Sailing True North
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Clinton, Bill, 214, 275
COBOL, 228, 238
Collingwood, Cuthbert, 82
Columbus, Christopher, 36
command and control, Nelson’s simplification of, 91–92
Command of the Seas (Lehman), 179
communication skills
Drake’s “strategic communications,” 71
signal system, of Nelson, 91
teaching and, 113–14
Themistocles and, 5, 7, 19–20
Zumwalt and, 218–19
Gates and, 220
Zumwalt and, 219–20
Constitution, USS, 79, 240
Copenhagen, Battle of, 84–85, 91–92
Corbett, Julian, 71
Coromandel, HMS, 124
courage, 64–67
of Drake, 64–65
of Lockhart, 67
moral, 65
of Nelson, 84–85
ways to develop, 65–67
Crane, Stephen, 268
creativity and innovation, 22–23, 137–39
fear of failure and, 22–23
Fisher and, 137–39
flexibility of judgment and, 22
Nimitz and, 153–54
post 9/11 ideas for restructuring Navy and, 71–72, 138, 270–71
Stavridis and, 269–72
Themistocles and, 22, 23
Zumwalt and, 213
Cruel Sea, The (Monsarrat), 268
curiosity, 141–42
Danzig, Richard, 29, 48, 195, 198, 216–17
da Vinci, Leonardo, 141
Dean, Howard, 218
decisiveness, 280–83
Stavridis and, 281–83
Themistocles and, 23–24
Deep Blue think tank, 71–72, 265, 270–71
delegation of responsibility
by Nimitz, 153, 162–63
self-confidence and, 162
determination. See perseverance
Dewey, USS, 202
diplomatic skills, 48–50
discipline, 67–69
Drake and, 67–68
self-discipline, 68
Nimitz and, 150–52, 164–65
Stavridis and, 165–66
diversity, 44–45
Doughty, Thomas, 60
Drake, Francis, 53–73
birth and early life of, 57–58
boldness of, 70–71
commands own ship, 59
commissioned by Queen Elizabeth, 59–60, 61
courage of, 64–65
cruelty in legacy of, 55–57, 61–62, 72–73
death of, 64
defeats Spanish at Cádiz, 63
determination of, 283
executes business partner, 60
final Caribbean voyage of, 64
harsh disciplinary methods of, 67–68
in Hawkins fleet, 57–59
knighting of, 61
learning and improving from failures, 69
in Parliament, 63
personal branding of, 70–71
raids and plunders in first three-year voyage around world, 60–61
raids Spanish shipping in Caribbean, 1580s, 61–62
self-discipline of, 68
Spanish defeat, role in, 62–64
Dreadnought, HMS, 132
Duty (Gates), 220
Eckert, J. Presper, 237
Economist, The, 187–88
Elizabeth, Queen, 59
embassy bombings of 1998, 275
empathy, 45–46, 277–79
energy, 139–40
building higher levels of, 139–40
of Fisher, 139
of Zumwalt, 221–22
commissions Drake’s voyages, 59–60, 61
defeat of Spanish armada, 62–64
mercantilism and, 102
Napoleonic Wars, 81–86
See also Drake, Francis; Nelson, Horatio
eulogy virtues, 286
Excellent, HMS, 82
failure, learning and improving from, 69–70
fear of failure, 22–23
First Persian War, 4, 8
Fisher, Frederic, 135
Fisher, John Arbuthnot, 119–42
in Anglo-Egyptian War of 1882, 127
big-gun battleships and battle cruisers championed by, 132
birth and early life of, 122–23
Churchill and, 132–34
curiosity of, 141–42
death of, 134–35
determination of, 136–37, 283
early naval career of, 122–25
energy of, 139–40
as first sea lord, 131–32
in First World War, 132–35
Gallipoli campaign opposed by, 133–35
as innovator, 137–39
naval weaponry, impact on evolution of, 126, 127–30, 132, 137
optimism of, 140–41
personality of, 121
promoted to full captain, 126–27
as second sea lord, 131
as third sea lord, 129
tours of duty at Portsmouth, 125–26
training methods of, 130–31
as vice admiral in command of Mediterranean Fleet, 130–31
Fisher, Kitty, 134–35
Fisher, Sophie, 123
Fisher, William, 122–23
Fisher’s Face (Morris), 123
Ford, Gerald B., 160, 165
Forrestal, USS, 210–11
Fortran, 238
mercantilism and, 102
Napoleonic Wars, 81–86
Franklin, Benjamin, 141
Freud, Sigmund, xvi
Friedman, George, 187–88
Frobisher, Martin, 62
Furious, HMS, 124–25
Gallipoli campaign, 133–35
Gates, Robert, 186, 220, 244
Gates of Fire (Pressfield), 268
Germany, 102
Gingrich, Newt, 141, 271
Grayling, USS, 156
Great Britain. See England
Great White Fleet, 107–8
Halsey, William, 150, 152, 159, 161, 162
Hamilton, Emma, 78, 84, 92
Hamilton, William, 84
Hardy, Thomas, 86
