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Nothing (All the Things Book 2)

Page 5

by K. A. Last

  “Stop it,” Karen says. “This is exactly what I mean. Nothing matters. We have our future in front of us. Screw them. And screw Levi for what he’s done. Tonight you can either stay home and choose to let them beat you, or you can walk in there and party like you’ve never partied before.”

  “I’m not sure I want to face him after what happened this afternoon,” I say.

  “Oh my God, what now?” Karen asks.

  I take a deep breath. “I may have had a breakdown in front of him.” I pause. “He drove me home and on the way I ... cried a lot.”

  “Oh, Katie. Are you okay?”

  I laugh, so hard it brings tears to my eyes. And I can hear the frown in Karen’s voice when she says, “What’s so funny?”

  My laughter subsides. I get control of myself and wipe my eyes. “That’s exactly what Levi asked me, and it set me off.”

  “Well, at least he knows how much of a jerk he’s been. Hopefully you dug his cold heart out of his chest and warmed it up a bit.”

  “I still don’t want to face him.”

  “You can, and you will,” Karen says.

  “You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?” I ask.

  “I’ve already told Jess to pick us up at eight. I’ll be there in half an hour, and we can plot your revenge.”

  I laugh. “I don’t want revenge ... I want Levi.”

  “Stop talking nonsense. See you in a bit.”

  Karen hangs up, and I roll onto my back, staring at my phone. It rings again while I’m holding it, and this time ‘Mum’ flashes on the screen.

  “Hey, Mum.”

  “Katie, honey. How was your last exam?”

  “Fine. Like all the others.”

  “How are you feeling?” Mum asks.

  I stop myself before I say ‘fine’ again. “I’m good. Got home not long ago.”

  “Great. Can you fix yourself something tonight?” Mum asks. “Your Dad is taking me to a movie.”

  “Sure. What about Daniel?”

  “He’s a big boy. He’ll probably be out.”

  “Actually, I’ll be out as well,” I say. “Veronica’s having another party. You know, to celebrate our transition into the real world.”

  Mum chuckles. “Okay. You know your curfew. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Bye, Mum.” I end the call and toss my phone on the bed.

  I close my eyes, and try to clear my head of everything, but thinking about nothing is pretty much impossible. No matter how hard I try, my thoughts keep going back to Levi. What if he does have a good explanation for what he did? What if all I need to do is listen? But then what if I do, and we work at building our relationship again, but then it all gets stripped away like it has before? Do I really want to take that chance?

  Can I put myself out there again?

  Hot tears sting my eyes, and I shove the heels of my hands into them.

  No. It’s better to keep my distance and not get involved with him again. With anyone.

  I’ll go to this party, but I’ll stay away from Levi.

  The doorbell rings, and I wipe my eyes then get up to go downstairs. When I open the door, Karen is standing on the step with a big smile on her face, and a backpack slung over her shoulder.

  “Why so happy?” I ask.

  Karen pushes past me and into the foyer. “We have work to do.”

  “What are you talking about?” I close the front door.

  “Makeover.” She walks up the stairs. At the top, she looks down at me. “We can do our nails and hair. You’re going to rock this party, and we’re going to make Levi rue the day he ever decided to fuck with you.”

  Good One

  KAREN SITS ON MY BED and pulls all sorts of items from her backpack, spreading them over my quilt.

  “Go and put your contacts in,” she says.

  “But I only took them out when I got home.”

  “I don’t care.” She stares at me. “You’re not wearing your glasses to this party.”

  Reluctantly, I go to the bathroom and put my lenses in. Back in my room I sit in my desk chair. Karen sweeps a makeup wipe over my face, followed by a loaded powder brush.

  “Close your eyes,” she says.

  I do as she asks. “I want to look natural. Not like a hooker.”

  “Stop worrying. You will not look cheap.”

  I sit for another ten minutes as Karen works on my face, but I’ve pretty much had enough. Two minutes of this is too long. “Are you finished?”

  “Gloss your lips,” she says. “Then you’re done.”

