Cowboy Bodyguard: Brotherhood Protectors World

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Cowboy Bodyguard: Brotherhood Protectors World Page 7

by KL Donn

She shrugs. “Not really. Your passion inspired mine. What you’re planning to do here is going to change so many lives, Shaw.”

  Spinning her to face me, I lean forward, dropping a tender kiss on her lips. When she follows me as I move to pull away, I can’t hide my smirk. Monroe is as addicted to me as I am to her.

  The sound of a vehicle pulling up draws us apart. The unmitigated fear enters Monroe’s eyes and sets me on edge. “Go inside.” She doesn’t blink before running in the back door as I pull the gun from around my back and slowly edge along the side of the house.

  Relief hits me when I see Duke and Angel walking up to the porch. “Hey,” I call out as I holster my gun again.

  While the danger isn’t as great as we had originally thought, what with recognizing that her mother is behind hiring Monroe's stalker, the fact that the man has become addicted to her is what worries me.

  “I tried calling.” Duke scowls at me.

  “How you doing, Angel?” I ignore my friend.

  “I’m good, Shaw.” I lean down so she can kiss my cheek. The woman can be deadly, but she’s sweet as hell with me, and it drives Duke crazy.

  “We lost our tail on Alton this morning.” Duke has my complete attention now.


  “The airport.” My ears buzz at his words.

  “The fucking bitch told him where she is,” I hiss out. There’s no way he isn’t coming here. That’s what I would do.

  “She sold me out?” Monroe’s disappointed voice carries from the front door, and I spin to see tears streaming down her face.

  “Baby.” I can’t stand it when she cries. And she does it too fucking much because everyone in her life has thoroughly betrayed her in the worst fucking ways imaginable.

  Rushing to her side, I pull her into my arms. “I won’t let the bastard touch you.”

  “I know.” She sniffles. “It’s just, why would she do that? I’m her daughter. Isn’t she supposed to be as fiercely protective of me?”

  “Monroe.” Angel walks up the steps and takes her hands in her own. “When Lena called me—shocking as it was—I knew at once that you were someone special. Your mother doesn’t deserve you. She never did.” Monroe only nods. “Now, that’s not the only reason we came.”

  I look up at Duke, and he affirms it with a nod. “Let’s go inside to talk.”

  Leading everyone into my living room, I sit next to Monroe as Angel begins to speak. “I have an old service friend who now tracks missing people down for a living. He’s not perfect, and he isn’t always right; however, he found your father. He’s getting a DNA test first to confirm it, but we’re ninety-nine percent certain it’s him.”

  Damn. I wasn’t confident that Angel and Duke would be able to find him. Staring down at Monroe, I register her shock. “How can you be sure it’s him?” I ask when Monroe continues to stay silent.

  “Court records mostly. But when he was questioned about family, he mentioned Monroe by name. Even using her preferred name. We could always be wrong, which is why the DNA test. But our investigator said the loving way he spoke about you, leaves little doubt as to his identity.”

  “And once it’s confirmed, then what?” Monroe still hasn’t acknowledged anything.

  “We give Monroe the information, and it’s hers to do with as she pleases. He has no idea we are working for her, and it will remain that way unless she wants assistance with first contact.”

  “What about my mother?” she finally asks.

  “What about her?” Duke frowns.


  I’m on information overload right now. I can hardly think straight.

  My mother betrayed me. Again.

  They found my father.

  How am I supposed to just be okay with all of this? I never imagined I would see the man who sired me again, let alone know he’s still out there. My mother betraying me is less shocking and more hurtful.

  “I don’t know,” I finally answer Duke’s question. My thoughts are jumbled, and I can’t make sense of them yet.

  “Once we catch Alton, she will be prosecuted alongside him and anyone else complicit in your stalking. You received real threats, Monroe. This isn’t getting swept under the rug.” Angel’s vehemence helps ease some of my anxiety.

  “It’s late; we’ve given you a lot of information. We are going to head out now. There are men at the airports throughout the state watching for Alton. We haven’t been able to get our hands on any manifests out of LAX yet, but once we know something, you will too.” Duke shakes Shaw’s hand as he guides Angel out of the house.

