Meant to Love

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Meant to Love Page 8

by Lucy Darling

  It has been taking everything in me to not do that since I locked us in the office together. These past three days have been utter hell. I was trying to take my sister’s advice. Give her space but let her know I was there too. Clearly I am fucking it up.

  “I was giving you space.”

  “Not seeing other women?” She peeks up at me through her eyelashes. I can tell from her shyness she hasn’t been with a man. Our first kiss was out of this fucking world but it was untrained. I knew it. That only turned me on more. That means her trust has been messed with by someone deeper. I’m guessing a parent. It’s a reminder of how little I know about her.

  “I’m a workaholic. I don't have time for other women.” She tilts her head back. Her hair is down and I itch to dig my fingers into it. Each morning I pull myself from bed and I stare down at her cuddled up under the blankets, her hair spread out on my pillows, and it takes every ounce of control I have in my body to leave her. I have to remind myself that the greatest things in life are often ones you have to wait for and I am willing to wait as long as it takes to gain her trust. I want to make her feel comfortable around me. “It looks like we both are getting mixed signals here. How about I make it crystal clear what I’ve been wanting to do for the past few days?” Before she can answer I take her mouth in a deep kiss, pinning her to the sofa in my office.

  I’m really going to have to talk to the sales rep who got the wardrobe for Penny. I am going to need her in dresses. These pants are in my way but the damn shirt shows way too much.

  “We shouldn’t.” She breaks the kiss for a moment but her fingers dig into my shirt. Her mind might be telling her one thing but her body and heart are telling her to let go. She pulls me back down to kiss her. I let her, deepening the kiss, pouring everything I can into it so she can see how badly I want this. That I haven't been avoiding her but have been trying to give her what she needs. Not be a selfish bastard and take what I want.

  “We need to stop.” I groan, pulling my mouth from hers. “We won’t have our first time in my office.” Her legs are wrapped around me. I groan louder when she lifts, pushing her pussy more into me. I close my eyes, trying to pull myself together. It reminds me of the first night, when I’d found her naked in my bathroom. My eyes fly open because that image is not helping.

  “I don’t want to stop.” She licks her lips.

  “It’s a good thing I only live a few floors up then.” I grab her hand, pulling her to her feet and out of my office.

  “Charla, babysit Lucky for us,” I say on my way out the door. Everyone turns to watch as Penny follows behind me as fast as she can. I realize I’m walking too fast, practically dragging her along with my hand locked with hers. I glance back to see her smirking at me. I hit the elevator button to go up to our floor over and over again. My patience is thin and my cock is hard. Making every second I wait to be inside her feel as though it’s an eternity.

  “I don’t think that makes it come faster.”

  “Something is going to be coming fast,” I mumble. She bursts into giggles so sweet they go straight to my cock. None of this is helping. The elevator dings and I pull her on with me. The door barely closes and I’m on her. I lift her, pinning her to the elevator wall. I begin kissing her deeply, knowing that I should have waited. I’ve got my tongue in her sweet mouth when the door dings open. As fast as I can, I carry her off and to my door. I fumble with the lock as she clings to me, kissing me back. She’s not making it easy for me to stay in control of myself. She’s finally giving in. This giving space shit actually works. She claws at my clothes when I finally make it to our bed. So many fucking nights in this bed I wanted to take her, consume her. Tonight I finally will. She will be mine in all ways.

  I break our kiss, lifting my shirt over my head and encouraging her to do the same. I sit back as she takes it off and throws it to the floor. She looks sexy as fuck in her pink lace bra. I can see her big rosy nipples through it. I lean down, sucking one through the lace, wanting my mouth back on her. Fuck she’s gorgeous. I hear her moan as I continue to lick and suck at her. I pull away, needing to see everything.

