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Firm Hand

Page 22

by Nora Phoenix

  No, not Rhys. With Daddy.


  "I feel like we need to talk more about this," Rhys said later that day.

  They'd had a lazy breakfast, followed by a cuddle session on the couch, where they'd both been reading. Rhys loved the casual intimacy between them, but now that the high emotions of that morning had sunk down a bit, his brain started firing off all these questions that needed answers.

  "And by this, I assume you refer to the daddy dynamic?" Cornell asked, sending him a bit of a cheeky smile.

  "Yes, smartass," Rhys said.

  "Not yet, but I wouldn't object to that," Cornell quipped, and much to Rhys's chagrin, it took him a few seconds to work out that pun.

  Then he couldn't help but chuckle. "I’ve been your Daddy for only a few hours, and you're already soliciting a spanking? Not quite sure this is how it works."

  "I'm pretty sure that's exactly how it works," Cornell fired back, and Rhys had to give him that.

  "You do realize that being a brat will result in consequences, right?"

  Cornell's face lit up with something that made it shine like a beacon. "There's freedom in knowing that, if that makes sense. If I'm being disrespectful in a scene, I run the risk of you being displeased, having to punish me, or even stopping the scene. In this, knowing it's a twenty-four seven dynamic, it's different. I feel like I have more latitude to have moods or be a little bratty every now and then, knowing that you will discipline me, but not punish me, if that makes sense."

  Huh, that was interesting, Rhys thought. He'd never looked at it like that. "This is definitely something you want to do as a lifestyle, then. Not something for the bedroom or just scenes?" he checked.

  Some of the glow on Cornell's face disappeared as he hesitated briefly before saying, "If you feel the same way, that would definitely be my preference."

  It was funny how Cornell tended to hide behind more formal language when he was insecure. This was a prime example. Apparently, he hadn't even considered that Rhys might not embrace the daddy dynamic full time, that he could've only wanted to use this in their sexual dynamic.

  "Sweetheart, I'm already taking care of you full time. I don't want it to just be in the bedroom. I want to be your Daddy all day, every day. I just wanted to make sure we understood each other."

  "Thank you, Daddy," Cornell said, relief painting his face.

  Rhys still got a shock every time that word fell from his lips. It was so perfect, so beautiful, so befitting their relationship. It made his heart swell in a way that was hard to describe, like it was somehow his true name, his true identity.

  "Let's talk a little more about expectations. Now that we’ve decided to do this, is there anything you want to add to what we're already doing?"

  Cornell looked at him, and Rhys could see the wheels in his head turning. There was something he wanted to bring up, Rhys was sure of it, but would he feel secure enough yet? He waited patiently, hoping Cornell would find the courage to say it. He could coax it out of him, no doubt, but he hoped he wouldn't have to.

  "I would love it if you gave me rules," Cornell finally said, his voice soft. "A daily structure, for example, where you tell me what time to get up or what to eat for lunch. Maybe even add things you want me to do."

  "You want to have consequences when you don't do it," Rhys said, understanding what he was trying to say. "It sounds like you would like to add a solid dose of domestic discipline to it."

  Cornell nodded instantly, and Rhys was happy he'd hit the nail on the head. "This is why it's so important we talk about it, because that would not have been my first instinct. Well, it maybe would've been my first instinct for myself, but I would've held back, fearing it would be too much for you. I don't know if you realize it, but if you give me free hand, I can be quite overbearing and dominant, even in little details."

  Cornell smiled. "Yes, please."

  That made Rhys chuckle. "Okay, then. Let's make sure we keep checking in on this, so I don't overstep your boundaries. What else? How do you feel about orgasm control?"

  The soft blush that appeared instantly on Cornell's cheeks endeared him. How was it possible the man could still blush after so many years?

  "I see somebody is excited about that idea?" he teased him, which, as he had hoped, intensified the color on Cornell's cheeks.

  "Yes," Cornell admitted. "I really like that idea."

  "And what if I would want to use some tools? A cock cage, for example, like I mentioned yesterday?"

