Cowboy Bodyguard: Brotherhood Protectors World

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Cowboy Bodyguard: Brotherhood Protectors World Page 8

by KL Donn

  “Baby, I’m fine.” He leans down to kiss me sweetly, and that’s when I hear the sound of the front door opening and laughter from the couple inside.

  “Oh God,” I mutter, pulling away. I am not ready yet. I need a few more minutes to internalize my irrationality.

  “Hello!” The woman—Allison, my stepmother—greets us with a big smile and a friendly wave. “Can we help you?” Even though she’s the one talking, my eyes are glued to my father, who appears to be as stunned as me.

  Shaw places a hand on my back and guides me forward towards the couple. “Hi there, I’m Shaw Remington, and this is–” He’s interrupted before he can finish.

  “Monroe Kingsley,” my father finishes. His eyes fill with tears as he slowly strides forward. Astonishment in his gaze.

  “This is…” Allison is as genuinely surprised as him. “Oh my.”

  “Hi.” I give a little wave as I stop walking because I don’t know what else to say. I had this entire encounter planned out in my head, and I can’t think of any of it now. I don’t know what to say, ask, do. Nothing.

  Here is this man who has been a complete mystery to me my entire life, and I’ve had hundreds, if not thousands, of questions I’ve wanted to ask him. But now, I can’t think of a single one.

  His hand reaches up as he stops in front of me, but he halts further movement as he says, “You changed your hair.”

  Feeling self-conscious, I smooth my hand down my hair. “The blonde was dyed, and I always hated it.”

  “Helen–” He stops with a self-deprecating smile, trying not to hurt my feelings. Little does he realize, when it comes to her, he can’t.

  “I know. Mom hated the dark color.” Silence ensues, and it’s awkward.

  “Well, we were about to go to lunch, but I’d say eating in might be better suited. Are either of you hungry?” Allison asks as she grabs Marcus’ hand in both of hers.

  “That would be nice, thank you. The flight was short, and Monroe has been filled with nerves all week. Not eating the way she should be.” Shaw scowls down at me over that last bit, and I can feel my face flush. I missed my period last week, and he’s positive I’m pregnant. I think it’s the stress.

  “Well, come on in then. I’ll get some coffee started and throw one of my frozen lasagnas in the oven.” Allison is so welcoming, accommodating, that I can’t help but feel wanted. A first for me in so many years.

  Reaching out for my hand, Allison pulls me along beside her, chattering about the weather, but as soon as we enter their home, I’m stopped short by a photo hanging on the wall at the stairs.

  It’s of me.

  When I won my first Little Miss pageant.

  At a time when I truly enjoyed strutting across the stage, showing off my ballet skills, and smiling until my cheeks hurt.

  A strong hand pulls me from the image. I turn my head to see my father standing next to me, tears in his eyes, emotion written plain as day across his face. My own sob breaks free as I throw myself into his arms.

  “Ssshh, Monroe, it’s alright now. I’m here, and God willing, I’m not going anywhere.” I nod against his chest because my throat is too tight to utter any words.

  “It might help,” I hear Shaw say, “if you could explain to her what happened.” Lord, I love this man. He knows I’ve spent my whole life wondering why I wasn’t good enough. I need to find out why my father left me with that evil wench.

  “Of course!” Placing his hands on my shoulders, he pushes back slightly. “Go sit down, and I’ll be right back.” I nod as he takes the stairs two at a time and turns down the hallway.

  “Come here, baby.” I melt into Shaw’s arms as he holds me tight. Slowly walking into the living room, I’m even more amazed at all the articles from different pageants I either won or attended. There’s even one framed over the fireplace from when I won Miss California.

  “I can’t believe they have all of these,” I whisper.

  “Marc was always so eager to talk about you. To anyone that would listen. He hated that you were in the spotlight so often, but he was also grateful because, in a way, he was able to watch you grow up.” Allison’s soft voice as she puts a tray of coffee on the table has new tears blocking my vision.

  “When I first met your father, he was so lost in his grief over losing you, he didn’t realize that not only could he still have a life, but one day, the two of you could find your way back to each other.” I can nearly feel the love she has for my father, and I’m so grateful that he was able to find that.