  I jump up and rummage around in my tote bag to find my favourite lip gloss, then stand in front of the full-length mirror on my wardrobe door. A smile spreads across my face when I look at my reflection. I definitely don’t look like a hooker, and Karen has done an amazing job of making my skin glow. She’s put the slightest hint of pink into my cheeks, filled out my lashes, and added sparkle to the lids of my eyes. I swipe my gloss over my lips to complete the soft look.

  “Now ... clothes,” Karen says. “You have to look hot.”

  “Jeans and a top will be fine.” I open my wardrobe and pull out my favourite pair of jeans.

  Karen digs into her bag again. “Nope. Put those away. You’re wearing these.”

  She holds up a pair of dark skinny jeans—the kind I would never be able to afford. They have a really fine silver sparkle in the fabric. She hands them to me and I take them, feeling the thickness of the good-quality denim. So much nicer than my old thin pair.

  “I can’t wear these,” I say. “Everyone will know I can’t afford them.”

  “Don’t be an idiot. I just gave them to you, so they’re yours. You can say they were a birthday present if anyone asks.”

  I bite my lip, and look down at the jeans in my hands. They’re so nice, and I’ve never owned a pair from anywhere other than a cheap department store.

  “Thank you.” I hug Karen, and she pats my back.

  We both shimmy into our jeans. Karen’s are light blue and have fashionable rips in the legs, and they hug her in all the right places. She looks amazing. I sift through my wardrobe, searching for a top to wear, but I don’t have anything good enough to complement the jeans. Karen tries to give me her black top that also has sparkles embedded into the slinky fabric, but I don’t let her.

  “I want to go simple,” I say. “You know I’m not a fancy kinda girl.”

  I pull out a plain white singlet top, one with wide straps, and put it on over my nicest bra.

  “Good choice,” Karen says. “It shows off your boobs.”

  “Stop looking at my boobs.” I grab my favourite black ankle boots from the bottom of the wardrobe, and sit on the edge of the bed to put them on.

  Karen shrugs. “You have nice boobs.”

  She grins, and puts on a tight black sleeveless top that zips up at the front. Then she slips her feet into a cute pair of strappy black heels. Karen sits beside me on the bed, digs into her bag, and pulls out a few bottles of nail polish. She chooses a shimmery aqua and gives it a shake before setting to work on her toenails.

  “No point me doing mine.” I look down at my shoes.

  “Do your nails.” Karen glances at the clock above my desk. “We’re not meeting Jess out the front for another twenty minutes.”

  I search through the bottles lying on the bed between us and go for a bright purple. I coat my fingernails as carefully as I can, blowing on them to get them to dry faster. Karen coats her fingernails as well, then we head downstairs. I opt not to take my purse or a bag this time, so I slip my driver’s licence into my phone cover along with a twenty. We lock the front door with the hidden spare key, and walk to the road to wait for Jessica.

  “Josie is driving,” Karen says. “Jess said she’d drive us home.”

  “Like Josie would give her any other choice.” I tuck my hair behind my ear and check my phone.

  A crash comes from Levi’s house, like a plate smashing or something hit
ting the tiled floor inside. Someone yells. Then more yelling. I recognise Levi’s voice but I can’t make out his words.

  “What’s going on?” Karen looks towards Levi’s place.

  The front door flies open, banging onto the outside wall of the house. Levi tumbles onto the veranda, but it’s not until his dad is standing in the doorway that I realise Levi didn’t fall. Mark pushed him.

  Yvonne clings to Mark’s arm, trying to pull him back inside. Levi gets to his feet and his gaze meets mine before he quickly looks away. I’m aware that my mouth is open, but I don’t close it. I stand frozen with my phone in my hands, gaping at my neighbours who are obviously arguing about something. Only Levi’s dad hasn’t seen us yet.

  Mark steps towards Levi. “You will show some respect—”

  “Or what, Dad?” Levi yells. “You’ll make me? I’m not scared of you.”

  “You should be.”

  I step forward. “Levi, is everything okay?”

  Mark turns in my direction, his eyes widening. Then his brow narrows into a frown. He says something to Levi that I can’t hear before going inside with Yvonne and slamming the door behind them.