  Cornell's cheeks grew so red it almost made Rhys feel sorry for him. Almost, because it was such a wonderful feeling to play with him like this, to embarrass and humiliate him a little.

  "I'm gonna need your verbal consent, sweetheart," he teased him when Cornell merely nodded.

  "You already know the answer, but yes, I would like that. I'm fine with plugs as well," Cornell said, finally meeting Rhys's eyes again. "In fact, I'm more than okay with you making the sexual decisions for us."

  "You're giving me a lot of power," Rhys said, letting go of the teasing tone. "Allowing me to tell you what to do in so many aspects of your life, including your daily life, your sexual life, that's a lot of power you're giving me."

  "I'm tired," Cornell said quietly. "I think I may have been on the verge of burnout before the accident, but after everything that happened, I’m so fucking tired. I didn't realize how much I wanted someone else to make decisions for me until that's exactly what you started to do. There is a peace in my head now that wasn't there before, and I don't want to lose that. I know I’m basically handing you the reins of my life, and if you don't want that responsibility, I totally understand. But I would love for you to take over."

  "Maybe at some point you’ll want to scale back," Rhys said.

  Cornell shrugged with his good shoulder. "Maybe. The future will tell. But right now, I'm happy to hand you over everything. I trust you, Rhys. I really do."

  The magnitude of that statement didn't escape Rhys. They had come far in such a short time. "I promise I won't abuse your trust," he said.

  "But are you sure it’s something you are comfortable with?" Cornell asked, and Rhys loved that he wanted to make sure. "It’s a big responsibility.”

  "It is, to a degree that surprises me, to be honest. I have a friend—well, like an acquaintance, really—who's in a domestic servitude relationship with his sub. I've always looked at that as something I wouldn't be interested in, and in the same way, total power exchange relationships didn't appeal to me either. But what we’re describing now, as close as it is to either of those, it does hit all my buttons. I don't know if it's because of you, because of how well we know each other already, because we've taken some components from both dynamics, added the Daddy stuff into the mix, and created something tailored to our needs, but I can't wait to do this with you. I have this deep need, this deep urge to take care of you, and the fact that you not only let me but that you crave it as much as I do, that's a turn on unlike anything I've ever experienced."

  * * *

  As soon as the alarm went off, Cornell's eyes flew open. Whereas usually he needed a few minutes to wake up, he was now instantly awake, fueled by eager anticipation. Today was the first day of their new dynamic, and he couldn't wait to see what Rhys had in store for him. It was enough to make him jump out of their bed and instantly head for the shower, as Rhys had told him to do.

  As Daddy had told him to do, he corrected himself in his head. That would take some getting used to, calling him Daddy in his head as well. It rolled out of his mouth so easily, as if he'd done it for years, but because he'd known Rhys for so long, the mental shift inside his head was a different matter. Still, he didn't think Rhys would get upset with him if he got it wrong. The Daddy wasn't a requirement. It was an honorific, something that came from his heart. It couldn't be forced or demanded.

  They'd talked all day yesterday, agreeing on rules and boundaries, things they were comfortable with and others where they drew the line. It
had helped that they were both familiar with the terms, with the concept of soft and hard limits, and after he'd gotten over his initial embarrassment, Cornell had loved Rhys's openness to whatever he suggested.

  And god, the list of things Rhys was willing to try with him, the things he wanted to experiment with, as relatively mild and innocent as they might be, Cornell couldn't be more excited. It was funny how, for example, the idea that Rhys would lube him up and plug him to be used at his convenience made him harder than any promise of flogging, edging, even fucking in a scene had ever done.

  Cornell got half hard thinking about it as he soaped himself, but he knew better than to violate Daddy's rules on the first day. And he had communicated in no uncertain terms that Cornell was not to touch himself beyond what was necessary to get clean. He made it quick, then used the little shower implement to clean himself on the inside as well.

  Rhys had made it crystal clear that at the core of their relationship was his genuine desire to take care of Cornell and to do whatever would be best for him. At first glance, others might interpret that as that everything Rhys did was centered on Cornell's pleasure, but it wasn't.