  “Take it off. Let me see those pretty nipples of yours.” She reaches back and unhooks the bra. Her eyes stay focused on mine. Her breasts spring free and she’s the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen. “Do you like when I suck on your tits, sweet girl? Do you want more of my mouth?” Her nipples pucker as he cheeks pinken. She shakes her head yes and I do exactly that. I lean forward and feast on her perfect tits until her hands tangle in my hair and she begs me to stop.

  “Please,” she moans, almost causing me to come in my own pants. “I need more.”

  She doesn’t have to tell me twice. I rid myself of my pants and boxers, kicking them to the floor. Next I peel her bottoms off and get them out of my way. She lifts her hips, offering me her pretty pussy. Her arousal glistens on her lips and my mouth waters for a taste. She looks like an angel laid out on my bed.

  “Colden.” She moans as her hand slips down and rubs her pussy, trying to get me to give her what she wants. I wonder how many times she’s done that without me. Has her body been on edge these past few days like mine has been?

  I lean forward, taking the bait, tasting her for the first time. I lick her from her clit to her needy little hole that I’ll be filling shortly. I grind my cock into the mattress as my lips take her clit into my mouth, sucking her. I push a finger into her pussy, causing it to clench around me. I add another, working her to get her ready for my cock. She’s so fucking tight and I don’t want to hurt her. That’s the last thing I’d ever want to do.

  “I need—” Her words break off as my fingers pick up the pace. Her hands grip my hair, holding my mouth to her precious cunt. I take her clit into my mouth and suck her until she’s chanting my name over and over again. I pull my fingers from her, move my body between her legs and position myself at her entrance.

  “I can’t wait any longer to have you, angel.” She spreads her legs as wide as she can, inviting me to take her innocence.

  “Take me. I need all of you,” she says a second before the tip of my dick enters her. I close my eyes, trying to focus. I need to go slow but my need to claim her is pounding on me. I’ve been starved for her and now she is finally mine for the taking.

  “Let me in, sweet girl. I promise I’ll make it good for you.”

  She relaxes, allowing me to push forward a few more inches. I give her time to adjust even though each second with her tightness around me feels like torture. “I’m sorry, angel,” I say, pushing until I’m fully seated inside of her. She lets out a tiny moan and we lie still for a few moments. My fingers dig into the sheets as I fight to stay still, giving her time to adjust. I lean down, kissing her neck softly before moving to her mouth, being as gentle with her as I can. Her body relaxes more under mine.

  She pushes down on my cock and I take that as my cue to move. I work myself in and out of her, letting her know that I own this pussy. “You’re mine, angel. No one will ever know this sweetness you’ve given to me but me alone.”

  She moans her agreement while my strokes get harder until her pussy clenches so tight in orgasm that it draws out my own. I grunt, filling her with every last drop of my cum. My body shakes and black spots blink in my eyes. I roll, taking her with me so I don’t crush her under my weight. Her little body sprawls on top of mine.

  She buries her face in my neck, her warm breath against my skin. I grab the sheet and pull it over us, not wanting her to grow cold. Her breathing slows. I can’t bring myself to pull my cock out of her yet.

  “I hope this doesn’t change anything,” she says sleepily against my neck.

  Little does she know, this changes everything.



  I smile into the pillow as kisses trail down my spine. I peek over my shoulder when I feel two soft paws land on my back next.

  “Meow.” Lucky climbs to the center of my back right before Colden can reach my ass.
  “I should have named her cock block.” I turn my head, giggling into the pillow. Lucky only curls up into a ball on my back, making herself at home. She starts to purr as she falls asleep using me as her own bed.

  “I can’t move now. I think it’s an unwritten rule or something. If the cat is asleep on you, you’re stuck.” Colden kisses each of the top of my butt cheeks before pushing off the bed. I didn't really want him to stop but we have been at it all night. I lost count of how many times we’ve made love, not only in this bed but in many of the rooms in this apartment. After multiple rounds, Colden forced me to take a bath to relax. Somehow I managed to pull him in with me. He didn’t put up much of a protest even though he was fully clothed.

