Book Read Free

Laid Bear

Page 10

by Eve Vaughn

  He slid his finger along her slit.

  “Stop teasing me,” she ordered through gritted teeth.

  “Say please.” He chuckled.

  Zora pressed her hand over his, applying pressure between her thighs. “Pretty please.”

  “As you wish.” Logan pushed his soap-slicked finger inside of her, hard and deep. Not stopping there, he added another finger and then another until she was stretched to her limit.

  Zora murmured at the decadent sensation flowing through her. Her knees grew weak and she was thankful to have his arm anchored around her waist as a titillating pleasure washed through her. She gyrated her hips, wanting the simulated sex of his fingers pushing in and out of her.

  “Logan… please.”

  “That’s it, honey. I love it when you beg.”

  “Please, please, please, please!” She rolled her head from side to side against his broad chest.

  “That’s it, baby. Move that tight ass against my cock.”

  Logan worked his fingers in and out of her, giving Zora what she needed and wanted. The warm spray of the shower beating against her skin served to increase the intensity of her emotions.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Zora. You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of doing this to you.” He pulled his fingers out of her and turned her around to face him.

  The feral gleam in his eyes sent a shiver up her spine. She raised her face up to his and pulled his head toward her.

  Their lips met in a collision of lust and need. Zora gave as good as she got, pushed her tongue forward to meet his. Their tongues circled and tasted each other.

  Without breaking the seal of their lips, he grasped her bottom and lifted her against his body. Zora wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She ground her lower body against his cock, eager to have his hardness fill her.

  Logan finally broke the kiss, his breathing ragged. “Take me inside of you.”

  Zora grasped his cock and positioned him against her sex.

  Once she got the tip of him in her pussy, Logan thrust the rest of the way. Zora gasped her relief to be filled by him. She could easily become addicted to the sensation of being thoroughly fucked by her men.

  They ground against each other with animalistic moves, neither able to get enough of the other. Zora scored his skin with her nails, causing Logan to inhale sharply. Each time she dug into his flesh, he thrust harder and deeper into her.

  “Feels so good,” Zora moaned. His cock moved in and out of her expertly, hitting her in just the right spots.

  “I want you to cream on my cock, baby. Can you do that for me?” He whispered, his bold gaze gleaming fiercely.

  “Yes, so close!”

  Logan slammed her against the shower wall and shoved his cock into her like a man gone mad. Zora loved every second of it. She clenched his cock as she quickly reached the edge of another explosive climax.

  Logan gripped her tight as he reached his own orgasm, growling her name. “Zora!”

  Long after they had both come, they continued to cling to each other beneath the steady sprinkle of the shower. “That was amazing,” Zora whispered. Drowsiness seeped in and pulled her into its folds.

  “Getting sleepy?” he asked when she let out of loud jaw-cracking yawn.

  “Not at all.”

  He kissed the top of your forehead. “You make a terrible liar. Come on, let’s get you out of here.” This time when Logan washed her, he was all business, using a washcloth instead of his bare hands. He didn’t linger over her sensitive areas longer than necessary.

  He dried her off, and then carried her out of the bathroom, not bothering to throw a cover over her. Zora’s modesty had long since vanished where her men were concerned.

  It suddenly occurred to her how easily she thought of them as hers. After her last foray into romance, she had vowed to never give her heart away so easily, yet here she was falling for not one but three men she’d only know for a couple weeks. Zora shook her head to push away the niggling sense of doom. She didn’t want to think about what would happen when this vacation ended. They said they would never leave her, but things were often said in the heat of passion. For now, she’d enjoy her time with them and be grateful for it.

  Logan didn’t take Zora to the room she’d been sleeping in during her stay. Instead he carried her inside a room with one of the biggest beds she’d ever seen.

  “Whose room is this?”

  “Mine.” He gave no further explanation. Demonstrating his strength with ease, he held her in one arm and pulled back the covers with another before laying her down and tucking her in. “Get some rest. You’re going to need your strength because tomorrow you’re going to be a busy girl.”

  Her body trembled at the thrill his words caused.


  He gave her one of his lazy smiles. “I never go back on my word, sweetheart. I guarantee you, tomorrow we’re going to wear that ass out. Make up for lost time, you know.”

  She giggled. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “’Night, sweetheart.”

  Zora closed her eyes and fell asleep immediately.

  Chapter Ten

  The next couple weeks flew by so fast, Logan wondered where the time had gone. He’d always looked forward to his month-long sojourns with his cousins and every year he was reluctant to leave the peace and quiet of their little piece of the world. It was a place where he could be himself, shift if he wanted to, walk around naked if he wanted and not answer to a goddamn person.

  This year, the impending return to his outside life filled him with a greater reluctance, because now he would have to share Zora with the rest of the world. If he had his way, it would just be the four of them out here in their wooded paradise forever.

  On one of the last few days of their vacation, besides making love and being around Zora, he spent time foraging outside in his bear form. Logan thought better in this form.

  Though the last several days had been bliss, something wasn’t quite right. In the beginning when Zora had agreed to stay for the remainder of their time at the cabin, she’d been shy and hesitant in her interaction with them. But after the night when the four of them came together, they’d become a unit.