  That was because Rhys understood that part of what brought Cornell pleasure was to serve Rhys. That was the deep submissive side of him. He loved being used for Rhys's pleasure, so the idea of being all prepped and ready for him to take at any time he wanted, that was a huge turn on. And the funny thing was that even knowing Rhys might not allow him to come didn't diminish the anticipation in the least.

  He turned off the shower, his cock still half hard, and toweled off quickly. Rhys had told him to be in position at eight-thirty, so he'd better make sure he was. He took a quick comb through his hair, then made the bed as Daddy had asked, and got ready for him.

  When Daddy walked in two minutes later, Cornell was in position, waiting for him. Even though his cock had grown even harder from anticipation, his mind was at peace.

  "Good morning, sweetheart," Daddy said, and Cornell's heart swelled at those simple words. "Did you sleep well?"

  "Yes, Daddy. Very well."

  Rhys ruffled his hair a little, then let out an appreciative hum as he inspected him. "Raise your chin for me, sweetheart, so I can see your gorgeous eyes." Cornell obeyed immediately. "Ah, that's better. I want to see your eyes when I inspect you. Did you clean yourself for Daddy?"

  There it was, the reason he'd been so excited to get up instantly. It was so subtle, this hint of humiliation in this exchange. Knowing that he stood there completely naked while Rhys was fully dressed, inspecting him everywhere, it brought color to his cheeks in a way that he loved, even if he was embarrassed. And moreover, Rhys knew it, and the little smile that played on his lips said he enjoyed this as much as Cornell. And so Cornell surrendered to it, this almost confusing mix of stress and excitement, anticipation and embarrassment.

  "Yes, Daddy, just like you told me."

  Daddy's hands roamed his body as if it was his, which was true, to a certain extent. He flicked Cornell's nipple, chuckling when it reacted instantly, then gave the other one the same treatment.

  "I really do want to try to make you come from just playing with your nipples one day," he said with a smile. "Pretty sure I could make that work, even if it would take me a few hours."

  A little shiver trickled down Cornell's spine at the idea of Daddy playing with his sensitive nipples for hours while he wasn't allowed to touch himself. It would be torture of the sweetest kind, something to fear as much as to look forward to.

  He gave the only acceptable answer. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Daddy squeezed his ass cheeks possessively. "Did you clean yourself inside as well, boy?"

  "Yes, Daddy," Cornell said, forcing himself to keep breathing.

  Wordlessly, Rhys held out his middle finger to Cornell, and he sucked it into his mouth greedily, thoroughly wetting it. Rhys smiled as he pulled his finger out with a plop, then brought it instantly between Cornell's ass cheeks and pushed slightly. He didn't have to think about it, but spread his legs a little more, canted his hips, and pushed back to let him in.

  "That's a good boy," Rhys said, and Cornell's insides went all warm and fuzzy.

  Rhys moved his finger slightly, bringing it inside to the first knuckle, and Cornell instinctively pushed his ass farther back. "Such a greedy boy you are," Rhys said. "So eager for your Daddy's finger… Or did you have something else in mind?"

  Cornell's brain was about to shut off from overload, but he still had enough wits about him to answer. "Whatever you want, Daddy."

  Rhys's smile widened. "I had hoped you would say that. Turn around, hands on the bed, and bend over."

  Cornell's heart jumped, and he couldn't keep himself from shivering as he did as Daddy had asked him to. He spread his legs, pushed his ass backward and leaned on the bed. The telltale sound of a cap opening made his cock twitch. Oh god, Daddy was really going to do this. Would he use his fingers? Plug him? Or did he have something else in mind?

  He had barely formed that thought when he felt two slick fingers pressing against his hole. They entered him as if they had every right to, which he guessed was true, but it was a heady feeling. He let them in, and they surged in boldly, creating that sting in his ass that made him want more, so much more.