  “I don’t have any memories of him. I was so young when he left. My mother would never speak about him, and when she did, it was always so nasty.” I still remember her hatred towards the man I never knew. “It took me a long time before I realized what she felt and said was because of her own resentments.”

  Sitting next to me, Allison grips my hands in hers. “Hear him out. Let him tell you his version of events. He loves you so much, Monroe. I’ve only ever seen him smile the way he just did when he saw you one other time in our life, and that was the day we married.” I nod as my father walks into the room, a dreamy look on his face as he carries a box.

  Blowing out a deep breath, he sits in a recliner and places the box at his feet. “I’ve heard on the news some of what’s happened to you in the past few months, and I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there to protect you. I’ve wanted to be, but I had no idea how. I also didn’t want to cause more problems for you. I know your mother has betrayed you in some of the worst ways I’ve ever seen, and had I known it was so bad, I would have fought harder to get you back.”

  “What do you mean?” I listen with a breaking heart as he explains about my mother running away from him with me in the middle of the night and making it so he could never claim me as his by leaving his name blank on the birth certificate.

  For years, he battled the courts for some sort of custody of me, and each time, he would be distraught with the outcome. After every battle, we would move to another state, and he’d try again. Ultimately failing until it was to the point it was affecting his health, and he had to eventually stop.

  I hold no ill will towards my dad and Allison, and after talking about how hard things were for him when he lost me, I realize I never did. I was always curious and upset about his lack of presence, but I knew my mother was lying to me for all those years, and frankly, I only look at this time now as if we have our futures to look forward to.

  We can embrace our new relationship with open hearts and arms and heal together. In a way, I’m glad my mother betrayed me. She brought me to my cowboy bodyguard, who, in turn, gave me the family I had always longed for.



  One Year Later.

  “Mooooooo.” I swear that fucking cow is going to drive me to drink. If my wife didn’t love her so damn much, I’d sell her for beef and be done with her.

  That’s a lie I keep telling myself. Marilyn the cow is eccentric and loving. A beast who was dealt a shitty hand and will likely haunt my dreams long after she dies of old age in my damn backyard.

  “Mooooooo.” Rolling my eyes, I turn in my office chair to see what’s up her ass today only to find my wife on the ground.

  “Son of a bitch!” I rush out of my office, startling Rita, Marcus, and Allison as I go. “Monroe!” I yell her name as I clear the porch doors, and she waves her hand at me like it’s nothing. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m fine, Shaw,” she pants.

  “You sure as hell aren’t.” I drop down beside her to see sweat beading across her brow and her hands covering her belly.

  “I think…I might…be in labor.” She’s breathing arduously through each statement.

  My mind blanks for a split second before I refocus. “How many minutes apart?”

  “How many minutes between moos?” She’s got jokes.

  “Maybe two.”

  “Then that many. Ohhhhh.” Her body damn near folds in half with the next contraction.
br />   “Moooooo.” Marilyn experiences it with her, and suddenly, I have a completely new appreciation for the damn beast.

  “Is it time?” Marcus asks from behind me, and I nod. “Let’s get her inside.” I don’t know how he’s so fucking calm.

  “Don’t forget to breathe,” Allison says as she and Rita join us.

  “She means you, honey.” Monroe glares up at me.

  “Right.” As we help her inside, I can hear Rita on the phone with the paramedics. Her contractions are too close, and we’re too far from a hospital for me to drive her. “Over here,” I suggest. After helping Monroe onto the couch, I crouch beside her. “What do you need me to do?”

  We took the Lamaze classes. I’ve birthed plenty of livestock before. Hell, I’ve battled in war. But when it comes to the birth of our first child, I haven’t the faintest idea of what to do to make it easier on Monroe. The first time I thought she was pregnant, she was right. It was the stress of everything happening that she was late. When a test finally came back positive a couple of months later, I might have become even more protective of the love of my life.

  “Shaw,” Allison’s stern voice calls my name. Thankfully, she's a maternity nurse and knows what to do. “Sit up behind, Monroe. Help her breathe and keep her comfortable.” I nod and do as she says.