  With Zora, he’d never laughed as loud, teased as much or let his guard down enough to not take things so seriously. He liked that he could talk to her about any topic from the profound to the mundane. He knew his cousins found joy in their time spent with Zora as well. It went beyond making love even though that was always a highlight. The woman oozed sex when she walked into a room. Just the scent of her freshly cleaned skin was enough to make his cock rock hard.

  Everything seemed so much better with Zora around.

  But in their final days at the cabin, something wasn’t right.

  He could feel her pulling away from them again, closing herself off as if she intended to go her separate way when they left here. He didn’t like it one little bit. He’d be damned if he let her walk away from them after they’d waited so long for her to come into their lives. Something was wrong and he intended to find out what it was.

  He headed back to the cabin and shifted into his two-legged form. Logan walked inside to see his cousins in a deep conversation. Zora was not in sight. “Where’s Zora?”

  “Taking a nap. She had a busy morning.” Heath’s tone was even but his expression said it all.

  “You two rode her hard, huh? No matter. I’ll get my time with her later. What were you two talking about?” He asked, grabbing the pair of jeans he had thrown over the couch.

  “Actually, we were talking about Zora. Not sure if you’ve noticed it, but she’s seemed a little distant these last couple days.”

  Logan nodded. “Guess we’re all on the same page, because I was just thinking about the same thing and for the life of me, I can’t figure what that’s all about.”

  “Yeah, she seemed happy to be here with us, but now it feels like she’s holding a par
t of herself away from us. It’s like she’s shut down,” Heath added.

  Gavin nodded. “That’s pretty much what I noticed too. The only time she actually lets down her guard is when we’re intimate, and even then there’s a slight disconnect that wasn’t there before. Maybe she thinks this is simply a vacation fling?”

  Logan raked his fingers through his hair in frustration.

  “How the hell could she possibly think that when we’ve explained to her how much she means to us?”

  “It could have something to do with someone from her past. I know we agreed we wouldn’t intrude on her thoughts without permission, but like you guys, I’ve felt her pull away in the last few days. It’s frustrating as hell.” Heath pounded his fist into his palm.

  “So are you going to tell us what you found out or leave us guessing?” Logan demanded.

  “I didn’t delve too deeply, but I believe she’s frightened.

  Someone from her past has hurt her and she still carries the pain with her.”

  “Maybe it’s her parents. She’s estranged from them. So maybe she still has some unresolved issues there,” Gavin theorized.

  Heath shook his head. “No, that’s not it. I think she’s at peace with the idea of her parents’ lack of affection. It’s something else. A man. Someone she may have been in a relationship with. I believe he hurt her.”

  Logan’s blood boiled at the thought that someone could hurt their woman to the point where she would still carry the wounds. If he found the fucker responsible, he’d rip him apart and eat his entrails. “Who was it?” he bit out between clenched teeth.

  “I’m not sure. But I intend to find out,” Heath answered.

  Logan had no desire to pussyfoot around the issue. He wanted to know now. “So do I.” He pushed away from the table and strode out of the room.

  “Where are you going?” Gavin was on his feet in an instant.

  “To get answers.”

  “Let her rest,” Gavin and Heath said at the same time.

  Logan wasn’t going to be put off. “She can rest later.”

  His cousins stood up as well, but they all stopped in their tracks once they caught a familiar scent. Leaning against the doorframe was Zora.

  “No point in coming to get me, I couldn’t sleep. I heard the tail end of your conversation.” She seemed a bit distracted, worried even, and Logan’s protective instinct kicked in.

  He closed the short distance between them and pulled her into his arms. He loved the way she melted against his body, the perfect fit. Dropping a kiss on the crown of her head, Logan whispered, “Babe, you’ve got to tell us what’s going on with you. You’ve been shutting yourself off from us and I don’t like it one bit. We don’t like it. Whatever problem you have is also ours.”

  She raised her head to look up at him, the worry in that deep brown gaze evident. “It’s… Never mind. It’s nothing really.”

  Heath walked over to them. “It is something if it’s bothering you and causing this disconnect between us.

  Everything was perfect these past weeks, but the past few days, you’ve been pulling away from us. Don’t you think we deserve to know what’s going on?”

  Gavin joined them, standing on the other side of Logan.

  “Yes. We love you, Zora. Of course, whatever it is that’s on your mind is important to us.”

  A gasp tumbled from her luscious lips, her eyes widening as her gaze swept across Logan’s and his cousins’ faces. “Y-you love me?”

  Logan furrowed his brows together. He was a fan of action rather than words, but he knew enough about women to realize Zora needed that vocal confirmation. “Of course we do,” he growled. “Loved you from the moment we found you.” He lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers.

  “I love you with all my heart.”

  Her eyes watered as they locked with his. “You mean it, don’t you?”

  Heath, not one to be left out, took hold of Zora’s arm and gently pulled her from Logan’s grasp. “These words aren’t spoken lightly, Zora. We love you. You’re our onida, our mate and to us that means forever. If we don’t say it often, it’s because what we feel for you goes beyond just a simple word.