  “I’m not Mason,” Levi screams. He stands on the veranda, staring at the door, his shoulders heaving, his fists clenched at his sides.

  A car sounds behind us, and I glance over my shoulder as Josephine pulls up to the kerb. She winds her window down. “Get in, bitches.”

  “Charming.” Karen opens the back passenger door.

  I glance at Levi. He’s sitting on the steps of his veranda with his head in his hands.

  “Hang on.” I walk towards Levi.

  “Katie, what are you doing?” Karen asks.

  I wave her away and keep walking until I reach the veranda. Asking him if he’s okay is a stupid thing to do because he obviously isn’t. And I hate it when people ask me that question.

  “Are you coming to the party?” I ask instead.

  Levi raises his head, then sits up straighter. “You look really nice, Katie.”

  I shift on my feet and fidget with my phone. “Thanks.”

  “I have no car,” Levi says. “Dad took my keys.”

  “Come on, Katie,” Josephine yells.

  I glance back at her, then look at Levi. “Come with us.”

  Levi gets to his feet. “That would involve you and me being in the car together.”

  “I’ve gotten pretty good at ignoring you.” I offer him a small smile.

  Levi drops his gaze to the ground. I grab his hand and pull so he’ll follow.




  It hits me all at once.

  I let go of his hand before I want to hold it forever. It feels too good.

  Levi stands at Josephine’s window. “Room for me?”

  She nods. “Get in.”

  Levi opens the passenger side back door and I climb in, scooting across to the middle so I’m sandwiched between Levi and Karen.

  It’s impossible to talk on the drive to Veronica’s because Josephine cranks the music and winds her window down. I don’t mind. It’s not like I have much to say to Levi anyway.

  Every now and then I catch Karen glaring at him, but he’s not looking at her. Whenever I chance a look at him he’s staring at me, and I press my knees together to try and make myself as small as possible in the middle of the back seat.

  Levi’s leg and shoulder rest against mine, making me warm, and I sit rigid because I don’t want to relax and make him think I’m comfortable. I concentrate on staring ahead through the front windscreen, and I let my hair fall over my face like a curtain.

  We pull into Veronica’s street, and something touches my hair. I flinch and realise it’s Levi, holding his hand out. It hovers in front of my face, then he tucks my hair behind my ear.

  Josephine parks on the street and turns the car off, the music dying with it. I stare at Levi who still has his hand in my hair. He smiles, his lips curling slightly, and I get lost in his eyes. The way he’s looking at me turns my stomach to mush, and I want to throw myself at him and slap him at the same time.

  I’m not prepared for the way he’s making me feel, sitting so close to him in such a confined space. I’m supposed to be angry with him. After what he did, I never wanted to see him again, and yet here we are.

  Slowly, I reach up and wrap my fingers around his wrist then pull so his hand comes away from my face.

  “Please, don’t,” I say.

  We’re close enough that I could lean forward and kiss him. My heart wants to, but my head stops me. I want him, but I don’t, all at the same time. How can I want someone so badly who has hurt me the way Levi has?

  One of the car doors slams, and then another.

  “Come on, lovebirds,” Josephine says from the footpath. Through the window, I see her standing with Jessica.

  “Katie?” Karen is still in the seat beside me.

  “I’m good,” I say. “I’ll get out Levi’s side.”

  Karen’s door closes a few seconds later and I’m alone in the car with Levi, my hand still gripping his wrist.

  “I’m not going to give up on you,” he says.

  I let go of him. “Can we get out now, please?”

  He shakes his head. “I love you.”

  “What?” I breathe.

  But he doesn’t answer. Levi throws his door open and gets out. I stare at his back as he walks towards Veronica’s front door. There’s no one out on the porch tonight like there was at the last party. Levi doesn’t turn around, and it’s not until Karen bends down and fills my line of sight that I move to get out of the car.

  “What did he say to you?” she asks.

  “Nothing.” I’m not going to tell anyone what he said, because repeating it won’t make it true.

