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Magee, Volume 1: Knight From Hell

Page 3

by Manjunath R


  We arrived at Princeton’s humble abode, if a large brownstone located a few blocks off the lake on Burton on the ritzy side of town could be called humble. It was three stories high and that didn’t include the basement. I had been in Chicago for only a few months of what passed as time for mortals. While aspects of the way mankind lived disgusted me, I had grown to enjoy seeing some of the fine architecture they created.

  We entered through a large set of double doors made of teak and leaded glass. They opened onto a large marbled foyer. That paled next to the finely ornamented staircase that was open all the way to the top where a large skylight allowed the view of a moon and star filled sky.

  We were met by a white haired servant that spoke German. Fritz or Franz or something I heard Princeton call him. Princeton spoke to him in German, thinking I didn’t understand. Being an angel there was not a language created that I didn’t know.

  . Apparently the servant was to draw my smelly carcass a bath; I ignored that part as I heard of the wondrous Guinea fowl that was being prepared for dinner. That and the fact that Frick or Frack was also told to open up a bottle of fifty year old scotch and bring it to the study.

  I started to follow Princeton into the study when he stopped abruptly and turned and held up two hands to stop me. “MaGee, my good man, I fear the time is upon us to have a little heart to heart.” I nodded. “While in Heaven, such mundane things as baths and sleep are not needed by one such as yourself. The ever present energy I would imagine. But, here on Earth one must bathe regularly or one…well to be quite frank, you stink to the…if you’ll pardon the expression, High Heavens!” He glared at me, unsure of how I would react. When I broke out in hysterics he soon joined in. I took the hint and followed his direction to the second floor and a suite with a finely tailored bathroom full of fine scent and a tub of hot water.

  I stripped from the smelly rags I was wearing and lowered myself in to the tub. It was indeed refreshing and soothing all at once. I spent the better part of an hour in Bates’ tub before hauling myself out. I toweled off and stood naked in front of the full length mirror that ran along one wall. The sandy hair and ivory skin looked plain. The eyes that stared back held a little less fire. I longed for action. I turned slightly so that I beheld the scarred mess that was my upper back.

  I felt both saddened and mad, but I was embarrassed at the vision that stood before me. I knew the self loathing and pity had to stop. I wasn’t an angel anymore, but that didn’t mean I needed to become some barren waste of a being. I still had plenty of “juice” as Princeton called it, and I needed the thrill of battle. I only hoped the task Princeton had for me would offer the challenge I needed. I moved to the bedroom that adjoined the large bath and what lay on the bed brought a smile to my face.

  A suit of the highest quality, black on black with a thin hint of red pin stripes, was presented in a stylish manner. The hat was a conservative top, which while still standing out, didn’t quite stick up as much, but enough to mingle with the best of high society. The vest was light silver and the tie dragged out hints of it with a silver pattern against a black backdrop. The shirt was pearly white and, judging by the way it caressed my skin, of the finest silk. I donned the suit and moved out of the room and down the finely crafted stairs toward the smell of delectable bird. I moved into a fine dining room that was lined with the finest marble and lit by a finely crystalled chandelier.

  The table was of the finest oak and could hold twelve easily, yet it was set for only two. Princeton was already seated at the head on one end and since the plates were arranged on the other, I parked my carcass there. Fritz brought out course after course, each one better than the one before. I ate like I hadn’t since the glorious feast after a victorious battle. No words were spoken as we both enjoyed the great meal and even better scotch.

  When the last plate was cleared and our glasses filled, Fritz left us to our own abandon. Princeton went to picking out the remains of what was a fine meal from between his teeth, the incisors of which looked abnormally large. I grabbed up the large glass goblet filled to the rim and wet my lips with what was the finest of liquors I had partaken of since the days of glorious battles in Heaven. I chose to break the silence.

  “So Princeton, old friend, pray tell what tangled web you need my help crawling out from.” Princeton smiled and I thought I spotted a bit of gleam on those very white incisors.

  “MaGee, old chap, I assume being a former angel and what not, that you have crossed paths with a particularly nasty creature known as a Knight of Hell?” All thought of the fine scotch seeped out of my thoughts at the mention of this. Knights of Hell are to Lucifer what Arch Angels are to God. They are the elite of the elite. Dark and nasty and if rumor stands correct, each molded from a piece of Lucifer himself. I obviously must have shown the distress at the mention of this for Princeton chuckled, bringing me out of my reverie.

  “Well, well, it would seem, old fellow, that even an angel can show shock, if not fear per chance?”

  “Princeton, this is far from a joking matter, so spill the beans please. Knights of Hell are nearly impossible to kill, even by Lucifer. The more souls they commandeer, the stronger they get. It was common knowledge that Lucifer even feared them, but thought them a necessary evil.”

  “It would appear, Magee, that we have a rogue.”

  “Indeed, because Lucifer keeps the knights on a tight leash. So either he doesn’t know about this, or there is a more deadly purpose. Bates, we need to find out a little more our Knight.”

  “Oh I say, MaGee, are you telling me Lucifer can’t control these things?”

  I looked deep into Princeton’s eyes. “Princeton, sometimes you are a fool. To keep things in order, The Knights were given power beyond compare. So simply put…even Lucifer can’t just snap his fingers and destroy one.”

  “Oh my…That is indeed tragic news. Tell me, MaGee, Is there a way you might send the knight back to Hell?” I shook my head.

  “Once maybe, and that is a big maybe. But now? I really don’t know.” I looked at the glass with the golden amber hue of finely aged scotch and grabbed it up and swigged half of it down. I hoped it would clear the cobwebs in my head and help me figure out a way to send the knight back.