  In less than a minute, Rhys was fucking him steadily with two fingers, and he wasn't too gentle or careful about it. Cornell loved it, loved how even that choice was taken away from him, while at the same time knowing that one word would be enough to make it stop. He hadn't lied when he said there was incredible freedom in that. He wouldn't have to worry if it was too much, if Rhys thought it would be too much, if he would go too far. All he had to do was let it happen and remind himself that any given time, he had the power to stop it.

  His cock was already leaking when Rhys pulled his fingers out, and Cornell was fully expecting a plug to be shoved in. Instead, he had one second to register the sound of a zipper being tracked down, then that fat head of Rhys's cock pushed inside him. God, it was such a tight fit with so little preparation, but he fucking loved it.

  Goosebumps broke out all over his skin as Rhys breached him confidently, sliding in without ever stopping until he was balls deep inside him. Rhys bent over him, the coarse hairs of his chest rubbing against Cornell's back.

  "Now this is how I like to start my day, by getting rid of my morning wood in the best way possible," Rhys said as he started sliding in and out of him with deep strokes. "You know, usually I rub one out in the morning in the shower, but I think starting now, this will be your job. I think your first job every morning should be to make your Daddy happy, what do you say?"

  "Yes, Daddy," Cornell said, his brain about to short circuit from the incredible sensation of being split open by that fat cock.

  "I may have you suck me off, use you as a little cum hole, make you jerk me off, or I could even make you lie on the bed and jack off myself, spraying my seed all over you. I'm sure I can find a million ways, all equally satisfying. What do you say?"

  What do you say? He was supposed to talk? Cornell couldn't even form words, struggling to keep himself from touching his dick as Rhys fucked him so perfectly. And god, those words, those perfectly filthy words coming from his mouth. They only fueled his arousal, aided by the images the words conjured up. His Daddy using him like this every morning? God, yes, please.

  Rhys chuckled. "I don't know what's going through your mind, my perfect boy, but you'd better not be coming. That wasn't on the agenda this morning."

  That shouldn't make it even more sexy, but it so did. Cornell fisted the sheets with both his hands, as much to steady himself as to have something to focus on. Rhys was close, he guessed, judging by the fact that he was speeding up, Cornell closed his eyes, letting the sensations roll over him.

  The slapping sounds as Rhys surged deep inside him, his balls smacking against Cornell's skin. The unmistakable smell of sex that now hung heavy in the air. The way Daddy's fingers dug into h
is hips, the bruising grip centering Cornell. The tightness in his balls as they ached for release. The licks of flames burning under his skin, teasing, dancing, wanting to become a roaring fire.

  And yet, even as he stood there, almost passively taking what his Daddy dished out, he still felt like he was the center of his universe, and his heart soared as high as his body did. Daddy came with a low grunt, his body jerking a few times as he unloaded deep inside Cornell. God, he was so glad they'd gone there. There was nothing like the sensation of feeling that hot liquid inside you.

  "That was perfect," Rhys let out with a contented sigh.

  He pulled out, and before Cornell could even mourn the loss, the dick in his ass was replaced by a thick plug that slid in easily. Rhys let go, slapping his ass playfully. He then gently pulled Cornell up, holding him until he'd found his footing.

  Cornell was rock hard, of course, and the smirk on Daddy's face told him that hadn't gone unnoticed. "Did I ever tell you about my fetish?" he asked, and Cornell slowly shook his head. "I love the sight of cum dripping from a man's ass. Never had much opportunity to indulge in it personally, considering I've always played with condoms, so it's been mostly a thing I love watching in porn. But today, I've decided to finally take the opportunity to treat myself. I might walk over to you a few times today, telling you to drop your pants, yank out the plug, and watch my cum drip out of your ass. And if you run out, well, I can just deposit a new load, can't I?"

  This was heaven, Cornell decided, even if it contained a little bit of hell as well. His mind was as confused as his body about the wave of arousal and humiliation that rolled through him. Wasn't it amazing how you could hear something, while eagerly looking forward to it at the same time?

  And so he answered the only way he could, with the only words he could come up with that were a suitable reaction. "Thank you, Daddy."


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