Meant to Love

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Meant to Love Page 7

by Lucy Darling

  I head to my office while I wait for the food. I debate what I should do next about Penelope. After giving it some thought I call the only person I can think of that might have some kind of advice for me.

  “Hey.” My sister’s soft voice fills the other end of the line. “Two calls in one day. You really must be missing me,” she teases. She isn’t wrong; I do miss her. I often remind myself she’s the reason I’m out here busting my ass. To make sure our family is stable because our father fucked that all up. I’d been the one fixing it. Making sure Rochelle’s trust was never touched. I didn't want her to know the mess he made. It was enough that we had a mom who took off on us. Rochelle doesn’t need to know how shitty of a father we have to top it off. She’s only seen him as absent at this point. Not as a weasel who would benefit from any opportunity he could. Whether it hurts someone or not.

  “I do,” I admit.

  “I can’t blame you.” I can hear the smile in her voice. That is another thing about Rochelle, she is always great with people. She knows how to handle a room full of them. It is really a gift.

  “I have a question.”

  “Hit me with it.” I can hear her drop down onto her bed. I’m guessing she is alone. Our father is never home. I don’t worry though. Rochelle knows how to take care of herself. She is eighteen and just graduated high school. She’ll be off to college soon. She’s mature for her age and growing up, she always took care of Leo and me. It’s better that my father is away. I don’t want him messing with her.

  “If a girl is mad do you leave her alone or push?”

  “Like a girl you’re into?” she asks back. “Wait. Are you asking me for dating advice?” I bet she is wiggling all around now from the excitement in her voice. I can almost guarantee it.

  “Rochelle.” I don’t know why but I don’t want to share more about Penelope. Not yet. She is all mine for now.

  “Fine.” She lets out a long sigh in defeat. “Really depends on the girl. Some want to be chased and some need space.”

  “That’s helpful.”

  “I know.” She laughs. “Go with your heart.” Of course my sweet little sister would say that. I don’t know how she ended up the way she is growing up with my father and a brother who everyone calls Cold. I am cold. It serves me well in the workforce but I have to remember this isn't work. I know I’ve let my life become only that but brute force isn’t going to work with Penelope. At least not at first. I need to get her to step out of her shell a little more. She needs to be more comfortable around me.

  “I love you,” I tell her before ending the call. My phone dings letting me know they are sending the food up. I head to the front door to get the pizzas.

  I stop right before I knock when I hear her giggle from the other side of the door and I know she’s playing with the kitten.

  “I got dinner,” I say.

  “We’re not hungry.” She doesn't hide the grumpiness in her voice. I smile. She might not know it but she is letting her guard down. No one talks to their boss this way. She keeps crossing that line too. When I first met her, I thought she was going to be shy. It didn’t take long for that to wear off. I love that she’s sassy and gives me shit. Now I’m finding myself looking forward to it every day. She tries to rein it back but sometimes she can’t help herself.

  “All right, angel. I’ll leave it outside your door in case you change your mind.” I set the box down. I am going to try both of my sister’s suggestions. I’ll chase my angel but give her the illusion of space too. I’m not sure I can promise that I’ll actually be able to give her space. I grab a couple of slices of pizza for myself before heading to my room. I polish them off before stripping out of my clothes to take a shower.

  I take care of myself, the sound of Penelope’s laughter playing in my ears, as I stroke myself to release. It’s empty and hollow but I watch the cum wash down the drain before I turn the shower off. It does no good. After coming I’m still half hard knowing she’s only a door away from me. I don’t know why I even try. I know there is no getting my body under control until I have a taste of her. I fear that won’t help either. With each kiss that I steal from her the harder I fall. I’ll have to learn to deal with it. That is my only choice.

  I jerk up to the sitting position when I hear her bedroom door open. I know she already pulled the pizza box into her room. I checked after I got out of the shower. I listen to her small steps get close to my room. I’ve left my door open on purpose. Her head pops in. Her eyes are wide and she looks like she is about to cry.