  The baby was supposed to be here three days ago, and Monroe was scheduled to be induced tomorrow morning. Guess our little one has decided to throw a wrench in the plans.

  With the scheduling of the Marilyn Foundation set to open in three months, her parents have moved to their own slice of the Crazy Mountains in Montana, and my parents are coming next month. They’ve decided to make my dream into a family affair.

  At this moment, I don’t mind one single bit.

  I watch as Rita and Allison help Monroe remove her clothes and change into a long nightgown while Marcus continues to talk to paramedics. The contractions grow closer together, and before I know it, Allison is saying the head is crowning.

  Monroe screams.

  Marilyn moos.

  “You got this, baby. You are so fucking strong.” I watch in awe as my wife brings a miracle with a full head of dark hair, healthy lungs, and endearing perfection into this world.


  The sun set hours ago, Shaw is asleep in the recliner next to my bed, and our sweet, sweet little boy is suckling at my breast.

  I should be exhausted, but I find I’m wide awake. Thrilled to have my intimate little family right here beside me.

  I should be in pain, but I feel as though I’m floating on air.

  My heart is in this room, and I don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything closer to nirvana.

  Minutes after Allison delivered our son, the paramedics arrived to help with the placenta and clean me up before they brought us to the hospital. Before we came, we decided on a name.

  When we told my parents, they cried. Never expecting us to call him Marcus Callan Remington, after mine and Shaw’s fathers. When the nurses came to inform everyone that visiting hours were over, they nearly had to shove everyone out the door.

  The last year has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Filled with highs and lows I never thought I’d experience again.

  My mother was given probation for her part in my stalking; Alton was given a couple of years for deadly intent. And more secrets than have been dug up at the Alamo were brought to light in all the court hearings. And yet, through it all, Shaw and I got married, began renovations on the ranch for the Marilyn Foundation, and we started the family we’ve both been privately wanting since the day I showed up.

  My life had always been one pageant after another. One strut after another across the stage until my feet hurt, and my smile dimmed. My first real choice in life came the day I met Shaw, and not for one second have I regretted it.

  Feeling little Marcus pulling away from my breast, I sit him up for a burp only for Shaw’s masculine hands to take him from me.

  “Let me.” He leans down to kiss me before lying the baby across his shoulder, gently rubbing and patting his back. Never in my wildest dreams have I seen a sexier sight.

  Watching how tender Shaw is with our son is already giving me baby fever, and we’ve only had this precious one for a few hours. Relaxing against the pillows behind me, I close my eyes for the first time today and listen to my husband sing softly.

  Shaw and baby Marcus have consumed my entire heart and soul, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  “You’re perfect, just like your momma.” Shaw’s words follow me into slumber filled with dreams of the future and nothing but happiness in sight.

  The End!

  Brotherhood Protectors

  Original Series by Elle James

  Brotherhood Protectors Series

  Montana SEAL (#1)

  Bride Protector SEAL (#2)

  Montana D-Force (#3)

  Cowboy D-Force (#4)

  Montana Ranger (#5)

  Montana Dog Soldier (#6)

  Montana SEAL Daddy (#7)

  Montana Ranger’s Wedding Vow (#8)

  Montana SEAL Undercover Daddy (#9)

  Cape Cod SEAL Rescue (#10)

  Montana SEAL Friendly Fire (#11)

  Montana SEAL’s Mail-Order Bride (#12)

  SEAL Justice (#13)

  Ranger Creed (#14)

  Delta Force Rescue (#15)

  Montana Rescue (Sleeper SEAL)

  Hot SEAL Salty Dog (SEALs in Paradise)

  Hot SEAL Hawaiian Nights (SEALs in Paradise)

  Hot SEAL Bachelor Party (SEALs in Paradise)

  About Elle James

  ELLE JAMES also writing as MYLA JACKSON is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of books including cowboys, intrigues and paranormal adventures that keep her readers on the edges of their seats. With over eighty works in a variety of sub-genres and lengths she has published with Harlequin, Samhain, Ellora’s Cave, Kensington, Cleis Press, and Avon. When she’s not at her computer, she’s traveling, snow skiing, boating, or riding her ATV, dreaming up new stories. Learn more about Elle James at

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