  After locking the front door and checking the back, Shaw sits down next to me again. “What are you thinking, Monroe?”

  “That’s a loaded question,” I say under my breath.

  My entire life, I have been a burden on my mother, but I’ve foolishly loved her. The confirmation that she’s behind this stalking is still difficult to accept.

  I don’t remember my father, but learning that he’s been alive all these years, thinking about me but never making a move to protect me is heartbreaking.

  “Everyone who was supposed to love and protect me has betrayed and abandoned me, Shaw. What am I supposed to do?” I can feel my throat clogging and tears welling.

  I’m sick and tired of crying over my life.

  “Hey, now.” His gentle finger lifts my chin. “Not everyone.” Astonished at his whispered words, my eyes dart up to his as his mouth descends on mine. The softness in his eyes shines bright with his feelings for me.

  But he couldn’t possibly. Could he?

  No. It’s way too soon.

  Is it really, though?

  I can’t think anymore as I’m lost in Shaw’s embrace. My heart aches for more of his touch as his lips caress across mine slowly. Sensually. Forcing a moan out of my chest as his hands leisurely climb up my back, lifting my shirt as he goes.

  Dragging the material over my head, I hear it drop with a thud as he leans me back on the couch. As he crawls between my legs, his hardness presses roughly against my softness, and I lift my legs to wrap around his back.

  Mimicking the act of sex is nearly as enthralling as completing it.

  Pulling from our lip lock, Shaw moves down my jaw to nuzzle against my neck. “I love you, Monroe.” I gasp at his words. “You don’t have to say it back. I understand that it’s not as simple for you, but you need to know someone is in your corner. That I’m protecting you at all costs.”

  He lifts up, and I see the sincerity of his emotions written across his face. “But I do, Shaw, I love you too.” I have to force the words out through a tight throat, and I realize that it really is too soon, but it’s also true. I have a love for this man I never believed I would experience in my lifetime.

  “Yeah?” His grin is childlike with happiness.

  Lifting a hand, I cup his cheek and nod. “Yeah, Shaw. I love you more than I ever thought I could love another.”

  The night is filled with lovemaking. Passionate words, promises, and future plans. When I’m with Shaw, I feel totally free and secure. Emotions I’ve never felt before are brought to the surface, and for the first time in my life, I’m no longer worried about where my life is headed.

  Until the next morning…when there’s a knock on the door that would change the course of our happiness.


  The sun shines brighter. The birds' chirping is chippier. The morning brings with it a new light that I hadn't thought I’d ever understand, thanks to all the romance novels I've read and movies I've watched.

  “Do you think she knows?” I whisper, hearing Rita down in the kitchen making breakfast. We were not quiet during the night.

  “Not likely,” he croons as he’s, once again, licking along the column of my throat. Something Shaw does a lot. Kissing down my chest, licking along my quivering belly. He spreads my thighs and blows cool air along the folds of my sex.

  “Shaw,” I purr, arching my back.

  “Just enjo
y the ride, baby.” And enjoy, I do.

  He’s gentle and greedy as he kisses, licks, and sucks at me. Devouring my core like a starved man. Brushing my hands through his thick dark hair, I hold him tightly to my body. Never wanting him to move.

  Closing my eyes, I can feel my core getting ready for release again. My pulse feels like it’s ready to leap out of my veins, and my heart doesn’t know whether it’s going to keep beating. When I begin to get light-headed, I know I’m about to have another orgasm. He’s kept me on the edge and enjoyed tossing me over all night long. I don’t know how much more I can handle before I pass out completely.

  “Shaw, please.” I never know what I’m begging him for. I don’t want him to stop, but to continue on is nearly painful.

  “Since you asked so nicely.” I can picture his wolfish grin as I feel him move over my body as the head of his cock slowly breaches my welcoming channel.

  It’s a slow build-up to the finish line for both of us as his arms wrap around my back and mine around his neck. We hold each other close, breathing the same breath, eyes never losing contact, and when our bodies can’t possibly take another stroke, he slows down, and we start all over again.