Hawkins, John, 59
Hawkins family, 57–58
Hearst, William Randolph, 276
Hemingway, Ernest, 65
Henrikson, Alan, 121–22
Henry V (Shakespeare), 80
Herodotus, 6, 19
heroes, virtues of, 286–87
Hewitt, USS, 69–70, 163–64
Highflyer, HMS, 124
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, xix
Homer, 4, 268
honesty, 276–77
Hopper, Grace, 111, 225–49
activated and continues work, 239–40
advanced systems stemming from vision of, 248
birth and early life of, 231
“bugs” term first used by, 236
change, devotion to, 249
COBOL development and, 238
computer science as mandatory coursework for Brigade of Midshipmen, encouragement of, 238
computer techniques and technologies pioneered by, 238–39
computer use on ships at sea, advocates for, 238–39
death of, 241
fleet-wide system for sharing tactical data with submarines, development of, 240
joins US Navy after attack on Pearl Harbor, 233
loyalty of, 246–47<
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marriage and divorce of, 231–32
medals and awards received by, 241
mentorship and, 243–44
at Naval Data Automation Headquarters, 240
at Naval Reserve, 236–39
at Navy Computational Lab, 236
patriotism of, 241–42
personality of, 244–47
post-retirement activities of, 240–41
as programmers for world’s first computer (IBM Mark I), 234–36
as Programming Language Group director, 238
promotions received by, 239–40
retirement of, 240
on taking chances, 227–28
technological changes during lifetime of, 229–31
UNIVAC computers, work on, 237–38
vision of, 185, 247, 248
in WAVES, 233–36
Hopper, USS, 241
Hopper, Vincent, 231, 232–33
Howard, Charles, 63
Howard, Michelle, 256–61
“firsts” achieved by, 257, 260–61
jealousy and resentment faced by, 258–59
organizes Navy response to MV Maersk Alabama capture, 260–61
public scrutiny of performance of, 259
resilience of, 261, 266–68, 273
wins Captain Winifred Quick Collins Award, 258
humility, 273–74
Hyman G. Rickover, USS, 183
IBM Mark I computer, 234–36
of Danzig, 216–17
of Rumsfeld, 217
of Zumwalt, 215–16
independence, 46–48
Nelson and, 80–82
of Zheng He, 46–47
Inflexible, HMS, 127
Influence of Sea Power upon History, The (Mahan), 101–2, 106–8, 113
innovation. See creativity and innovation
inspire, ability to
boldness and, 71, 72
of Themistocles, 5, 7, 19–20
internet, 239
Invincible, HMS, 132
Isaacson, Walter, 141
Isaiah 40:31, 266–67
Japan, 102
Jervis, John, 81, 82
Jobs, Steve, 115, 141, 239
John XXIII, Pope, 208–9
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), 265–66
Jones, Clevon, 210–11
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 57
justice, sense of, 279–80
Kadare, Ismail, 49
Kazantzakis, Nikos, 43–44, 285
Kennedy, John F., 279
Kimmel, Husband, 151–52, 155, 156
King, Ernest, 21–22, 99, 150, 152, 158, 159, 161, 164
Kitchener, Herbert, 133–34
Knox, Frank, 155
La Vallette, USS, 173
“Laws of the Navy” (Hopwood), 165–66
leadership, xv–xvii
balancing being right with being a leader, 21–22
character, distinguished, xv–xvi
communication skills and (See communication skills)
compassion and, 219–20
courage and, 64–67
creativity and innovation and (See creativity and innovation, of leaders)
decisiveness (See decisiveness)
failure, learning and improving from, 69–70
independence and, 46–48
personality and (See personality)
reputation, distinguished, xv–xvi
self-confidence versus arrogance and, 20–21
team building skills and (See team building)
Leahy, William, 240
Lehman, John, 179, 180–82
Leonidas I, 10–11
Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 199, 200
Lockhart, Ted, 67
Lockwood, Charles, 160
Log, The, 98
blind, dangers of, 246
Drake’s Machiavellian means for inspiring, 67
of Hopper, 246–47
to larger values of organization or nation, 246–47
Nelson’s inspiring of, through team building, 80–81
of Zheng He, 34
Zumwalt’s loyalty to subordinates, 219
Luce, Stephen B., 100
Luke 12:48, 254
MacArthur, Douglas, 152, 159
Mack, Bill, 172
McCarthy, Cormac, 268
McChrystal, Stan, 254–55, 273, 284
McRaven, Bill, 262–66
as leader of Operation Neptune Spear (bin Laden killing), 262, 265–66
