Every Time We Touch: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 5)

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Every Time We Touch: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 5) Page 12

by Parker, J. E.

  Condoms can break, and birth control can fail, but babies are forever, is what she used to say.

  I took those words to heart.

  It was the main reason I’d never experienced more than a wandering hand up my shirt. I wasn’t a prude by any means, and I didn’t believe sex was dirty, but I wasn’t okay with possibly conceiving a sweet little baby with someone who wasn’t worthy of being my child’s father.

  With Kyle it was different.

  We weren’t in an official relationship—yet—but it seemed as if we’d been together forever. Three years was a long time, and although we’d only kissed once before today, we’d shared a lot more. I had the beat of his heart memorized, and he knew of the sounds my damaged soul made when I wept.

  “What’s going through that head of yours?” Shelby asked, pulling me from my inner thoughts. Her eyes flitted past me to the place where Kyle was still swinging with Melody. “You thinking about asking the Hulk for a sperm donation? I’m sure he’d be more than glad—”

  Grandmama’s booming voice ripped through the air, cutting Shelby off mid-sentence. “Y’all, look, I brought the wieners again!” she yelled, stepping onto the back porch from the kitchen. Shutting the door behind her, she grabbed a bigger-than-normal looking wiener from a red platter and twirled them around in the air, taunting Keith, who stood in front of the grill. “Brought hamburgers too but those ain’t near as interesting.”

  Shelby and I both laughed. Maddie and Keith though? They both looked like they’d die of embarrassment.

  “Not the wiener stuff again,” Maddie groaned while Keith hollered, “Can’t you act like a normal old lady for one day, Mama?”

  Grandmama looked offended. “Normal?” she asked, half confused. “I ain’t never acted normal a day in my life, and I sure ain’t starting now.” Shaking her head, she placed the platter onto the prep table next to the grill. “Hells bells, son, that sounds boring as all get out.” She sneered and crossed her arms over her chest. “I want no part of it.” Her eyes searched the yard until they landed on Brantley, who stood at the opposite end with Clara, Pop, Felix, Daddy, and Heidi. The entire group was watching all the little’s play a game of tag. “Now that”—she pointed at Brantley—“I’ll take a giant piece of that, naked and covered in whipped cream.”

  Maddie’s eyes slid closed. “She did not just say that.”

  Shelby’s eyes twinkled. “She did.”

  “Jesus,” Maddie hissed. “She’s insane.”

  Charlotte chuckled. “Give her a minute. She’s just getting started.”

  Maddie’s eyes slid open. “God, I hope not.”

  “Five bucks says she—” Shelby started.

  “Shelby!” Grandmama shouted, cutting her off. “Get over here and help man the grill! I got two dozen footlongs and from what I hear you’ve mastered the big ones.” I sucked in a breath as Grandmama swung her gaze to Anthony. “Ain’t that right, Stud Muffin?”

  Anthony’s jaw ticked. “For chrissake, Grandmama! There are kids out here!”

  Grandmama scoffed. “Oh, hush. Not a single one of em’ is paying me any mind except Melody and she ain’t got a clue what I’m talking about. She’s got a dozen years left before she discovers the art of the male body.”

  Cue Hendrix’s heart attack in 3, 2—

  “Oh hell no!” he shouted, right on time. “No, no, no!”

  “She had to go there didn’t she?” Maddie said, scoffing. “Come on Maci, baby”—she took a smiling Maci from Charlotte’s arms—let’s get sissy and go calm Daddy down. If we don’t, he may put Grandmama in the truck and drive her to the nearest old folk’s home.”

  Shelby scoffed. “Yeah,” she said, looking from her big brother to Grandmama. “Let him try. Grandmama would either bite his fingers off or shoot him.”

  Maddie nodded in agreement. “That’s the dang truth.”

  She headed for Kyle and held out her hand. “Come on, Melly Belly. Let’s give Uncle Kyle a break and go see Daddy.”

  Kyle stopped the tire swing with his feet and helped Melody climb off his lap. Toddling over to her Mama, Melody slipped her hand into Maddie’s and looked over her shoulder at Kyle. “Bye-bye, Ky Ky.”

  When she raised her little hand and blew him a kiss, my heart swelled.

  But when Kyle raised his and pretended to catch said kiss, it nearly exploded.