  Princeton cleared his throat. “So if we are dealing with a rogue?”

  “Heh, well it might mean they are trying a takeover. It has been tried many times.”

  “Yes, and that could make matters all the worse, dare I say.”

  “Yep. Any ideas?”



  “You won’t like it.”

  “Seldom do where you’re concerned, Bates.”

  “Come now, old chap, I like to think I grow on one.”

  “Like the plague, but back to the problem at hand. What exactly is it I won’t like?”

  “Yes, well I have a gargoyle friend that may be able to help. You see, he watches the area where the murders have transpired.”

  “Heh, another one of the big guy’s brilliant ideas. They were supposed to be Heaven’s eyes and ears, and were given the power to hold their own against most evils, until an angel could be summoned. It took Lucifer all of a day to fix it so they could only move from midnight to sun up.”

  “Quite, but I know of one who may have seen the knight.”

  I pulled a cigarette from my pocket and lit it, inhaling deeply as I mulled over the last part, blowing out a large plume of smoke.

  “I say, Magee, must you indulge in every bad vice known to man?”

  “Careful, puppy. There is one I have yet to indulge myself in, but that can change.” I watched his upper lip curl a bit at that, exposing one of his fangs.

  “Pray tell what that might be.”

  “Cruelty to animals.”

  This time he snarled and a fierce red glow appeared in his eyes. “I think perhaps we shall test that thought. Follow me please.” He began stripping out of his suit as we walked down
to the basement and a large room. By now he was butt naked except for the walking stick and his bowler.

  I knew I was in for a battle, no punches would be pulled. I knew I had hit a nerve and though Bates wanted my help, he would only stand so much. I felt invigorated though. I needed this, an all-out battle with an opponent of Bates’ caliber. I too stripped down, just to my boxers, even removing the sword and scabbard that was strapped to my back. I noticed the surprise in Bates’ eyes as he didn’t even realize it was there. I chuckled. “I’m just full of surprises, Bates.”

  The room was covered in pads from end to end. Many devices from multiple cultures lined the walls to promote every skill from Savate to everyday boxing. We entered the room and Princeton locked the door behind us. We moved to the center and faced off. Princeton smiled and tossed the walking stick and bowler off to the side.

  “I must apologize ahead of time for whatever destruction I may reap upon you, what.” His eyes began to glow a blood red as his skin crawled with tremors and convulsions. I watched as the man before me became something that in no way resembled a man any more. He was close to seven feet tall now and, while he stood upright, he looked like a creature spawned from the farthest depths of Hell. Razor sharp teeth gnashed and talons glistened. The piece of Moses’ staff was the regulator. Without it, Princeton was unabated fury. I was in for it.

  He snarled as he rushed me. I ducked as I felt and heard the taloned hand whoosh past my head. I faked to the left and then when he swiped I dove between his legs and rolled through them. I was fast, but still he managed to catch a glancing blow across my back. I stood and grimaced as I reached around to touch the spot with my hand. I looked and it was covered in blood. It would heal, but being as how Princeton was a supernatural creature, it would take a bit. This all meant that I had to endure the pain of whatever damage he inflicted a wee longer than usual.

  I didn’t give him a chance to turn before I jumped on his back and wrapped my legs around his torso and my arm around his throat. I squeezed for all I was worth as I drove my fist repeatedly into his face and neck and any other spot I thought it might do some damage. I felt the claws dig into the arm that was wrapped around his throat. It hurt like the dickens, but I tried to maintain it as I continued to pound away.

  It was useless. If I didn’t let go he would rip the arm off. It would heal of course, but who knew what other damage he might inflict in the meantime. I released the grip and drove a front kick into his back, which propelled him hard to the mat. He was up in a flash, the rage burning in his eyes and the saliva dripping from his maw, his breath seeming to turn to steam as he exhaled.

  I calmed myself even as he built to a boiling rage. It would do no good to lose my cool. I was strong and skilled, if not quite as fierce as he, but I was a warrior, time tested over and over. That would be my crutch. I stood in the ready, my feet spaced apart perfectly, the sweat and blood mixing to run down my body and find their way to the mat. I was a master of every fighting technique known to man…and a few that weren’t. Princeton had size, weight and strength over me, not to mention a rather nasty disposition at the moment. We circled each other as he swiped at the air about me.

  I was calm and he was ready to explode with fury. He let loose with a stinging howl that sent goosebumps up my arms. Yep, me the warrior, the angel, that was how deep rooted it was with rage. He raised his arms and charged, the fury of all that he possessed unleashed upon me. I waited until the last second and then, grabbing him by both wrists, I used his momentum and, falling on my back, drove both feet into his chest and rolled and pushed until his form was hurling at the concrete wall with all the force of a locomotive. I was on my feet quickly and in time to watch as his body pounded into the concrete, sending chunks and shards about, and then fell to the floor with a large thump. I was shocked to see him try to get up, but, he lost consciousness and slowly reverted to his human form.

  I moved over and picked up his stick and placed it against him. I hoped it would heal him up faster, and I was not in the mood to throw down with a pissed off wolf man again. I made my way out of the room to a cart stocked with booze. I grabbed the bourbon as I felt the need for something just a little harsher than the scotch.

  I was sipping when I heard the stirring and slight moaning behind me. Bates was awake and making his way gingerly toward me. He was rubbing his head as I caught his eye. He motioned with three fingers, and I smiled as I poured him a bourbon as well. He slugged it down and motioned for another. He spoke as I poured.

  “I dare say that perhaps now you see why I need you, old chap.”


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