  “Loving you is the best decision I’ve never had the pleasure of making,” he murmurs against my lips, and I smile at the fake grumble in his tone as our climax reaches its peak, and we fall over the edge together silently.

  He doesn’t give either of us a moment to catch our breaths as he drags me from bed to the shower. The heat of the water on my body is relaxing and welcoming as Shaw lathers shampoo into my hair. I’ve learned to leave him alone when he does that because he genuinely enjoys pampering me.

  “You know.” His voice is thoughtful. “We have not used a condom once.” I blush because even with the amount of lovemaking we’ve engaged in, I’m still not comfortable talking about it. “You could be pregnant,” he says, and I look up at him through my lashes. He doesn’t appear displeased about the idea.

  “I could.” My words are low, shy, as I turn away to rinse the suds from my hair. I’ve never thought about children before, so I’m not sure how to react myself, let alone how I want him to.

  “Would you be angry?” Even with the scalding heat of the water, I feel his natural warmth when he steps into my back.

  I’m not sure what he wants me to say here, so I give him honesty. “I never really thought about having children before.”

  His arms wrap around my belly, and I’m shook. “Now, you can.” His supportive words aren’t pushing me into thinking about it right now, more like telling me that my life is my own now, and I can dream of anything I want to have.

  Turning into his chest, I rub my hands up his muscular frame and look him in the eyes. “Can I?” I’m not sure what I’m asking of him, or if I even am asking anything. Uncertainty has always been my companion, though, and out of everyone in my life, he seems to understand that more than anyone else ever has.

  “Yeah, baby.” He brushes the damp hair off my face. “You can dream of anything you want now. Anything at all.”

  Relief swamps me at his words because, even though I hadn't realized it, that is, indeed, what I need to hear from him. Being free to make my own decisions is what I have always wanted and never been granted.

  Shaw is my first choice. No questions. If he allows it, I’ll stay here with him forever.


  The doorbell rings, and I know Rita is in the kitchen cooking up some sort of feast, so I leave Monroe to answer it without making love to her again, and it's hard as hell.

  Opening the door unprepared is even worse.

  “You son of a…”


  A raging inferno blazes through my side as I hit the ground with a loud thud. Stunned, I’m slow to react as the man steps over me and heads upstairs.

  To Monroe.

  “Shaw!” I hear Rita’s horrified gasp as she rushes over, phone in one hand, gun in another. Reaching for the weapon as she’s talking on the phone, I struggle to stand.

  “Monroe!” I yell to warn her, even though she must have heard the shot.

  An invader in my home wasn’t something I had prepared her for.

  “Don’t move,” Rita scolds.

  “Help me up,” I demand, ignoring her. The asshole couldn’t aim a gun to save his fucking life. He hit my side, likely missing vital organs. But no matter where you’re shot, It’s always shocking. And painful as fucking hell.

  “Monroe!” I yell her name again. Not hearing her respond could mean she’s hiding, or it could mean Alton has her in his hands. Either scenario is going to earn him a bullet for himself.

  “Rita!” I bark her name as she’s looking shellshocked, “Go to my office. Lock the door. Don’t come out until I sound the all-clear.” She nods and scurries off.

  “Alton, you son of a bitch.” Ignoring the burning in my side isn’t difficult because Monroe needs me. Yelling out is going to distract him and hopefully keep her safe.

  “She’s mine!” The creep calls back as I’m slowly walking up the stairs. His voice is coming from the hallway leading to the guest bedroom where her things are. At the opposite end of where our room is. A good sign.

  Reaching the top of the stairs, I dart a quick look around the corner leading to our room and see Monroe’s head peek out. Relief eases the constriction in my chest as I wave her back. Her eyes are wide and terrified, filling with tears as she sees the blood I can feel leaking from my side, but she nods and goes back into hiding.

  I take a deep breath, knowing Monroe is out of harm's way, and concentrate on Alton. Leading with my gun, I stealthily make my way down the hall to the guest room. Approaching the doorway, I can hear the bastard rifling through her belongings and muttering unintelligibly to himself.