  “You need rest. Sleep some more with Lucky and let me get us breakfast. I should probably respond to Charla at some point. She might think I’m dead.” I smile.

  “You look smug.” I watch him pull on a pair of pants.

  “I might be a little.”

  “Why’s that?” He puts his hand on the bed to bend down closer to me.

  “That I can keep you from work. Do you even know where your cell phone is?”

  He kisses me. “Don’t really care,” he says, pulling back. “Sleep, angel. I’ll take care of all the things.” My body is a little sore. I want to pull him back into bed with me but my eyes drift closed and sleep takes me. When I wake again it’s to Lucky sitting with her face almost pressed right to mine.

  “I hope my breath doesn't smell as bad as yours.” I stretch, feeling every inch of the night and day I spent with Colden. My body may ache from our lovemaking but it aches more to go find him.

  “Let’s go find your daddy,” I tell Lucky as I roll from the bed. I head for the bathroom, trying my best to clean myself up so I don’t look a complete mess. I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment. My breasts have small marks on them from Colden. My lips are swollen from his kisses. I never thought of myself as sexy but right now I feel that way. I’m happy for the first time in a long time.

  I don’t know why it makes me think about the woman Colden was with the first time that I met him. I could never look like her. She is very polished. She looked as though she would never leave the house if her appearance wasn’t perfect. At first I thought those were the types of women he was into but after the way he touched me last night, I no longer believe that.

  The only thing I'm scared of now is that things will go back to the way they were before last night. I don’t want us to fall back into our boss and employee roles. I need this job but I’m not willing to be a thing on the side. No promises have been made and the lines have clearly been blurred. I know he wants me but how deep are those feelings? I have so many questions that are unanswered. I know I’m playing with fire but deep down I have to hope it’s worth the risk. This week without him being around was miserable. Now, knowing what it’s like to really have him, I could never go back. I’d have to leave and start over if he isn’t in it for the long haul.

  I head back to the closet with Lucky hot on my heels. I smile when I see a shirt that says University of Washington on it. I pull it down and put it on, knowing it’s where Colden went to college. Over the last week I’ve stolen all the little details I could about his life. The one thing we never really touched on is his father. I have a feeling that he doesn’t care much for him, so I try to stay away from the topic. I also don’t want to talk about my family. I’m sure the police are still looking for my mother. I’m surprised they haven’t come to ask me more questions. Maybe they don’t know where to find me. I’m constantly worried that Colden will find out and fire me. My mother hasn't tried to reach out to me and I don’t think she will. She likely feels a little bit of shame, but she also has no need for me anymore. I have nothing to offer her.

  I find a pair of jeans and some socks to slip on before heading out in search of Colden. I can smell food but I’m not sure what it is. It has to be takeout because Colden is possibly the worst cook ever to step foot in a kitchen. I find it rather adorable that he’s so successful but he’s a terrible cook. He is the master of so many other things but the kitchen is truly his downfall.

  I stop when I hear him speaking with his office door half open. I peek in to see his back to me. He’s in his slacks but doesn't have a shirt on. His feet are still bare. I have a strong feeling he planned on coming back to bed to get me very soon.

  “I want you here. This is where you belong anyway. I’ve been saying that for over a year now.”

  My hand pauses as my heart starts to race a little. Could he be trying to hire someone? Who knows? Why do I always assume the worst? I think my mother has done that to me. I don’t want that to rule my life.

  “I love you,” Colden says into the phone. “Whatever you need. You’ll come here and stay with me.” My hand drops from the door. Colden’s words knock the confidence right out of me. Still I hope for something. I silently pray that I’m missing a very important piece to this conversation.

  “There are some things I need to handle before you get here but I’ll have them taken care of. My home is your home. I’ve always told you that. I’ve just been waiting for you to realize that you could come when you were ready.”