  “Well,” Charlotte said, bumping my hip with her own. “It’s no wonder you want to have the man’s babies. I don’t even have a uterus anymore, and my stomach still clenched a little.”

  Shelby laughed. “Speaking of babies”—she pointed at Anthony and Gracie—“I’m going to steal my youngest from my husband. That’s if he lets me.”

  When Shelby walked off, Charlotte turned, facing the opposite direction and nodded toward the house. “I’m going to check on Ashley, then Hope. Ashley is laying down in Bella’s room with a migraine and Hope’s sleeping with baby Ry in Brantley and Clara’s room. Evan tried to take Ry with him so she could rest easier, but she threw a shoe at his head and told him to leave them alone.”

  My eyes bulged.

  Hope threw a shoe?

  At Evan of all people?

  That was out of character for her.

  “It’s her hormones. The girl has lost it.” A concerned look crossed Charlotte’s face. “I’m telling you, Carissa, the rest of this pregnancy won‘t be easy on her. I can already tell. Anyway, you want to come with me? Or are you going to stay here?” Her eyes flicked to Kyle. “With him?”

  I didn’t need to answer.

  My decision was written all over my face.

  “Right.” She smiled. “I’ll see you in a bit.” Throwing an arm around me, she pulled me into her, hugging me. Then she kissed my cheek and pulled back. “Proud of you, sweet girl.”

  “Thanks, Mama C.”

  If possible, the smile on her face grew bigger. “I like it when you call me that. Keep it up.”

  She turned and walked away.

  For a moment, I was all alone; though it didn’t last.

  When I turned in Kyle’s direction, I face-planted into his chest.

  Surprised, I squeaked and stumbled back a step.

  Kyle wrapped an arm around my lower back, stopping me from losing my balance. “Dammit, baby,” he hissed. “You’ve already hurt yourself enough for one day.”

  Embarrassed to death, I gripped the backs of his triceps and blew a stray strand of hair out of my face. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t say sorry.” His face softened. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Just be careful.” His eyes searched mine. “Something happening to you isn’t an option.”

  His words were reminiscent of the ones from the night before.

  So were mine.

  “It won’t,” I assured him. “Promise.”

  “Kyle!” Grandmama hollered, interrupting our moment. “Get over here, Hulk, and put this big ol’ float in the pool for me. I’ve gotta get changed into my bikini, and then you’re gonna help me get on the thing.”

  The look that crossed his face was comical. “Is that a unicorn float?”

  I glanced in the direction of the pool and nodded. “It appears so.”

  “The damn thing is as tall as me,” he said, “and it has sparkly reins on it.” I opened my mouth to reply, but he kept speaking, not giving me the chance. “Did she say she was putting on a bikini?”

  Again, I nodded. “She did.” Biting back laughter, I patted his shoulder. “Don’t forget the part about you helping her get on the float.”

  He scowled. “This is bullshit.” The laughter I’d been holding back broke free. His eyes dipped to meet mine. “Keep laughing, Princess. Your ass isn’t the one that will be covered in bruises thanks to all the pinching she does.”

  I scrunched up my nose. “It’s your fault ya know. If you didn’t have such a nice butt, she wouldn’t feel the need to pinch it so much.”

  He smiled. “Is that right?”

  I nodded.
/>   “And how would you know how nice my ass is?”

  I thinned my lips, biting back the embarrassment that spread through me. Calling upon all the sass I possessed, I placed my hands on my lips and stared straight into his pretty eyes. “I may have looked—” I paused “—a time or two.”

  I waited for him to reply, but he didn’t.

  Instead, he bent at the waist and tossed me over his shoulder for the second time in the last two days. “Kyle!” I hollered, laughing. “Put me down!” I playfully smacked his lower back with each word. “Right now!”

  I squeaked in surprise when his strong hand came down on my butt three times in response. “My daddy will kill you,” I whisper-hissed, feeling my face flame red.

  “Daryl won‘t do shit,” he replied, walking toward the house. “He knows who you belong to.”

  My head popped up.

  Eyes the size of saucers, I floundered for something to say.

  I came up empty.