  “Alton, if you don’t drop your weapon, this only ends one way.” I’ve barely finished speaking when more gunshots ring out, hitting the wall across the hall.

  From the corner of my eye, I see Monroe open the door a bit again. I shake my head and wave her back. She’s horrified, and all I want to do is reassure her, but I can’t until Alton is stopped. One way or another.

  Crouching low, I realize this isn’t going to end peacefully.

  “Come on, Alton, drop the gun.” He fires again as expected.

  I count to thirty before I dart a quick look through the open doorway. He’s facing the bed where he’s scattered Monroe’s clothes.

  Whistling, to get his attention, I take aim and fire at his gun arm as he spins. I don’t want to take the man’s life. It’s never easy to deal with the mental ramifications afterwards, so this is an alternate solution to corral him.

  His pained howl is drowned out by the sounds of sirens getting closer. Standing, I grab the leotards I see on the bed and roll Alton to his belly as he bitches and moans. “You shot me!”

  “You shot me first, asshole.” Hogtied, I leave him on the floor after grabbing his weapon and nearly get tackled by Monroe as she slams into me, her arms wrapping tight around my waist. “Shit,” I hiss from the pain of my wound.

  “Sorry,” she mumbles into my chest but doesn’t let me go. Can’t say I mind too much. “I can’t believe he shot you.” Her words are tear-filled as the sheriff comes rushing through the open front door, followed by Duke and Angel.

  “Damn, Shaw.” Duke shakes his head as he comes up to help me down.

  “He grazed me when I opened the door,” I mutter.

  “Grazed, my ass.” He rolls his eyes.

  “Will Shaw be alright?” Monroe’s worried voice follows us out to the ambulance I hadn’t realized was here.

  Reaching a hand out for her after I’m helped onto the gurney, I pull her up with me, ignoring the medics protests and my own pain. “I’m fine, baby. Just a graze.” I narrow my eyes on Duke when he opens his mouth to dispute me.

  As the medics begin checking over my wound, I watch the sheriff bring Alton out in cuffs and escort him to the back of his cruiser, l
ikely waiting for another ambulance.

  After the prick's secured, the man strides over to Monroe and me. “A deputy will be along to the hospital in a little bit to take your statements.” I nod because I was given something for pain and can barely hold my head up.

  Duke walks off with the sheriff, and I watch them until Monroe touches my face, turning me to look at her.

  “I love you, Shaw Remington, but if you ever get shot for me again, I’m going to kick you.” Her threat is adorable, so I only nod.


  Three Weeks Later.

  Wringing my hands roughly, I stare at the cute Tudor house with its bright white fence and perfectly placed tulips.

  “I don’t think I can do this,” I mutter to Shaw, standing next to me.

  “We can leave if you want.” He is always so supportive. Sometimes too much so.

  I need to do this. Confront my past in order to move on with my future. That's how things played out in Los Angeles last week. My mother was arrested in conspiracy with Alton, and because she spent all the money I earned throughout my lifetime, she can’t even beg me to help her make bail. I’m not upset about what she stole from me, I’m wearier over how things turned out.

  “I’d be a chicken to leave.” I don’t remember my father. Until Angel and Duke handed the positive DNA results to me a few days ago, I didn’t even know his name.

  Marcus Riley. He’s forty-seven, a contractor, and he remarried ten years ago. No children, though. After what my mother did, I can’t say I’d blame him if he was afraid to.

  “What’s her name again?” I can’t seem to focus too much on his wife.

  “Allison, she’s a nurse.” I’m positive he’s said this five times in the last hour, but the information simply isn’t sticking the way I’d like it to.

  Turning to face Shaw, he’s watching me with the same loving expression on his face he always has for me. “You sure you're up for this?” I ask. The bullet wound wasn’t nearly as bad as my brain was making it out to be. He received a tetanus shot, a dozen stitches, and some antibiotics. He was given a clean bill of health, and after a couple hours, we were on our way back home. It won’t stop me from worrying about him, though. Nothing will.


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