Second Persian War, 9–16
personal branding, of Drake, 70–71
of Fisher, 121
of Hopper, 244–47
of Mahan, 104–6, 108, 110–11, 114–15
of Nimitz, 163–67
of Zumwalt, 217–19
perspective, 44, 284–86
Petraeus, David, 254, 255, 273
Philip II, King, 59
Phillips, Richard, 260–61
English, in 1500s, 58
Themistocles’ arguments for navy based on threat of, 9
Zheng He neutralizes Chen’s piracy network, 37
Pirates of the Caribbean (film), 58
Pol Pot, xv
Portugal, 102
Potter, E. B., 160
Powell, Colin, 141, 244
power, 254
Pressfield, Steven, 268
Proceedings, 98, 99, 154
racism, 201–2
Z-Gram Z-66, 212
Zumwalt’s reforms addressing, 208, 209, 210–13, 259
reading, xii–xiii
Reagan, Ronald, 180–82
Red Badge of Courage, The (Crane), 268
reputation, xv–xvi
resilience, 42–44, 253–68
Allen and, 255, 273
books inspiring sense of, 268
developing, 268
Howard and, 261, 266–68, 273
inner conversation refusing to be victim and, 268
McChrystal and, 254–55, 273
of McRaven, Bill, 273
McRaven and, 263–64, 266–68
Nelson and, 272–73
peers and, 268
perspective and, 44
Petraeus and, 255, 273
Stavridis and, 255, 272–73
stoicism and, 43–44
Zheng He and, 34, 42–43, 272
résumé virtues, 286
rhetorical skills of leaders. See communication skills of leaders
Rice, Condoleezza, 286–87
Rickover, Hyman, 169–91, 240, 245
anger and, 188–89, 190, 191
birth and early life of, 173
death of, 183
at dedication of Rickover Hall, 171–73
determination of, 283
early naval career and graduate school in electrical engineering, 173–74
as engineering duty officer, 174–75
ethical missteps of, 182–83
interviewing style of, 177–78
Medals awarded to, 183
meeting with Reagan and Lehman over retirement, 180–82
as minesweeper commander, 174
at Naval Reactors, 175, 178–79
nuclear propulsion program, work on, 175–79
on responsibility, 177
retirement of, 179–82
as STEM supporter, 174
submarine service of, 174
translates Das Unterseeboot, 174
vision of, 185–86, 187, 188
work ethic of, 183–84
World War II service of, 175
risk taking, and Themistocles, 23
Road, The (McCarthy), 268
Road to Character, The (Brooks), 286
Roberts, Ed, 239
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, xv, 155
Roosevelt, Theodore, 101, 103, 107–8, 276
Rose, George, 85
Rumsfeld, Donald, 185, 217, 271
Rushmore, USS, 260
Salamis, Battle of, 4–5, 12–16, 19, 23
Sampson-Schley controversy, 150–51
Santos, Juan Manuel, 286–87
Sea Power: The History and Geopolitics of the World’s Oceans (Stavridis), xi
Second Persian War, 9–16
arrogance versus, 20–21
delegate, ability to, 162
of Themistocles, 20
of Zumwalt, 221–22
self-control, 280
self-examination, 287
servant leadership, 90–91
service, value of, 242–43
sexism, 201–2
Danzig’s work on allowing women to serve in submarines, 216–17
Z-Gram Z-116, 212–13
Zumwalt’s reforms addressing, 208, 209, 210–13, 259
Shakespeare, William, 57, 80
Shipmate, 98
60 Minutes (tv show), 239–40
Smith, Leighton W., 148
Socrates, 287
South China Sea, 30, 36, 40
mercantilism and, 102
Spanish-American War, 103–4, 276–77
Spanish-American War, 103–4, 276–77
Spruance, Raymond, 150, 160, 161, 162
spy ring scandal, 222
Stark, USS, 66
Stavridis, James
balance in life and, 274–76
calm demeanor, learning, 163–64
decisiveness and, 281–83
Deep Blue and, 71–72, 265, 270–71
determination and, 283–84
diplomatic skills and, 48–49
discretion and, 165–66
empathy and, 278–79
energy level and, 139–40
heroes of, 286–87
humility and, 273–74
independence versus checking with command, finding balance between, 47–48
innovation and, 269–72
mentors of, 244
perseverance and, 69–70
perspective and, 285–86
resilience and, 255, 272–73
sense of justice and, 279–80
team building and, 89–90
travel violation accusations and, 255
on USS Nimitz, 147–49
vision for U.S. Southern Command of, 186–87, 271–72
work ethic, developing, 185
Zumwalt’s reforms addressing racism and sexism, experience with, 210–12
Stockdale, James, 99
stoicism, 43–44
Submarine, The (Bauer, tr. Rickover), 174
Fisher and, 129, 130, 132
Hopper’s development of fleet-wide system for sharing tactical data with, 240
Nimitz and, 153–54
Rickover serves on, 174
Rickover’s nuclear propulsion work and, 175–77
women in, 216–17
Sullivan, John, 176
tactical approach
of Drake, 56, 62
of Nelson, 91–92
of Themistocles, 11–16
team, Nelson’s caring for, 90–91
team building, 88–90
of Nelson, 80–81, 86, 88–89
with peers, 89
with subordinates, 89–90
Themistocles, 1–24
as archon of Athens, 7–8
arrogance and, 20–21, 273
Athens abandoned and burned by Persians, 11–12
balancing being right with being a leader, 21–22
Battle of Marathon and, 8
Battle of Salamis and, 4–5, 12–16, 19, 23
birth and early life of, 6–7
character of, 8, 9, 11–12, 14, 15–16
commissions building of port of Piraeus, 7–8
communication skills of, 5, 7, 19–20
convinces Athenians to build fleet, 8–10