  What we have is so fierce and so deep, once we claimed you, you bonded to us. We are all one. And if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll admit it too. Did you think once our time together at our little getaway was through, we’d be over?”

  “I wasn’t sure what to think,” she answered. “I really didn’t want to think beyond these past weeks with you because for once, I wanted to let go and enjoy being free.”

  “So how do you feel now, Zora?” Gavin asked softly.

  “I… ”

  She wanted to say the words but she couldn’t get them out.

  The last time she’d told a man she loved him, he’d used it as a weapon. Deep down she knew her bears’ feelings were sincere, but the fear still ran deep.

  “Zora, do you trust us?” Heath gently demanded.

  Even though fear kept her from saying the thing she most wanted to, she was able to nod. She did trust them and knew they wouldn’t hurt her the way Dale had. They were right, she at least owed them some explanation as to why she’d grown distant toward them the past couple days. It wasn’t to hurt them, it was a defense mechanism for her.

  With a heavy sigh, she pulled away from the comfort of Heath’s arms. “I think you guys need to have a seat.” She gestured to the kitchen table.

  Once her men, she chuckled at how easily that phrase popped in her mind, were seated, she sat down too. Zora took a moment to figure out where to begin. Thankfully Gavin, Logan and Heath were patient and remained silent, not pressing her until she was ready to speak.

  She hesitated a moment to take a deep breath. “I’ve told you guys about my childhood, right?”

  Each man nodded silently and then waited for her to continue.

  “My parents weren’t the affectionate types. I don’t ever remember being held or comforted by them or even receiving a kind word when I did something right. I can’t even recall them being affectionate with each other. It’s like there was a huge void in our family. Our house was absent of life. I can’t quite put it into words, but something was definitely missing.

  I felt it from the time I realized how much I needed their love.

  So that was on top of them being extremely strict with me.

  Besides that, I’d get the feeling my father hated me. He’d stare at me sometimes when he didn’t think I noticed, and there was such dislike in that look, I would stay in my room when I could.

  “They were glad to see the back of me when I went off to school. As you can imagine, I basically lost my mind with all the freedom I suddenly had. I was away from my parents’

  censure and I drank and experimented with drugs, and… I’m not proud to admit it, but basically I hooked up with a lot of different guys because that kind of attention was new to me. It wasn’t until I had a one-night stand with a guy who battered my reputation that I realized those guys didn’t care about me.

  They were just using me. I’d nearly thrown away a great opportunity I’d been given because I was trying to make up for all the things I’d missed out on when I was in high school.” She paused to catch her breath and to gauge their reaction to what she’d just revealed.

  Zora was relieved to see the patience and compassion in their eyes, no judgment whatsoever and she appreciated that.

  It gave her the fortitude to continue.

  “This does have a point.” She laughed nervously.

  Gavin gave her a reassuring smile. “Take your time, sweetheart. Whatever happened in your past is exactly that, the past. Anything you tell us won’t be held against you.”

  It felt good to know she could share her darkest secrets with them. Zora returned a brief smile of her own. “Thank you. Anyway, I started to get my act together. I was going to my classes and seeing tutors to catch up on everything I’d fallen behind on. I was on trac
k once again and that’s when I met Dale. After my episode with so many random guys, I was a little hesitant to give him a chance. He had a reputation for throwing great parties and being a ladies’ man, so of course I handled his advances with caution. I think my initial rejection of him was probably what made him pursue me. In hindsight, I believe if I had given in to him the first time he asked me out on a date, he’d have been done with me right away. But I made him work for it. A good looking guy with his money and connections wasn’t used to that.

  “One thing I can say for sure, Dale was definitely a charmer. He wore me down after several weeks and I’m not going to lie, I was flattered by his attention. Here was a guy who seemed to have it all together, and he wanted to date me.

  He’d tell me I was beautiful and say the things no man had ever told me before. I started to develop feelings for him so I agreed to go out with him. Almost immediately, we began to date exclusively. In the beginning, things were great. He would wine and dine me, shower me with gifts and compliments. And I lapped it all up. I was so starved for love and I thought that’s what he was giving me, so of course, I believed I loved him too. I’m not exactly sure when, but things began to change. It happened subtly at first, with little digs about what I wore and about my appearance. Dale began implying I wasn’t worthy of him and I was lucky he’d lowered himself to even date me.”

  “That son of a bitch!” Logan interrupted with a pound of his fist to the table.

  Zora jumped at the sudden movement.

  “Sorry,” Logan mumbled.

  “It’s okay,” she returned with a sigh. Zora absently twirled one of her locks around her finger as she continued. “It wasn’t long before I discovered Dale was cheating, but when I tried to break it off with him, he made it seem like I was the one to blame. By this time, I was so conditioned by him to believe everything he told me about myself. After all, my own parents didn’t love me. That was something he threw in my face, by the way, one of the secrets I’d shared with him when I believed I could trust him.” She paused, closing her eyes against the pain that resurfaced when she remembered the cruelty of his words.


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