  I climb out from the bed, rushing over toward her. She has our baby kitten tucked in her arm. She’s letting out small little cries herself. “She won’t stop crying. I think she misses her mom.” I can’t stop myself from wrapping an arm around Penelope and pulling her into me. She molds into my side and the tiny kitten presses between us and starts to purr.

  “I think she likes it when we’re together,” I tease.

  “I think you’re right.” She looks up at me and some of the tears that were about to break free from her eyes are now gone. The little puffball has also seemed to have calmed down. She blinks heavily and I know she’s sleepy.

  “Why don’t we all try and lie down together?” I suggest. Penelope’s eyes go wide for a moment. “It’s a big bed and she clearly wants to be snuggled between us.”

  She bites her lip thinking about it. It takes everything in me not to lean down and bite it myself. If I wasn’t trying to give her space I’d do it without question. I want to let her settle in and see that I’m not some jerk who apparently has all these girlfriends. She only has to continue to hang around to see for herself that shit isn't true.

  “Okay,” she finally agrees. I step back, pulling the cover back for her to crawl in.

  “You have the nicest bed I’ve ever slept in. Even your guestroom bed is divine.” Something deep inside me stills. It’s a reminder of how little I know about her. What kind of life she’s led before she came to be here with me.

  I slide in after her. She puts our little one between us. “You name her yet?” Penelope shakes her head no. I flip off the light.

  “I keep coming up with ideas but nothing feels right.” She lets out a soft sigh. The kitten purrs loudly between us, her whole body shaking. This kitten is going to be the worst and best idea I ever had. I can see that already. The damn thing is adorable but right now it’s between us. Though without the kitten Penelope wouldn't be in my bed. Maybe this kitten is more on my team than I know.

  “I’m sure we can think of something.” The room goes quiet and I know I’ll never be able to sleep. My mind races with things I want to ask. Things I should have been asking her all day about her life. I want to know her better but I know she is falling asleep. She looked about ready to pass out when she crawled into my bed. Still, there is one thing I have to make clear.

  “Penelope?” I say her name, making sure she’s still awake.

  “Yeah?” Her voice is soft and full of sleep.

  “There isn't anyone else. No other girlfriends.”


  “No buts. I promise you that.” The room grows quiet again except for the loud purring of the fluff ball between us. “There is only you. There will only ever be you,” I finish. I hear her soft breathing and I have no idea if she heard me or if she’s fallen asleep. Either way it doesn’t matter. I am going to prove it to her. That’s what really matters: actions, not words.



  I feel a tiny tap to my face that wakes me from my sleep. I try to stay sleeping by keeping my eyes closed but this little furball has other ideas. I feel the tap again causing me to open my eyes. She always wins. If she wants me up, I’m up. Lucky lifts her little paw in an attempt to assault me once again.

  “I’m awake,” I tell her. I can already tell without looking that the bed is empty again. This is the third day in a row that I’ve woken up to find Colden gone already. I haven’t seen him as much as the first
couple of days that I was here. I try not to feel disappointed that we don’t spend a ton of time together. I have to remember that he runs a successful company and I am his employee. I was hired to help him, not to put more responsibility on his plate. I worry that he works too much but that is none of my concern.

  He’s made it home to eat dinner the last few nights but goes into his office as soon as we’re finished. I usually clean up and then spend some time with Lucky. I’m grateful to have her but I’m still lonely. Now that Colden is back to his normal life, my days seem long and I’m questioning if he really needs a personal assistant. He barely gives me any tasks to do during the day so I’m not sure what my purpose here is.

  I keep the place cleaned up but without to-go boxes littering his home there isn’t much else to clean. It is more upkeep and Colden picks up after himself. Something I don’t think he did before I got here.