  I step back from the door. He is in love with another woman. One he’s been waiting for. I feel as though my entire world has been turned on its axis. I want to kick myself for being so naïve. No wonder there hasn’t been a trail of other women in his life. I turn, picking Lucky up from the floor. Maybe he saw something in me that he thought might make him move on but it is clear given the chance whoever this woman is, he is picking her over me. I hurriedly make my way to gather my things. It’s not as though I have many, so it won’t take me long.

  Thoughts of me being one of the things he needed to handle before she gets here have me moving faster. I’m not about to stick around to hear him tell me this. I couldn’t bear it. What if he just wants me to move back to my room? Go back to just working for him? That would be twenty times worse than being fired. I don’t want to know what his idea of handling is. I’ll take a page from my mother’s book, I guess, and just run. I won’t be taking anything with me, though. I’ll only leave with the stuff that I came with. If I took anything else, I’d consider it stealing and I’m not a thief. If anyone stole anything, it’s Colden. My heart will never mend from this. I grab my bag and pick Lucky up, kissing her tiny face.

  “I guess I am stealing you,” I admit. I creep past Colden’s office. He doesn’t sound like he’s on the phone now. I hear the clicks of his computer. I’m guessing he’s booking his lover’s plane ticket. I fight tears at the stupid thought as I slip out the front door. The elevator feels like it takes an eternity.

  I hold Lucky close as I wait for the elevator doors to finally slide open. As soon as they do, I realize that my day just got a lot shittier. Standing in front of me is the rude woman that Colden was with that first night. Again, she’s dressed to kill. I can feel the tears slide down my face. I know I look a hot mess but I can’t find the will to care. Her gaze travels up and down my body as a look of distaste forms on her face. I ignore her, stepping past her into the elevator. She doesn’t move to step off. I’m sure she’s here to see Colden. I know this isn’t who he was on the phone with, so she’ll be getting a surprise of her own when he sends her packing too. Again. She smiles but I know it’s not genuine. Her next words prove me right.

  “Leaving so soon, little girl? Oh my God, did you sleep with him already?” She begins laughing hysterically. I refuse to answer her but I know she can see the answer written all over my face. She lets the door slide closed, trapping us in together. “Well, I guess I don’t need this information,” she says, tossing a packet of papers at me. I drop my backpack to catch them and make sure to keep holding Lucky. “You made this way easier than I thought.”

  When I look down at the papers, I see a picture of my mom and what looks like a report that lists that she’s wanted and states all of the charges being b
rought against her. “Did you think he was going to stay with you once he got inside your panties? You did.” She makes a tsking sound with her mouth. “He may fuck whatever’s put in front of him but he won’t marry it.” Her words hit me hard. All of my insecurities have me questioning everything that Colden and I have shared more than I already have been. I thought we shared something. It might not have been as big as whatever it is he has with this other woman, but I swear it felt like love.

  The sound of the elevator doors opening jerk me out of my thoughts. I hold my head up and it’s then that I see Colden standing there. His face has a look that I’ve never seen him wearing before. A cross between anger and worry.

  “Angel,” he says tentatively as he steps into the elevator.

  “Colden.” The brown-haired girl steps toward him, grabbing his arm. He doesn’t even bother to glance over at her. His eyes remain on mine, begging me for an explanation as to what’s going on. Brownie is persistent, though. I see her eyes flick between the two of us and a scowl forms on her perfect face. “She’s no good for you, Colden. She’s below you.” She picks up the paper that has fallen out of my hands and holds it out to him. “Her mom’s a wanted criminal. You can’t have that around you. You have a reputation to uphold.” Colden doesn’t break our stare but I close my eyes at her words. “She’s probably trying to con you too. That’s what she is. A con and a thief! Just like her mother.”

  “Get out!” Colden says in a deep, cold, deadly voice. I audibly swallow and a tear slips from my eyes. I feel a finger brush the tear off my cheek and when I open my eyes, Colden’s hand is cupping my face.


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