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She Said, Three Said

Page 18

by David B Lyons

  Number One coughs, then answers Brian’s point.

  ‘It’s interesting that that is your take from the whole hotel room thingy,’ he says. ‘My take on it is different. As the prosecution lawyer mentioned a few times in court, why the hell did Jason only book one hotel room, when all three men were coming back to it with Sabrina? Talk about evidence, there’s evidence right there that there was collusion from the three men about group sex.’

  ‘That’s not evidensh,’ Brian says raising his voice, dissipating the emotional sentiment that existed in the room moments prior. The arguments were well and truly back underway. ‘There is no evidensh of collusion there at all.’

  ‘If he only booked one hotel room, what does that say?’

  ‘That he booked one hotel room,’ Brian says, his voice still louder than it needs to be. It was almost as if he was taking Number One’s point as a personal attack.

  ‘Listen,’ Number One says, rising from his seat again, looking down at Brian. ‘It is reasonable for us to believe that there were discussions in the airport by the three men that alluded to them all having sex with Sabrina. If there wasn’t… why did he only book the one room?’

  ‘He booked a suite. The defence lawyers showed us the picturesh of the suite. There was more than enough room for four people to shleep there that night.’

  ‘There was only one fuckin’ bed, Brian!’ Number One snaps back, shouting louder than his nemesis had just moments ago.

  ‘Calm down!’ Number Three says. ‘We are arguing the case, not arguing egos here.’ The rest of the jurors look to her, not at Brian nor Number One, to continue the debate.

  ‘This was an argument raised by Sabrina’s lawyer because he felt it was significant,’ she says. ‘It is certainly worth us arguing, but not in these tones. I suggest you sit down, Number One — and I suggest both of you refrain from raising your voices so much.’

  Number Three pats down the shoulders of her blazer, readjusts her lapels and then places both of her hands, palms down, on to the armrests of her wheelchair.

  ‘At the airport, Jason booked the Merchant Penthouse Suite for all four of them. The prosecution and defence raise different arguments for this… it’s our job to straighten out those arguments. Let’s do this sensibly and maturely. It might change people’s minds in here… my mind has already been changed and it may even change again, so this is really important. Let’s calm down and ask the very obvious question here.’ She looks around the table, her head swivelling right, then left. ‘Number Four, let’s start with you. Do you believe Jason booked the hotel suite so that all three of the men could have sex with Sabrina?’

  Number Four sucks in some air, then twists his bum into a more comfortable seating position.

  ‘My opinion on that is…’ he pauses, staring into space to consider his answer. ‘My opinion on that is—’

  A knock at the door interrupts him. Number Nine rises from her seat and pulls at the door. The jurors look at her as she nods her head at the young man dressed in black before turning to them.

  ‘Lunch is ready,’ she says.



  All that bloody running and we didn’t even have the right ID.

  I don’t know whether I’m happy about this or not. The whole trip was supposed to be about Jason anyway — a mission to get him to cheer up. But maybe it’s just best that he asks Sabrina for her phone number and they try to get to know each other another time. There’s no need to try and get her to fall in love with him tonight. I was just trying to think of ways to keep him feeling positive. It almost broke my heart, hearing him sob on my shoulder in Coppers earlier.

  I glance over at him. I don’t know whether he’s back to feeling down or whether or not he’s just jaded after we ran here. Each of the four of us are sprawled out on a steel chair in the departure lounge opposite the gate we were supposed to depart from. He shouldn’t be jaded, I guess. He is a professional athlete after all. Maybe he is feeling down again… depressed. He’s awfully quiet for someone who’s supposed to be trying to impress this girl. I’ll get into his ear in a minute. If anyone can cheer him up, it’s me. I’ll tell him to play it cool with Sabrina, that I was wrong to suggest he should rush things tonight with her.

  ‘I need to go to the loo,’ Jason says.

  Zach gets up almost immediately after him. I wouldn’t mind joining them, wouldn’t mind having a go at trying to alleviate the tension in Jason. But I’m too tired. I need a couple of minutes to get my breath back. I haven’t run that far or that fast in… actually I don’t think I’ve ever run that far or that fast. And all for nothing.