  The only thing I really do is make sure that dinner is available each night. That doesn’t seem to be enough to qualify as an assistant. He could just hire a chef if he needed someone to cook for him each night. I’m not sure a live-in person is actually useful. I think I only add a little more chaos to his life if I’m honest.

  I head to the kitchen with Lucky hot on my heels. Wherever I go, she goes. I open the cabinet door, reach in and grab some kitten food so I can feed her breakfast. I pop the lid on the can and place her food in a dish. She is now rubbing herself on my leg, almost begging me for her meal. I reach down and pet her little head while placing the dish on the floor. She immediately begins to gobble it up and I turn to make myself a cup of coffee. While I wait for the coffee to brew, I get an idea. I should surprise Colden with lunch at his office. It’s only a few floors down and I could whip something up this morning. Lucky and I could head downstairs and have lunch with him. I smile knowing that my idea is perfect. I have to make myself more useful or I’ll end up losing my job. He might not need me around here but I sure need this place.

  After I finish my coffee and cereal, I head off to take a shower. I have a sense of purpose now so that puts some pep in my step. Lucky follows behind me and naps on the bathroom floor as I quickly rinse off. Once I’m out, I grab a robe and head to the guest room to find something to wear for my surprise lunch. When I open the closet doors I almost gasp. It’s completely empty. I look around the room, checking all the drawers and walk back and check the closet one more time as if it would be different from a few seconds ago. Where are all of my things? I start to panic. I don’t own much but it couldn’t have just up and disappeared.

  I quickly walk to Colden’s bedroom and head to his closet. Maybe the dry cleaners messed up and put all of my stuff in his instead. That has to be it. I open the closet and walk in. All of my things are neatly folded on shelves, hanging on hangers and my shoes are lined up in a designated spot. What surprises me is that there are hundreds of clothes in here with the tags still on. All of them mixed in with mine. When I begin going through them, I realize everything is in my exact size. There are rows of every piece of clothing you could think of. Dresses, pants, casual tops, dressy tops and shoes. Lots and lots of shoes. I smile knowing that Colden had all of these clothes moved into his closet and sent someone to get me more. I worry my lip wondering why. I have been spending my nights in his bed. Not that we are doing anything. It is the only thing that keeps Lucky from crying at night. I read that she’ll soon adjust. I hate hearing her cry but I also hate the idea that once she gets comfortable I’ll have to move back into my room. There will no longer be a need for me to sleep in Colden’s bed anymore.

  I pull on some high-waisted leggings that caught my eye and a cute crop top. I grab a pair of sneakers that look way too expensive and put them on. I’m guessing Colden hasn’t seen any of these clothes yet. I don’t think he would like this top based on how he had reacted to my shorts when we went to the store. I’m going to wear it anyway. Maybe if he were home more, he’d know what was going on around here. I remember that Colden likes when I wear my hair down so I curl it and pin my bangs to the side. I put a little mascara on and some lip gloss and I’m all set to go. I look down at Lucky and decide to put a tiny bow in her hair also. We have a lunch date and we need to look our best.

  Not a lunch date, I correct myself. I am the one that keeps reminding Colden about the lines we continue to cross, yet I keep stepping over them too. He has enough women to worry about as is. He whispered into the night there was no one else. I want to believe him. It shouldn’t matter, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me feel better hearing him say those words.

  I make sandwiches, knowing I can’t burn that, and pack them into a cute basket I found in one of the cabinets. I contemplate calling Charla to ask if Colden is busy but I decide that I truly want it to be a surprise so I don’t call her. Part of me wants to catch him off guard to see what his reaction is to me showing up. I know I drew this line in the sand but I am starting to have regrets. I miss his touches. His stares still linger, but I wonder if maybe that attraction we had so quickly has sizzled out for him. He isn’t pressing for more and it is driving me a bit crazy. Which is crazy in itself because that is what I said I wanted.

  I pick up Lucky, grab the basket and head out the door. When I reach the elevator I press the button and wait for it to arrive. My phone begins to buzz in my pocket. I maneuver Lucky so I can grab my phone from my purse. Colden’s name appears. I swipe the button to answer it.

