do if he were there in the shower?

  My hands found the wet spot between my legs and began to massage as I closed my eyes. Oh, this was it…

  In my eyes, I imagined Chance standing right in front of me, his strong arms wrapped tightly around my torso. His big hands would rub my ass smoothly, running over and over the circular globes of my cheeks. I was getting so wet, so turned on. My nipples were hard as rocks. I wanted him so badly. I’d thought about him so many times. Why was I trying to deny the fact that I was nervous as hell about meeting him because I wanted him so badly?

  I knelt down in the shower as I saw his muscular, sexy body standing right in front of me. I looked up at him, his body teething with throbbing musculature and glistening power. I let my tongue slip out of my mouth and glide across my lips. I felt the surge of lust wafting up within me.

  His member… it was large, thick, throbbing, and it was right in front of my face. I could smell its alluring scent. It called to me, beckoned for my flesh. I wanted to taste him.

  I opened my mouth and let him enter me. I moaned as I savored the flavor of his flesh, and the thickness of his essence. He pushed into me and guided himself towards the back of my throat. Opening my eyes, I saw him staring down at me smiling and groaning in pleasure as he rocked back and forth, making love to my eager mouth.

  I kept my tongue wrapped around the tip of him, rolling around it from side to side and top to bottom, then occasionally I had to push down to fully engulf his massive thickness that pulsated and throbbed between my lips.

  His large globes rested right between my chin and my lower lip. His body was warm and I could sense his largeness inside as I moved my head all the w
ay down to fully consume him. My head was spinning around with pleasure and a rush unlike anything I’d ever had before. I didn’t know what to do.

  My fingers were moving into my wetness now, as far as they could with my virginity still fully intact. I wanted Chance to take it, to rip it out of me and to show me what I had been waiting for. He was the perfect man to do just that; I could sense it.

  I pulled him out of my mouth and looked at it. I held it to my face tenderly and kissed it up and down one side to the other. Then I let my tongue slide along the bottom, starting at his bulging tenderness and moving all the way up to the tip of the thick member, all the while keeping my mouth open wide to facilitate the heavy, warm breathing. Every single breath that I propelled against the skin of his most private part made it quiver and it seemed to grow a little bit harder.

  “You like that?” I asked.

  Chance moaned with delight. He growled slightly and looked down at me before stroking my hair back with one of his large digits. “Oh, yeah. That’s the way I like it, baby.”

  I smiled and jammed his manhood deeply into my mouth attempting to swallow it down all the way.

  I opened my eyes and saw the pleasure of Chance as he steadied himself against the shower and held on with determination. His hips were rocking hard back and forth now, his hand behind my head stroking with tenderness, caressing me and making me feel so safe through this vast array of pleasure. We barely knew each other, but I felt loved. At last he moved his hand and pulled out of me. Then he told me to stand up and turn around. I smiled and did as he suggested.

  It was only a few moments but it felt like an eternity, standing there waiting for him to make his move. Finally, he did. His thickness entered me from behind. I felt my innocence tear, but there was no pain, none whatsoever. It was just the most blissful feeling I’d ever felt before.


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