  Josephine locks the car, and we follow Levi’s path to the house. Inside, Rachel, Jarred, and Geoff are in the lounge room, along with a few others from school. The sight of Geoff makes me sick, and I cringe when he looks at me. I can’t believe Veronica has let him in her house after what he did to her. The coffee table has several bottles of booze on it, and a few bottles of water.

  Veronica comes out of the kitchen with plastic cups, a bottle of Coke, and a bottle of orange juice, followed by Levi who has three cans of beer in his hands. Our eyes meet, and I want to ask him not to drink, but I’m not the boss of him. I make a note to talk to him later and find out what’s really going on with his dad.

  He sets two of the cans on the coffee table.

  Veronica pours herself a bourbon and Coke. “You made it.” She smiles, and I’m surprised at how genuine she seems.

  “Hey.” I smile back.

  “Pick your poison.” She points to the table, taking a sip from her cup.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Karen fixes herself a vodka and orange.

  “I’ll have a beer.” I grab one of the cans. I figure beer is less lethal.

  Jessica takes a bottle of water.

  Josephine joins Rachel on one of the big lounges. I set my phone on the coffee table and sit on the lounge opposite them with Karen and Jessica. Jarred makes a big display of going over to Josephine and kissing her in front of everyone. My eyes widen and I look to Jessica, who shrugs.

  “What did I miss?” I ask.

  “Apparently a lot,” Karen says, settling back into her seat. “But so did I.”

  Veronica comes over and drops onto the arm of the lounge beside me. “Jarred and I haven’t been together since the formal. I much prefer being single.” She glares at him, then she glares at Geoff.

  Levi takes a seat in an armchair near the open fireplace and sips his beer.

  “Where is everyone?” I look at the cold can in my hand. I haven’t taken a sip yet.

  “Small party tonight.” Veronica looks down at me. “Mum and Dad got a bit funny after the last one.”

  Josephine gets up so Jarred can sit down. “Who’s going first?” Jarred says as he pulls her on
to his lap.

  I raise my eyebrows. “First for what?”

  “Come on, Katie,” Rachel says. “You should be a pro at truth or dare by now.”

  I grit my teeth and frown. “What makes you think I want to play?”

  “Come on guys,” Veronica says. “Do we have to?”

  “We always do,” Geoff says.

  “Doesn’t mean we should now.” I look at each person in the room.

  Veronica sighs. “Okay. No one has to do anything they don’t want to. Only solid rule is you can’t truth or dare the person who just truth or dared you. I thought maybe we could have some harmless fun this time.”

  “Harmless?” I stand. “You think this game is harmless?”

  Levi looks up at me from his seat, and takes another sip of his beer.

  “This game is stupid,” Karen says.

  “No, hang on.” I sit again and take a big gulp from my can. “You want to play, I’ll play. Let’s have some fun.” I stare at Levi. “Truth or dare?”

  He sits forward and puts his beer on the coffee table. “Truth.”

  “Why did you accept the dare to ask me to the formal?” Looks like I do want to know the truth, as much as I’ve tried to deny it.

  Levi’s stare bores into mine. “Because I wanted to take you.”

  “You couldn’t have asked me anyway?”

  “That’s two questions,” Rachel says. “You only get one. Levi’s turn.”

  Everyone waits.

  Levi picks up his beer and takes a deep drink. “Josie, truth or dare?”

  “Truth,” she says.

  Levi sits back. “Have you and Jess ever twin-swapped where it involved you being with your sister’s boyfriend?” He raises his eyebrows, and a chuckle makes its way around the room.

  Josephine hesitates and glances at Jessica. “Yes.”

  “Oh my God, who?” Karen sits forward.

  “I don’t have to answer that,” Josephine says. “My turn ... Karen, truth or dare?”

  “Dare,” she says. “Might as well make this interesting.”

  Josephine sits forward on Jarred’s knees and grins. “Choose one boy in the room then stand with your back to the rest of us and flash him.”

  Karen jumps up. “Okay, Jarred, let’s go. Behind the lounge.” She walks around our seat and leans against the back of it.


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