  ‘Tired?’ Sabrina asks, turning her head to face me as the other two ramble up the steps. She’s slouched just as much as I am in her chair.

  ‘Bollixed,’ I reply while letting out a deep breath.

  ‘Me too. Who would have thought I’d ever be in such a rush to go to bloody Newcastle?’

  I laugh. It’s not the first time she’s made me laugh tonight. She’s strangely funny for someone so attractive. That combination rarely marries. I assume that if you’re good looking you must be a bit more reserved. More self-conscious. Sabrina was certainly quieter in the first part of the night when we met her, but she’s opened up since. Maybe it’s the wine. She seems to have come out of her shell as she’s got to know us. And I think she likes me; she’s comfortable with me.

  She stood joking and laughing with me at the edge of the dance floor when we were in Coppers and snapped at both of the lads when they were taking the piss out of me on the taxi ride here. She’s lovely. I can certainly see what Jason sees in her. She seems to have it all. I hope it works out between her and Jason. Would like Sabrina to be a part of our lives. I know I’ve only known her for a few hours, but I think I’d actually miss her if I never saw her again.

  ‘Well, you were right all along,’ she says to me.


  ‘You kept telling everyone that we wouldn’t get on that flight.’

  ‘Oh yeah,’ I say letting a sniffle of laughter come out of my nose. I finally sit more upright. Sabrina does the same. But we both just stare ahead. Too tired to move any more than sitting up.

  ‘I’m so happy for you.’

  ‘For me?’ I say, turning to face her.

  ‘Yeah. Getting engaged. That’s such amazing news. Niamh’s a lucky girl. You’re gonna make her so happy.’

  ‘Thank you,’ I say, studying her face, wondering why she’s so perfect in every possible way. She must have flaws. Can’t be this ideal. Surely perfect women don’t actually exist. You can’t have it all. You can’t have the personality to match the looks.

  ‘How you going to do it — how are you going to ask her?’ she asks.

  ‘Well,’ I pause before letting another laugh sniffle out from my nose. ‘I was originally going to ask her when we go on holiday next month. We’re going to Lanzarote.’

  Sabrina lets a little squeal seep from the back of her throat.

  ‘That would be so romantic. Over dinner, when the sun is going down or something like that?’ she says smiling at me.

  ‘Yeah… that’s… that’s exactly how I was imaging it,’ I say. ‘It’s just eh… Zach thought that was a bit cheesy.’

  ‘Zach?’ she says, resting her forearms on her knees. She turns her face to look at me. ‘Zach who does nothing but cheat on his poor wife is trying to tell you how to treat yours?’

  I laugh and begin to play with my fingers out of discomfort. I don’t know why Sabrina is making me feel this way. I’m starting to think I might actually fancy her. That’s nuts. I haven’t fancied anyone since I met Niamh. I haven’t even had a celebrity crush.

  ‘You’re right, I suppose,’ I say.

  ‘No – you’re right. You do it whatever way you want. Just make sure it’s a special memory for Niamh. That should be your main aim.’

  I smile at her, soak in her beauty. Then shake my thoughts away. I imagine Niamh curled up in
our bed at home. Our baby growing inside her. Maybe it’s time I joined her back there.

  I check the time on my iPhone. 11:31. If I get a taxi from outside the airport I could be home by midnight. I won’t wake Niamh or anything. But I can just squeeze up against her. Spoon her. Place my hand on her swelling belly.

  Sabrina takes me out of my thought by placing her hand on my knee.

  ‘You’re a good man, Li. You’ve got it all. Guys wanna look like Zach or maybe they wanna have the celebrity like Jason, but ye know what? All a girl really wants is somebody who’s nice. Who’s trustworthy. Who’s genuine. I kinda… I envy Niamh.’

  She’s staring into my eyes as she’s saying this. I feel my dick wake up. It removes itself from slouching on my balls, as if its alarm clock has just gone off. I stand up immediately, turn my back on her and pace across the floor.

  ‘Thank you,’ I say back over my shoulder before I shake my head again, removing the guilty thoughts from my mind. I pace towards the window, see my reflection staring back at me.

  ‘Where are those two?’ I ask, trying to change the subject.