leukemia, battle with, 264
parachute accident and injuries of, 264
post-9/11 counterterrorism role of, 264–65
resilience of, 263–64, 273
Trump’s criticism of, 262–63
Maersk Alabama, MV, 260–61
Magellan, Ferdinand, 61, 65
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 8, 38, 95–116, 198–99, 200
early career of, 104–5
global network of bases for Navy, advocates for, 103–4
as historian, scholar and intellectual, 97–98, 100, 109–11
Influence of Sea Power upon History, The, 101–2, 106–8, 113
naval history research of, 100–101
naval power, theories on, 102–3
navy’s purpose, understanding of, 108–9, 111
perseverance of, 109, 111, 115–16
personality of, 104–6, 108, 110–11, 114–15
religious beliefs of, 105–6
as teacher, 113–14
vision of, 111–12, 115–16
Mahan, USS, 110
Ma He. See Zheng He
Maine, USS, 103, 276–77
management skills
of Drake, 67–68
of Nimitz, 158–59, 161, 162–63
of Zheng He, 34–35, 48, 49–50
Man for All Seasons, A (Bolt), 114
manifest destiny, 102
Marathon, Battle of, 4, 8
Mark I computer, 234–36
Marshall, George, 286–87
Masters, Ruth, 183
Mauchly, John, 237
meditation, 140
Memories (Fisher), 136–37, 139
mentorship, 243–44
mercantilism, 101–2
mesothelioma, 197
Ming Dynasty, 31–40
Monsarrat, Nicholas, 268
moral courage, 65
Morris, Jan, 123
Mullen, Mike, 241, 244
Napoleonic Wars, 81–86
National Institute of Standards and Technology, 239
National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, 2006, 265
Afghan War, determination in prosecuting, 283–84
empathy in commanding, 278–79
Nautilus, USS, 176
Naval Data Automation Headquarters, 240
Naval Reactors, 175, 178–79
Naval Reserve, 236–39
Naval War College, 98
Navy Computational Lab, 236
Navy SEALs, 72
Nelson, Horatio, 68, 75–93, 185
adulterous affair of, 78, 84, 92
ambition of, 93
Battle of Cape St. Vincent and, 81–82
Battle of Copenhagen and, 84–85, 91–92
Battle of Nile and, 83–84, 89, 91
Battle of Trafalgar and, 85, 91
birth and early life of, 79–80
courage of, 84–85
death of, 85–86
independent action and, 80–82
loses arm at Santa Cruz de
Tenerife, 83
in Napoleonic Wars, 81–82
patriotism of, 86–88, 93
personal failures of, 86, 92–93
resilience of, 272–73
tactical approach of, evolution of, 91–92
team, caring for, 90–91
team building skills of, 80–81, 86, 88–89
Battle of Copenhagen and, 84–85, 91–92
mercantilism and, 102
Nevada, USS, 173
Next 100 Years, The (Friedman), 187–88
Nile, Battle of Nile, 83–84, 89, 91
Nimitz, Chester, 31, 40, 145–67, 176, 198–99, 209, 240
birth and early life of, 149–50
as Bureau of Navigation chief, 154
calculated risk principle of, 165
as chief of naval operations (CNO), 159
death of, 160
delegation of responsibility by, 153, 162–63
discretion and compassion of, 150–52, 164–65
innovations of, 153–54
management of war effort by, 158–59, 161, 162–63
optimism of, 166–67
personality of, 163–67
post-retirement advocacy for Navy, 159–60
promoted to CINCPAC and takes command at Pearl Harbor, 155–58
responsibility and experience, drive to acquire, 152–53
as strategist for Pacific War, 158, 160–62
Nimitz, Chester, Jr., 154
Nimitz, Steve, 147
Nimitz, USS, 147, 160
9/11 terrorist attacks, 276
Nitze, Paul, 196–97, 203, 222
Nixon, Richard, 207
Norman, William, 212, 219
Northampton, HMS, 127
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 175–76
Obama, Barack, 281
O’Brian, Patrick, 87
Ocean, HMS, 126
Odyssey (Homer), 268
On Watch (Zumwalt), 197
Operation Eagle Claw, 265
Operation Neptune Spear, 262, 265–66
of Fisher, 140–41
of Nimitz, 166–67
organizational skills, 40–42
tools to help with, 42
of Zheng He, 40–41
Panetta, Leon, 244
Parker, Edward, 90–91
development and nurturing of, 242
of Hopper, 241–42
of Nelson, 86–88, 93
service, value of, 242–43
Pearl Harbor, attack on, 151–52, 154–55, 156, 157–58, 167
perseverance, 283–84
Churchill and, 283, 284
of Drake, 283
of Fisher, 136–37, 283
of Mahan, 109, 111, 115–16
of Rickover, 283
of Stavridis, 60–70, 283–84
of Themistocles, 283
Persian Empire, 9–10
First Persian War, 4, 8