  “Where are you going, Penny?”

  My mouth pops open in surprise that he knows I’ve left the condo. My heart does a small happy flutter every time he calls me Penny. It’s silly really. It’s just that I don’t see someone like Colden giving out nicknames. Sure, I enjoyed when he’d called me angel those few times but Penny feels more personal.

  “How did you know?” I look up and spot two cameras. One faces the elevator doors and the other the door into Colden’s place.

  “Lucky and I were going out to lunch.” I wave the basket wondering if he can see me in the camera right now or he was just alerted to the movement. The elevator doors open and I have a feeling he somehow did that. I eye the camera for a moment.

  “I’m hungry.” It almost sounds like a pout when he says it.

  “You forget how to order takeout?” I tease.

  “I think you have something I want to eat.” My face heats as I step onto the elevator. I’m pretty sure he means whatever is in my basket but my mind goes elsewhere. Or maybe he isn’t talking about the basket at all. The elevator moves before I can hit the button to his floor.

  “Are you doing that?” I ask.

  “Yes,” he answers simply.

  “That’s creepy,” I lie. It isn't creepy. It’s kind of cool but most of all it makes me feel a little tingly that he is watching me. I’m starting to think he’s only been giving me the illusion of space.

  The door opens to his floor. I step off to the same giant desk that was here that first day I showed up looking for a job. How could that feel so long ago when it really has only been days?

  Again the same woman from before pops up from behind the desk. “You can go right in Miss Penelope.” She motions. “Mr. Jackson is the last door. You can’t miss it.”

  “Thanks.” I give her a smile as I pass, surprised she knows my name. People stop and stare as I walk by. I’m pretty sure I hear a Is that her?

  I hold Lucky closer, feeling a little on display. Before I reach Colden’s giant double black doors, one springs open. His eyes roam up and down me before he reaches out, grabbing me by the elbow and pulling me into his office. The door shuts behind us with a click of the lock.

  “What are you wearing?” he asks.


  He narrows his eyes on me but his lips twitch in a smirk. My eyes go there. They shouldn't but I miss his kiss. I tilt my head back in a silent invitation for him to kiss me, forgetting that he is manhandling me once again. He leans down with his mouth only a breath from mine before Lucky lets out
a fart that is too loud to come from something so small.

  I snort a giggle, looking down at my little innocent kitten. Pretty sure I hear Colden say something about a cock blocker before he takes the basket from my hand.



  Something is off. I watch as she nibbles at her sandwich. Lucky is fast asleep again in one of the chairs that will be covered in fur. Charla has been chasing after me with a lint roller before I stroll into meetings. The hair should probably bother me but it doesn't. It only makes me think of the two of them. My Penny still hasn't picked up on why I’d suggested Lucky for the kitten’s name.

  “You okay, Penny?” I ask. She can normally out-eat me but she seems distracted today. She swallows the bite she has in her mouth and takes a sip of her drink. Her eyes meet mine and they seem sad.

  “I’m fine.” That’s when I know that there’s definitely something wrong. I may not know a ton about women but I did grow up with a sister. I know that I’m fine means that she’s not fine at all. She takes another bite of her sandwich.

  “You know you can tell me if something is bothering you. What I can’t do is read minds so why don’t you let me know what the problem is?” I watch as she thinks about whatever it is for a second. She sits up straight and takes a deep breath.

  “You’re never home and I’m always alone. Even when you are home, you only spend a small amount of time with me. I don’t know anyone else and although I have Lucky now, I’m lonely.” She takes a deep breath and continues. “I know I’m your employee and you are busy but you’re sending me mixed signals and I don’t know what’s up and what’s down.” Before she can finish I’m out of my seat and around my desk. I lift her from the chair, causing her to wrap her legs around me. I walk us over to the couch and sit down with her on my lap.


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