  ‘Hmmm,’ Sabrina mumbles before walking towards the edge of the steps. She stares up them. The airport is eerily quiet. ‘Wonder what they’re up to?’

  She begins to walk up the steps, but just as she rests her hand on the bannister we can hear them. Well, not necessarily both of them. Zach more so.

  ‘Whoop,’ he calls out, running down the steps. He rushes at Sabrina, almost pulling her over in a sort of wrestling move. I think it’s his idea of a hug. ‘C’mon, you two, we’re going over to the Merchant Hotel for drinks. Jason’s sorted it.’

  I walk closer to my reflection, then let out a big sigh that fogs up the window. Balls. I really don’t wanna do that. I just wanna go home.



  He’s so adorable. I bet he’s totally devoted to Niamh; wouldn’t even dream of cheating on her. She’s lucky. I tell him that. I’m glad I can open up to him, that I can pay people compliments without feeling self-conscious. I’m starting to come out of my shell tonight. Being around these three has really helped me. They’re a good remedy for somebody with a slice of depression.

  I lean over to Li, just to let him know how proud I am of him, even though I’ve only known him for a few hours. It’s almost as if he feels like a little brother to me.

  ‘You’re a good man, Li,’ I say, honestly as I can. ‘You’ve got it all. Guys wanna look like Zach or maybe they wanna have the celebrity like Jason, but ye know what? All a girl wants is somebody like you. Somebody’s who’s nice. Who’s trustworthy. Who’s genuine. I kinda… I envy Niamh.’

  I think my straightforwardness has unnerved him a little. I’m not sure he’s used to compliments. He gets up from his chair, paces towards the other side of the room. He’s probably wishing he was back home with his soon-to-be fiancée.

  The entire departure lounge falls silent again. Just the sound of Li’s footsteps brushing off the shiny floor producing hardly any noise at all.

  ‘Where are those two?’ I ask before getting up off my chair and heading towards the steps. I’m about to climb them in search of Jason when I hear the two of them coming towards me. When Zach sees me, he runs down the steps, yelling. He practically lands on top of me as if we’re celebrating a lottery win or something.

  ‘C’mon, you two, we’re going over to the Merchant Hotel for drinks. Jason’s sorted it.’

  I stare at Jason over Zach’s shoulder as he plods down the stairs. He doesn’t seem to be as excited about this as Zach is. In fact, he barely looks at me, he just offers me a strained smile without our eyes meeting.

  ‘Yeah – c’mon, we’ll go over for a few drinks. I have this deadly suite we can all crash in,’ he says.

  I swallow hard. Not sure how to take it. Is that just confirmation that I’m going to have sex with him? Shouldn’t I be a little upset that he booked a hotel room without even asking me? I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel; how I’m supposed to play this.

  I think Zach notices my hesitation more than Jason.

  ‘Fuck it, Sabrina, c’mon. They do some lovely cocktails over there. Let’s have a few of them, let’s make a night of it, huh?’

  I just nod my head. But I’m still a bit hesitant. Unsure.

  ‘Ye know what… I think I might just go home,’ Li says as he walks towards us.

  ‘Well, if you’re going home, I’m going home too,’ I say. And I mean it. I need Li to come with us to the hotel. Somebody needs to keep Zach company if me and Jason are to get down to business.

  ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa,’ says Zach, holding his arms out. ‘You’re both coming over. We’re having a few drinks each… if you all wanna go home after that, I’ll order you a taxi each, but c’mon — were having fun, right?’

  He grins wide. I’m not sure why he’s so excited about a couple of extra drinks.

  I look at Jason, wondering why he’s quiet in comparison. Maybe he’s wondering if he’s coming on too strong by booking a hotel room. I bet that’s why he’s asked Zach to reveal the news… as if it was all Zach’s decision, not his. That’s kinda cute. I think. I walk over to Jason, just to let him know he shouldn’t be feeling guilty. I’ll let him know I’m up for it. That I want to have sex with him.

  ‘Come on, Li, we’ll both go over, have a cocktail and a bit more of a laugh. It’s early days, right? Not even midnight,’ I say.

  I smile at Jason. He smiles back. Then I wrap both my arms around his waist and lean in to him.