  “By the way, Princess…” Reaching the pool area, he slid me down the front of his body until my feet touched the ground. Arms wrapped around me, he held me tight and hovered his lips next to my ear. “I’ve looked at your ass a time or two as well.” I sucked in a breath; my pulse kicked into overdrive. “Perfection, baby.”

  All the air left my body in one quick swoosh.

  “Kyle…” My heart fluttered. “Kiss me.”

  He didn’t hesitate.



  I stood next to the pool.

  Heidi sat to my left on a lounge chair, and Daddy stood to my right watching Hendrix pull Melody and Maci around the pool in circular baby floats. A huge smile curved his lips heavenward. There was no doubt in my mind that he was thinking of Heidi and me as babies.

  I’m sure he misses us being little…

  Arms wrapped around my belly, I pulled my eyes from Daddy and stared at the gate that connected the front yard to the back and waited for Kyle to appear. Ten minutes earlier he and Felix left to pick up a few bags of ice, and I’d felt like I was coming out of my skin every second since.

  I’d wanted to go, and Kyle sure as heck wanted me by his side, but Daddy had thrown a tantrum the size of Texas.

  In a few hours, he was leaving to go back out on the road and wouldn’t be home for who knows how long. Therefore, he wanted me to stay with him. Even though he’d hated to leave me behind, Kyle had left without kicking up too much of a fuss.

  Though he’d be back, I still hated watching him leave.

  Hated it with a capital H.

  Without him there, I didn’t feel right. As daft as it may sound, it seemed like my anchor, the thing that kept me from floating away, was gone. Part of me realized how silly the notion was, but the other part, the one that was ruled by my heart knew that without him next to me, I’d never be complete.

  Without him, I’ll be lost…

  Daddy swiped a hand over his stubble-covered jaw and tapped me on the arm. “You don’t think Doris is actually inside puttin’ on a bikini, do you? The woman is older than dirt. Surely she wouldn’t.”

  I shrugged. “It’s Grandmama, Daddy. All bets are off.”

  “Yeah, she ain’t exactly normal, is she?” He chuckled and placed a big hand on top of my head, mussing up my hair. “You sure looked beautiful today, Carissa Ann,” he said, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into his side. “Made me proud as all get out watchin’ you walk across that stage.” His eyes turned glassy, a clear sign he was missing Mama.

  My heart broke for him.

  She should be here…

  “Your Mama would be proud of you too.” His voice cracked on the last word. “Of that, I’m certain.”

  My chin wobbled.

  Tears filled my eyes, but I wiped them away before they had the chance to fall.

  “And the good Lord knows you sure made the man-boy proud. I ain’t never seen him smile until today.”

  “That’s because he doesn’t smile,” Hendrix’s eavesdropping butt interjected from the pool. He looked up, meeting Daddy’s gaze. “Except when it comes to Carissa. Ask Pop. All anybody at the station has to do is mention C’s name and that scowling mother trucker’s face lights up.” He chuckled. “Unless your name is Carson, anyway. Last time that bonehead mentioned Carissa’s name, Kyle put his head through a locker.”

  Wait. What?

  “Who is Carson?” I asked, confused.

  “He’s a rookie at the station,” Hendrix answered. “Couple of months ago he saw a picture of you and Maddie on Pop’s desk. Idiot developed a crush not realizing doing so was a death wish.”

  Daddy growled. “Did Kyle set him straight?”

  Hendrix nodded. “More than once. Pretty sure he got the picture this last time though. Doubt he’ll ever think Carissa’s name again, much less say it aloud.”

  Well, then…

  “That’s not fair,” Heidi signed rapidly, her narrowed eyes on me. “You have all these guys that like you and not a single one likes me”—she threw her hands up in the air before continuing—“yet we look just alike!”

  Hendrix, who’d gone out of his way to learn ASL, looked at her like she was crazy. Waving his hand to get her attention, he made sure her eyes were on his lips before speaking. Then, “You’ve got to be kidding me, Bug.”

  “They don’t,” Heidi signed, then huffed.

  “They sure as hell do.”

  Irritation crept across her face as her hands continued to move. “Then how come none have asked me out?”

  Hendrix looked down at his girls before bringing his gaze back to Heidi. “Because Ty will kill anybody who does, and he’s made that clear to every man within sixty miles.”

  “You have got to be shit—”

  I smacked Daddy’s arm. “Language, Daddy. The babies are right there.”