creativity and innovation displayed by, 22
determination of, 283
flees Greece and pledges loyalty to Persia, 16–17
flexibility of judgment and, 9, 22
Herodotus on, 6, 19
inspire, ability to, 5, 7, 19–20
political downfall of, 16
predictive skill of, 18
refusal to be swept up in mood of the moment, 18
sea power, advocacy of, 8–9
self-confidence of, 20
tactical approach of, 11–16
Thucydides on, 6
vision of, 7, 8, 9, 17–19, 185
Theodore Roosevelt, USS, 103
Thermopylae, Battle of, 4, 10–11
“This Is Water” (Wallace), 45–46, 277–78, 279
Thucydides, 6
Tocqueville, Alexis de, xiv
tolerance, of Zheng He, 44–46
Tomb, Paul, 177–78
torpedoes, 126, 129–30
Trafalgar, Battle of, 85, 91
Trump, Donald, 262–63
Turner, Kelly, 160
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Verne), 176
Twitter, xii–xiii
Unterseeboot, Das (The Submarine) (Bauer, tr. Rickover), 174
United States
embassy bombings of 1998, 275
manifest destiny and, 102
mercantilism and, 102
Pearl Harbor, attack on, 151–52, 154–55, 156, 157–58, 167
Spanish-American War, 103–4, 276–77
territories gained in Spanish-American War, 103–4
See also Hopper, Grace; Howard, Michelle; Mahan, Alfred Thayer; McRaven, Bill; Nimitz, Chester; Stavridis, James; Zumwalt, Elmo R., Jr.
UNIVAC computers, 237–38
US Naval Institute, 98–99
Valley Forge, USS, 66
Vatican II, 209
Verne, Jules, 176
Victory, HMS, 77–79, 131
vision, 17–19, 111–13, 247–48
challenging your vision, 188
developing and cultivating, 187–88
of Hopper, 185, 247, 248
of Mahan, 111–12, 115–16
of Nelson, 185
of Rickover, 185–86, 187, 188
of Stavridis, 186–87
strategic patience necessary for, 187
of Themistocles, 8, 9, 17–19, 185
of Zumwalt, 185
Wallace, David Foster, 45–46, 277–78, 279
Warner, John, 171
Warrior, HMS, 126
Washington, George, 102
WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service), 233
Weinberger, Caspar, 181
Wilde, Oscar, 17
Wilhelm I, 126
Wilhelm II, 108
Wooden, John, xv–xvi
work ethic, 183–85
developing character with, 184–85
of Rickover, 183–84
of Zumwalt, 221
World War I, 132–35, 230
Wozniak, Steve, 239
Xerxes I, 9–10
Z-Gram messages, 210, 212–13, 222
Zheng He, 27–50
birth of, 32
build’s China’s first deep-ocean fleet, 33–35
bureaucratic opposition to missions of, 38–40
diplomatic skills of, 49
early life and castration of, 32
independence of, 46–47
loyalty of, 34
military career of, 32–33
organizational skills of, 40–41
piracy fought by, 37
resilience of, 34, 42–43, 272
South China Sea historical claims of China based on voyages of, 30, 36, 40
Sri Lankan dilemma of, 47
tolerance cultivated by, 44–46
voyages of, 35–39
Zhu Di, 32–33
Zinni, Tony, 275
Zumwalt, Elmo, III, 197, 201, 205, 214
Zumwalt, Elmo, IV, 214
Zumwalt, Elmo R., Jr., 111, 178, 193–223, 240
Agent Orange spraying ordered by, 197, 205, 214
at Bureau of Personnel, 201–2
charisma of, 218–19
as chief of naval operations (CNO), 202, 206–14
as commander of Cruiser-Destroyer Flotilla Seven, 204
as commander of naval forces in Vietnam, 204–6
commands USS Dewey, 202
compassion of, 219
death of, 197–98, 214
as director of systems analysis in office of CNO, 204
early command positions of, 201
energy of, 221–22
as executive assistant to Secretary of Navy, 196–97
iconoclasm of, 215–16
innovations of, 213
loses son to cancer, 197, 201
loyalty to subordinates of, 219
marriage of, 200–201
at National War College, 202–3
at Naval Academy, 199–200
Nitze and, 203
personality of, 217–19
post-retirement activities of, 213–14
racism and sexism in Navy, reforms aimed at changing, 208, 209, 210–13, 259
reforms of, 207–13
retirement of, 213
self-confidence of, 221–22
spy ring scandal and, 222
Vietnamese refugees, advocates for resettlement of, 214
vision of, 185
work ethic of, 221
in World War II, 199, 200
Z-Gram messages of, 210, 212–13, 222
Zumwalt, Mouza, 200–201, 214
Zumwalt, USS, 198, 214–15
About the Author
Admiral Jim Stavridis, USN (Ret.) spent more than thirty years in the US Navy, rising to the rank of four-star admiral. He was Supreme Allied Commander at NATO and previously commanded US Southern Command, overseeing military operations through Latin America. At sea, he commanded a Navy destroyer, a destroyer squadron, and an aircraft carrier battle group in combat. He holds a PhD from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, where he recently served five years as dean. He has published eight previous books and hundreds of articles. Admiral Stavridis is Chief International Security and Diplomacy Analyst for NBC News, and a columnist at both Time magazine and Bloomberg Opinion. Based in Washington, D.C., he is an operating executive of the Carlyle Group, an international private equity firm, and chair of the board of counselors of McLarty Associates, an international consulting firm.
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