  ‘Relax,’ I whisper into his ear. ‘Everything’s going to be okay. You don’t have to feel any guilt. I’m up for this. I’m eh… actually quite horny.’

  It’s the naughtiest thing I’ve ever whispered to anyone. But I feel like I’m a different person tonight. It’s probably the excitement of hooking up with a celebrity. I hope that’s not too strong; hope Jason is up for sex just as much as I am. He must be. He practically had me pulling him off after meeting him for two minutes earlier on.

  ‘You really are a filthy little bitch, aren’t you?’ he says, cupping my ear.

  I giggle. I feel so happy. In about an hour’s time I’m going to be having sex with somebody who people have posters of in their bedrooms. This is going to be one of the best nights of my life. It already is. I genuinely think I’ve found not just a future boyfriend, but two new best friends too.

  I’ve never really had male friends before. I’ve always assumed any guy who wants to talk to me is talking to me because I’m attractive. I certainly didn’t have any male friends when I went out with Eddie. He wouldn’t even let me talk to his friends. That’s how jealous he was. His paranoia must’ve rubbed off on me. After about six months of being convinced he was cheating on me, I found a company online who would confirm it for me: Honest Entrapment. For two thousand euro they would have an attractive girl come on to my boyfriend and send a full report of his reaction to me. I met with Lorna one Tuesday morning and by Friday she was all dressed up, ready to coincidentally bump into Eddie when he was out with his mates in Tallaght. I called to her small offices in Rathfarnham the following Monday for my report. I wasn’t surprised. Not one bit. Lorna is gorgeous. She may not be as naturally pretty as I am, but she’s definitely sexy. Long blonde hair, bright green eyes. She always wears roaring red lipstick. It makes her look like a magazine model. But like me, she never made it into the magazine pages as a model. She had just as much of a stressful time of it in that industry as I had.

  ‘I flirted with him from the outset, played it a little cool, then turned up the heat. When I suggested he come back to my place, his exact words were “fuck yeah”,’ she told me. She reached out a hand to mine. Held it. I didn’t need the comforting she was offering. I knew there was no chance in hell he would turn down an offer of sex from another woman. I just wanted clarification. A definite reason to dump him. Which is what I did later that day.

  ‘Go on then, I’ll go over for an hour o
r two,’ Li says. I beam a big smile, then walk towards him and offer him a hug of his own.

  ‘Okay then, boys — let’s go,’ I say as I lead them all up the steps. I really am starting to like the new me.



  She walks towards me, smiles, then wraps both of her arms around my waist —seconds after she did the exact same thing to Zach.

  ‘Relax,’ she whispers into my ear. ‘Everything’s going to be okay. Lighten up. I’m up for this. I’m eh…’ she leans in closer to my ear, ‘actually quite horny.’

  Wow. I really thought she was a genuinely nice girl. I can’t believe I had almost fallen for her; almost visualising a future for the two of us. I’m such a fucking idiot. I should know this by now. No hot girl wants a future with me. They just want a night. A thrill. A story for their friends.

  ‘You really are a filthy little bitch, aren’t you?’ I whisper back. And I mean it. She is. It’s such a shame. She really doesn’t need to be like this. I wasn’t even planning on having sex with her. I wanted to play it cool. Play it slow.

  I stare down at her as she snuggles into my shoulder, then my eyes gaze down the length of the V in her jumpsuit and decide I can’t turn this offer down, no matter how hurt I’m feeling right now. This’ll be nothing new for me — fucking a hot girl while depressed. It’s what I’ve been doing every weekend for the past year, ever since Jessica left me.

  I look over at Zach as Sabrina releases her bear hug. He winks at me. He’s such a little shite. But I love him. I don’t know what I’d be like if it wasn’t for Zach and Li. I’d probably be suicidal. They are the only two blokes on the planet who make me genuinely laugh. I mean, I laugh all the time in the dressing-room. But I’m not genuinely laughing. I’m just laughing because that’s what I’m supposed to do.

  Dressing-rooms are full of men who have never really grown up. Millionaires who think it’s funny to put glue in their mate’s shampoo, or who think it’s funny to cut the toes out of a mate’s socks. I probably thought those things were funny the first time they happened. But it’s been the same shit jokes for the past fifteen years now. I’m bored by it all.


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