  He shook his head and smiled at Melody and Maci. “Sorry, little darlings.”

  His gaze bounced to Hendrix. “Ty as in Ty Jacobs?”

  “Yeah, that idiot.”

  Daddy tilted his head back, looking at the sky. “This just keeps gettin’ better and better.” Blowing out a breath, he looked down at Heidi, making eye contract. “You”—he pointed at her—“are not allowed to date, ever, and you damn sure ain’t allowed to date anybody named Ty Jacobs.”

  Daddy may have thrown the gauntlet down, but Heidi was happy to pick it back up. “We’ll see,” she signed and mouthed back, a challenge dancing in her eyes. “Ty’s cute. Like, really cute.”

  I bit my tongue, refusing to say anything. Heidi was sweet as could be, but she had a rebellious streak a mile long in her. If I said anything bad about Ty, the first thing she’d do was run straight into his arms.

  That wasn‘t an option.

  “Heidi, I ain’t messin’ around,” Daddy continued. “I mean it. You stay away—”

  The words died on his tongue when Grandmama stepped out of Brantley and Clara’s newly constructed pool house.

  At the sight of her, my jaw hit the floor.

  “Well, Daddy,” Heidi signed, a sarcastic expression on her face. “That sure looks like a bikini to me.”

  “Lord have mercy.” Daddy sounded flabbergasted. “I didn’t think the old bird had it in her. I know she’s crazy, but I didn’t think she was that looney.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  Dressed in a pink bikini and matching sunhat, white rhinestone encrusted flip flops, and wearing what had to be half a tube of magenta-colored lipstick, Grandmama strutted toward the pool, her chin held high. “I don’t know what everybody’s looking at,” she said, holding a pool towel in one hand and a glass of sweet tea in the other. “I know I’ve got legs like Tina Turner, but that don’t mean you’ve gotta gawk.”

  Shelby, who sat on a lounge chair across the pool from us, lifted her glass of chardonnay in the air, and hollered, “Get it, Grandmama!”

  Grandmama smiled before searching the area for someone.

  Who that someone wa
s, I knew right away.

  When her eyes didn’t find Kyle, she looked over at me. “Where’s my man at you little hussy?”

  I quirked a brow and crossed my arms over my chest, adding a dose of sass to my demeanor. Fussing with Grandmama was one of my favorite things to do. Always had been. “Your man?” I paused for dramatic effect. “I’m fairly certain he’s mine and not yours, Crazy Old Biddy.”

  “He ain’t yours either,” Daddy huffed, acting like a toddler ready to throw a tantrum.

  Heidi shushed him, raising her hands in the air. “Zip it, Daddy,” she signed. “He is too.”

  Amusement danced in Grandmama’s eyes as she glared at me. “We’ll see. I’ve known his sexy behind long—”

  She snapped her mouth closed when a strong arm wrapped around my belly from behind. Kyle’s scent washed over me, putting me at ease. “Hey, Beautiful Girl,” he said, kissing the shell of my ear. “I missed the hell out of you.”

  Heidi smiled from ear-to-ear.

  Grandmama, though, she pasted on a faux scowl. “Look at the little heifer,” she mumbled loud enough for me to hear. “She done stole my Hulk.”

  I blinked. “Did you call me fat?”

  Grandmama’s eyes bulged. “No!”

  “Yes you did,” I shot back, teasing. “A heifer is a cow, and cows are fat.”

  Grandmama rolled her eyes. “Hells bells, here she goes...”

  “Listen, I know I’ve got a little extra fluff.” I patted the side of my leg. “But I am not fat.”

  Kyle stiffened.

  Yet he said nothing.

  Brantley, though, he had plenty to say. “There isn’t a damn thing wrong with fluff,” he said, smirking at Clara, who sat on a lounge chair next to Shelby. “Without curves, a man is liable to fall asleep at the wheel. Right, Firecracker?”

  “You”—Clara pointed at him—“hush it, Pretty Boy. There are too many little ears out here.”

  Brantley smiled. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Kyle chose that moment to spin me around, stealing all my attention. He walked backward, pulling me with him until ten feet of space separated us from Daddy and Heidi. Hands on my hips, he stared down at me, a serious expression on his face. “Tell me you believe that.”


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